Midi infos - 19/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Midi infos - 19/04/2024


00:00 [Music]
00:13 The information is continued on Median TV Afrique.
00:16 Thank you for joining us for this round of news, here are the headlines.
00:19 Israel reports the response to the attack of Iran on its territory.
00:24 Tehran has reported three explosions near a military base in the center of the country.
00:29 Details to follow in this news.
00:31 The United States put an end to yesterday's dream of full and entire adhesion of Palestinians to the UN,
00:39 putting their veto on the Security Council and a decision immediately denounced by the Palestinian Authority,
00:45 which sees a flagrant aggression.
00:47 Africa Nations Cup in Futsal, the Lions of Atlas will face Libya for a place in the final.
00:55 In a press conference, the national team and its players intend to defend their title and validate their ticket for the World Cup in Uzbekistan.
01:03 We meet right away for the development.
01:07 Welcome ladies and gentlemen, let's go right away to Iran where strong explosions have been reported
01:14 after Israel threatened to respond to the attack launched by Tehran against its territory last weekend.
01:21 Tehran reported three explosions at dawn near a military base in the center of the country,
01:28 reported to the official Fars agency.
01:31 According to state television, these strong explosions were heard in the disappearing province,
01:37 in the center and the causes are not yet known.
01:41 Iran has activated its air defense in several provinces.
01:46 Drones were shot down but there have been no missile attacks so far, said Iranian authorities.
01:56 At the same time, the official Iranian agency IRNA has announced that no major damage has been reported after the explosions.
02:05 In addition, the Secretariat of the Supreme National Security Council has denied press information
02:12 according to which this instance presided by the President of the Islamic Republic, Ebrahim Raisi,
02:18 had organized an emergency meeting today following these explosions, according to the Tasnim agency.
02:26 Washington was warned of the Israeli attack on Iran this morning,
02:33 but he did not approve the operation or play any role in its execution.
02:38 The officials cited by the American media, NBC and CNN,
02:43 citing sources related to the facts of the question,
02:47 and an American official reported that Israel had warned Washington of its operation on Iran.
02:53 According to CNN, Israel announced yesterday to the United States that it would take measures to counter Iran.
03:00 In the days to come, the White House did not comment on the Israeli strike.
03:08 The Security Council made its decision yesterday, so much awaited,
03:16 on the full and complete adhesion of the Palestinians to the UN.
03:20 A decision denounced by Palestine, whose legion was blocked by the veto of the United States.
03:27 The explanations are with Sheikh Mahfoukri.
03:30 The United States breaks the Palestinian dream of full and complete adhesion to the UN.
03:37 No surprise, the country has used its veto right at the end of Thursday,
03:41 to the Security Council, to end the Palestinian demand dated 2011.
03:46 The Palestinians, who have since 2012 the status of a minority of observers,
03:51 have been asking for several weeks on the side of the Arab countries.
03:55 The Council has accepted that a Palestinian state, already recognized by the majority of the capitals,
03:59 takes its legitimate place within the United Nations.
04:02 A request that does not come to fruition.
04:05 The United States voted against this Security Council resolution.
04:12 Once again, the United States firmly supports the solution of the two states.
04:17 This vote does not reflect an opposition to the creation of a Palestinian state,
04:20 but rather the recognition that it can result only from direct negotiations between the parties.
04:26 The United States, which has done everything to delay the vote,
04:31 did not hesitate to resort to their veto rights, which they regularly use,
04:35 to protect their Israeli ally.
04:37 However, our American colleagues think otherwise.
04:40 Since they have used their veto rights for the fifth time since the start of the Gaza Strip,
04:45 they once again demonstrated their true attitude towards the Palestinians.
04:49 For Washington, they do not deserve to have their own state.
04:52 They are only an obstacle to the realization of Israel's interests.
04:55 This is why the United States is ready to close its eyes on the crimes committed by Israel
04:59 against the civilians in Gaza until the last moment.
05:06 And seeing a blatant aggression that pushes the Middle East to the brink of disaster,
05:10 the Palestinian Authority immediately denounces its decisions in this context.
05:14 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has shared his concerns
05:18 with the Security Council on the situation in the Middle East.
05:22 The absence of progress towards a two-state solution will only increase the volatility
05:28 and risks for hundreds of millions of people in the region,
05:32 who will continue to live under the constant threat of violence.
05:36 I urge all concerned governments to use their influence
05:40 to promote trust, mutual security and regional peace.
05:44 Hamas has also condemned the American veto,
05:48 ensuring that the Palestinian people would continue their struggle
05:52 until the establishment of an independent Palestinian state,
05:56 fully in line with Al-Quds, for capital.
05:59 The Israeli government opposes the solution to two states,
06:03 defended by a large majority of the international community, including the United States.
06:08 As a reminder, the admission of a state to the UN must receive a positive recommendation from the Council,
06:13 at least 9 votes out of 15 in favor, without veto of a permanent member,
06:17 then be approved by the General Assembly, with a majority of two-thirds.
06:21 The United States has also put forward American legislation
06:25 that would force them to cut their funding to the UN in the event of a Palestinian adhesion,
06:30 outside of such a bilateral agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.
06:34 As part of a search and rescue mission,
06:38 a Royal Air Force team, reinforced by a Royal Navy diver,
06:44 assisted 12 sub-Saharan people off the coast of the village of Tarouma,
06:49 including a minor candidate for irregular immigration.
06:53 After locating the people reported in distress stuck in a cliff,
06:58 the rescue team has succeeded in their recovery and evacuation,
07:02 according to a statement from the General Staff of the Royal Army Forces.
07:06 The people who were to join the Canary Islands received the necessary care,
07:12 before being handed over to the Royal Gendarmerie for the administrative procedure of use,
07:18 the same source specifies.
07:21 On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its creation,
07:25 the SAESM, a joint company between Safran Aircraft Engine and Royal Air Morocco Ram,
07:32 inaugurated on Thursday the extension of its nesting site,
07:36 located on the area of ​​Mohamed V Airport in Casablanca.
07:40 More details with Alaa Benani.
07:42 Safran Aircraft Engine Services Morocco and the Ram
07:47 have recently inaugurated the extension of their nesting site in Casablanca.
07:51 The two partners have also signed a memorandum of understanding.
07:55 The latter is an act of increasing the capacity of the site by 2000 square meters,
08:00 and the increase in the number of maintenance operations,
08:03 from 70 to 100 maintenance operations and engine repair per year by 2026.
08:10 In fact, this partnership was the core of the development of the aeronautical industry in Morocco,
08:15 which is now more than 25 years old.
08:17 It is based on very intimate relations between the specialists of the aeronautical industry
08:25 and the Royal Air Morocco, and it is also based on operational excellence,
08:31 which needs strong skills.
08:34 Training in this sense is an essential element.
08:37 Safran Aircraft Engine Services Morocco thus offers a complete range of services
08:43 covering the entire maintenance process, from diagnostics to performance guarantee at the test bench.
08:50 Today, the SAESM site is one of the best sites in the world in terms of quality,
08:56 quality of service and security in engine management.
09:01 So it's a pride.
09:02 The signing of the memorandum today allows us to better understand the future
09:07 and to go from a little less than 70 engines per year to 100 engines per year.
09:13 And our ambition, as I said a little earlier, is also to move towards new generation engines.
09:18 The ambition is to offer all our customers a network of maintenance and repair workshops
09:27 to the standards of the one we have here in Morocco.
09:31 And we have an increase in these after-sales activities,
09:34 which will be very important in the years to come.
09:37 Hence this ambition today to increase to more than 100 engine treatments per year
09:42 here on our Casablanca site.
09:45 To support this development, the company also plans to recruit
09:51 a hundred people by 2026, bringing the total workforce to 350 people.
09:57 It will rely on local academic partnerships,
10:01 supported by Royal Air Maroc and Safran Aircraft Engines,
10:04 for the development of EMERO expertise in Morocco.
10:08 It should be recalled that in order to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions
10:12 of Safran facilities, the site is investing in the installation of photovoltaic panels
10:16 on the roof of the parking lot, with the aim of reaching a renewable energy volume
10:22 of 30% by 2025.
10:26 Let us now look at the situation in Burkina Faso, where the authorities of the transition
10:31 have declared "persona non grata" three French diplomats,
10:35 including two political advisers at the French embassy in Ouagadougou.
10:39 They are accused of subversive activities.
10:43 In a note dated last Tuesday, they were asked to leave the country
10:48 in the next 48 hours.
10:50 In the latest news, the diplomats were in a surveillance residence.
10:54 And to talk about this, we are live from Kinshasa with Henri Nzouzi,
11:02 geopolitical expert and director of the diplomatic JT.
11:07 Hello to you and thank you for answering our invitation.
11:10 Thank you, thank you for the invitation.
11:13 So, Mr Nzouzi, three French diplomats have been expelled from Ouagadougou
11:18 for so-called subversive activities.
11:21 What is your reaction to this measure by the Burkina Faso government?
11:25 First of all, it is a measure that is in complete accordance with the Vienna Convention
11:30 on diplomatic relations.
11:32 The accredited state has the right to expel diplomats for reasons it will have to specify.
11:40 So that is the first thing.
11:42 Let us not see malice or conspiracy.
11:44 It is therefore a legitimate right.
11:46 For the rest, we are in the confirmation of the degradation of relations
11:51 between the two countries.
11:54 Degradation that began last year,
11:56 because we were not spared, I would say, by a certain number of upheavals.
12:01 In September 2023, the French military attaché had made the subject of an expulsion measure
12:08 by the Burkina Faso authorities,
12:12 showing that there was indeed a real descent into hell between the two countries
12:18 in relation to their relations.
12:20 It should be remembered that at the beginning of the year, already in 2023,
12:23 the Burkina Faso authorities had requested the departure of Ambassador Alad.
12:27 Subsequently, they even refused, at least, the approval of the new designated ambassador,
12:34 which subsequently justified or, in any case, caused the suspension by France
12:41 of its budgetary support and its cooperation in so many acts
12:46 that have confirmed the totally damaged character of these relations between the two countries.
12:54 And can we also talk about the will of the authorities in place
12:58 for a crossing of a form of neo-colonialist guardianship in Burkina,
13:03 which is also part of that manifested in other Sahel countries?
13:08 Yes, it should be remembered that the relations have always been very complex between the two countries.
13:14 A relationship that has often manifested itself by a lot of contempt, condescension.
13:20 In any case, this is what a certain Burkina Faso opinion felt.
13:24 Today, we have the impression that there is a will to reappropriate,
13:28 a will to express a sovereignty that, for a long time, has, it seems, been scoffed at.
13:34 This is, in any case, the point of view of Burkina Faso.
13:38 It is a very strong signal that is a bit in the air of time,
13:42 which may go much further than some countries,
13:45 which are also confronted with relational difficulties with France,
13:50 but which show that we have truly entered a totally new era.
13:55 Guinea, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, and today also.
14:00 What is the future if we also look at the situation of France in these countries, but also in West Africa?
14:06 You will notice that among these countries, we have Guinea, which is a bit of an exception,
14:14 since Guinea has not broken its relations with France.
14:18 On the contrary, Burkina, Niger, and Mali,
14:22 which have expressed their desire to want to operate a certain rupture.
14:28 This is obviously translated by the departure of Barkhane and by a number of internal measures
14:33 which truly show a desire to be able to turn the page
14:38 and perhaps to forge a totally different type of relationship with other actors.
14:43 We are obviously thinking of Russia, but we must understand that we have entered a totally different era
14:49 where today there is more and more a desire to get rid of any kind of guardianship,
14:55 whatever it is, and wherever it comes from.
14:58 And to do this, there are strong actions that translate this desire expressed by these different states.
15:04 Ariane Zouzi, thank you.
15:06 I remind you that you are a geopolitical expert and director of the diplomatic JT,
15:11 and you were in direct with us from Kinshasa.
15:14 Thank you very much.
15:16 Direction now Mali, or in line with its objective of working on regional economic development
15:23 through investment in socio-economic infrastructure,
15:27 the youth and stabilization program funded by the European Union
15:31 has also just funded the construction of a bridge of a value of more than 900 million francs FF
15:37 in Dekorobougou in the Shikaso region.
15:41 Our correspondent Mohamed Dagnoko attended the ceremony of the laying of the first stone.
15:46 It is in a festive atmosphere that the population of Dekorobougou in the Zanjena municipality
15:52 welcomes local and regional authorities and those responsible for the youth and stabilization program
15:58 who have come to lay the first stone of their bridge.
16:01 A bridge that will relieve this whole part of the country, especially in the winter.
16:07 We have our fields of culture behind the watercourse.
16:15 In the winter, we cross a pirogue to get there.
16:19 All the solutions we have undertaken have been ephemeral.
16:23 This bridge will therefore be of great use to us.
16:27 A watered area and large production, this bridge will allow several circles to be connected
16:33 and also facilitate the production of production thanks to the support of the European Union
16:38 and its partners in the region.
16:41 It already connects two circles, the circle of Kolandiaba and the circle of Shikaso.
16:47 In Kolandiaba, with the support of the European Union, we have already made an arrangement
16:53 at the level of Negala in the Colosso municipality, which is also a large production basin.
16:59 To leave Negala and Shikaso, you often have to go through Kolandiaba.
17:07 It takes about 400 km to get there.
17:10 With this bridge, I think we should be able to make a shortcut of more than 100 km.
17:15 With a budget of nearly 1 billion francs CFA, the European Union, by financing this bridge
17:21 through the project, meets a need expressed by the population.
17:26 The choice of Degorabugu is not a coincidence.
17:29 It was a long time ago that the regional council of Shikaso had undertaken a lot of things
17:36 to realize this bridge.
17:39 This is why the Council has brought the European Union closer through the project.
17:46 This is how this project came about.
17:48 On the ground, machines and engineers are at the forefront of the work to deliver the work in 8 months.
17:56 And then in Niger, the first edition of the Weekly Numeric was opened yesterday.
18:02 Under the theme "Digital and Sovereignty" for three days,
18:06 authorities, visitors and experts will exchange and reflect on a better contribution of technologies to social well-being.
18:14 The explanations with our correspondent Jean-Dubril William.
18:17 This is a first that illustrates a growing interest in the fields of technology and electronic communications.
18:24 In Niamé, the Weekly Numeric, since Thursday, hundreds of participants from various countries have gathered.
18:31 Three days of exchange and reflection in order to reduce the digital divide and ensure a digital transformation that is inclusive and sustainable.
18:40 The Weekly Numeric aims to raise and focus reflections on public policies, projects and initiatives of all actors in the ecosystem.
18:51 It gives us the opportunity to bring forward innovative ideas that can arouse the enthusiasm of decision-makers and other users
18:59 to better appropriate the uses of technology, information and communication.
19:04 A meeting whose first edition is focused this year on the theme of the contribution of digital to national sovereignty.
19:11 A challenge, but also a necessity, to which Mali and Burkina Faso are also identified.
19:17 Countries, guests and members of the Niger Alliance of the States of the Sahel.
19:22 The IAS is now engaged in the fight for sovereignty and this is ongoing.
19:27 Today, no one can effectively ensure its security and defense without the competition of digital resources
19:34 or ensure sustainable economic growth without the introduction of information and communication technologies.
19:41 But the IAS is above all an opportunity to promote innovation,
19:45 in particular through an exhibition highlighting the know-how of start-ups and technological companies in Niger.
19:53 The opportunity to highlight solutions and local digital initiatives.
19:57 Today is an opportunity for us to present our solutions, to present what we know how to do and to present the Nigerian medium.
20:05 It is an opportunity to tie links, to link up and to try to grow together.
20:11 For us, it is already an opportunity to meet decision-makers, to explain to them what we provide,
20:18 what we produce at eFuture, what it can bring to our population.
20:23 Already, we are talking about digital payments, the digitization of several public services here in Niger.
20:30 This week of digital should also allow the evolution of digital in Niger.
20:36 Several awareness sessions are also planned,
20:40 especially at the Young People's Place for an orientation towards future jobs and high added value of digital.
20:47 Ladies and gentlemen, let us take you through the melodies to Ivory Coast with the Danumambo Urban Music Festival,
20:56 organized each year by the Magic System group.
20:59 An artistic meeting to which our correspondent Stéphane Souamahoul attended.
21:05 The prestigious Maître Gims, the sublime Sonia Jobarté, Frank Lich, Gadji Senni, Onel Mala
21:11 and more than a hundred international artists. The poster of the 16th edition of the Danumambo Urban Music Festival promises an exceptional edition.
21:21 Asalfo, general commissioner of FEMUA, wants to give a new boost to African youth through this edition.
21:28 To the youth, I would like to take advantage of this FEMUA with its theme to launch an appeal.
21:34 Because this youth today must be aware of the effects that certain substances can have,
21:42 that certain practices can have on their lives, on their health.
21:46 And precisely this youth, who in many African countries lives in silence, the afro of mental health.
21:53 FEMUA intends to take advantage of the channel of culture and music to evoke this almost taboo subject.
22:00 What motivates me even more to this FEMUA 16 is the theme, the mental health of young people.
22:08 Our youth needs to be helped, we must support the mental health of this youth.
22:14 The FEMUA 16, which runs from May 14 to 19, 2024, usually goes from three concerts to five now.
22:21 And in its policy of integration of communities and cultures, this year it is Guinea-Bissau that is the country of honor.
22:28 The decentralized events will take place in Ferkesedougou, in the north of the Ivory Coast, a strategic choice for Asalfo.
22:35 In an unprecedented way, we are going to Ferkesedougou this year.
22:38 It is our environment that will give birth to another FEMUA.
22:44 So for me, I invite all the festival-goers to come and experience this, because it cannot be told.
22:51 It is something that we must live.
22:53 Since its creation in 2008, it is nearly 1,500 artists who have performed on stage,
22:59 nearly 5,500,000 festival-goers, more than 500 million spectators and viewers,
23:05 12,000 school-aged children and above all 12,000 jobs created, much more than a musical party.
23:11 The FEMUA is a vector of integration and development.
23:19 Let's now look at the sport with the Africa Cup of Nations in Futsal.
23:23 The semi-final duel against Libya was prepared with rigor and discipline
23:29 to put all the chances on our side,
23:32 said the Lions of the Atlas, Hicham De Geeg, in a press conference.
23:37 Before the match, he said that just after the semi-final qualification,
23:42 we started the preparation for this decisive meeting against the Libyans
23:46 to sign a positive result.
23:49 On his side, Soufiane El Mesrar, captain of the Moroccan team,
23:53 said that the players are determined to defend their title,
23:57 adding that the qualification for the next World Cup,
24:00 scheduled in Uzbekistan, is an additional motivation for the players.
24:05 In the other match on Friday, Egypt will face Angola for a place in the final.
24:10 And that's the end of this edition.
24:13 Thank you for watching.
24:15 See you soon on Mediatape Africa.
24:18 [Music]