• il y a 6 mois


00:00 *musique de Skatoonie*
00:22 *musique de Skatoonie*
00:34 *musique de Skatoonie*
00:40 *musique de Skatoonie*
00:56 *musique de Skatoonie*
01:12 *musique de Skatoonie*
01:40 *musique de Skatoonie*
01:50 *musique de Skatoonie*
02:16 *musique de Skatoonie*
02:24 *musique de Skatoonie*
02:52 *musique de Skatoonie*
03:06 *musique de Skatoonie*
03:22 *musique de Skatoonie*
03:50 *musique de Skatoonie*
04:00 *musique de Skatoonie*
04:28 *musique de Skatoonie*
04:52 *musique de Skatoonie*
05:20 *musique de Skatoonie*
05:30 *musique de Skatoonie*
05:58 *musique de Skatoonie*
06:22 *musique de Skatoonie*
06:36 *musique de Skatoonie*
06:50 *musique de Skatoonie*
07:04 *musique de Skatoonie*
07:32 *musique de Skatoonie*
07:46 *musique de Skatoonie*
08:14 *musique de Skatoonie*
08:38 *musique de Skatoonie*
09:06 *musique de Skatoonie*
09:16 *musique de Skatoonie*
09:36 *musique de Skatoonie*
09:58 *musique de Skatoonie*
10:20 *musique de Skatoonie*
10:48 *musique de Skatoonie*
10:54 *bruit de gorge*
10:56 *musique de Skatoonie*
11:24 *bruit de pet*
11:28 *bruit de pet*
11:34 *bruit de pet*
11:52 - Dis-le, Max.
11:53 - First of all, there is three rounds. The first one, Bang on Arbogus. And then there's two other rounds. And then the last challenger tries to become the Skatoonie Quiz Champion.
12:01 - And if you score one of the lowest scores, like Nicholas and Jessie... - Hmm? - We say... - You're out of here!
12:11 - Jessie, I knew you'd come back for me!
12:16 - You know, if we only had our props, we could demonstrate. - Or charge you to watch, eh?
12:21 - A quiz round of... - Stinky Drinky!
12:25 - Hey, Max, you got cleaned up in a hurry. - I went to the outhouse to wash up.
12:29 - That's our fancy toilet rule. - Come on, come on, say yes, huh, pretty please? Come on! I can't go on like this! Come on, please?
12:40 - Well, okay. Let's see some of this DNA. - Q&A, okay? So here's how we play.
12:47 - You've got to buzz in and answer my questions. If you get it right, your opponent has to drink a nasty... Hey, where did you get the stinky drinkies from?
12:55 - Mary Dave helped me whip up some homegrown horse. Yee-haw! Most are family recipes. - How lovely.
13:03 - Anyway, get it right, then your opponent has to drink, or else they lose a point. But get it wrong, and you have to drink, or you lose a point.
13:11 - And we play until Earl and Mary Dave snap all the strings on their banjos. - You're one feisty lady. - Let's play!
13:20 - When birds fly south for the winter, are they hibernating or migrating? Hit me, Max. - Migrating. - Correct!
13:27 - Until I take a drink! - Chug, chug, chug, chug. - Hey, don't rush me, childer beast!
13:33 - Oh boy, that's pig's squealing egg. Breakfast of champions! - Next! Sputnik was the name of Earth's first orbiting satellite, or the Earth's first astronaut. Attila.
13:45 - It's a satellite! - Correct! Max? - Drink up!
13:54 - That's moldy carriage and trough water. - Oh, it was horrible. - That's our party pooch!
14:01 - Okay, are clouds warmer or cooler than the air around them? Max? - Warmer. - Correct! Attila, you got a drink? - I know! Cheers, Max!
14:11 - Aw, he gone and drunk my pickled milk. - Would you be lighter or heavier on the moon? What do you say, Max? - Heavier.
14:21 - I'm too bad, it's lighter! - Boo-yah! Max has got a guzzle! - Yeah, swamp scrapings and hog milk!
14:30 - Cutting which vegetable is said to make people cry? Max? - Onions. - Bang on, buddy! Drink it up!
14:46 - That's because it's unsweetened lemonade. I use vinegar instead of water. - Are oceans made up of freshwater or saltwater? Attila? - Saltwater! - Correct! Max, take a drink.
15:03 - He drank rat stew! - It actually wasn't that bad. - You hear that, Ma? He wants more!
15:09 - And that's the end of the round! - Well banjoed, eh, ma'am. - And Max beat Attila by one point, which means... - He's the guest of honor at the Swamp Swap!
15:26 - No, it means Attila... - Yeah!
15:33 - Boy, I wish we had some way to pay y'all for your showbiz quiz efforts. - Yes, please!
15:40 - But we're just poor simple folks with only spittin' and our big pile of twinkle stones to amuse ourselves with.
15:51 - Diamonds? - Diamonds, diamonds! Oh, they're cold like a hockey rink! - You're welcome to all the twinkle stones you can carry. Just leave us our fancy toilet.
16:02 - Let's take a break while we thank our lucky stars things turned out... - Shutters! Less gabbin', more grabbin'! - Yes, Charles. But stick close by to see how Max does on the Quiz Champ Challenge, right here on...
16:15 - Scatooni! - Scatooni!
16:21 - Welcome back, Diamond Dimples! - Earl Chappers, come on! I'm back in business, baby!
16:28 - This is even better than winning a Stanley Cup! - Thanks for everything, Eli! - Yeah! Pedal to the metal, Dudley! - Bye for now, fine folk! - Send us an email, all right?
16:42 - Welcome to Scatooni, the show... - No, no, no, there's no time for that! We've done that! It's the... - Scatooni Quiz Champ Challenge!
16:49 - So, Max, you've faced angry street performers, friendly hillbillies and disgusting drinks. Now you've got 90 seconds to get 10 questions right and win everlasting Quiz Champ glory that'll last throughout the ages and make you the stop of quizzing legend!
17:02 - Okay. - Yeah, let's lock and load. - That's the stuff! - Let's play!
17:07 - In math, what number does pi equal? - Twelve. - No, it's 3.14. Do plants need glucose to grow? - Yes. - Correct! Can you divide by zero? - No. - Correct! We breathe in oxygen and exhale what? - Carbon... bleh.
17:24 - Carbon dioxide! Which of these is not a primary color? Red, blue, yellow or green? - Green. - Correct! Which popular book-based film has lead characters Leslie Burke and Jess Ahrens? - Bleh.
17:36 - It's Bridge to Terabithia. Is the Great White Shark warm-blooded or cold-blooded? - Cold. - No, warm-blooded! What will happen if you mix baking soda and vinegar? Nothing? It will bubble or it will turn red? - It'll bubble. - Correct! Okay, you're halfway through your Quiz Champ Challenge, Max, so here's Earl's Halfway Deal!
17:55 - How you doing, Max? Good? - Good. - Good. - Good! - Good! - Good. - Good! So far, you've got yourself four points, but I'm willing to give you two extra points in exchange for 20 seconds of your time. That'll leave you 25 seconds to get four correct answers. Now, what do you say there, Max? Do we got a deal or don't we? - No deal. - Okay!
18:17 - Max, six right in 45 seconds! Let's go! Who did Jack go up the hill with to fetch a pail of water? - Hill. - Wow, Jill! How many stomachs do cows and giraffes have? - Three. - It's four! If a woman has quintuplets, how many babies does she have? - Four. - No, five! Do tigers usually hunt during the day or night? - Day. - Wrong, night! Is a banana a fruit or a vegetable? - Fruit. - Correct! What animal is often trained to help people who are blind?
18:46 - Canines. - Correct! Types of this animal include Siberian, Malayan and Bengal. - Dogs? - No, it's tiger! A baby frog is called a what? - Don't know. - A tadpole! Which country grows more oranges, the US, Brazil or Ireland? - US, Brazil. - It's Brazil! Oh, and I'm sorry, Max, you are out of time! And with only six points, you are not this week's Gatuni Quiz Champ Champion!
19:11 - Oh! - But you gave it a good go! Yeah! - Phew! Oh, boy, it's been an emotional journey! But we got there! Or here. And we'll be back real soon! Still quizzin' and ready to roll on... - Gatuni!
19:28 - It was bad enough Charles was so stinky, but did he have to give the entire audience fleas?
19:44 - Oh! - Oh!