The Unwanted Mate FULL PART 4 - dailymotion xtube short - ep 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50 |

  • 5 months ago
The Unwanted Mate FULL PART 4 - dailymotion xtube short - ep 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - Such a pretty little omega.
00:10 - You got me.
00:13 (slicing)
00:17 - Oh, here we go.
00:20 Here we go.
00:23 - Take him to the jail.
00:25 (dramatic music)
00:27 - His scent is so comforting.
00:35 Is he my mate?
00:36 - My mate is an omega?
00:41 Actually, take her to the pack house.
00:47 I'll handle these two.
00:49 - Welcome to your room.
00:52 You may finish it up now.
00:53 If you need anything, I'm here to help.
00:56 - Thank you.
00:57 Where is the alpha?
00:59 - He will see you in a few hours.
01:02 - Is he going to reject me?
01:04 (dramatic music)
01:07 (dramatic music)
01:20 (dramatic music)
01:23 - Don't move.
01:30 - I live there.
01:34 - Look at me.
01:35 Do you even have a wolf?
01:38 I can't sense it.
01:40 - I don't.
01:42 - So you can't shift.
01:43 Can you be any more pathetic?
01:47 Where's your family from?
01:48 - They died.
01:50 I'm an orphan.
01:51 - So let me get this straight.
01:54 You're a weak, orphaned, wolfless omega.
01:57 The moon goddess has got to be kidding me right now.
02:02 Why are you getting emotional?
02:05 I'm the one with a pathetic creature like you as my mate.
02:07 I should be the one shedding tears.
02:11 Doesn't matter.
02:12 You can't be my moon.
02:15 (dramatic music)
02:18 My father sacrificed everything for this pack.
02:25 You becoming a luna would destroy it.
02:26 - I'm sorry.
02:27 - What are you sorry about?
02:32 For being weak?
02:34 You are nothing to me other than a body.
02:43 - I'm sorry, Alpha.
02:45 - I can't be with you.
02:49 Don't come near me unless I call for you.
02:52 - Are my pheromones affecting you?
02:55 - Pack is doing good.
02:56 I think we'll be just fine this season.
03:00 - Oh my god, Kieran, is this your mate?
03:03 She's so beautiful.
03:05 I don't know how my hot-headed son got paired
03:07 with a delicate girl like you.
03:10 - Oh, I'm sorry.
03:13 Am I late?
03:14 - I reject Evelyn as my luna.
03:25 I want Naomi.
03:26 I reject her as my luna.
03:36 Evelyn, if you'd like, you can stay here as my mate.
03:38 - You're being selfish.
03:40 Have you ever considered your mate's feelings?
03:42 I'm putting my pack at risk for her feelings.
03:45 - Enough.
03:46 None of us will accept Naomi as your mate.
03:49 Kieran, you and Evelyn will hold a wedding ceremony
03:52 on the next full moon.
03:53 - What?
03:54 (gentle music)
04:02 - Thank you, moon goddess.
04:12 Thank you, everyone, for joining us today.
04:14 - Let's go do this crap and hurry it up, all right?
04:18 - Kieran Winters, do you take this woman
04:21 to be your mate and luna of the shadow pack?
04:24 - I, Kieran Winter, alpha of the shadow pack,
04:26 take Evelyn Gray as my mate and as my luna.
04:30 - And do you take this man to be your mate and alpha?
04:34 - I, Evelyn Gray, accept Kieran Winter,
04:38 alpha of the shadow pack, as my mate
04:41 and my alpha.
04:42 (audience cheering)
04:45 - In sickness and in health.
04:48 Moving on.
04:49 Next.
04:49 Do what I did.
04:56 - What a strange feeling.
05:08 (gentle music)
05:11 - I now pronounce you, Kieran Winter
05:16 and Evelyn Gray Winter, as the alpha and luna
05:20 of the shadow pack.
05:21 You may now kiss your luna.
05:23 - Don't overthink it.
05:24 I'm just following protocol.
05:26 (audience cheering)
05:37 - I wanna make sure you enjoy every bit
05:39 of your time with me.
05:41 - What are you doing?
05:45 - I'm doing what you wanted.
05:50 To mate with me and become my luna.
05:54 It's a full moon.
06:05 It's affecting me.
06:06 - I'm sorry.
06:07 - Evelyn, is everything okay?
06:11 I heard something break.
06:13 - I'm okay.
06:14 - I must do something to win his heart.
06:19 - Oh, hello, luna.
06:27 You know you don't deserve our alpha.
06:30 Naomi is my luna.
06:32 - I'm the mate that the moon goddess chose for the alpha.
06:34 - So what?
06:35 - I wanna accept an omega as my luna.
06:39 - Evelyn, what are you doing here?
06:42 - Evelyn, this is my sister, Ruby.
06:51 We're both here to support you in your role as luna.
06:54 - If there's anything we can do, please let us know.
06:57 - Will you give us a minute?
06:59 What's going on?
07:00 - I've accepted the challenge proposed by Beth.
07:03 - You don't need to do any challenge.
07:05 You're a luna.
07:06 - I need to prove myself to them, especially Karen.
07:09 - Maybe Josh can help.
07:11 - Very good.
07:19 This man.
07:21 - Josh?
07:22 - Scarlet.
07:23 - This is Evelyn, our new luna.
07:25 - Luna?
07:26 - Will you help me?
07:27 - Is this about the challenge?
07:28 - I've heard of it.
07:30 Step forward.
07:31 (dramatic music)
07:34 You have great reflexes.
07:40 Alright, I'll do it.
07:41 - Why?
07:42 - This is gonna be fun.
07:45 You really wanna win this?
07:53 - I have to win.
07:54 - When did she get so close to Josh?
07:56 - Do we need to still train the luna?
07:58 - Can't you see she's already being trained?
08:01 - She's not luna.
08:02 - To push yourself so hard.
08:11 Just ignore them.
08:20 Just do it on purpose.
08:22 - I'll turn.
08:30 - I think I should say something.
08:32 - No.
08:33 - I was just welcoming our new luna.
08:52 - She was just saying hi.
08:54 - If you wanna be one of us,
08:55 you must accept our challenge.
08:57 - What challenge?
08:58 - No matter what challenge you do,
09:00 anything you do actually,
09:02 you're still a weak little omega.
09:05 - If that's what it takes to prove myself,
09:07 then I'm in.
09:08 - Evelyn, this is my sister Ruby.
09:21 We're both here to support you in your role as luna.
09:24 - If there's anything we can do, please let us know.
09:26 - Can you give us a minute?
09:29 What's going on?
09:30 - I accepted the challenge proposed by Beth.
09:32 - You don't need to do any challenge.
09:34 You're a luna.
09:35 - I need to prove myself to them, especially Karen.
09:39 - Maybe Josh can help.
09:40 - Very good.
09:50 This is me.
09:52 - Josh.
09:53 - Scarlett.
09:54 - This is Evelyn, our new luna.
09:55 - Luna?
09:57 - Will you help me?
09:58 - Is this about the challenge?
09:59 - I've heard of it.
10:01 Step forward.
10:02 You have great reflexes.
10:11 All right, I'll do it.
10:12 - Why?
10:13 - This is gonna be fun.
10:15 You really wanna win this?
10:23 - I have to win.
10:25 - When did she get so close to Josh?
10:27 - Do we need to still train the luna?
10:29 - Don't you see she's already being trained?
10:31 And she's not luna.
10:33 - You're strong, luna.
10:43 But knowing your limit is also a form of strength.
10:46 - I can train you, right?
10:48 - You don't have to push yourself so hard.
10:58 - Just ignore them.
11:00 He's doing it on purpose.
11:03 - I'll turn.
11:07 - Maybe I should say something.
11:12 - No.
11:13 (gentle music)
11:16 (gentle music)
11:18 (gentle music)
11:21 (gentle music)
11:23 (gentle music)
