Spring snow returning to parts of Colorado

  • 5 months ago
The snow is expected to melt rapidly this weekend, but for a day or two, it may feel like winter again in areas around Denver.
00:00Well, Melissa, we're dealing with a couple of big headlines here. Some of these involve chill and cold and even snow and others involve the heat. We're going to take you to the southwest in a little bit, but the first of our big three takes us to Colorado, actually, where we're dealing with some accumulating snow and, you know, snow still is somewhat common in the month of April, even though we're deep into spring in many areas in Colorado, we have kind of an unusual snow climatology in Denver with two humps early and late in the season, it actually becomes a little less likely we get big, decent storms into January.
00:29In places like the Front Range. So in this case, we're looking at some accumulating snow, not a huge amount, but about one to three inches of snow expected for the Denver Metro. You get into the mountains, we're going to see more than that elsewhere beyond Colorado. We step into other areas where it's going to be pretty chilly tonight. You can see temperatures down below freezing into Minneapolis around 30 in the Sioux Falls, even below freezing into Omaha 31 into Des Moines, Iowa. And here is that snow event there as the snow expands out of the mountains into the high plains.
00:58Through Denver, parts of I-70 and some rain showers into more of Kansas. We'll see a little snow into western Nebraska tied to this as well, and ultimately this will be pivoting east and we're going to see a lot of cloud cover tied to that, but it'll be bright, otherwise chilly farther to the north. And overall, Saturday, a chilly time for a lot of us in the northern plains and Sunday, we're going to begin to warm up out there, melting some of that snow pretty rapidly away.
