• 5 months ago
00:00 Drop her into twilight.
00:02 (laughing)
00:02 - I don't know what that is.
00:04 - She doesn't know what twilight is.
00:05 - Oh wow, you don't know what that is?
00:06 - No.
00:07 - It's okay.
00:08 - But yeah, we'll take care of that.
00:09 - This whole thing is a trap.
00:10 (dramatic music)
00:13 - How are you ladies?
00:16 Nice to meet you.
00:17 - Nice to meet you too.
00:18 - I have a lot of images stuck in my head
00:20 after watching the film yesterday.
00:23 So I wanted to ask you, first of all,
00:24 what's the latest film that gave you
00:26 a lot of images in your head that you couldn't get rid of?
00:29 - I don't know.
00:31 - Barbie was so poppy.
00:32 - Oh my God, I was just gonna say that.
00:34 I watched that on the plane the other day.
00:36 - And it had such great images
00:38 and the sets were amazing.
00:40 So yeah, that was like,
00:42 the shots and everything were stuck in my head
00:44 for a while after I saw it.
00:45 - I gotta say Godzilla and Kong
00:46 crashing through the pyramids
00:47 really stuck in my brain.
00:49 (laughing)
00:50 - For me, it's Alicia when she was on me
00:53 after she got me in the chest a million times
00:56 with my own cross and her wiping the blood out of her eyes
01:00 and just looking at her,
01:03 the way she was looking at me,
01:04 I was like, I'm like a stake to her right now.
01:07 - Last film I seen in the cinema was,
01:10 I think it was "Anyone But You" or...
01:15 - How many times did you see "Anyone But You"?
01:18 (laughing)
01:19 - Okay, like five.
01:22 (laughing)
01:23 - So whose kid is she?
01:24 - A very wealthy man who's about to be $50 million poorer.
01:28 - That's seven million per person.
01:30 - Where am I?
01:31 Who are you?
01:32 - I'm here to make sure you're safe.
01:34 You can call me Joey.
01:35 - I'm Abigail.
01:36 - There's a really fun anecdote with Jacob Tremblay
01:38 when he was filming "Good Boys", a rated R film.
01:41 His parents were there in set
01:43 while he was cursing and doing a lot of things,
01:46 but you're not only cursing,
01:47 you are biting, you are killing, you're exploding.
01:50 So how was the rated R system working for you
01:53 as a really young actress on set?
01:56 - There definitely was a lot going on.
01:59 I had to curse in it, and I was also covered in blood,
02:04 and I was biting, and I had teeth,
02:06 and I had to get used to wearing the teeth
02:09 and speaking in the teeth,
02:10 and I also had to get used to
02:13 with the American accent with the teeth on.
02:15 - It's a great question.
02:15 I mean, I think that we were,
02:17 I think we had some anxiety about that going into the movie
02:19 because we knew that there were scenes
02:21 where we were gonna have to dial it up to 11,
02:24 and that Alicia was gonna be
02:25 sort of at the center of those scenes.
02:28 Never once was she not just fully committed
02:31 and fully excited to be there,
02:34 covered in blood, fangs, contacts.
02:37 I mean, her dedication to the gross physicality
02:42 of this movie was truly, truly remarkable.
02:47 - We did apologize after that.
02:48 - Yeah, to everybody, to all of the cast.
02:51 - Actually, I'm sorry.
02:52 - Yeah, sorry.
02:53 - And then I also had eye contacts in
02:55 that I had to get used to wearing them,
02:57 and I was covered in blood, and there was stunts,
03:00 and there was dancing, and I was on point,
03:02 so there was a lot going on.
03:04 Sometimes it was really strange,
03:06 and I think I was, I definitely went home after filming
03:09 and said to myself, "What did I just do?
03:13 "Did that really just happen?"
03:15 - We're getting after a vampire.
03:17 A ballerina vampire.
03:19 [screaming]
03:21 - I love that this film, the heart of the film
03:23 is about being there, whether for a son or for a daughter.
03:28 So I was wondering, what was the last time
03:29 a director or a co-star showed you being there for you?
03:33 - I mean, very recently for me, yeah.
03:39 Yeah, I've been very lucky to work with friends
03:44 and make friends that become family while we're shooting.
03:49 Yeah, so yeah, it's nice to have people that show up for you.
03:53 - Yeah, I think I've been lucky to work with
03:55 some of the best directors in the world,
03:58 and they wanna be there, and they want the best work,
04:03 and out of Matt and Tyler, you can feel it.
04:06 Even if you're struggling, maybe it's a scene
04:07 you don't wanna do, like there was one scene,
04:09 you know, 'cause you've seen the film,
04:11 you know, what happened, yeah, you know what I'm saying?
04:13 - I know, I know.
04:14 - So, you know, and I remember that day,
04:16 and I was like, "Man, you know, I don't feel like today."
04:18 He said, "Yep, but today's the day."
04:20 - I'm here for you.
04:21 (laughing)
04:22 - Every single day, yeah.
04:24 We talk a lot about how this movie,
04:26 every single person involved gave so much to the movie,
04:30 cast, crew, producers, everybody at the studio,
04:33 and it just, this is really a movie made
04:36 by a large group of people who all contributed huge.
04:40 - What can I say?
04:41 I like playing with my film.
04:44 - Finally, if you could drop Abigail
04:46 into another vampire universe, how well she does,
04:50 which universe would you like her to drop in?
04:52 - Ooh, I mean, I think she would slay in any universe.
04:56 I think she's the coolest vampire ever.
04:58 - You are the coolest vampire ever.
04:59 - I think she could take anybody on.
05:01 Drop her into Twilight.
05:02 (laughing)
05:03 - She doesn't know what Twilight is.
05:06 - Oh, wow, you don't know what Twilight is?
05:08 - No. - It's okay.
05:08 - But, yeah, we'll take care of that.
05:10 - Abigail versus the Lost Boys?
05:12 - Oh, wow. - Abigail, drop Abigail
05:14 into what we do in the shadows.
05:16 - Oh, awesome.
05:17 (laughing)
05:19 (dramatic music)
05:23 (dramatic music)
05:26 (dramatic music)
