• last year
What You Wish For Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Ryan (Nick Stahl) is a talented, down-on-his-luck chef with crushing gambling problems. Circumstances being what they are, he leaves town in a hurry for the safe haven of an unnamed Latin American country where his friend Jack (Brian Groh), a more prestigious chef with his own unique troubles, welcomes him into his home. Ryan has no idea how Jack's able to afford his extravagant lifestyle cooking for the elite in paradise; he doesn't want to feel envious, yet he can't help but want this life for himself as well. Soon, a grim twist of fate will give that to him. Ryan assumes his friend's identity and soon discovers just what Jack's been doing to maintain the lifestyle he so desperately craved.

directed by Nicholas Tomnay

starring Nick Stahl, Tamsin Topolski, Brian Groh, Randy Vasquez

release date May 31, 2024 (in select theaters and on VOD/Digital)
00:03 Hey, he's here.
00:08 You working?
00:09 Been in Dallas.
00:10 What restaurant?
00:11 Just at the Marriott.
00:12 In the kitchen?
00:13 Well, it could be a hell of a lot worse.
00:16 Maybe you work for an agency?
00:17 Catering company, I guess you'd call it.
00:20 They just send you to places like this, huh?
00:22 Pay must be great.
00:25 A lot of rich people, they just want an extraordinary experience.
00:28 I think it's old.
00:29 If you need a sous chef, I'm a good one.
00:47 Jack?
01:01 Yeah?
01:02 I'm excited to work with you.
01:04 I've heard some interesting things.
01:06 The produce is in good shape, then, is it?
01:08 I haven't chosen the produce yet.
01:10 The dinner's tomorrow.
01:11 You do know that, right?
01:12 This is one dinner.
01:14 Yes, of course, it's just one dinner.
01:16 A bad dish from you and your life will end.
01:19 Is that clear enough?
01:22 Good.
01:25 Don't you ever feel like you're doing the wrong thing?
01:29 If you run, they will find you.
01:31 You know this, right?
01:32 Make the dessert, Jack.
01:44 This soup.
01:56 Glad you like it.