Are questions to be asked about Sean Dyche at Everton?

  • 5 months ago
A big loss last time out…


00:00 So, Will, let's start by looking at Everton and their 6-0 thrashing at Chelsea.
00:05 I mean, it was a real damning result.
00:07 It's a result that, at the end of the day, we've spoken, they've had a lot of issues off the pitch,
00:11 but this is something that the fans are going to maybe start turning their heads at Sean Dyche's side
00:16 if they are getting turned over so easily.
00:18 What's your thoughts on this result?
00:20 And it makes the game against Nottingham Forest that even bit bigger now.
00:24 Yeah, and it was a bit embarrassing, to be honest with you, for Everton.
00:28 Chasing and sobering, all the words you can think of, negative conversations.
00:34 It was just an abject performance at Stamford Bridge.
00:39 You know, we know Chelsea have been vulnerable all season.
00:43 I think Everton tried to get at them at the start, and that better chance goes in maybe,
00:48 but to a man, they were pretty pathetic, to be honest with you.
00:54 I felt sorry for all the Everton fans who were going to Arsenal on a Monday night,
00:59 and they had to witness that.
01:01 I can't think of one good performance.
01:04 The midfield was completely missing.
01:10 The defence was shambolic.
01:14 Yeah, it's, you know, you might have maybe hoped that Everton had turned a corner a little bit,
01:21 thrown at Newcastle and then beaten Burnley, but that Burnley performance wasn't great,
01:26 and the Newcastle one, Everton turned up for the final half an hour and got a result via a penalty.
01:31 So, look, it doesn't matter when you get your points, to be fair,
01:36 and if Everton didn't have the points to suction, they'd be clear the relegation zone by ten points,
01:41 but because of what's happened with the club and the way that it's been run off the field,
01:48 this is the position that Everton find themselves in.
01:51 Yeah, I mean, Sean's IT's not been dealt a good hand whatsoever.
01:54 We all know the problems, but is he getting the best out of these players at the minute?
01:58 You know, you look at a player like Amzun Ahmer,
02:02 who's supposed to be covered by some of the top clubs in the world and just isn't doing it.
02:07 Everton, attacking wise, they're struggling really.
02:10 You can't really see any patterns of play, and as you say, we're playing Nottingham Forest now,
02:14 and that's obviously a massive game.
02:18 Forest are a point behind Everton, they've had their own points to suction themselves,
02:21 and if Everton were to lose that, then they're going to be right in the mix, aren't they?
02:28 And yeah, the thing about that Chelsea game is that it's still a hit on the goal difference,
02:33 and when a relegation battle is so tight, then, you know, goal difference is effectively,
02:40 you know, an extra point if it comes down to it.
02:43 And Everton, they've been pretty good defensively for a lot of the season,
02:47 but they just crumbled, unfortunately.
02:50 Some bad nights at the office, the John Pickford error, maybe he hasn't made too many errors.
02:56 Sharap Bramfite was an awful old game, but he's had a good season.
03:00 But yeah, Everton, they seriously need to improve against Forest, otherwise,
03:05 they're the distractors I suspect will be coming for Sean Dyche.
