O.J. Simpson's Connection To The Kardashian Family

  • 5 months ago
O.J. Simpson's Connection To The Kardashian Family


00:00 Nicole did feel, especially at the end of her life,
00:04 like she was trapped.
00:05 She said to me more than once that she thought that he would
00:11 kill her and get away with it.
00:13 All right.
00:14 Nicole and I were very good friends,
00:16 and OJ and Robert were best friends.
00:19 They were there when I gave birth to kids,
00:21 and I was there when she gave birth to her kids.
00:24 And, you know, it was that kind of a close-knit, wonderful,
00:27 you know, really warm relationship.
00:28 By 1992, Nicole and OJ had filed for divorce.
00:31 However, the family still remained close,
00:34 even vacationing together only six weeks
00:36 before Nicole's murder, as seen here.
00:38 [Typewriter clacking]
00:41 The day that Nicole was murdered
00:43 changed our lives forever.
00:44 Life as we knew it would never be the same.
00:47 Because not only did Chris lose her best friend,
00:49 OJ asked her ex-husband, Robert,
00:51 to be on his dream team defense,
00:53 which Chris later explained tore up their family.
00:55 He believed in what he was doing,
00:57 and he was asking us...
01:00 for his support.
01:03 Hold on.
01:04 Simpson was ultimately acquitted of the murder of Nicole
01:07 and her friend Ron Goldman.
01:08 The family told E! that at times,
01:10 it felt like they were taking sides.
01:11 Courtney and I would go to the trial with my dad,
01:14 and we'd sit on one side, and I remember looking over,
01:16 and my mom was on the other side,
01:17 sitting next to Nicole's parents,
01:19 and it was like just -- it was so much tension.
01:22 As if all that wasn't hard enough,
01:24 Chris would go on to be plagued with rumors for years
01:26 that she allegedly had an affair with OJ
01:28 and that Khloe is their alleged love child,
01:31 something Chris emotionally addressed
01:32 on "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" in 2019.
01:35 It's bull[bleep] man.
01:36 Just...
01:38 After 25 years, you think that it just wouldn't be...
01:43 a thing.
01:46 OJ himself also denied the rumor
01:48 when he joined Twitter in 2019.
01:50 Man, I wouldn't have stressed, never,
01:52 in any way, shape, or form,
01:53 had I ever had any interest in Chris.
01:56 Khloe, like all the girls I'm very proud of,
01:58 just like I know Bob would be if he was here,
02:01 but the simple fact of the matter is she's not mine.
02:04 But through it all, Chris always wanted to keep the focus
02:07 on the good memories with her friend.
02:08 Nicole just wanted to figure out a way to be happy
02:12 and to raise her kids.
02:13 You know, she was -- that was her love.
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