• last year
00:00 When you say mass extinction, what do you really mean?
00:04 There is a certain natural rate at which species go extinct every day.
00:10 So there is a rate.
00:12 That rate has increased by almost thousand times in the last hundred years.
00:18 So we have raised the average temperature of this planet by 1.5 degrees centigrade.
00:26 And the temperature is increasing at an increasing rate.
00:31 The carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere should naturally be around 280 ppm.
00:38 It has shot up to around 450 ppm now.
00:41 And all that has happened only in the last 50 to 100 years.
00:45 I said sixth extinction phase.
00:48 Of the previous five, three were caused due to an abundance of carbon dioxide.
00:55 the same thing that we are seeing today.