Considerate man takes time out of day to smash irky icicles

  • 5 months ago
Extremely cold weather may not be everyone's cup of cocoa, but it surely is Kyle's.

"Minnesota has been getting colder weather, so I decided to remove some icicles from the parking garages for fun and to make sure nobody gets hurt from them," Kyle told WooGlobe.

Some of the icicles shown in this video look like they were teleported from Antarctica.

The filmer is a good Samaritan for getting rid of these spiky menaces because if anybody were to accidentally run into them, it surely wouldn't be a pretty sight.
Location: Saint Cloud, Minnesota, USA
WooGlobe Ref : WGA636844
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00:00 I found some more.
00:07 Here, I'm going to try something.
00:21 Bitch.
00:22 I'll take that, it's fine.
00:29 Got that ice, there for you.
