New Orleans Pelicans - Green : "Dur de voir Williamson s'écrouler comme ça"

  • il y a 5 mois
Il est rentré au vestiaire en jetant sa serviette au sol, écoeuré de quitter ses partenaires alors qu'il venait d'égaliser à 95 partout à trois minutes de la fin. Auteur de l'un de ses meilleurs matches en carrière, mardi soir, à New Orleans (40 points, 11 rebonds), Zion Williamson s'est blessé à la jambe en fin de match, et n'a pas pu empêcher la défaite des siens au bout du suspense face aux Lakers (110-106). Un coup dur pour le coach des Pelicans, Willie Green.


00:00 - Right now, we know his left leg, soreness,
00:03 and he's going to get some imaging on it tomorrow,
00:05 and we'll figure out more.
00:07 That's the report that I got back.
00:08 I haven't talked to him or anything like that,
00:12 but we'll see what happens tomorrow
00:15 when we get the results back.
00:16 - How tough was it not to have him
00:18 those last few minutes after what he did?
00:20 - It was tough.
00:22 It was tough to see him go down.
00:24 You know, we're all praying and hoping that he's okay,
00:28 but he was battling, he was going, and he was fantastic.
00:33 He settled into the game.
00:37 He just continued to attack.
00:39 He found seams.
00:41 He rebounded the ball.
00:42 He played fast, and when he's attacking like that,
00:46 he's a tough matchup for anybody,
00:49 and we have him for a few more minutes.
00:53 Maybe we have a chance to pull this thing out.
