Commodity of the Day (19/04/2024)

  • 5 months ago
Harga minyak mentah naik tinggi, di tengah reaksi laporan rudal Israel telah menyerang sebuah lokasi di Iran. Harga batu bara melejit, didorong oleh potensi permintaan di masa depan masih tinggi. Sementara harga emas masih melaju, meskipun The Fed masih Hawkish terkait kebijakan suku bunga.


00:00 We continue to follow the development of the community of Mirsa where the price of crude oil is rising.
00:04 In the middle of the report, the Israeli missile has attacked a location in Iran.
00:08 The price of coal is constantly being pushed by the potential demand in the future is still high,
00:13 while the price is still rising, although the fact is still curious about the Sukobo's policy.
00:18 The price of coal is constantly being pushed by the potential demand in the future that will still be overflowing.
00:27 The existence of coal as an energy source is expected to continue,
00:33 although the energy transition continues to be tied.
00:36 Global Energy Monitor or GEM,
00:39 the world's list of increasing capacity for coal-fired power plants,
00:44 in 2023 compared to previous years since 2016.
00:49 In our trade, at the time, the price of coal in Acuanyuk Castle was recorded at US$141 per ton,
00:57 exceeding 1.5% compared to the previous day.
01:01 Gold is getting stronger in May because of the constant pressure in the Middle East,
01:07 adding the power to pull the gold bar,
01:09 although strong economic data from the United States increases the hawkish attitude of the Fed.
01:14 In addition, the rise in gold prices occurred although the data shows that the employment claims of the US week did not change
01:21 at the lowest level last week.
01:23 According to definitive data, the gold price in the sports market increased by 1% at US$2,378.25 per troy ounce,
01:32 while on Friday morning, the world's gold price continued to increase and was at US$2,380.25 per troy ounce.
01:42 The price of oil plunged in Friday's trade as a reaction to reports that the Israeli missile
01:52 had attacked a location in Iran.
01:54 This situation raises concerns that the Middle East oil team may be disturbed.
01:59 The price of Reuters oil in Malaysia increased by 3% to US$89.74 per barrel,
02:07 the price of West Texas Intermediate or WTI increased by 3.1% to US$84.66 per barrel.
02:16 Previously in the trade on Thursday, the price of Reuters oil in Malaysia dropped by 0.2%,
02:21 and WTI increased by 0.1%
02:25 Various sources, IDX channel
02:29 And we will immediately update how the price movement of a number of communities
02:34 that were covered by our team reported this afternoon in West Indonesia.
02:39 The price of WTI oil increased by 0.40% to US$83.72 per barrel.
02:45 Nickel also increased by 1.21% to US$19,072 per metric ton.
02:51 Gold increased significantly to 2.77%, it seems to record the highest record in history at US$2404.15 per ounce.
03:02 While the price of oil decreased by 0.55% to US$3,979 per ton.
03:09 Thank you for watching.