Key Player Injuries Shape Bulls vs. Hawks Showdown

  • 5 months ago
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:03 The other play in game, line shift a little bit,
00:06 bulls minus three, three and a half, pretty steady.
00:10 A lot of this game, Steph, is gonna hinge on Trey Young without a doubt and
00:15 the kind of game that he has.
00:16 There's a very high total set in this game of 222.
00:20 Does this shape up to be a fun game in Chicago tonight?
00:23 >> I think it'll be fun and I actually think that there are two players that are
00:29 extremely important for this game.
00:31 We don't know their status going into it.
00:33 The first one is Io D'Sunmu,
00:35 who has developed into a really nice piece for the Bulls.
00:39 And he has played Trey Young extremely well over the years.
00:43 Trey shot, I believe, below 30% from the field this season against the Bulls.
00:47 And a lot of that was Io D'Sunmu's defense.
00:49 Of course, they also have Alex Caruso.
00:50 So they have two guys who are capable of shutting down Trey.
00:53 So Io's quad got injured a couple games ago.
00:57 He's been out of the lineup.
00:59 Again, not sure if he's gonna play.
01:01 The other guy is Andre Drummond.
01:03 He's one of the best offensive rebounders in the league and
01:05 he is really good against the Hawks.
01:07 He's averaged seven offensive rebounds a game.
01:10 For frame of reference, three is an elite number for a player in any given game.
01:14 So seven is just outrageous.
01:16 Drummond sprained his ankle a couple games ago.
01:18 He had to be taken out of that game in a wheelchair.
01:22 So I think that he is probably less likely to play than D'Sunmu.
01:27 But both of those guys have been Hawks killers.
01:29 So the Bulls fortunes are gonna depend a lot on if they can get some minutes out
01:33 of those two.
01:34 [MUSIC]
