Got You! Mr. Always Right

  • 5 months ago
00:00 Get engaged to me. I need your help with something. I will pay you
00:03 500
00:06 Dollars a week and it would only be for like
00:08 six months
00:11 at least
00:12 We'll see how it goes
00:14 Why not just go the whole nine yards and get married
00:16 fine, but
00:18 I'm, not paying any extra. The agreement is still only for six months
00:21 It's no problem. And with that being said by the power vested in me
00:26 I now pronounce you husband
00:29 and wife
00:31 It's pretty
00:41 Looks expensive here. No, hold on to it. My mom left me it. It suits you
00:47 You're acting really good I was touched glad you liked it
00:57 I'm, not gonna pay you anything except a performance though
00:59 Uh
01:04 Where are we
01:07 This is our house
01:09 Whoa
01:12 Well, this is a fake marriage. There is no way that we can afford this rent. Don't worry
01:17 It's not it's not actually my house. It's my
01:20 my friend's house
01:22 So we could stay here while he's living abroad
01:26 You are very
01:28 Mysterious I think it's time you left
01:31 And by the way, dean and I are actually engaged the party's tomorrow you should totally come
01:39 Sir you certainly have a keen eye. This is the most luxurious house in all of the neighborhood
01:54 All right, i'll take it. I'll have my assistant take a look at the documents. Thank you
01:57 How could you be so careless this is our most distinguished guest air to star tech, it's okay
02:06 It actually felt kind of nice. It's hot out today. Oh, we'll need to get me to the dry cleaner right now
02:11 You have a meeting in an hour
02:13 What should I wear in the meantime?
02:15 What's next
02:24 Uh your father he wants to talk to you about the arrangement with the baby's family
02:28 All your personal items
02:34 Tell my father I choose who I marry I won't let him arrange my life. Okay. We'll do sir
02:41 You should leave jay
02:51 Should have known and by the way, dean and I are actually engaged the party's tomorrow you should totally come
02:58 I should hire someone to crash their party. Hey, you're right. You're a gardener and a chauffeur
03:08 Yeah, sure hard worker
03:18 Do you make a few bucks wouldn't hurt do you have a girlfriend no
03:25 Then get engaged to me
03:29 (upbeat music)
