• last year
Vivir De Amor Capitulo 60 Completo
Vivir De Amor Capitulo 61 Completo
Vivir De Amor Capitulo 62 Completo
Vivir De Amor Capitulo 60 Completo
00:03 [BEEPING]
00:08 [TICKING]
00:28 Jimmy.
00:30 Jimmy.
00:30 Jimmy, tranquila.
00:35 Mira, tomate está bien mineralizada para que te relajes.
00:41 Digamos que esta vez sí me preocupas.
00:44 ¿Sabes qué?
00:45 Te voy a servir algo de comer.
00:47 No quiero que te enfermes, porque si te enfermas,
00:49 me vas a meter en problemas.
00:50 No, no, no tengo tiempo de comer.
00:51 Tengo que ir por mi hijo a la escuela.
00:53 Ay, ojalá alguna de las mamás pueda traérmelo.
00:56 ¿No es tu marido quien le toca recogerlo hoy?
00:58 Sí, pero llamó para avisar que él tiene mucho trabajo y que no
01:00 puede salir de la oficina.
01:03 Mira, tú come y yo voy por David. ¿Sí?
01:06 No queda lejos.
01:07 La escuela está a 15 minutos.
01:08 Ay, no, no, no, no, Renato. ¿Cómo crees?
01:09 Qué pena.
01:11 ¿Sí lo dices en serio?
01:12 ¿Te parece que estoy bromeando?
01:14 Come.
01:15 Hola, Helenita.
01:21 No, aquí está todo muy bien.
01:22 No se preocupe.
01:24 ¿Usted cómo se siente?
01:26 Qué pena que no pudo acompañarla.
01:28 Sé que hubieras deseado acompañarnos, Jimena,
01:30 y agradezco que hayas aceptado quedarte al frente del
01:32 restaurante.
01:35 No, me voy a quedar en la casa.
01:38 Me siento indispuesta.
01:40 Nos vemos mañana y gracias de nuevo.
01:42 Y para la señora, un besito.
01:45 Gracias, Tina.
01:46 Ya le pedí a Tina que te suba un besito.
01:48 Será bien recostarte, amiga.
01:50 Quédate, por favor.
01:52 No quiero estar sola.
01:53 A ver, siéntate.
01:54 Ojalá mis hijas sintieran un poquito de este cariño tan
02:05 grande que nos tenemos nosotras.
02:07 Pero es un anhelo que cada día veo más lejos de cumplirse
02:10 entre mis hijas.
02:12 No dudo que Angeli haya puesto todo de su parte para aceptar
02:16 a la otra.
02:19 Es que Rebequita es muy especialita y lo sabes.
02:22 ¿Me vas a decir que realmente crees que Angeli fue capaz de
02:26 empujar a su hermana de la escalera, Elena?
02:29 Es que si hubieras visto lo que yo vi,
02:32 es muy difícil aceptar que una hija sea capaz de hacerle algo
02:35 así a una hermana.
02:38 Pero te estoy diciendo la verdad.
02:41 ¿Por qué tú no me crees?
02:42 Pero qué importa lo que yo crea.
02:45 Lo importante para tus hijas es lo que tú creas, Elena.
02:49 Tú eres su mamá.
02:50 ¿Qué más diría yo por ser justa con mis dos hijas?
02:54 El primer paso ya está dado.
03:02 Ahora solamente falta que la policía haga su trabajo.
03:05 [MÚSICA]
03:10 Me pediste que no me metiera con Angeli,
03:12 pero no mencionaste a tu mamita.
03:15 Disfrutaré tanto de ver cómo se la llevan al bote.
03:17 [MÚSICA]
03:21 Porque ninguna se sintiera ofendida,
03:23 porque le doy la razón a una y no a la otra.
03:26 Porque-- porque las dos sintieran que las adoro por
03:30 igual, con sus efectos, con sus virtudes.
03:34 Es como-- como si tuviera el corazón dividido a la mitad para
03:38 dárselos por completo a ellas.
03:41 Sí, Dios sabe que quiero ser justa con las dos.
03:47 Pero sufro cuando-- cuando veo en sus ojos ese reclamo porque no
03:51 puede comprenderlas.
03:54 Se hizo lo que tiró por viaje.
03:57 Inclinas la balanza a favor de Rebeca.
03:59 Sin importar la sarta de mentiras que te diga ese
04:02 diabla.
04:04 Te juro que daría mi vida por cualquiera de ellas.
04:09 Tú tienes que creerme, Ye.
04:11 Te creo, amiga.
04:13 Tú eres una excelente mamá.
04:15 Escucha tu corazón.
04:17 No dejes que la culpa de lo que pasó hace años te ciegue.
04:21 Porque puedes hacerle un daño irreparable a Angeli y cuando te
04:25 des cuenta, la habrás perdido para siempre,
04:28 amiga.
04:55 Te amo.
04:58 [Sollozos]
05:01 Me mentiste, José Emilio.
05:11 Tu amor ya no es mío.
05:15 Es mejor así.
05:17 Será más fácil para mí olvidarte porque tengo que olvidarte,
05:21 José Emilio.
05:23 Tengo que olvidarte para siempre.
05:26 Gracias.
05:40 ¿Dónde estabas?
05:46 Estaba buscando.
05:48 Estaba ocupado, Rebeca.
05:51 No te olvides de mi mamá.
05:53 Estúpido.
05:59 Me vas a arruinar mis planes.
06:02 Qué bueno que vas a ver a tu mamita porque en la cárcel no la
06:05 vas a poder ver.
06:06 Así como vamos a la vas a echar.
06:07 No, no, no, no se puede.
06:09 [Celular]
06:20 [Celular]
06:21 Buenas tardes, habla Marisa García, ¿en qué puedo servirle?
06:26 Um, yes, yes.
06:29 Please, please, please, please, stop, stop.
06:36 Pinky, parece que la persona que está llamando es gringa porque
06:39 no le entiendo ni jota.
06:41 Marisa.
06:42 Oye, tú sí le sabes al inglés, ¿verdad?
06:44 No.
06:45 Con eso de que anduviste de mojada en el Gabacho.
06:47 Pues, mira, yo la verdad es que pues aprendí nada más algunas
06:50 cositas, Marisa, porque para no morirme de hambre,
06:52 pero hasta ahí.
06:54 Pues, con esas frasecitas.
06:56 Ay, nena.
06:57 Ay, dale, dale, a ver si le entiendes a este gringo.
07:00 Ándale, ándale.
07:01 Ay, a ver, espérame, Marisa, espérame, déjame respirar.
07:04 Ay, ahí voy, ahí voy.
07:06 Hello.
07:10 Ya estoy aquí, Manta.
07:15 ¿Quién es la clienta?
07:17 Pues, mire, aquí la doñita que quiere ponerle pasión a su noche
07:20 de aniversario a One Dukes, ¿cómo ves?
07:22 Pues, mira, tengo en todas tallas, colores, modelos.
07:27 Usted nada más pida.
07:29 Mire nada más qué chulada, eh.
07:31 Con estos modelos me canso que su marido se pone bien firme,
07:34 eh, nada más de verla.
07:35 Mire.
07:36 No sé cómo dejé que se me fuera esta paloma.
07:40 Sebastián no me la va a ganar.
07:42 No, no, señor.
07:44 Okay, man.
07:46 Ajá.
07:47 Sí, yes, yes.
07:50 Ah, ¿Angéli?
07:54 No, no, pues no.
07:56 She later arrive.
07:58 Ajá, sí.
08:00 Bueno, ay, thank you, man.
08:03 Sí, bueno, eh, goodbye.
08:06 Adiosito, ahí se me cuida, mister.
08:09 Ándale, pues, bye, bye.
08:11 Adiós.
08:13 ¿Qué pasó, Pinky?
08:14 ¿Cerraste el pedido?
08:15 Ay, Marisa, pues, ¿cómo?
08:16 Si no le entendí nada.
08:17 Habla bien rapidísimo el señor en inglés.
08:19 Ay, pues, oye.
08:20 Pues, ojalá llame otra vez, porque si no, Pinky,
08:23 vamos a perder un gran pedido.
08:25 ¿Y tu English, qué?
08:26 Ay, contigo de verdad.
08:28 Por cierto,
08:39 gracias por quitarme de encima la lacran de Bruno.
08:42 Vete de Bruno.
08:45 ¿Cómo estás tú?
08:47 Siento tan impotente.
08:50 Perdí la oportunidad de reconciliarme verdaderamente con mi papá.
08:55 Conocía tan poco de él.
08:58 Ni lo mismo puedo decir de José Emilio.
09:01 Te juro que lo desconozco.
09:04 ¿Por qué?
09:06 Acabamos de enterarnos
09:08 que decidió seguir casado con Rebeca.
09:10 ¿Por qué?
09:12 ¿Por qué?
09:13 Él ama a Angelina, lo dijo muchas veces.
09:15 No sé cómo acepto seguir con esa mujer si no la amo.
09:18 A veces uno hace sacrificios por los seres queridos.
09:27 Comprendo que digas eso por tus hijos,
09:30 pero José Emilio nada le impedía de estar junto a Angelina.
09:34 Me siento tan decepcionada de él.
09:37 Ay, Romina.
09:42 Te están comiendo el mandado bien gacho.
09:45 Epa, ya está todo listo.
09:59 Pronto serás mi novia, Mati.
10:02 [¶¶¶]
10:05 ¿Qué tienes, Sandra? ¿Estás bien?
10:16 Nada, Javi, nada.
10:20 Solo que el Gabriel se le va a declarar a Matilde.
10:24 Pues yo lo quiero mucho, Javi, pero él a mí no.
10:29 Ahora ese Gabriel me cae mucho peor.
10:32 Ya sé, Sandra.
10:38 Para que tú estés triste y Matilde no esté con ese payaso,
10:43 yo voy a arruinarle su plan.
10:45 Gracias a mí, Gabriel no se le va a declarar a Matilde.
10:48 Vas a ver.
10:49 ¡Ja! ¡Sí!
10:51 [¶¶¶]
10:58 ¿Ya lista?
10:59 Ay, ya dime, Gabriel. ¿A dónde me vas a llevar?
11:02 Ya te dije que es sorpresa.
11:03 Pero paciencia, pronto lo vas a descubrir, hermosa.
11:07 Me apuro con la emoción. Te va a encantar.
11:10 No, Mati y Gabriel ya se van.
11:12 Sí, ya se dice.
11:13 No, no, no, no.
11:15 Tienes que verlo.
11:16 Matilde no puede ser su novia.
11:18 Tengo que hacer algo.
11:20 Vamos.
11:26 Sí, una serpiente.
11:28 ¡Yupi! Tengo que atraparla.
11:31 Si Matilde la ve, seguro sale corriendo
11:34 y Gabriel ya no podrá hacer su declaración.
11:37 [Gabriel gritando]
11:41 ¿Qué pasó? ¿Qué pasó? ¿Estás bien?
11:47 ¿Qué pasó?
11:48 ¿Qué tienes?
11:49 Me duele mucho.
11:50 Es una coralilla. Es muy venenosa, Matilde.
11:52 ¿Se puede morir?
11:54 No, no, tranquila, tranquila. No, pero nos tenemos que apurar.
11:57 ¡Corre!
12:01 Matilde, ¡zamarralo!
12:04 Ya.
12:07 No, Matilde, no.
12:09 Matilde, por favor.
12:10 Pásame la rienda.
12:11 Ahí está.
12:12 ¡Vamos!
12:16 ¡Vamos, mi cabra!
12:17 Matilde no me contesta.
12:22 Le dije que estuviera lista a tiempo.
12:24 No tarda en llegar el taxi y la niña ni contesta a su celular ni aparece con su hermano.
12:30 Señora Romina, el Javi se puso retemalo.
12:36 Lo acaba de morder una serpiente venenosa.
12:38 ¿Qué?
12:40 Siéntate. Es que llegó un correo.
12:43 Pero se me hace que esté en inglés.
12:45 A mí, que lo envió el mismo gringo que nos habló por teléfono.
12:49 A ver, ¿sabes qué? Léemelo.
12:51 Ya vi en la pantalla, Melissa.
12:53 A ver, para leer bien.
12:54 A ver, espérame un tantito.
12:57 We are very pleased to announce that we are interested in your products.
13:05 And we want to place your first order paying you 50% in advance and the other 50% upon delivery.
13:23 No, Marisa. I think it's something about our products, but...
13:28 You don't know what to say, Marisa.
13:30 Don't play dumb. You're the only one who's been to the States.
13:34 Who else should I tell? I thought you understood.
13:37 Who else? Angelie. She speaks English well.
13:43 I'll have to wait until tomorrow. She called to tell me she's in a funeral.
13:49 I'm so sorry, doctor.
13:51 I don't know, Matilde, but that snake is very venomous.
13:53 I just hope we're on time so they can put the antidote on him.
13:56 What if we're not on time?
13:59 What happened to your brother?
14:01 What were you doing to get bitten by a viper?
14:04 I don't know, Mom. Javi is very bad.
14:06 I just hope he survives.
14:08 Your dad left at a good time.
14:11 Luciana should be here, not with Fatima's family trying to get along.
14:15 Luciana should be here, not with Fatima's family trying to get along.
14:19 Doctor, how's Javi? Can I save him?
14:24 Javi is still very delicate.
14:26 We have to wait a few hours to know if he will survive.
14:29 I'll go get the camera.
14:31 Camera, go work, bitches.
14:48 Hurry, hurry.
14:52 Camera off.
14:58 Door open.
14:59 In positions.
15:05 Brian and the gang have entered.
15:27 Attention, head to where the money is.
15:29 Field team, be on alert.
15:31 All this is our money.
15:50 Come on, what are you waiting for? Grab everything.
15:54 Lucas, it's time. Activate the cameras.
15:56 We have to record Brian's face for his trial.
15:59 What are you doing, kid?
16:07 Why aren't you following the plan?
16:09 Go open the box.
16:10 I'm not doing it, Brian.
16:12 But that box is older than...
16:13 Shut up!
16:14 Don't you want to see my stupid face, okay?
16:21 I don't like this.
16:28 I think the poison has spread all over his blood.
16:33 He's burning a lot.
16:35 God forbid he dies.
16:37 Do you want to shut up, Sandra?
16:38 Your comment doesn't help anyone.
16:40 Hey, hey, hey, hey, calm down, calm down.
16:42 They'll see that Javi is going to get better.
16:45 Make sure you have your feet up.
16:47 And your arm always under your heart.
16:49 It needs to oxygenate your body.
16:51 Leave this blanket on top.
16:53 This will help you a lot.
16:55 Jora, do you think I'll be okay tomorrow morning?
16:58 As I said, we have to wait, ma'am.
17:01 I can't tell you anything in advance.
17:02 Excuse me.
17:04 We should call my dad.
17:07 No, Matilde!
17:08 I already told you that your dad is very busy comforting another family.
17:13 And because his son is dying, we're counting on him.
17:15 I just need Javi to die.
17:20 You know I'm very sorry, brother.
17:35 Thank you, compadre, for coming to the city to accompany us.
17:39 Fortunately, I have you, you and Fatima.
17:42 There's nothing to thank for.
17:44 I know you've been very busy at the corporation.
17:47 Besides, the hacienda is doing very well, man.
17:49 You already know your sister.
17:51 She brings us short, single men.
17:54 And you, who have supported her in everything.
17:56 Thank you.
17:57 Hey, and your wife?
18:01 Does she still work at the hacienda?
18:03 Yes.
18:04 My sons need their mother.
18:06 So yes, Romina is still there.
18:09 Well, believe me, I understand you more than you imagine.
18:12 Sometimes circumstances force you to be with people you don't want.
18:21 Sorry, man. I have to answer this call.
18:28 Lucas, you have to turn on the cameras right now.
18:36 But they have him under surveillance. How am I going to turn on the cameras?
18:39 Turn on the cameras, Lucas, now!
18:41 What are you waiting for, kid? Move!
18:47 Lucas!
18:48 Don't go overboard, Brian.
18:50 What?
18:51 They activated!
18:53 They saw us!
18:55 Now! Get in!
19:02 Now! Get in!
19:03 Hurry! Hurry!
19:09 Congratulations, Lucas. You did a good job.
19:26 [♪♪♪]
19:28 Brian Maldonado, you are under arrest for theft of the People's Bank.
19:40 Rebeca is the queen of the farce.
19:46 And I can't believe my nephew has agreed to marry that marginal.
19:53 That marriage and fantasy will last very little time.
19:56 And you? How can you be so sure that your cousin's marriage won't last long?
20:03 Do you know anything about that girl?
20:06 Oh, please, Dad. It's no secret that Josemilla doesn't love Rebeca.
20:11 In fact, I was never in love with her.
20:14 Because I still love Jelly.
20:16 Or did you not realize that my cousin ran after her at that moment?
20:20 Well, please, let's not forget that we are looking at Mauricio Aran's body.
20:25 Besides, this is not the time or the place to talk about your cousin's feelings.
20:30 Of course. We can't say anything about your favorite nephew.
20:35 I mean, you have more consideration for him than for me, who am your own son.
20:39 But you know what? I don't care anymore.
20:42 Son, I give you all the reason, son.
20:45 There are two issues that can't be dealt with with your father, because he gets a headache.
20:50 The first is called Cristina and the second, Josemilla.
20:54 It's too much with you. I'm not going to argue.
20:58 Uncle, they just told me that they arrested Brian Maldonado.
21:02 Maybe now we can talk to Lucas.
21:05 Who are these guys for you to come and talk about them with such a hurry, nephew?
21:09 Lucas, Ramiro Lopez's friend.
21:12 Ramiro Lopez is not the guy who killed Dulce?
21:15 No, no, no, no. Ramiro was just a spy to hide the real killer of your cousin.
21:22 But it is very important that we talk to Lucas.
21:25 Maybe he can give us a clue of who or who is the criminal.
21:30 Let's hope that now we can discover the real killer of Dulce.
21:40 [Music]
21:43 Well, ma'am, I'm very sorry.
21:52 I barely knew him, but I knew he was a good man.
21:57 If I can help you with anything, I'm here.
22:00 Thank you very much, Rebecca. I'm fine.
22:03 I can't imagine the great pain it must be to lose a husband.
22:08 If I lost Jose Emilio, I wouldn't be able to stand it.
22:12 I don't even want to imagine it. I'm sorry.
22:15 Sorry, I'm not going to say anything else.
22:20 Don't worry, Rebecca.
22:23 These have been very difficult days for everyone.
22:27 The wounds are still very recent.
22:30 Especially the loss of my grandson.
22:34 It was very painful.
22:37 How are you?
22:39 Fine.
22:42 Fine.
22:44 Trying to accept things, right?
22:48 That's life.
22:50 Yes.
22:51 Life surprises you.
22:54 One day I was happy waiting for my son and now I feel empty.
22:59 Yes, Rebecca, I understand you. I know that feeling.
23:05 It's a pain that will stay with you forever.
23:08 But you're young. You'll be able to get pregnant.
23:12 And you'll see that when you have your baby in your arms, everything will be left behind.
23:17 Thank you very much for your words.
23:21 It makes me feel better.
23:23 That's good.
23:25 Look, I just want Jose Emilio to be happy.
23:31 And if my son has decided to get married to you, I'm no one to stop him.
23:38 Despite the mistakes I made, I hope he gives me a second chance.
23:45 No marriage is easy, you know.
23:50 Forgiveness and tolerance are essential for any marriage to work.
23:57 So please leave behind the bad moments you've had.
24:02 Because, I swear, it's the only way to move forward as a couple.
24:07 Otherwise, it hurts a lot.
24:11 And I swear I don't want any of that for you.
24:15 Be sure that I will do everything in my power so that we are always together.
24:24 Thank you for your support. And I'm sorry again.
24:27 I always thought I wouldn't care the day you died, Dad.
24:34 I imagined it wouldn't hurt because you never cared what happened to me.
24:40 Forgive me. Forgive me for not giving you the chance to meet you as a father before.
24:52 For arrogance, for anger.
24:55 Your death ended up taking away that opportunity.
24:59 Forgive me, Dad. Forgive me.
25:03 Forgive me for not giving you the chance you asked for.
25:07 It's not fair that they are suffering like this.
25:15 I don't want them to feel guilty about anything.
25:20 Mauricio doesn't deserve it.
25:22 Mom, I don't understand.
25:25 Don't talk about him. He's not with us anymore. Mom, please.
25:30 They have to know the truth. They have to know who their father really was.
25:38 Now.
25:44 [Crying]
25:46 We have a problem.
25:57 What's going on now?
25:58 Apparently, there's a friend of Chive's who can talk to the police.
26:02 We have to think of something, but now.
26:11 What's going on, Mom?
26:13 Why is there so much mystery? Please tell us.
26:16 First of all, I want to apologize for lying to you for so many years.
26:32 You were very young.
26:39 You were just a few kids, and I didn't want to cause you this pain.
26:44 Mom, tell us now.
26:47 My dad did something else besides abandoning us. Is that it?
26:51 Mom, if remembering what happened years ago hurts you, don't do it.
26:57 It's not necessary. I already told you.
27:00 I have to do it, son. They deserve it.
27:08 But first, I want to tell you that I feel like the most blessed mom,
27:15 the luckiest mom in the world, to have the best kids in the world,
27:22 with the biggest heart.
27:26 Because I know the effort you made to try to forgive your father, Fatima.
27:37 I know, and I recognize it, and I thank you.
27:40 And I don't want you to feel guilty for any reason, or think that what happened was not love.
27:53 Please.
27:57 Many years ago, before Mauricio abandoned us,
28:06 he...
28:07 He stole all my money.
28:13 He stole all my jewels, the most precious ones,
28:19 before he left with his lover.
28:23 My dad did that to you?
28:27 Yes, my love.
28:32 When your grandfather found out, he obviously reported him.
28:37 He managed to get a very long sentence.
28:42 And he was in prison all these years that he was absent, my love.
28:48 Of course. That's why he didn't come back before, for more money.
28:53 He was in prison and that's why we never saw him.
28:57 Yes, my dear.
29:00 I didn't know either, Fatima.
29:02 I found out he was released from prison when he came back to look for us.
29:07 Maybe he was sorry for what he did to us.
29:12 The prison could have changed him, that's why he came back to us.
29:16 No, no. Nothing justifies what he did.
29:19 We never cared about him, Fatima.
29:21 And neither did my mom.
29:23 He only came back for money, like a thief.
29:26 Like that.
29:29 My love, I was also irresponsible.
29:32 I wanted to believe in him.
29:36 For you.
29:38 After everything he did for a...
29:42 I don't know. I was a fool. Forgive me, please.
29:47 I was deceived, my love.
29:50 I was deceived.
29:54 He stole me again, Fatima.
29:57 He opened the safe again.
30:00 He stole the money again.
30:03 He took my jewelry again.
30:06 And when he had everything ready in a suitcase,
30:10 he went on a trip and they killed him.
30:13 Who knows what business he was in, but...
30:17 he couldn't leave the country anymore, my dear.
30:26 My love, forgive me.
30:28 I never should have suffered this pain, my love.
30:33 I swear that all I wanted
30:38 was to have a father close to me.
30:42 It's your fault, Mom.
30:46 You've been the best mother in the world.
30:50 And we love you so much.
30:54 And we'll always be with you.
30:58 Right?
31:01 Yes, Mommy.
31:03 Forgive me, please.
31:10 Forgive me, please.
31:12 Forgive me, please.
31:15 Forgive me, please.
31:18 There they are.
31:25 What happened here?
31:29 I came back from the factory, but I saw there were patrols.
31:32 Well, they wanted to steal the popular cash box, you think?
31:35 They almost took all our savings.
31:38 But I have all my money there.
31:39 There's Brian. It's time to pay this bastard.
31:42 Honestly, yes.
31:44 He's been doing his thing for a long time in the neighborhood.
31:47 And they just didn't get him.
31:49 A job as a donkey.
31:51 And it's not fair, right?
31:53 They steal everything we earn with tears, sweat, everything.
31:55 It's not fair, huh? It's not fair.
31:57 Hey.
32:01 Did you see, Lupe? They caught Brian.
32:02 Really?
32:04 But why? What did that rascal do?
32:07 Let's go inside.
32:08 Everything went wrong, people.
32:12 I think Brian saw me turn on the cameras.
32:14 Then Memo and Axel got away.
32:16 What are we going to do?
32:18 Don't worry, Lucas.
32:20 The important thing was to lock up Brian, and we did it.
32:22 You did a great job. Congratulations.
32:24 What?
32:27 What? I helped them.
32:29 I helped them. Why are they exposing me?
32:31 We have to follow the protocol
32:33 so as not to evidence that you betrayed the gang.
32:36 You are also still under arrest
32:37 until the judge finds out about your support in the operation.
32:40 And we can request your parole.
32:43 Trust me, Lucas.
32:45 Okay?
32:47 Look, they also caught Lucas.
32:50 What?
32:52 That's what happens to those who hang out with criminals.
32:54 I don't know. I like Lucas.
32:56 I feel really bad for him.
32:58 They're going to think he's a thief.
33:00 My son is not a thief.
33:02 Don't worry, Lupe. I'll do as you say.
33:05 If he was robbed, it was because of Brian.
33:07 You know him very well.
33:09 That crook forced him.
33:11 Besides, we all know how that vagabond spent money
33:13 to make the good guys lose.
33:15 Yes, of course.
33:17 Lucas.
33:23 Lucas, my love. You were very brave.
33:25 I assure you that you will get out of this mess very quickly, okay?
33:29 May God and the Virgin accompany you, my love.
33:34 You're going to be okay.
33:35 Take him away.
33:37 We love you, Lucas.
33:39 Stupid moron!
33:45 I'll see you later.
33:47 I'll see you later!
33:48 Dinner is here, my love.
34:06 Oh, I'm so glad. I'm going to be so happy.
34:08 I didn't even have time to eat.
34:10 Jimmy told me you went to the Pope's funeral.
34:16 I suppose you saw him.
34:17 Yes.
34:19 I went to give my condolences to the family.
34:21 I don't want to pretend that nothing is wrong, Angeli.
34:26 The most important thing for me is that you are happy.
34:30 And as much as it hurts me to admit it,
34:33 I know you still love him.
34:35 I also know that he is going to divorce Rebecca
34:38 to be with you.
34:40 And, you see, even if I wanted to protect you from Josemillo
34:42 because he is a thief,
34:45 and I don't want you to suffer again because of him,
34:46 I also think that,
34:48 apart from him,
34:50 maybe I'm the one who is really hurting you
34:52 for holding me to you.
34:54 I don't know.
34:56 You might think I'm crazy,
34:58 but for me, the best
35:00 is what is best for you.
35:02 Okay.
35:04 Are you done?
35:06 Look, Renato,
35:08 Josemillo is not going to divorce Rebecca.
35:10 And I don't want to think about him anymore.
35:12 I don't want it to be a matter of conversation
35:14 between us.
35:15 So, are you done?
35:17 Understood?
35:19 Yes, yes, yes.
35:21 Look, I'm closed.
35:23 Do you want to see what I brought you for dinner?
35:25 Of course.
35:27 You're going to love it.
35:29 I prepared it especially for you.
35:31 It's duck foie gras.
35:33 Oh, how delicious!
35:35 I'm hungry.
35:37 To accompany it, orange jam
35:39 to add a little acidity.
35:41 It smells very good.
35:43 And of course, a bottle of sweet wine
35:44 to accompany it.
35:46 Renato,
35:48 thank you for loving me so much.
35:50 Thank you for pampering me,
35:52 for being very patient with me
35:54 and above all, for not pressuring me.
35:56 I promise I will do everything I can
35:59 so that this relationship,
36:01 our relationship,
36:03 works.
36:05 Okay?
36:07 Yes.
36:09 [Music]
36:14 Oh, Fatima.
36:16 What a difficult day for the family.
36:19 But you know,
36:21 it comforts me to know that at least
36:24 Dulce didn't have to suffer the pain of losing a father.
36:27 But I had you,
36:30 you always protected her.
36:32 All this must have removed so many things from you.
36:38 Remembering the pain of her loss.
36:39 Too much.
36:42 But you know, in situations like this,
36:45 I am very grateful and I value
36:47 that you still consider me part of the family.
36:49 Thanks to the love of all of you,
36:52 things have been easier for me.
36:54 Will it be the boyfriend?
37:00 Hey,
37:06 by the way,
37:07 who is that guy who doesn't take his eyes off you?
37:10 Is he the new engineer of the farm?
37:13 It's an impossible love.
37:16 Well, not so impossible because he keeps seeing you.
37:20 Do you want water?
37:24 No, no.
37:26 Angeli?
37:27 What's wrong, son?
37:35 You thought it was Angeli, right?
37:36 Yes.
37:38 Honey,
37:41 why did you decide to continue marrying Rebecca?
37:43 Please tell me.
37:46 I know something is happening.
37:48 Son, I'm your mother, I know you perfectly well,
37:51 and I know something is happening.
37:53 Mom,
37:55 I can't lie to you.
37:57 Of course all this is very difficult for me.
38:00 I wish with all my blood
38:04 to be with Angeli,
38:05 but I have to learn to live without her.
38:08 I said I was going to forget you, Jose Emilio, and this time
38:27 I'm serious.
38:29 I don't want to see you
38:33 I don't want anything to make me remember you.
38:35 I have to stop thinking about you.
39:02 Goodbye, Jose Emilio.
39:03 Goodbye forever.
39:08 And that's why I have to continue marrying Rebecca, Mom.
39:14 I'm not going to let Angeli go to jail.
39:16 Never.
39:18 But son, listen to me.
39:20 Mom, don't insist.
39:22 The decision has already been made.
39:24 Promise me that no one will know about this.
39:27 Promise me, Mom.
39:29 I can understand that you are doing all this for love,
39:31 but I will never agree with your unhappiness.
39:34 Understand me, your friend, Jose Emilio.
39:36 I can't believe Rebecca
39:38 was able to do this just to continue marrying you.
39:41 And I don't want you to trust Rebecca.
39:44 Please.
39:46 I don't want her to hurt you.
39:48 Okay?
39:50 You are very generous and you always open your heart.
39:52 So I don't doubt that she will hurt you.
39:54 I don't doubt that she will hurt you.
39:57 You are very generous and you always open your heart.
39:59 So I don't doubt that she will hurt you.
40:01 Don't worry about me.
40:04 The only thing that matters to me is you, my love.
40:07 As long as Angeli is okay, I will be okay.
40:11 I want her to be safe, to be happy,
40:14 to continue with her projects.
40:17 That's all I care about, Mom.
40:20 Just her.
40:22 [Music]
40:28 (dramatic music)