Live for Purpose not Person || Acharya Prashant

  • 5 months ago
00:00 It's always better and always safer to not spend your life on persons.
00:07 If you have to invest your hours, your months, your years, invest them on a cause.
00:12 The cause could be your own development or general development, social welfare, whatever.
00:19 But let it be a cause, not a person.
00:22 Let the cause occupy you fully.
00:24 Don't just become somebody's washbasin.
00:27 He keeps spitting and you keep collecting.
00:31 And very soon you clean yourself up just to receive more of the same stuff.
00:35 Applies to both men and women.
00:37 Applies to all people young and old.
00:39 And especially applies to those who are gripped with loneliness and FOMO syndrome.
