‘Little People, Big World’_ Matt Roloff THROWS SHADE At Zach Roloff

  • 5 months ago
‘Little People, Big World’_ Matt Roloff THROWS SHADE At Zach Roloff


00:00 Have you heard back from Zach and Tori?
00:02 I hear they had other plans for this weekend, so...
00:05 Well, they plan to make other plans.
00:08 ♪♪
00:10 And later...
00:11 So, right now, it's about 2:30.
00:13 Caterers just arrived.
00:15 Nobody else is here.
00:16 If the timeline is going the way it is right now,
00:19 this is not gonna be good.
00:20 This week on "Little People, Big World,"
00:22 Zach has been working on his shop
00:24 and made some modifications to the space
00:26 with his kids in mind.
00:28 Anything I build on the property,
00:29 I'm definitely gonna consider, you know,
00:31 the kids and their abilities.
00:33 I want it to be fun for them.
00:35 What?
00:36 Lila, why are the lights off now?
00:38 LP Modifications was just lowering the light switches,
00:41 so all the light switches are super low.
00:43 Instead of, like, your standard, like, 3 feet
00:45 or 4 feet or whatever it is,
00:48 they're all down at, like, probably 2 feet.
00:50 Guys, that's the last time I put low light switches
00:53 for you guys. -I know.
00:55 Babe, you, like, went in hard on that, too.
00:58 And then bathroom sink is pretty low,
01:01 as low as I can get it.
01:03 A couple of the windows, I lowered to, like,
01:05 the standard is, like, 3 feet or whatever.
01:07 A couple of the windows, I lowered down to 2 feet.
01:09 -Zach also talked about parenting Jackson
01:11 and some questions he's been asking.
01:14 -Jackson, are you ready to play DAAA?
01:16 Which two sports are you gonna play, though?
01:18 Did you get a -- -Basketball, soccer.
01:19 -Yes.
01:21 A few days ago, Jackson was wondering
01:24 why his friends from here couldn't play in DEE-tri-blay
01:28 sports, you know, and I had to explain to him,
01:30 "Well, they're not -- They don't have dwarfism."
01:33 You know, and then, "What's that?"
01:34 "Well, you have dwarfism."
01:35 So he's starting to connect the dots, I think,
01:38 when he sees me talking to another dad,
01:41 and then he sees that, like, all his friends here
01:43 have tall dads, and then, like, a couple of kids
01:45 on the soccer field have pointed out that he's short
01:48 and he's noticed that.
01:49 This could be the year Jackson kind of puts it all together.
01:52 You know, this is why we're going to DEE-tri-blay and LPA.
01:54 -Tori was happy for Zack and the kids
01:56 when he showed off the finished shop,
01:58 but she did have some notes about the lack of storage space.
02:02 -I do not foresee myself using that space often.
02:05 I'm gonna be completely honest.
02:07 -Which is totally okay.
02:08 -But I think that that's the point.
02:09 -Yeah, totally encouraged.
02:11 -But, babe, where's the storage?
02:14 -Uh... -Where's the storage?
02:16 Talking about the mattresses and --
02:18 -Oh.
02:20 -And all those extra pillows.
02:22 Where's all that going?
02:24 -We need another shop. We're gonna build another.
02:26 -We do not.
02:27 It's coming up here eventually.
02:28 Enjoy this while you can.
02:30 -The upstairs of the shop is great.
02:32 Not quite what I pictured with the storage portion
02:36 of everything, but it's great.
02:38 -Amy is preparing for her fundraiser,
02:40 and she reflected about working with Karen on the event.
02:43 -You know, things were most definitely rocky,
02:46 you know, for myself with Karen
02:47 because of what was happening between Matt and I years ago.
02:51 I mean, no one --
02:54 You know, I wasn't really a fan of working
02:56 with either one of them.
02:57 But, you know, time has passed.
02:59 Years have passed.
03:00 And you find a place where you can move on.
03:02 And, you know, I think it makes for a good team.
03:05 So, yeah, Karen and I worked well together
03:07 because we want this to work.
03:09 None of us want egg on our face.
03:10 That's for darn sure.
03:11 -Matt was a little apprehensive
03:13 about how things were going to go.
03:14 -There's a lot to do.
03:16 It's gonna be interesting.
03:17 I am trying very hard not to have an opinion.
03:20 But this is a point where the whole thing could explode
03:25 and everybody could just lose it.
03:27 We'll see what happens.
03:29 -Oh, gosh. -Oh, my God.
03:30 -Are you kidding me?
03:34 -Oh, dear. -Oh, Lord above.
03:36 -Okay. -Thank God I stayed.
03:38 -I hope it's not a sign of things to come.
03:40 [ Both laugh ]
03:43 -Zach and Tori couldn't make it to the event
03:45 because they had prior plans.
03:47 Matt seemed skeptical and threw a little shade.
03:50 -Have you heard back from Zach and Tori?
03:53 -I hear they had other plans for this weekend, so...
03:55 -Well, yeah. -You know.
03:57 -And they plan to make other plans.
04:01 -Well, maybe, but...
04:02 -I think they made sure they had a good alibi.
04:04 -I don't know. I don't know.
04:06 I just know they're not gonna be here.
04:07 -Well, whatever it is, I think they should have been here
04:10 for this to support you, to support their organization.
04:13 I mean, it's funny to see little Jackson and Lila
04:16 kicking a soccer ball around
04:17 and then go to the convention last year
04:19 and then not have them support you in this fundraiser.
04:22 But it's disappointing to me to see them not support your thing.
04:27 -I can't get stuck on that.
04:28 -Amy was understanding
04:29 and gets where Zach and Tori were coming from.
04:32 But she does hope that one day,
04:33 Zach and Matt can work things out.
04:36 -You know, it would have been great for Zach,
04:38 Zach and Jackson, or the whole family to come,
04:40 but I held the weekend
04:44 before we were all leaving for Austin
04:46 to attend the DAAA games and, you know,
04:50 the LPA National Conference.
04:52 So they had another thing already scheduled and planned,
04:56 and I know he had a lot of stuff to get ready for DAAA.
04:59 So it's all good. It's all good.
05:03 And, you know, hopefully, whatever happens in the future
05:07 between, you know, Matt and Zach,
05:09 hopefully, you know, they can move on.
05:12 They're adults, and it's something for them to work out.
05:16 -Amy's husband, Chris, was a bit stressed out
05:18 leading up to the fundraiser,
05:20 and he was hoping that everything
05:21 would be completed on time.
05:23 -Do we have more jars?
05:28 -Yeah, we do. No, that's all the jars.
05:29 -There's one more there. -One more there.
05:30 -Oh, crap. We don't -- This is all the jars I have.
05:33 -I'm gonna go back to the house, hon.
05:35 I picked up some more frames, so I'll finish doing up
05:37 the display and then load up the car and bring what I can back.
05:41 And you're gonna get two more coolers?
05:43 -Yes.
05:44 -I'm just focused on getting as much as I can get done
05:47 before things kick off, so I'm not having fun yet.
05:51 This is -- It's kind of stressful.
05:52 It's just things seem to always take longer
05:55 than they're supposed to,
05:56 and some last-minute stuff comes up.
05:58 -If you could get as many mason jars
06:01 that do not have our little heart thing on them,
06:03 like in the cupboard there,
06:04 there might be a few in the pantry.
06:07 -I'm just focused on trying to get
06:11 everything accomplished in time.
06:14 -But only an hour before the event,
06:16 Amy was running late,
06:17 which caused Karen and Matt to panic a bit.
06:20 -People are gonna be arriving soon,
06:23 and it's crazy.
06:26 I mean, pretty soon, I'm gonna lose it.
06:28 I've been the calmest one in the whole thing.
06:30 Karen's all wound up.
06:32 I don't think Chris is here, either.
06:34 I got a number of things to go over with Chris,
06:35 so these people are AWOL, and we're on our own.
06:40 -Could you take a small, simple event and make it harder?
06:42 -Oh, I know.
06:45 I'm kind of worried about Amy when she gets here.
06:48 Amy has a tendency to procrastinate,
06:50 and that's putting it mildly.
06:52 So if the timeline is going the way it is right now,
06:56 this is not gonna be good.
06:58 It will not be good.
07:00 -I mean, it's -- People are gonna be here in 15 minutes.
07:03 We're not ready.
07:04 -Aah!
07:06 -Chris was also running late, which stressed Amy out.
07:10 -We got to move this potting bed.
07:12 -I know. I don't know where it goes.
07:13 I'm kind of -- -Well, we're putting it
07:14 at the end like we decided.
07:16 -Right there? -I guess.
07:18 -All right, let's do it. -No, let's get this stuff off.
07:21 -Hi, guys.
07:23 -Guests are starting to arrive, and I didn't see
07:25 that we had really completed this island auction item setup,
07:29 and Chris had a few items for that.
07:32 The shooting gallery isn't completed and fully set up.
07:36 Plus, the bar area, I think he was still bringing
07:38 some ice and other items.
07:41 So we need him, like, now.
07:44 -Uh-oh, windy.
07:47 Ugh. Can we tape this somehow?
07:49 What is this?
07:50 It's like I'm late usually all the time,
07:53 but when it's critical, you got to show up.
07:55 It's like I'm not sure where my husband is.
07:57 ♪♪
08:00 I'm stressed.
08:03 ♪♪
08:04 ♪♪
