• 5 months ago
MAN AND WITCH Trailer - official movie trailer HD
00:00 [explosion]
00:02 [crowd gasping]
00:04 The princess may be betrothed only to one who shall perform here before you all
00:10 the dance of a thousand steps.
00:14 [thunder]
00:16 What?
00:17 Might not be as bad as it sounds.
00:19 Is it something the kids are doing these days?
00:21 [music]
00:22 Try as he might, the lowly goat herd could not find love.
00:26 There's something wrong with me.
00:27 You're cursed.
00:29 I'm cursed by magic?
00:32 At birth.
00:34 Eat your soup.
00:35 For if he could but undo the curse, his luck could change.
00:39 You could visit the witch, the hag of Banebound.
00:42 You're very brave to venture thus far into the hinterland.
00:45 And if you find that wife, tell me if she has a sister.
00:49 What is your wish?
00:52 I wish for a wife.
00:54 Why?
00:55 I'm lonely.
00:56 Get a pet.
00:58 First you will accomplish three tasks of my devising.
01:01 What do I--
01:02 Ready, set, go.
01:04 You will lift the sacred caver of Tamlin.
01:07 What have you got?
01:09 Are you a wizard?
01:10 Goat herd.
01:11 A goat herd gave it to her.
01:13 A gopher.
01:14 A goat herd.
01:15 Amazing things, gophers.
01:18 The second task, you shall seek out the ogre's keep.
01:21 No, you idiot!
01:23 Set any travail, witch, and I shall accomplish it.
01:27 [goat bleating]
01:28 Do you still live with your mother?
01:31 Yes.
01:32 The third task, you promised three.
01:34 Learn the dance of a thousand steps.
01:37 Scroll one.
01:40 A five.
01:45 He isn't coming back.
01:48 The task I gave him is impossible.
01:53 You think that wives want dead husbands?
01:55 Maybe.
01:57 Some of them do.
01:58 I don't know.
02:00 I can dance.
02:02 I can dance a dance of two steps, never mind a thousand.
02:06 [goat bleating]
02:07 [screaming]
02:08 [music playing]
02:11 They'll sing songs about this.
02:18 No, they won't.
02:19 If we win, they will.
02:20 We won't win.
02:21 We're all going to die.
02:23 you