A Gaeta il terzo Summit sull'Economia del Mare

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Si è tenuta a Gaeta la terza edizione del Summit sull’economia del mare, una quattro giorni con al centro il futuro e gli investimenti da fare su una risorsa strategica per l’Italia e l’Europa. Idee, riflessioni, iniziative e progetti che riguardano l’intera filiera del mare, organizzato dalla camera di commercio di Frosinone-Latina, in collaborazione con Assonautica Italiana, Assomare e Informare, l’evento è occasione di incontro tra stakeholder e istituzioni della Blue Economy. L’evento ha visto la partecipazione di ministri, rappresentanti del governo e delle istituzioni, a dimostrazione della forte volontà dell’esecutivo di Giorga Meloni di investire sul mare. Mare come difesa ma anche come risorsa. Sia in superficie che sotto. Tra i temi del forum, infatti, quello dello sfruttamento della dimensione subacquea, permesso dalle nuove tecnologie, ha risvegliato l’interesse di stakeholder e investitori per la ricchezza di terre e minerali rari.


00:00The third edition of the Summit on the Sea Economy was held in Gaeta,
00:07a four-day event with the future and investments to be made on a strategic resource for Italy and for Europe.
00:13Ideas, reflections, initiatives and projects that concern the entire sea line,
00:17organized by the Chamber of Commerce in Frisina and Latina in collaboration with Assonautica d'Aliana, Assomare and Informare.
00:24The event is an opportunity to meet stakeholders and institutions of the Blue Economy.
00:29Four intense days, four wonderful days.
00:33The figure of success comes from the interlocution with the world of institutions that received our proposals.
00:43It comes from the extraordinary participation that there has been in these days.
00:50300 stakeholders, the world of associations.
00:53It comes from the message of peace that we have sent through this boat, this sailboat,
01:00which will do the opposite of the route of emigrants, bringing a message of peace in the Mediterranean.
01:07It comes from the many proposals that have been received,
01:11one for all, the national table on the formation of maritime professions,
01:16because we must help young people to love the sea and then to work,
01:21because they have a vision much more advanced than ours,
01:24on the new routes of digitization and environmental sustainability.
01:30It comes from having addressed the issues of simplification and digitization.
01:37This is an event organized by the Chamber System, which has been working for years for simplification.
01:43Among other things, the National Chamber of Commerce has a national table on simplification.
01:48So here we have launched the idea for the companies of the sea
01:52to put in place a single administrative door to favor the companies.
01:58We must begin to look at Italy as a baricentric within the Mediterranean Sea.
02:04We must be the collectors of the interests of Europe,
02:08so we must think of becoming an energetic hub,
02:11a commercial hub of Europe in the Mediterranean.
02:14This has been seen in the participation of ministers, representatives of the government and institutions,
02:18demonstrating the strong will of the executive of Giorgio Meloni to invest in the sea.
02:22We are at the center between the two great oceans
02:26and I believe that today Italy has become aware of the importance,
02:31which for many years has been underestimated, of our nation,
02:35which is a ship in the middle of the Mediterranean,
02:38and therefore it is a real hub for all that the sea can mean.
02:43It is the new engine of growth of an economy
02:48that, especially in the midday regions,
02:52needs to be fed without selling anything.
02:56We are convinced, the Meloni government is convinced,
02:59that in a healthy international competition,
03:03Italy can play as a leader in the seven lines that make up the economy of the sea.
03:11The sea as a defense, but also as a resource,
03:13both on the surface and below.
03:15Among the themes of the forum, in fact,
03:17the exploitation of the underwater dimension,
03:20allowed by the new technologies,
03:22which has awakened the interest of stakeholders and investors
03:25for the wealth of rare lands and minerals.
03:27The design and law on the Blue Economy
03:29will project our country in the Mediterranean
03:33in the use of the resources of the sea,
03:36both as regards industrial activity,
03:39for example, in the nautical sector and in the fisheries sector,
03:42where we are leading actors on a global level,
03:46and as regards the best use of marine resources,
03:51starting with that of the marine subsurface,
03:55where there are dimensions that can certainly concern our country
04:01and contribute to its growth.
