• last year
Emma Roberts reveals awkward encounter after kissing Kim Kardashian on American Horror StoryThe Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, NBC
00:00 -Kim Kardashian's also in this. -Yes.
00:01 -And Kim plays your publicist. -Yes.
00:04 -She's great. And in this season,
00:07 you kiss each other. -Mm-hmm.
00:10 -And also, Kim also slaps you across the face.
00:13 -Yes. -And we were talking backstage.
00:14 I'm like, "Was that a big deal?"
00:15 And you're like, "You know what?
00:17 You're just so used to the crazy stuff
00:18 that happens on this show."
00:19 Be like, "Yeah, I guess so."
00:20 But then your friend was like,
00:22 "Dude, you didn't tell me this was happening."
00:23 -Yeah. It's kind of like another day at the office.
00:27 But my sister was like, "No, it's not.
00:29 You kissed Kim Kardashian and didn't tell me."
00:31 -Well, yeah.
00:33 You can't just kiss Kim Kardashian
00:34 not telling everybody. -I know.
00:35 Also, it -- Like, you know, we do it.
00:37 You forget about it. And seeing it,
00:39 it looked so intense.
00:41 But meanwhile, we were laughing because we kissed,
00:44 and they said, "Cut," and Kim looked at me
00:46 and started laughing, and I was like, "What?"
00:47 And I just had her gloss, like, all over my face.
00:52 And so we had to do major cleanup in between every take
00:55 'cause, you know, she has the most perfect
00:57 glossed lips, obviously. -Yeah, of course.
