• last year
The Farmer Wants A Wife AU S14 Episode 3


00:00:00 Last time, love was in the air.
00:00:04 True love. True love.
00:00:06 When each of our five farmers...
00:00:08 Want to come on an adventure with me?
00:00:11 ..invited one lucky lady...
00:00:13 Katie, you want to come back to the farm early?
00:00:15 Love to.
00:00:16 ..to join them alone back at the farm.
00:00:19 This is a huge opportunity to get to know this lady...
00:00:23 Oh, such a gentleman.
00:00:25 ..without any distractions.
00:00:27 ..and for 24 hours, romance blossomed.
00:00:32 That was nice.
00:00:34 But the tranquillity...
00:00:36 (HORN HONKS)
00:00:38 ..didn't last long.
00:00:39 Was there a little kiss?
00:00:41 I'll let Bird answer that one.
00:00:43 (LAUGHS)
00:00:44 Tonight...
00:00:46 It's from Sam. Farmers.
00:00:49 ..a message shocks the group.
00:00:52 You must unfortunately send one lady home.
00:00:56 Was not expecting that.
00:00:57 Just got here.
00:00:58 Now...
00:00:59 Are you ready?
00:01:00 ..it's a race against the clock.
00:01:02 Right now, I have one goal in place,
00:01:04 and that is to put myself out there and show him who I really am.
00:01:06 We're all fighting for the same man.
00:01:09 You need a hand over there?
00:01:11 Last thing that I want to do is hurt any of these ladies.
00:01:14 ..before someone's dream will end.
00:01:17 It's crunch time.
00:01:18 I don't want to waste anyone's time here.
00:01:21 The lady who's going home tonight is...
00:01:26 (MUSIC PLAYS)
00:01:38 It's important for me to find a forever person.
00:01:44 # Starting on the other side, work my way... #
00:01:47 Just that person to be able to share things with
00:01:49 and having a partnership, someone to have your back,
00:01:51 someone that's going to be there for you
00:01:53 when times are tough and when times are good.
00:01:55 I do get a bit envious of my brothers and their partners.
00:02:00 I do. It makes you think, "Why can't I get that?"
00:02:03 I guess everybody worries that you're going to get hurt in the long run,
00:02:09 but if you worry about it forever, you're just never going to do anything.
00:02:13 And finding love is definitely a risk that's worth exploring.
00:02:17 # ..a dream of love... #
00:02:19 It's so pretty!
00:02:28 Oh, my gosh!
00:02:30 I like what you've done with the place.
00:02:32 It's a busy day for our farmers...
00:02:35 Right.
00:02:36 ..as the ladies get their first taste of life on the farm
00:02:41 and the lay of the land.
00:02:43 (BABY CRIES)
00:02:44 We're intimidating them.
00:02:46 (LAUGHS)
00:02:48 OK. I feel so...
00:02:50 (GASPS)
00:02:51 I have tried to pat a cow once and it ran away from me,
00:02:54 so that is my mission, is to pat a cow again.
00:02:57 Let's get her this one. I want to try and...
00:02:59 Yeah, scratch that one.
00:03:01 Hello! Yeah, you got it!
00:03:03 You did it!
00:03:05 In Queensland, pineapple farmer Bert
00:03:11 is preparing his ladies for their first day of farm life.
00:03:16 Pretty warm around here and, you know, tropics and all that.
00:03:19 But there are snakes.
00:03:21 Oh, shit!
00:03:23 If any of them walk on top of the pineapples, we'll know why.
00:03:27 Wow, that's actually really sick.
00:03:29 The last time we saw a snake was yesterday.
00:03:31 Had a nice big brown cruising around.
00:03:33 It's also mating season, so they're nice and aggressive.
00:03:36 So, yeah, they're around. Perfect.
00:03:38 So, before we get started, we'll do a little first-aid tutorial.
00:03:43 So, does anyone want to volunteer for feeding the test dummy?
00:03:47 Yeah. Yeah?
00:03:49 Is this where you give me CPR?
00:03:51 I'm a nurse and I was like, "It's time for you to nurse me."
00:03:55 Bert likes someone with some confidence
00:03:58 and thought I'd dive in and get down dirty,
00:04:00 have some one-on-one time with Bert.
00:04:02 Bandage straight on top.
00:04:04 Then this guy here, all the way up as high as we can go.
00:04:08 Got to get myself out there and show Bert that I'm happy
00:04:11 and up for a good time.
00:04:13 It was great.
00:04:14 Does this happen often, by the way?
00:04:16 Oh, yeah, most days.
00:04:18 What?
00:04:20 And then maybe we'll call you an ambulance.
00:04:23 Maybe. Maybe.
00:04:25 Maybe.
00:04:26 I do have competition.
00:04:27 I'll do anything to stand out from the other girls
00:04:30 and I'll pull out all the stops it takes to impress Bert.
00:04:33 We're going to throw you straight in there
00:04:36 and get a bit of hard work done.
00:04:38 Ready to go?
00:04:39 Ready to go.
00:04:40 You obviously had the first 24 hours with Katie last night.
00:04:44 We had a great day. We had a really good time together.
00:04:47 It's been a cracker first date.
00:04:49 Yeah.
00:05:01 That was nice.
00:05:04 But now I do really want to share my time with all the ladies
00:05:07 as evenly as I can.
00:05:09 Oh, Nick, you're just so cute!
00:05:21 Oh!
00:05:23 Oh, he's so cute.
00:05:25 He's my biggest competition, how do you...?
00:05:27 Sorry, Mum.
00:05:29 Oh, man.
00:05:30 So today we'll be mastering the cattle.
00:05:34 I'm sorry.
00:05:35 We'll be herding them all in.
00:05:37 OK.
00:05:38 Getting them in a mob, we're tucking them up,
00:05:40 we're putting them in the yards ready to go.
00:05:42 I had a great 24-hour date with Claire.
00:05:44 This has been really, really amazing
00:05:48 and I've really loved getting to know you a bit more.
00:05:52 Yeah, same.
00:05:54 (MUSIC)
00:05:57 But we've also got four other beautiful ladies on the farm.
00:06:07 I'll be looking at this to see who is going to be comfortable
00:06:11 in this environment.
00:06:13 Oh, wow. OK.
00:06:18 We'll try and push them over onto that fence.
00:06:20 Get in there, push them up.
00:06:22 Are we chasing the cows on foot?
00:06:24 Oh, yeah.
00:06:25 Right.
00:06:28 I'm a city girl, so it's way out of my comfort zone.
00:06:34 But then I reassured myself,
00:06:36 "Farmer Joe, why are you here?" to give it a go.
00:06:39 Just keep hold of that skirt, make sure it doesn't blow up.
00:06:42 Go, cowsies!
00:06:44 Move!
00:06:47 This is mayhem.
00:06:49 You've got to just come up that way, Kelly.
00:06:51 You've got to get you in the run.
00:06:53 Oh, my God!
00:06:54 I'm enjoying it, like a kid in the candy store,
00:06:57 like learning new things.
00:06:59 And I actually feel proud because I was the only one
00:07:02 pushing them cows in the gate
00:07:04 and I did it looking like this, so...
00:07:06 Yay, we got the cows in!
00:07:09 It was on me. You're welcome.
00:07:11 Joe, did you see that? I got them in.
00:07:13 You've done well.
00:07:14 # I don't know who's going to kiss you when I'm gone
00:07:18 # So I'm going to love you now
00:07:20 # Like it's all I've ever known... #
00:07:22 Oh, look at the puppy! Look at the puppy!
00:07:24 Oh!
00:07:25 So this is Rip. We've got a clean Rip's manure out.
00:07:28 I feel really confident in the foundation we've laid.
00:07:33 Last night, we obviously shared a kiss.
00:07:36 I obviously find you very attractive
00:07:38 and I think that on my end, there's chemistry there.
00:07:41 Yeah. But, no, you didn't get the date for no reason.
00:07:45 # I don't know who's going to kiss you when I'm gone
00:07:49 # Like it's all I've ever known... #
00:07:51 So I'm pretty confident of where we stand.
00:07:54 There is a lot of poop.
00:07:58 It's all right, it's all right, it's OK. We got that.
00:08:01 You should be very impressed here, Tom.
00:08:04 Why is there so much?
00:08:06 Ah!
00:08:07 I've got a splinter, no lie.
00:08:09 Chrissie's got a splinter! We've got a splinter!
00:08:12 So if you've actually got a splinter, we'll go and get it out.
00:08:16 Should I break a leg?
00:08:18 I think we were all a bit taken back.
00:08:23 Chrissie just had the 24-hour date, so it was a bit,
00:08:26 "Do you really need more time?"
00:08:28 Oh, that's really unfair, I feel.
00:08:30 Whatever.
00:08:31 I think it's just a bit frustrating to know
00:08:33 that she's already had time with him and we haven't,
00:08:36 and then for us to do the work and then her to just pull out
00:08:39 was a bit frustrating for all of us.
00:08:42 Oh, I need a tissue. Tom, I need a tissue.
00:08:45 My nose is running. Help me.
00:08:47 It's a long time for a splinter.
00:08:49 It's taken a while.
00:08:50 It's taking her this long to get rid of a splinter.
00:08:53 Is she that suited to being on the farm?
00:08:55 Oh, shut up!
00:08:57 I am anxious today.
00:08:59 I haven't had a lot of time with Tom so far.
00:09:01 Chrissie and Tom are pretty close
00:09:04 and they have had a chance to build that connection together.
00:09:07 That's what I want as well
00:09:09 and I need to make sure that I also have those moments with Tom.
00:09:13 Ah!
00:09:14 This is...
00:09:16 (LAUGHS)
00:09:17 My plan is to have a chat with Tom tonight.
00:09:20 After a hard day's work...
00:09:28 Oh, my God.
00:09:29 ..everyone is winding down and preparing for dinner.
00:09:33 Can you literally be any more hotter?
00:09:35 (LAUGHS)
00:09:37 Man knows how to start a fire. Mmm.
00:09:39 I was very impressed with everyone today.
00:09:53 100%.
00:09:54 The fact you did it in high heels and a mini skirt, yeah?
00:09:58 I've got to give you props for that.
00:10:00 Oh, thank you.
00:10:01 What's for dinner?
00:10:02 Roast pork.
00:10:03 My favourite.
00:10:04 Perfect!
00:10:05 I'm going to have a plate of tangerine.
00:10:07 Yes, I do.
00:10:09 On Tom's farm, Sarah is seizing the opportunity
00:10:13 for a one-on-one chat.
00:10:15 It would be really important to kind of solidify
00:10:18 the connection there with Tom at the beginning.
00:10:20 Even though we're quite young, I think finding that person...
00:10:23 Yeah, absolutely. ..earlier.
00:10:25 And then you can kind of just grow together
00:10:26 and do all those things together and...
00:10:28 No, I totally agree. Absolutely.
00:10:30 I'm definitely attracted to him and I hope that's reciprocated.
00:10:34 It's beautiful here. I think I could live here with you.
00:10:37 Yeah, right. It would be nice.
00:10:39 Yeah, I do want you to know that I do really like you
00:10:43 and, like, the more that I learn about you,
00:10:46 the more that I do want to know.
00:10:49 Like, no, I was definitely drawn to you kind of from the speed dates.
00:10:53 Yeah.
00:10:54 And kind of from then on in. Mm-hm.
00:10:56 It's nice to know that you also...
00:10:58 Mm.
00:10:59 ..you also, like, like me as well.
00:11:02 No, no, no. I feel like a little, like, teenager being like, "Do you like me?"
00:11:05 Like, I know it seems like you might not have given you a lot of attention,
00:11:09 but I definitely have been thinking about you.
00:11:12 Good.
00:11:13 But I'd say you're a pretty special sort of person.
00:11:15 Thank you.
00:11:31 It was so nice.
00:11:33 That was really, really special for me
00:11:35 and, like, it was such a nice moment for us.
00:11:37 And I feel like a bit of a... I don't know.
00:11:39 I feel like I'm in school again or something
00:11:41 and I'm like, "Oh, my God, she likes me."
00:11:43 So not a bad first day, then?
00:11:49 No, it was actually fun. Was it? Yeah.
00:11:51 That looks so good.
00:11:54 Cheers, bud.
00:11:56 Yeah, we have to taste it first.
00:12:00 Are you going to score?
00:12:02 Sure was a pretty big day on the farm today with the girls
00:12:05 and having the ladies on the farm, it's so much fun.
00:12:08 Yeah, I'm having a ball. Looks good.
00:12:10 Walk in. Alright, come on.
00:12:12 Are you going to do this every night?
00:12:14 As their first day on the farm draws to a close,
00:12:18 our farmers have a few more surprises.
00:12:21 Let me introduce...
00:12:23 Oh, my goodness! ..Jack.
00:12:27 Jack's as cold and as huggy as all of us.
00:12:30 We found him and had to rescue him from the cold and...
00:12:36 Someone's just sent me a message here.
00:12:39 It's from Sam.
00:12:42 Hello, Dave.
00:12:44 I'm a words reader. Can you read that out, please?
00:12:46 "By now, you should be settled back into farm life
00:12:49 "and have five beautiful ladies by your side."
00:12:51 "But on the road to love,
00:12:53 "you will need to make some difficult decisions."
00:12:55 "Tomorrow, you must choose two ladies to join you on a double date."
00:12:58 "But farmers, take the night to think carefully
00:13:02 "about who you'd like to invite, because tomorrow night..."
00:13:06 "You must unfortunately send one lady home."
00:13:10 "Best of luck, Sam."
00:13:12 I want to stay really badly.
00:13:18 I want to spend more time with Farmer Bert.
00:13:20 I'm quite confident.
00:13:22 I can be a stand-out, so I don't get sent home.
00:13:25 OK, guys, I'm going to go, uh...
00:13:28 I don't know.
00:13:30 Do some thinking, I suppose.
00:13:32 Yeah.
00:13:33 I don't really know what to think.
00:13:35 Obviously, it's very early days and the experience and everything,
00:13:39 but I don't want to make the wrong choice.
00:13:41 Lost my appetite after that announcement.
00:13:44 I've got to trust my gut
00:13:48 and make sure I pick the right person for me.
00:13:52 Coming up...
00:13:55 Oh, what a treat, honestly!
00:13:58 ..our ladies get to work.
00:14:00 Is this impressing you, Tom?
00:14:02 Pretty good that you're getting free labour out of all of us, hey?
00:14:04 Yeah, I know.
00:14:05 Just another day on the farm, really.
00:14:07 Oh, you're going to be so cute.
00:14:09 (LAUGHTER)
00:14:10 Building connections with our farmers.
00:14:13 You need a hand over there?
00:14:15 I'm coming.
00:14:16 Carly's just constantly in his space.
00:14:19 She's a crazy stage-five clinger.
00:14:21 This is so hard. I'm so sorry.
00:14:25 Before some have their dream of a life on the land come to an end.
00:14:30 The lady who's going home tonight is...
00:14:44 # I've been searching, always yearning for a place to land
00:14:51 # But it always slips right through my fingers... #
00:14:54 It's a new morning, and as the ladies prepare for the day ahead,
00:14:58 they're still struggling with the news that tonight
00:15:01 each farmer must say goodbye to one of their lovely ladies.
00:15:06 I feel like I get shivers through my body thinking about it.
00:15:09 Wow. Big decision?
00:15:12 Yeah, I was not expecting that.
00:15:14 That was quick. Just got here.
00:15:17 Literally.
00:15:18 It's like, "Oh, damn, all right. That's going to happen."
00:15:21 50/50 chance of going home if you're picked for the double date,
00:15:24 so I'm just not ready to go home yet.
00:15:27 Do you feel like you could be going on the date?
00:15:32 Oh, 100%. Yeah. Definitely.
00:15:34 I'm worried about, like, I don't know, who's going to go home.
00:15:38 Yeah.
00:15:39 I don't think I will be picked to go on a double date.
00:15:42 They had the 24-hour date.
00:15:46 This is better.
00:15:47 Is that better than walking?
00:15:49 At the moment, I'm not worried.
00:15:50 Dean and I have a great connection. I think I'm safe.
00:15:53 But before our farmers choose who to take on their double date,
00:15:58 there's work to be done.
00:16:00 And in farmer Dean's case, it's an emergency.
00:16:04 I was talking to Dara.
00:16:06 Just found a cow stuck in the mud down the bottom here.
00:16:09 Yeah, we have to go down and save it.
00:16:11 I had Dara in the tractor,
00:16:12 and I'm going to get a strap around her just to pull her up.
00:16:15 We want to save the cow's life.
00:16:17 This is something you've got to do as a farmer,
00:16:19 and pretty heartbreaking, really, to see them like that.
00:16:22 Yeah, hopefully we save her.
00:16:24 Oh, the poor cow.
00:16:27 How did you get there?
00:16:31 Yeah, how did it get down there?
00:16:33 Just standing there, you just feel so helpless.
00:16:35 I'll get her out. I'll get her out. I'll get her out.
00:16:37 Come on.
00:16:39 I was struggling so hard
00:16:41 because I just wanted to get in there and help.
00:16:43 Come on.
00:16:46 Go down a bit, yeah.
00:16:48 Can you back it up a hill?
00:16:50 Come on.
00:16:52 It hurts my heart.
00:16:54 Come on. Come on.
00:16:56 It's so hard to get out.
00:16:58 Oh, my God. Yes.
00:17:00 Push it, push it, push it, push it.
00:17:04 She's free.
00:17:06 Yay!
00:17:08 Well done.
00:17:10 Dean and his father handled it incredibly.
00:17:13 So happy.
00:17:15 Watching Dean him save the cow's life, definitely, yeah,
00:17:18 builds another level of attraction,
00:17:20 that it's very, like, manly.
00:17:22 He just kind of got in and got it done.
00:17:24 Like, he obviously didn't think twice,
00:17:26 and nice to see a man at work, I guess.
00:17:28 Oh.
00:17:30 Oh, no.
00:17:32 (laughter)
00:17:34 Just another day on the farm, really.
00:17:39 Melissa, how's my treatment?
00:17:43 Bella didn't come down with us to watch Dean rescue the cow.
00:17:48 I was a little bit shocked.
00:17:50 But she just didn't seem interested in Dean saving the cow.
00:17:54 I think Dean would have really liked us all to be down there
00:17:58 supporting him.
00:18:00 So any chance I get to watch him do his farm work
00:18:03 and to spend time with him, I'm going to take that opportunity.
00:18:06 This morning, I actually stayed back up at the house,
00:18:11 did a bit of housework, we vacuumed the floors,
00:18:14 made a couple of beds, trying to get the place sorted.
00:18:16 I think there was, you know, enough girls down there giving moral support.
00:18:19 I'm glad the cow made it out.
00:18:21 Last night, we got the text about the double date,
00:18:23 with one girl going home.
00:18:25 But Dean and I have had the 24-hour date.
00:18:28 I think that definitely sets you up with a bit of an advantage,
00:18:31 as I'm feeling safe in this situation.
00:18:34 Ooh, get the brushes. I want to brush your horsey.
00:18:50 Come on, your time to shine, Carly.
00:18:52 I have some incredible women with me
00:18:55 who are very strong, they're confident in themselves.
00:18:59 But I am worried about the double date.
00:19:02 It's crunch time. Hope you start getting hope over.
00:19:05 I had a great 24-hour date with Clem,
00:19:08 but I need to spend some time with the other ladies
00:19:11 and give them the chance they deserve as well.
00:19:14 It's a little bit nerve-wracking. Yeah.
00:19:16 You just don't really know, because I haven't had any one-on-one time with him yet.
00:19:18 Yeah, I'm nervous.
00:19:20 Joe has a big decision to make today,
00:19:22 taking two people on a date and sending someone home,
00:19:24 so I think anyone would be nervous.
00:19:26 Oh, you're going to be so cute.
00:19:28 The girls that are probably a little bit more reserved in this point of time
00:19:33 are definitely Chelsea and Keely.
00:19:35 With Chelsea, just trying to get to the core of who Chelsea is
00:19:39 and what makes her tick a bit more.
00:19:41 Just get a bit of feeling there going.
00:19:43 Spoiled boy. You won't get that from me.
00:19:46 Right.
00:19:49 When we had our first speed date,
00:19:51 Keely came in really flirty and really cheeky and stuff.
00:19:55 So, you've got any tattoos?
00:19:58 Yeah, I've got one tattoo on my ribs there.
00:20:01 Should we get to see it?
00:20:03 Hey, if you're lucky, you might get to see it.
00:20:06 OK, maybe. Down the track.
00:20:08 Yeah, OK. All right.
00:20:10 I think in this setting, she's sort of maybe withdrawn a bit from that.
00:20:13 I'd really like to see that Keely again.
00:20:16 She's looking fabulous.
00:20:18 She's a bit.
00:20:19 I guess it just means whoever gets chosen,
00:20:21 that they've got that opportunity to let Jo know a little bit more about them.
00:20:26 It does also give you the opportunity to get to know him more,
00:20:29 and that's obviously what I'm here for.
00:20:31 Did you see how well we did it, Jo?
00:20:33 Yeah.
00:20:35 I'm just coming over to congratulate you.
00:20:38 Another day.
00:20:39 And Kelly, well, she's definitely not reserved.
00:20:43 She's funny as hell, but she's very much out of her depth in a lot of ways.
00:20:47 This is going to sound weird, but don't horses have a similar face to a camel?
00:20:52 Today's wash day.
00:21:06 As you can see, the birds have had their way with it over the winter,
00:21:10 so we're going to get into it and give her a bit of a scrub.
00:21:14 There are a couple of girls I'm struggling to make a connection with at the moment.
00:21:17 It is only early days, but I've got a big decision to make,
00:21:20 so we're going to see how the girls go with the farm work.
00:21:23 Wash and wax, eh?
00:21:24 You are helping us with this, right?
00:21:26 How about you show us how it's done?
00:21:28 I don't want to say I used to at first.
00:21:30 Yeah.
00:21:31 Get into it.
00:21:32 Yeah, see, I like the enthusiasm.
00:21:34 Cleaning birch shit off the header is the most glamorous job,
00:21:36 but I'm keen to see who's got the best attitude.
00:21:39 Wow, what a treat, honestly.
00:21:42 Yeah, you're natural.
00:21:43 Can you please freshen up my sponge?
00:21:45 Thanks.
00:21:46 You can use this thing too.
00:21:51 I could have brought that out about ten minutes ago.
00:21:53 Oh!
00:21:54 Hey, Dustin, can you actually get this side for me?
00:21:59 Is it safe?
00:22:02 Good?
00:22:03 Nice work.
00:22:04 Can't say the same, man. It's all still sudsy.
00:22:07 It's coming off not too bad.
00:22:10 I kind of don't want to be picked for the date
00:22:13 because I don't want a 50/50 chance of going.
00:22:16 If he does choose me, the nerves will probably go through the roof.
00:22:19 I'm always really nervous. I'm always nervous.
00:22:21 Does anyone really want to go on the date?
00:22:25 I think I'd probably really like to go on.
00:22:27 Obviously, then you do run the risk of going home,
00:22:31 but I feel like it's a big risk, big reward.
00:22:34 See, I think I would be too nervous
00:22:36 because I feel like, like you said, it would be 50/50.
00:22:39 You could probably go home. Yeah.
00:22:42 I would really be keen to go on the double date.
00:22:44 I think we've just arrived at the farm
00:22:46 and obviously time is really crucial
00:22:48 and even though you're sharing that date with someone else,
00:22:51 for me, it'd be worth it to go on the date.
00:22:53 Now our farmers must choose
00:22:57 which ladies will join them on the double date.
00:23:01 It's not easy, but the decision takes them one step closer
00:23:06 to finding their special person.
00:23:08 My mind's still been ticking about this hard choice I've got to make
00:23:11 to pick two of you lovely ladies to take on a double date.
00:23:17 But, um...
00:23:20 ..first lady I'd like to pick for this afternoon, Kate.
00:23:27 Yeah.
00:23:29 The second lady I'd like to pick for this afternoon
00:23:36 is Tiffany.
00:23:38 I can't believe it.
00:23:41 If he didn't pick Bella for the double date,
00:23:44 then there's a chance of me going home
00:23:46 if I don't make a good impression or I don't get that connection with him.
00:23:49 I'm anxious, I'm on the edge,
00:23:51 cos I'm not really sure what's going to happen.
00:23:53 OK, let's go. Alright. Have fun, you'll have fun.
00:23:56 Ooh!
00:23:57 # Some people got real problems
00:24:01 # Some people are in love... #
00:24:03 Hey, girls. How we going?
00:24:05 - Hey. - Hello. - Good. That's good.
00:24:07 As you know, I've got a bit of a decision to make.
00:24:10 It's been pretty tough.
00:24:12 So, the two ladies I'm going to pick,
00:24:15 I sort of want to get to know them a bit better.
00:24:18 I haven't taken it lightly, that's for sure.
00:24:22 So, the two ladies I've picked are Anna and Kara.
00:24:27 OK.
00:24:31 It definitely is risky being on the double date
00:24:33 knowing that one of us is going home tonight.
00:24:36 I am feeling a bit nervous,
00:24:38 but I will try not to let that stop me from just having a good time
00:24:41 and seeing what happens.
00:24:43 I've chosen two ladies to come on the double date today.
00:24:51 The other side of that is
00:24:54 someone will be going home at the end of tonight.
00:24:59 So, the two ladies that I really want to get to know a bit more about
00:25:03 and spend a bit of time with is...
00:25:05 ..Chelsea and Keely.
00:25:11 Aww!
00:25:13 Thanks!
00:25:15 Bit of sweet.
00:25:17 Obviously, it's going to be great to spend some time with Jo.
00:25:21 He potentially has only seen that fun, silly side of me,
00:25:26 so it would be nice to sort of chat on a bit of a deeper level.
00:25:30 We will have fun, definitely.
00:25:32 So, let's not try and think about that and try and spoil.
00:25:35 Woody's going to be a really good time.
00:25:37 The moment that Jo said my name, my heart dropped a little bit.
00:25:41 I could be going home. It's a lot.
00:25:43 So, I'm nervous, because I would love to stay on the farm longer.
00:25:47 So, sad emotions.
00:25:49 Coming up...
00:25:52 Oh, my God, it is stunning.
00:25:54 I'm really looking forward to just getting to know each other a lot more.
00:25:57 We're rolling!
00:25:59 Our farmers take their ladies on a double date...
00:26:02 To see if there is any spark.
00:26:04 Oh!
00:26:05 ..before they make a big decision.
00:26:08 Letting one of the ladies go is not going to be an easy choice.
00:26:11 Who to farewell?
00:26:13 I'm not sure if it's just that friendship vibe or it's actually something.
00:26:20 # I'm all with you tonight... #
00:26:31 On Bert's farm, the ladies are pineapple picking
00:26:34 and working hard to spend any time they can with their farmer
00:26:39 before Bert makes his double date decision.
00:26:42 We're going to pick everything today.
00:26:44 Everything in this paddock? Yep.
00:26:46 The girls will probably be trying to get a little bit more time with Bert.
00:26:49 It's difficult, because Carly's quite smitten with him.
00:26:53 What's your normal shift?
00:26:57 We normally do, like, two-and-a-half-hour stints,
00:27:00 just so that everyone stays fresh, so...
00:27:02 I'm a determined person, and I will do my best to get Bert's attention.
00:27:07 You need a hand over there?
00:27:11 I'm coming. (LAUGHS)
00:27:15 Carly's just out there, and she's just constantly in his space.
00:27:19 Let's give it a twist. It might be easier.
00:27:22 She's a crazy stage-five clinger.
00:27:24 Maybe I'm gonna help. That's alright.
00:27:27 If I was chosen for the double date,
00:27:29 I guess it is a good time for him to get to know me better
00:27:32 and show him that I am here for him and see how he takes it.
00:27:41 On Tom's farm, his ladies are getting their first taste
00:27:44 of hard yucca out on the land.
00:27:47 Is this impressing you, Tom? (LAUGHS)
00:27:49 It's pretty good that you're getting free labour out of all of us, hey?
00:27:52 Yeah, I know. (LAUGHS) Winning.
00:27:55 I am sort of tossing up between, like, mind and heart on this one.
00:27:58 Definitely feeling like it could be easy to build something with Taylor,
00:28:01 'cause she's from the country.
00:28:03 How are you feeling about today?
00:28:05 Yeah, not too bad, really, you know.
00:28:08 It is what it is. Gotta do it, so...
00:28:11 Farmer Tom and I still have a pretty good connection.
00:28:13 I don't feel like I should be too worried about it.
00:28:16 I've grown up around farmers my whole life.
00:28:18 I definitely think some of the other girls
00:28:20 are just not realising it's not sunshine and rainbows.
00:28:23 How do you reckon the city slickers are going over there?
00:28:25 They should be going well.
00:28:27 We'll pass it up. This is a really bad idea.
00:28:30 Or should I get up in there?
00:28:31 In the farm work today, I want to show that I'm confident
00:28:34 and that I can get my hands dirty.
00:28:36 Go, Abi! Yeah, Abi!
00:28:39 There you go.
00:28:42 I'm a little bit worried. I haven't had much time together,
00:28:45 and I think there's definitely a possibility that I could be on the date.
00:28:48 So what do you think of all the farms?
00:28:50 I love it. Yeah, you're right.
00:28:52 I feel like I'm really in my element right here.
00:28:54 So how are you feeling?
00:28:55 Do you think you'd like to come on the date today?
00:28:57 Um, I don't know if I'd want to go on this date.
00:29:03 I feel like I would rather just one where it's not got a potential bad ending.
00:29:07 But I guess any time with you is good.
00:29:10 I don't know if I have done enough.
00:29:13 I think that I can't read into his head and mind and see what he's thinking.
00:29:17 I've been thinking long and hard about who I'm going to take on the next date.
00:29:22 So I picked Taylor.
00:29:27 Sure.
00:29:28 It definitely hurts that there is still 50/50 chance
00:29:31 that I'm going to go home after today.
00:29:33 But right now I have one goal in place,
00:29:35 and that is just to impress Farmer Tom
00:29:37 and put myself out there and show him who I really am.
00:29:40 It is a double date, so there's two.
00:29:42 So I picked Abby for this one.
00:29:45 I don't know if I'll be the one going home.
00:29:48 I think it's literally a coin toss in this situation.
00:29:51 This date is potentially the last chance I have to get Tom's attention.
00:29:54 You better shower.
00:29:58 I will be upset if I get sent home tonight.
00:30:00 It makes me feel nervous,
00:30:02 but I can't really make him like me,
00:30:04 so it's up to him.
00:30:05 Ball's in his court.
00:30:07 I'm definitely feeling nervous.
00:30:16 Yeah.
00:30:17 Heart's definitely pounding.
00:30:20 Oh, my God.
00:30:21 Sweaty hands.
00:30:22 Mm-hmm.
00:30:23 How is everyone?
00:30:31 It's good. Been better.
00:30:33 Sorry to keep you all waiting.
00:30:36 I'm sure it's not the most comfortable wait of all time.
00:30:39 It's been a very difficult decision,
00:30:41 and you guys have all made it a lot harder.
00:30:45 But, so, you know,
00:30:47 the first person I want to ask on the date
00:30:51 is Lauren.
00:30:53 To be honest, it's nice to have a little bit more time with Bert,
00:30:57 you know, whether it's the last or start of a new chapter.
00:31:01 And then with Lauren,
00:31:07 April, would you like to come on a date as well?
00:31:09 Mm-hmm. Yep.
00:31:11 I felt sick.
00:31:13 I was lost for words sitting there.
00:31:15 However, it is some time that I can spend with Bert
00:31:20 and, yeah, hopefully build a bit more of a connection
00:31:22 so I don't get sent home.
00:31:24 All our farmers have now decided on their double dates,
00:31:33 and it's time to hit the road.
00:31:36 This is their last chance to form a connection
00:31:40 before one lady from each farm is sent home.
00:31:44 We're getting close now.
00:31:48 It's happening.
00:31:50 Oh, my God, it is stunning.
00:31:57 For the double date today, I've gone with Chelsea and Keeley.
00:32:06 Oh, my goodness.
00:32:08 I'm really looking forward to just getting to know each other a lot more.
00:32:12 I wanted to bring yous down here
00:32:16 and see where we used to come camping and fishing
00:32:19 and things like that when I was a kid.
00:32:21 We used to come down here a bit,
00:32:23 and I've got a photo from many a fun trip down here.
00:32:26 I just wanted to share that with you girls,
00:32:28 and, yeah, I hope yous will like it as much as I did
00:32:31 when I was a kid and growing up.
00:32:33 We used to go to Skinny Dippin', but I won't make you stay.
00:32:36 Well...
00:32:38 All right, let's do it.
00:32:41 (MUSIC PLAYS)
00:32:43 All right, we ready for this?
00:32:48 Let's do it.
00:32:50 It'll be four years since I've last had a girlfriend or partner.
00:32:54 It was definitely hard for me after my break-up.
00:32:57 I was quite heartbroken by the whole scenario,
00:33:00 and it took me a long time to get over my last relationship,
00:33:03 so it would mean the world to me
00:33:05 to be able to find that unconditional love.
00:33:07 I reckon it's out there. It's got to be.
00:33:10 (SCREAMS)
00:33:15 It would be nice to find a fairytale love here with Farmer Joe.
00:33:22 I'm ready to settle down.
00:33:24 I'm ready to have a family, build a life with someone
00:33:26 and to make memories with, hopefully, Farmer Joe's that right person.
00:33:35 I feel like Joe hasn't had the chance to get to know all of me yet,
00:33:40 and I definitely would love to get in his head a little bit more
00:33:44 and find out about future things like marriage and kids.
00:33:48 Look at the muscles on your legs.
00:33:51 (LAUGHTER)
00:33:53 You're too tall now.
00:33:55 I've finally got his top off.
00:33:57 Yes!
00:33:59 Let's get ourselves warmed up, eh?
00:34:01 That's insane.
00:34:03 He looks really good without a top on.
00:34:06 Cheers, ladies.
00:34:25 The double dates are underway.
00:34:27 So, Dustin, how are you feeling about a double date?
00:34:29 Oh, I don't think I've ever been on a double date before.
00:34:31 In the hope of igniting a spark,
00:34:33 our farmers have planned something special for their ladies
00:34:37 before they make the decision to send one lady home tonight.
00:34:41 And Farmer Tom is sharing his favourite place
00:34:48 to unwind and let off steam.
00:34:51 Welcome to the Ngamby Speedway.
00:34:53 Well, this is exciting, guys.
00:34:55 What do you think?
00:34:57 Oh, dear. Oh, my God.
00:34:59 Are you not that keen to race?
00:35:01 I don't know.
00:35:03 Definitely looking for someone that will shake my life up a bit.
00:35:06 Someone who's quite confident,
00:35:08 willing to kind of have a crack at anything,
00:35:10 can add a bit of excitement.
00:35:12 Ah, this is great.
00:35:14 Well, you've been here before? Yeah.
00:35:16 I'm just your typical country girl.
00:35:18 I ride horses, shear sheep, race cars.
00:35:20 This is definitely a stomping ground for me.
00:35:22 I've been here lots of times before, so this will be fun.
00:35:25 I'm so keen just to show Farmer Tom that I can do it.
00:35:28 What about you, Abby? Ever been to a racetrack before?
00:35:31 No, I have not. A little bit shaky.
00:35:33 I'm very nervous.
00:35:35 I've never done this before, and I really need to try and impress Tom.
00:35:38 Do you like driving a race car? I do.
00:35:40 Mmm, maybe. Mmm.
00:35:42 You ready?
00:35:49 I am feeling pretty confident.
00:35:51 I'm really hoping I can carve it up out there on that track
00:35:54 and just show Farmer Tom a different side of me.
00:35:56 Don't have too much fun, guys.
00:35:58 You ready?
00:36:00 We're rolling!
00:36:06 Ah, it's going good, hey?
00:36:09 Yeah!
00:36:11 A bit of red pepper in me, so it was good for him to see that side of me
00:36:16 and be confident in something.
00:36:18 I think I nailed it.
00:36:20 Definitely felt like I showed Farmer Tom a different side of me today.
00:36:23 Yeah, I definitely feel like there's a connection there with Tom.
00:36:26 So how are you feeling about our little date so far?
00:36:29 Yeah, no, I've had a good time.
00:36:31 Had a good time? Yeah.
00:36:33 I really like you, and I just really want to definitely have more time
00:36:38 and spend more time with you,
00:36:40 and just so you can see who I really am.
00:36:44 Like, you know, this is only just the start.
00:36:46 [Music]
00:36:48 Definitely a first for me to be on a date with two beautiful ladies at the same time.
00:36:58 Knowing that there's a big decision for me to make,
00:37:02 I need to have a talk with both ladies.
00:37:04 I want them to be really committed,
00:37:06 and be sure we're on the same page before I send someone home.
00:37:10 How are you doing?
00:37:12 I'm good, I'm good.
00:37:13 Obviously you've got your own goals and aspirations that you want to achieve,
00:37:16 and I think that's awesome, but do you want to be working on the farm?
00:37:21 I feel like I could see myself on the farm,
00:37:23 and especially after the past couple of days, I was like, this is fun.
00:37:26 You've had it yourself. Yeah.
00:37:28 Home isn't where you are, it's who you're with.
00:37:32 And I've never had love, and I just can't wait to find, like, a best friend.
00:37:38 Yeah.
00:37:39 Mum and Dad have been together 36 years now.
00:37:42 Is that what you...
00:37:44 Strive for, I think, yeah.
00:37:46 Strive for, you look for in a relationship, and what you want?
00:37:48 I'm such, like, a fairy tale love gal, because, yeah, I am.
00:37:52 I just love love so much.
00:37:54 I do!
00:37:56 How can you not?
00:37:58 It's not very high standards, but...
00:38:00 You've got a lot to live up to.
00:38:03 Who tells you?
00:38:05 She really wants the full fairy tale,
00:38:08 but sometimes reality deviates away from fairy tale.
00:38:12 Of course she hasn't been in love before.
00:38:14 I don't know if she's fully committed to it.
00:38:16 Oh, look at you go.
00:38:27 I knew that I had to, you know, show Tom that I was confident,
00:38:30 and that I'm, you know, willing to show that, like, craziness side that he wants.
00:38:33 Bit of... Bit of power.
00:38:36 Oh, no.
00:38:38 So now go for... Remember? No.
00:38:40 Take your foot off the clutch.
00:38:42 Clutch? No.
00:38:44 So now push the clutch all the way to the floor,
00:38:48 and now just let it go real slow around the track.
00:38:50 Freaked out for a little bit.
00:38:52 I didn't really impress Tom,
00:38:56 but I'm glad that I didn't crash and kill us, so...
00:38:58 So you've just got to get back over to there.
00:39:00 Oh, this is not good.
00:39:04 Look, we didn't do it. You didn't hit the wall.
00:39:06 We were close to it. When?
00:39:08 I feel like I've just ruined my one shot that I have to impress Tom.
00:39:11 I will be upset if I get sent home tonight.
00:39:13 I guess I should say, like, enjoy spending time with you.
00:39:16 Yeah, right. Yeah.
00:39:18 I think I'm starting to like you. I think that...
00:39:20 I don't know. Could be something there.
00:39:22 Taylor, she's in her element,
00:39:28 and she was a bit more confident than me, obviously.
00:39:30 Tom and I, we don't have everything in common
00:39:33 compared to Taylor and Tom.
00:39:35 I feel like, you know, it could be me going home tonight.
00:39:37 Is this a typical date that you would take a girl on?
00:39:44 Um, I'm definitely trying to pull out the stops.
00:39:47 I want to impress you.
00:39:49 That's a tough decision,
00:39:54 and we appreciate that you're probably not taking it lightly.
00:39:57 Yeah, my last break-up, I suffered quite badly from.
00:40:01 I'm sorry.
00:40:03 It took me a long, long time to get over that.
00:40:06 It took me a long time to even contemplate
00:40:11 the thought of being with someone else.
00:40:15 I struggle with that a lot. Yeah.
00:40:18 And, um, I think once you can mend those gaps in yourself,
00:40:23 then it's time to let someone else in. Yeah.
00:40:26 And I'm definitely at that stage.
00:40:29 So, mine was pretty recent.
00:40:32 I've come out of a long-term relationship.
00:40:35 We split a couple of months ago now.
00:40:39 OK, yeah. So... Yeah, that is recent.
00:40:42 I guess, does that freak you out a little bit, that it's so recent?
00:40:46 Um...
00:40:48 I don't know. I don't know.
00:40:52 I guess everyone's different, but it's...
00:40:58 Yeah, I guess it took me a hell of a lot longer... Yeah.
00:41:02 ..to get to a spot like that, like, years.
00:41:05 Definitely worries me a little bit that, to him,
00:41:09 getting over a heartbreak is a longer process.
00:41:12 Potentially, someone will be going home pretty soon,
00:41:16 and it definitely could affect Joe's decision tonight.
00:41:20 I feel like I am ready to find my person,
00:41:24 so hopefully he sees that.
00:41:27 Right, we should get back to Chelsea.
00:41:29 Yeah, let's get back to Chelsea.
00:41:31 With Keeley, it was a bit of a shock, I guess.
00:41:34 She's not that long out of a pretty serious relationship.
00:41:37 I'm sort of a bit worried that I might be just a bit of a rebound.
00:41:55 The double dates are on the go.
00:41:58 It's a chance to grow a deeper connection
00:42:03 and brings our farmers one step closer
00:42:06 to finding their forever person.
00:42:08 What are we doing? Where are we going?
00:42:10 What do you reckon? What's your guess?
00:42:12 Um...horse riding.
00:42:14 Any idea? Barefoot poles. Is that it?
00:42:16 Nailed it. Love it.
00:42:18 In Queensland, farmer Dean is hoping to connect
00:42:22 with some fun in the sun.
00:42:25 All right, ready?
00:42:27 Nah.
00:42:29 I chose Tiffany and Kate to come on the double date with me.
00:42:33 Letting one of the ladies go is not going to be an easy choice.
00:42:37 All right, I see the skill. You got the skill?
00:42:43 It's in the body language. Don't even.
00:42:46 Come on.
00:42:48 My relationship with Kate's probably not as strong as some of the others.
00:42:52 It sure could change after today.
00:42:55 OK, here we go.
00:42:57 Oh, was that too slow?
00:43:00 I haven't spent much time with Tiffany.
00:43:02 I'm just really trying to get to know her a bit more.
00:43:05 Oh, girl, look, it's going! It's going to touch.
00:43:08 Oh, well done.
00:43:10 I just feel like I haven't really had a chance to talk to him.
00:43:13 We have had little, you know, bits and pieces there,
00:43:16 but it's really deeper since the speed date.
00:43:19 How are you feeling? I'm good, I'm good.
00:43:22 I made you a treat. I hope you're hungry.
00:43:24 Jesus! You're good?
00:43:27 Yeah. OK, you're going to eat them?
00:43:29 Freaking hope I will. Yeah?
00:43:31 I'll have a little bit.
00:43:33 Yeah? That's good.
00:43:35 Right. So...
00:43:37 I really do want to open up and let him know
00:43:40 how I am feeling towards him.
00:43:42 I think that will give me the best chance of staying on the farm.
00:43:46 Thanks so much for coming. Yeah.
00:43:48 Like, a double date is not easy. Yeah.
00:43:50 But I really wanted to get to know you a bit more. Yeah.
00:43:53 Obviously, I love a joke and I love a laugh. Yeah!
00:43:56 It does get a bit lonely at home sometimes.
00:43:58 I guess you could say, like, coming home at night by yourself
00:44:01 and you think, "Well, bloody hell, it would be good to have someone here beside me,"
00:44:05 you know? Yeah. Wrap your arms around and ask how your day was and stuff.
00:44:08 Like, that's what I want. Yeah.
00:44:10 For me, I've been a bit lonely as well.
00:44:12 My next step in my life is to, you know, find my best friend
00:44:17 and fall in love, and watching you save that cow this morning on the farm,
00:44:23 it just showed how caring you are
00:44:26 and how much you love your animals and you love your farm,
00:44:29 and, you know, it just really confirmed that I do have feelings for you.
00:44:37 I'm really happy that I got to, you know, have that one-on-one time with Dean.
00:44:41 It made our connection a little bit closer.
00:44:44 It went really well.
00:44:46 It was so lovely to get to know you a bit more,
00:44:48 and thank you so much for coming on this date.
00:44:50 It makes me bloody happy. Oh, cheers!
00:44:52 Thank you very much. Cheers.
00:44:54 Ooh! I'm butterflies.
00:44:56 Farmer Dustin and his ladies are taking the long one-hour drive
00:45:03 from the farm to the nearest town, Condobolin.
00:45:07 How often would you come into Condo?
00:45:09 Oh, I don't come in very often. Maybe once a month.
00:45:11 It's just hard to get in, and it's a long drive home.
00:45:14 So we're about 70km from town, so it's quite a way out.
00:45:18 It makes it hard to get in and out of town.
00:45:20 I want a partner that wants what I want - marriage, kids, everything -
00:45:24 and wants to live here and being able to cope with the isolation.
00:45:27 This is where the magic happens.
00:45:29 (LAUGHTER)
00:45:32 What are you having, Dustin?
00:45:34 Barmy. Oh, boring.
00:45:36 Copying me? No, you're copying me.
00:45:38 I think Anna's got a similar sense of humour.
00:45:40 I'm just not sure if it's just that friendship vibe
00:45:43 or it's actually something.
00:45:45 I love how they're actually bright, snitty in the chips.
00:45:48 Cara and that have had a bit of time with her, and she's really good.
00:45:51 She's so sweet and she's really nervous, and that's...
00:45:54 She's starting to let her hair down a little bit and having a bit of fun.
00:45:57 (LAUGHTER)
00:45:59 All right. All right, thank you. Thanks.
00:46:01 She's pretty cheeky, actually. I don't mind a bit of cheekiness,
00:46:04 cos I'm pretty cheeky myself, so...
00:46:06 OK, I'm going to go see if the food's ready. Yeah, good idea. OK.
00:46:10 Just how are you going with your nerves and that sort of thing?
00:46:14 I'm finding that... Annoying.
00:46:16 I think it's sort of holding you back a bit.
00:46:18 You're not letting your walls down.
00:46:20 It's just trying to get a word in with all the other girls around.
00:46:23 Yeah. Yeah.
00:46:24 I feel very, very nervous,
00:46:26 because Dustin's got a big decision to make.
00:46:28 It's just a constant unknown, and that just keeps making me nervous.
00:46:32 I think we're sort of similar type of people,
00:46:34 and we have sort of values, obviously, big family,
00:46:36 have all that sort of thing in common, which makes it...
00:46:38 Absolutely, yeah.
00:46:39 ..which makes life fairly easy, I guess. Yeah.
00:46:41 Obviously, I'd love to have one of my own, so...
00:46:44 Exactly. I want to have at least four-plus, but...
00:46:46 Yeah. Yeah.
00:46:47 We'll see. Get the first one out first. We'll see how that goes.
00:46:50 There's definitely a bit of a spark, but we'll have to just see.
00:46:53 It could be one-sided. You never know.
00:46:56 (MUSIC PLAYS)
00:46:58 Today, I chose Lauren for the double date.
00:47:04 I think that's us. That's us.
00:47:06 We haven't got to have that one-on-one time together yet
00:47:09 to see if there is any chemistry or spark.
00:47:12 And April, she's shown some confidence in the group setting,
00:47:16 but struggling with a spark there as well,
00:47:18 so today, someone's going to go home,
00:47:20 but before that, we can enjoy the last little bit of one-on-one time
00:47:24 and relax a little bit.
00:47:26 Alright. This afternoon, we're going to do some clay target shooting.
00:47:30 Mm-hm. And it's a really good stress relief,
00:47:32 so you guys want to get into it? Sounds good. Let's do it.
00:47:35 Alright, so the target's going to fly out
00:47:40 from behind that green rectangle there.
00:47:43 There you go. Take that.
00:47:45 I'm feeling a bit nervous about this.
00:47:47 Now close it. So close 'em up.
00:47:49 There you go. You're nice in the shoulder.
00:47:51 You can just yell, "Pull."
00:47:53 Alright, pull.
00:47:55 Oh!
00:47:59 Far out!
00:48:01 I just want to show Bert that I am fun,
00:48:03 and I do like new adventures and trying new things,
00:48:05 so it's nice to step out and just show Bert who I am.
00:48:09 I guess I'll start with what you're searching for in, like, a partner.
00:48:14 Obviously, building that foundation is important for me,
00:48:17 and kids will be in the next few years.
00:48:19 Obviously, being a woman, you don't have all the time in the world,
00:48:22 and I'm 29. Mm-hm.
00:48:24 What's your plan like with that?
00:48:26 I spent the last five years putting everything I had into the farm
00:48:31 and not really doing anything fun apart from work,
00:48:34 so these next sort of years, I'm not sure yet.
00:48:37 But with the right person, right timing, it's definitely there.
00:48:41 So how are you feeling about going back to the farm?
00:48:44 Do you reckon if we drag this out long enough, we just fly in?
00:48:48 Should we run away?
00:48:50 Come to my place. Yeah.
00:48:52 Come to the sunny coast.
00:48:54 April definitely lightened up a little bit today.
00:48:57 I was actually really happy with how it went.
00:49:00 This decision is certainly not going to get any easier.
00:49:03 So what do we think? Girls won.
00:49:12 Girls won! OK, OK, I'll give you that. I'll give you that.
00:49:16 Farmer Dean is definitely living up to my expectations.
00:49:19 He's a little bit of a cheeky chappy.
00:49:21 I'm on the same track as him, like I'm wanting that best friend
00:49:24 that you can laugh around with.
00:49:26 This is a good opportunity to get to know him
00:49:29 a little bit more intimately away from everyone.
00:49:32 I haven't spent much time with Kate.
00:49:34 I'd like to get to know her a bit more and, you know,
00:49:37 see what happens for sure.
00:49:39 I just wanted to let you know why I'm here.
00:49:42 It's really important to me, like, that next stage of my life.
00:49:45 I've seen people around me that I love get married, get engaged
00:49:50 and just share so much of their lives together.
00:49:53 Oh, my God, sorry! That's all right. You're all right.
00:49:56 Um, and that's what I want, like, someone that you can come home to
00:50:00 and just, like, talk about everything
00:50:02 and just feel so comfortable around them.
00:50:05 Like, I've just got so much love to give someone,
00:50:08 so I just really want to be able to have someone in my life
00:50:11 that I can just support and just love so much
00:50:14 and just build them up.
00:50:16 Yeah, 100%, I feel where you're coming from.
00:50:19 I've literally come on this experience from wanting to get married
00:50:22 and wanting kids and...
00:50:24 It's hard to put into words, but, yeah, it's crazy.
00:50:27 The double date went really well
00:50:29 and I think I've got a really hard decision to make tonight.
00:50:32 I've got two beautiful ladies here.
00:50:34 I guess you could say I'm a bit bloody confused.
00:50:39 (MUSIC PLAYS)
00:50:41 After a day on the town,
00:50:47 Dustin's still unsure if what he has with Anna
00:50:50 is a friendship or something more.
00:50:53 We've got a bit in common, you and me.
00:50:56 Sort of cut from the same cloth, I guess you'd say.
00:50:59 But, um, I sort of get the feeling
00:51:01 you may have a bit of friend-zone going on here.
00:51:03 Oh! Absolutely...
00:51:05 That's... Yeah, probably not how I'm really feeling it.
00:51:09 Oh, really? No.
00:51:11 I don't know if I'm, like, friend-zoned
00:51:13 cos we've just got a lot of banter
00:51:15 or maybe that's just how he shows his love. I don't know.
00:51:18 I'm really interested in you and we get along really well
00:51:21 and we have lots to talk about.
00:51:23 The banter to me is just, like, funny
00:51:25 and how I think I would probably see myself in a relationship with someone.
00:51:28 Like, I just want someone who can laugh, take a bit of shit,
00:51:31 get it back, get a lot of it back.
00:51:33 I am very interested in you, so you're definitely not friend-zoned.
00:51:37 Ah, that's good.
00:51:38 Anna and Cara, they're two completely different people
00:51:41 and I've also got two completely different connections with them as well.
00:51:44 So... Yeah, not sure yet.
00:51:47 Well, cheers. Thanks for taking us.
00:51:49 All right. Cheers. Thank you.
00:51:51 In Queensland, farmer Bert has taken the ladies clay pigeon shooting
00:52:02 for their double date.
00:52:04 I'm a bit panicked now. Are you panicked?
00:52:06 A little bit. No, you'll be fine.
00:52:08 Oh, God.
00:52:09 And it's Lauren's turn to impress Bert and hit her target.
00:52:14 All right, when you're ready, you say, "Pull."
00:52:16 OK. Pull.
00:52:18 Oh! Oh, did I hit it?
00:52:22 You might have got it.
00:52:24 No.
00:52:25 I think it might have fallen apart in the air, but we'll give it to you.
00:52:28 It's amazing. Thank you for teaching me that.
00:52:30 I really, really appreciate it.
00:52:31 It's a little bit of a weird date.
00:52:32 I can't say I've ever done a double date in this sense -
00:52:35 one guy and two girls -
00:52:37 but whoever has, you know, the stronger connection with Bert
00:52:40 will be picked at the end of the day.
00:52:42 What are you looking for in the relationship?
00:52:47 I'm looking for someone who kind of wants to have that adventure.
00:52:51 Love to, you know, be out and about and, yeah, live life with me, for sure.
00:52:55 Yeah. Yeah.
00:52:56 How about yourself?
00:52:58 You know, I think you've got to be great friends to have a great relationship.
00:53:01 You know, that's what I'm looking for.
00:53:03 And maybe that's one of my concerns,
00:53:05 is, you know, like, we haven't got to spend a tonne of time, you know, together yet,
00:53:11 so I was hoping to see if there's that... Yeah.
00:53:14 ..real spark or some sort of connection, you know?
00:53:16 No, for sure.
00:53:17 And it's hard, 'cause I obviously want to be here and... Yeah.
00:53:20 ..yeah, have that time with you.
00:53:22 So I'm really actually... was grateful to even just have this time.
00:53:26 Of course, I have to share it, but...
00:53:28 Yeah. Yeah, so thanks again.
00:53:30 No, thank you.
00:53:32 I feel like the chat went well, but again, it's just hard to know where his emotions are at.
00:53:37 I can see, you know, there was a spark there with him in April,
00:53:40 and I can see the connection there as Dave.
00:53:43 So from this point on, it's, you know, fair game, really.
00:53:48 (WHOOSH)
00:53:50 # Love, love... #
00:53:59 As the farmers prepare for the first farm farewell,
00:54:03 a lot is weighing on their minds.
00:54:05 I don't feel particularly well about it. Doesn't sit very good.
00:54:08 I really like both these girls.
00:54:10 It's gonna be really hard to see when I'm going home.
00:54:12 # ..your eyes
00:54:15 # It helps me up like an eel... #
00:54:19 Definitely feeling a lot of pressure about the first farewell.
00:54:23 Mainly because I'm still tossing it up.
00:54:26 It's coming right down to the wire.
00:54:28 It's hard.
00:54:30 Big decision coming up.
00:54:35 Yeah. Not an easy one, I'm sure.
00:54:38 I'm not feeling great about having to send one of the girls home.
00:54:41 I don't see one of the relationships with these girls
00:54:44 going much past a friendship,
00:54:46 and I think we both deserve a bit better than that.
00:54:48 I don't even have an inkling of, like, who it could be.
00:54:51 No. Me either.
00:54:53 Whatever happens, happens. I'm taking on your motto.
00:54:55 Trust in the universe. Trust in the universe.
00:54:58 I'm feeling a bit torn about saying goodbye to one of the ladies
00:55:03 because when I get along with them all,
00:55:05 it's gonna be one of the last dinners I have
00:55:07 with one of these ladies tonight.
00:55:09 I've just got to go with my heart at the end of the day
00:55:11 and just think who's best for me.
00:55:13 That was good, though. Enjoyed the double date.
00:55:20 Hope you guys did. It was fun.
00:55:22 It was good fun. New experience.
00:55:25 Last thing that I want to do is hurt any of these ladies.
00:55:28 They've given up a lot to be here,
00:55:31 and I'll always be forever grateful for that.
00:55:34 But it's the reality of the beast, and we've got to go in there
00:55:37 and, you know, unfortunately send somebody home.
00:55:39 You guys feel like you got to know him a lot better
00:55:46 than on that double date, or you really, like, still need that more time?
00:55:50 The double date was fun. Like, we had fun.
00:55:53 It was great, Emma, but maybe just a single date next time for each of us.
00:55:57 Good evening. Look who's arrived.
00:56:01 Where are we putting this? Gourmet.
00:56:03 Yeah, gourmet. Look out.
00:56:05 Still feeling pretty nervous about the decision that Dustin has to make tonight.
00:56:10 Yeah, anything could happen.
00:56:12 Do you mind if we go have a quick chat? Yeah.
00:56:15 You can never come into these situations feeling 100% confident,
00:56:21 and you're a bit silly if you do, so I need to speak to him one-on-one
00:56:25 just to clarify and, like, expand a little bit more
00:56:28 on the conversation that we had at the pub.
00:56:32 I just wanted to make sure that you didn't feel like you were friend-zoned,
00:56:37 because I feel like we do have a lot of banter and a lot of, like, cheekiness,
00:56:41 but I think for me that's probably how I get to know someone
00:56:45 and get along with someone, and first and foremost,
00:56:47 I want to be somebody's friend before probably a partner anyways.
00:56:51 Like, I want my partner to be my best mate,
00:56:53 but I just wanted to make sure you knew that you absolutely weren't friend-zoned
00:56:58 and you're not friend-zoned.
00:57:01 Yeah, I think I've put you in the friend-zone.
00:57:03 No, I'm kidding.
00:57:07 Don't do that. That is not funny.
00:57:11 I don't know. It's a bit hard, obviously. It's a funny sort of situation.
00:57:15 So many people around and all that sort of stuff,
00:57:18 but I've definitely not put you in the friend-zone at all.
00:57:21 It's nice to hear that you haven't friend-zoned me.
00:57:26 I haven't friend-zoned you.
00:57:28 Yeah, well, not yet anyways.
00:57:30 I feel like Dustin is still a bit tricky to read,
00:57:33 so I wouldn't say I'm feeling, like, 100% confident.
00:57:36 Worried I might be going home tonight, but, you know, I've definitely given it my all.
00:57:43 I just want Dustin to know that I'm here and I'm ready to try,
00:57:46 and I feel like I haven't had enough time,
00:57:49 but I'm sure Dustin knows what he wants.
00:57:56 For the ladies at Dean's Farm, the moment of truth has arrived.
00:58:00 Jesus! Holy, it looks good.
00:58:03 Mmm. You're welcome. You're welcome.
00:58:05 Everyone dig in.
00:58:06 You're getting some.
00:58:07 Oh, my God.
00:58:10 I really, really want to stay.
00:58:12 I don't think the connection with myself and Dean is strong enough.
00:58:18 I want to get to know him more. I want to get deeper.
00:58:21 I want him to know me a little bit more than just surface level.
00:58:26 How are we all feeling?
00:58:29 I'm OK.
00:58:32 You're OK? That's really good.
00:58:35 I never really thought I'd be in this situation
00:58:38 with five absolutely beautiful ladies and...
00:58:41 He can only fall in love with one person
00:58:46 as much as he tries to keep all five of us.
00:58:49 Obviously, it's sad that one of us will leave.
00:58:53 Well, I do feel bad that I have to let one of you ladies go tonight.
00:58:59 This is so hard. I'm so sorry.
00:59:02 But the lady I'm going to farewell tonight is...
00:59:06 ..Kate.
00:59:09 Yeah, no, that's OK.
00:59:11 It's OK.
00:59:18 It's OK. Are you all right? Yeah, I'm good.
00:59:20 It's OK. Don't worry about it.
00:59:24 I believe whatever's supposed to be is supposed to be.
00:59:28 You know, he has beautiful women in there.
00:59:31 He's got to get to know a little bit more.
00:59:33 And it's going to happen eventually.
00:59:35 Good luck with the award. Thank you. Thank you so much.
00:59:38 I appreciate it. Thank you.
00:59:40 Thank you.
00:59:42 Kate and I just never really got it on.
00:59:51 We never took off.
00:59:53 I feel as though the other four, there's something there in a way.
00:59:56 And obviously there's some there that have it more than others too.
01:00:00 I've had a good few days getting an A's all.
01:00:08 I know sometimes I'm a bit of a joker.
01:00:10 I try to be anyways.
01:00:12 But I just want you to know that I really do care about you all.
01:00:15 And I really do appreciate the time you've taken out of your life to be here.
01:00:19 And it is a lot.
01:00:21 Ena, when we get on, like a house on fire,
01:00:25 and Cara, you're probably one of the sweetest people I've ever met.
01:00:29 Obviously this is a hard decision and I'm not looking forward to it.
01:00:34 But it's got to be done.
01:00:37 So, the lady who's going home tonight is...
01:00:44 Cara.
01:00:48 That's alright. That's alright.
01:00:52 Thank you anyway. That's alright.
01:00:57 I'm disappointed about it, but he's got to do the right thing for him.
01:01:01 And obviously he had a better connection with some of the other girls than he did with me.
01:01:04 So that's fine.
01:01:06 I would have liked to get to know him a bit better.
01:01:08 I definitely had more to show Dustin about myself.
01:01:12 But he's got himself a lovely bunch of girls here.
01:01:15 I really hope he finds his wife.
01:01:17 The reality of saying goodbye to these girls has set in.
01:01:23 I knew it was going to be tough.
01:01:25 It's probably one of the harder things I've had to do.
01:01:31 In the snowy mountains, farmer Joe must choose between Keeley or Chelsea.
01:01:37 And it's a tough job.
01:01:39 The weight of this is all just sort of starting to finally kick in.
01:01:44 Yeah.
01:01:47 Yeah.
01:01:50 Whoever goes home, I'm just very grateful.
01:02:00 It's been so nice getting to know you.
01:02:02 And if I go, then I'll be really sad, but whatever's meant to be will be.
01:02:06 It's very true.
01:02:08 Yeah.
01:02:09 What else can you do really?
01:02:11 Just, if anyone needs to chat.
01:02:15 I'd love a chat.
01:02:16 Yeah.
01:02:17 Yeah.
01:02:18 It's really tough to sort of know that there is that concern there
01:02:25 about how long it's been since my last relationship.
01:02:30 This is nice.
01:02:31 Thank you.
01:02:33 I don't really quite know how to alleviate that.
01:02:37 I think in Warina, possibly a bit about my concerns.
01:02:42 Yeah.
01:02:43 Just the recentness of your break up and things.
01:02:47 Yeah.
01:02:48 My ex and I, we were together for a long time.
01:02:52 But when it ended, the person that I had loved was no longer there.
01:03:00 And I think that's why it was a lot easier for me to move on.
01:03:07 I really hope that my past isn't something that will hinder my potential future.
01:03:20 I don't really know where my relationship is at with Farmer Joe.
01:03:25 I'm not entirely sure I'm fully prepared for what might happen tonight.
01:03:48 I do have to make this decision.
01:03:52 And it really pains me to do it.
01:03:55 And I...
01:03:56 I can't say this all.
01:04:00 It's okay if you need to take a minute.
01:04:02 Keeley's past relationship, it is still a concern definitely for me.
01:04:09 I guess I just don't want anyone rushing into something that they shouldn't be.
01:04:13 And then going on the side with Chelsea,
01:04:16 I think just that I wouldn't be able to deliver the fairy tale that she's really wanting and expecting.
01:04:21 But yeah, just how hard it is really.
01:04:25 Yeah.
01:04:28 Yeah, it's alright.
01:04:30 And the lady that will be leaving us,
01:04:35 unfortunately, will be yourselves.
01:04:39 It's alright.
01:04:44 It's alright.
01:04:45 Sorry.
01:04:46 It's alright.
01:04:48 It's alright.
01:04:50 I feel like I've been who I am and I've conquered some fears
01:04:57 and I've grown a heck of a lot in such a short period of time.
01:05:00 Good luck.
01:05:03 I'm coming out even stronger and even a better version of Chelsea than before.
01:05:10 Bye.
01:05:13 Yeah?
01:05:14 Yeah.
01:05:15 Of course I'm hopeful. I know I'll find love in the future. I'm not worried about it.
01:05:24 It's just not my time yet, but it'll come when it's meant to.
01:05:39 After his double date with Abbey and Taylor, Tom must make a difficult decision.
01:05:46 They're beautiful girls, but going into this farm fare, well,
01:05:51 there's one girl that if the feelings haven't come,
01:05:53 I'd rather do it now than string someone along.
01:05:56 I feel like I've done all I can.
01:06:01 I feel like I'm in limbo because I poured my heart out to him.
01:06:04 But he's literally not giving anything and I don't want to waste my time
01:06:07 and I don't want to waste his time.
01:06:09 Yeah, I honestly don't know where I stand sitting here right now.
01:06:12 I don't know.
01:06:15 Speak of the devil.
01:06:17 Here he is. Here he is.
01:06:19 Here comes the devil.
01:06:20 The legend himself.
01:06:21 It's a decision. It's been quite a hard one to make, I will admit that.
01:06:29 But I have put a lot of thought into it.
01:06:32 But the girl I decide to send home tonight,
01:06:37 was Abbey.
01:06:39 I might be 21, but I know what I deserve.
01:06:49 And I know my standards and if he can't see that for who I truly am,
01:06:53 then that's, you know, his problem.
01:06:56 Thank you for trying.
01:07:03 And I want to go home so I can start a new life
01:07:06 and figure out who's right for me if he's not the one.
01:07:09 On Bert's farm, time is of the essence for Lauren and April.
01:07:17 It's their last chance to make a final push
01:07:20 and keep their hopes of staying on the farm alive.
01:07:24 I'm feeling a little bit nervous.
01:07:26 Hopefully I did make a good impression on the double date.
01:07:29 I guess time will tell.
01:07:31 My relationship with farmer Bert,
01:07:33 I feel there's still parts of me and parts of him
01:07:36 that we haven't even delved into yet.
01:07:39 So of course that comes with time.
01:07:41 So I guess I'm just hoping for more time.
01:07:44 There's a lot riding on tonight.
01:07:48 You guys are honestly wonderful
01:07:50 and couldn't have asked for a better group of ladies
01:07:53 to come back to the farm with me
01:07:55 and try to make a decision and make a decision.
01:07:58 It's just me and trying to make a decision
01:08:00 and it just keeps going.
01:08:04 On that note, do you mind if I whisk you away for a little chat?
01:08:07 Yeah, absolutely.
01:08:10 Carly's just so confident out there.
01:08:17 Not surprised at all.
01:08:18 Any moment she gets, she's there.
01:08:20 I'm not going to throw myself at you.
01:08:22 I'm not that type of person.
01:08:24 You either like me for who I am or you don't like me at all.
01:08:27 There's nothing we can do.
01:08:29 Yeah, so...
01:08:30 Oi, there is.
01:08:31 I'm going to break out.
01:08:32 What? What is that?
01:08:34 Go break it out.
01:08:35 You alright, Lauren?
01:08:37 Do you have some things in mind to talk to him about?
01:08:39 Yeah, for sure.
01:08:40 Alright, deep breath.
01:08:41 You go, queen.
01:08:42 Alright.
01:08:43 Look at her go.
01:08:44 You're a boss.
01:08:45 Good luck.
01:08:46 It's really important to have more time.
01:08:48 With time you get the real story of a person.
01:08:51 And it was hard seeing him on the date with April
01:08:54 but it really kind of hit me a little bit
01:08:57 how much I actually probably like him.
01:08:59 I've had a really good time the past couple of days
01:09:04 and there's definitely something there
01:09:06 and hopefully, you know, you're on the same page.
01:09:09 Yes. No, I definitely am.
01:09:11 Hello.
01:09:15 Hi.
01:09:16 I was wondering if I could steal a couple of minutes with a perch.
01:09:19 Yes, of course.
01:09:21 [BIRDSONG]
01:09:23 Thank you.
01:09:28 That's right.
01:09:29 Hello.
01:09:31 How are you, Lauren?
01:09:32 Good, how are you?
01:09:33 Good.
01:09:34 [SIGHS]
01:09:35 It is really important that I say all the things I need to say tonight
01:09:39 to hopefully have more time with Bert.
01:09:42 I kind of wanted to talk through, like, the date today.
01:09:47 You know, seeing you up there with April.
01:09:49 And seeing that kind of, like, playing connection.
01:09:52 And I think it really stressed me out.
01:09:55 It's obviously not the most, like, natural environment.
01:10:00 And I'm under, like, a bit of pressure with it.
01:10:03 Do you see, like, a romantic spark between, you know, the two of us?
01:10:10 Yeah, I think it's maybe a bit of a slow burner
01:10:14 but I'm not anti it.
01:10:16 Honestly, every time you come in the room and I just sort of smile a little bit
01:10:21 and poke a little fun at you about Taylor Swift.
01:10:24 Oh, gosh, yeah. You know how to wind me up.
01:10:26 [LAUGHS]
01:10:27 How'd you go?
01:10:32 Yeah, good.
01:10:33 I just wanted to ensure, like, that, you know, we're communicating with each other.
01:10:37 But, you know, just ensure that we're on the right track.
01:10:41 So where does he stand with you and where do you stand with him?
01:10:45 He's just happy with where we're at at the moment.
01:10:48 Like, I'm here for Bert and, like, you know.
01:10:52 We all are. So, like, yeah, it's a thing.
01:10:55 Yeah.
01:10:56 I get the feeling sometimes that you're better than us.
01:10:59 Mm.
01:11:00 I don't know. Are you guys feeling like that as well?
01:11:02 I feel like there's tunnel vision at the moment and we're not to be seen.
01:11:06 Because you're pulling him away for these conversations.
01:11:09 It's almost like he's whispered in your ear, like,
01:11:11 "I'm in love with you and you've just given us, like, this energy that
01:11:15 almost makes us feel like dog shit, basically."
01:11:18 I'm sorry that you feel like that. I definitely don't think that way.
01:11:21 You're all genuinely beautiful girls.
01:11:23 Like, I don't know why you're making me out to be something that I'm not.
01:11:27 I don't know if Carly's here for the right reasons.
01:11:31 Someone needs to talk up.
01:11:33 We've had enough of...
01:11:35 ..the bullshit, basically.
01:11:40 (THUNDER)
01:11:42 Time to go?
01:12:02 Yeah, good. Yeah.
01:12:05 (SIGHS)
01:12:07 I really care about how Bert feels
01:12:22 and he needs to make the right decision for him.
01:12:25 He's got a heart of gold
01:12:27 and I don't know if Carly's here for the right reasons.
01:12:31 Sometimes I have no filter. I'll tell you how it is.
01:12:35 Bert, can we go have a chat?
01:12:37 Yeah.
01:12:39 How are you feeling? (LAUGHS)
01:12:48 Oh, man.
01:12:50 Um, there is obviously other genuine people in the house
01:12:54 and we do care about you and your feelings.
01:12:57 And...
01:12:59 ..I probably do feel intimidated by someone,
01:13:03 being Carly.
01:13:05 And that's probably why I haven't opened up and been myself.
01:13:08 I feel like...
01:13:10 ..yeah, there's a strong connection maybe between you guys
01:13:13 and it's not only me that feels this way,
01:13:15 but, yeah, we do feel a little bit kind of lost in the back.
01:13:18 Is it just the intimidation
01:13:21 or is there something deeper or...?
01:13:28 It... Like, I guess you haven't spent as much, like, time with her
01:13:33 as obviously we have.
01:13:35 And she's told us, "I'm here till the end
01:13:38 "and I'm not taking the best, I'm top shelf."
01:13:40 And, like, I am a bit...
01:13:43 ..like, "Wow, is she really saying this?"
01:13:46 And we've spoken about it tonight with her.
01:13:49 Like, I... I'm not...
01:13:51 I don't like to be rude,
01:13:53 but I do notice you guys look at each other a lot
01:13:56 and that's completely fine.
01:13:58 Um...
01:13:59 You do you.
01:14:01 But, yeah, I just want...
01:14:03 But make sure you look out for, like, your best interest.
01:14:06 Yeah.
01:14:08 Let's go back in. OK.
01:14:10 I hate drama.
01:14:12 I have an incredibly busy life
01:14:14 and drama is just something I really don't tolerate.
01:14:17 That's a problem for me.
01:14:19 You all right, Bert?
01:14:25 Yeah.
01:14:26 All right, um...
01:14:29 I just want to start by, you know, saying thank you
01:14:33 for being patient with me tonight.
01:14:35 I've just been trying to do it right
01:14:37 and trying to find the right words
01:14:40 and I hope that I have made the right decision, so...
01:14:43 Yeah, tonight, uh...
01:14:50 April, I'm going to have to say
01:14:53 this is the end for our relationship.
01:14:56 I just am struggling with a bit of the spark
01:15:00 and unfortunately we just don't have, you know,
01:15:03 the time that I would love to have and...
01:15:06 Yeah, no, I really appreciate it and it's better to know now
01:15:09 than obviously get a few weeks down and get hurt.
01:15:12 So, yeah, um...
01:15:14 It's OK.
01:15:15 I've got to trust my gut.
01:15:18 April got raw there and said her piece.
01:15:21 Yeah.
01:15:23 It doesn't matter who's instigating the drama.
01:15:26 If there's unnecessary drama, I just don't have time for it.
01:15:30 This process isn't easy
01:15:33 and it's certainly not going to get any easier.
01:15:36 But, um, at the end of the experience, you know, I want to find love.
01:15:40 Let's go!
01:15:48 Next time...
01:15:49 We are going to a rodeo!
01:15:51 ..the farms come together for the very first time
01:15:55 and things get wild.
01:15:58 Cheers!
01:16:00 Cheers to finding love.
01:16:02 This is something that has never happened before
01:16:08 on Farmer Once and Wife.
01:16:10 Sparks fly...
01:16:13 ..and emotions run high.
01:16:17 I received a message the other day.
01:16:19 It says, "She might be leading you on.
01:16:22 "She's in love with someone at home."
01:16:24 I'm in.
01:16:26 # FIRE CRACKLES
01:16:28 # FIRE CRACKLES
01:16:30 # FIRE CRACKLES
01:16:32 (whooshing)
01:16:34 [BLANK_AUDIO]


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