Take a look at one what four months of dedication to the craft can do, as we meet a Shropshire lad who hopes one day to make a living from painting. He has created a stunning painting capturing Bridgnorth in all her glory.
00:00 So how you doing sir? Very well, very well thank you.
00:03 Very talented artist, this isn't your profession is it? This is a hobby at the minute?
00:07 Correct yeah I'm a plumber full-time and I do my art in my spare time.
00:13 Yeah well you needed a bit of spare time for this one because it's how long's this one taking you in total?
00:18 I started this one just after Christmas, what we know April, so I would say probably about four months on and off.
00:25 Yeah that's a long time isn't it? I'd be reluctant to let anything go out my hands if I spent four months creating it.
00:32 Well I mean yeah but the whole point of art is eventually to sell it anyway and given the enjoyment I've got out of painting it,
00:38 selling it you know is part of the course really that's what I do.
00:42 So you're going to be, I mean we don't need to, we shouldn't need to tell people this is obviously Bridge North, the beautiful Bridge North.
00:48 And so people will be able to get copies of this won't they? But you'll be doing prints I believe?
00:53 Yeah there are prints available on my website yes that is peteherringtonartist.com
00:58 and there are prints available on there from small right up to large and also a large scale full reproduction on canvas which is available so check it out yeah.
01:09 And we'll bring up a couple of images of other buildings you've done.
01:12 We've got one of the farm buildings that's kind of on the family plot, lovely bit of moody sky rolling in there.
01:19 Thank you yeah.
01:20 And what's the other one, where was the other one?
01:22 The other one was an image I took on Hive Beach down in Dorset of a storm that had passed, the clouds were going inland and I just managed to capture a beautiful sky.
01:33 Yeah.
01:34 So there's that painting as well so yeah yeah that's that's also available on the website.
01:40 So what is it that inspires you then? Is it, I'm getting a sense it's the skies, it's the mood in the skies and the charm of an old building and an old crumbly bridge.
01:49 Is that your world sort of thing?
01:51 Yeah I've got a bit of a thing for old buildings I think definitely, they do always catch my attention when I'm driving about in my day-to-day job.
02:01 And the bridge at Bridge North, I mean this this image here I drive over that bridge regularly as a lot of people do locally and I just thought it's such a wonderful image.
02:11 Yeah.
02:11 The bridge, the old bridge you know you've got the old church which sort of reflects the age of the bridge and then the massive amount of buildings and also the Cliff Railway as well which is a focal point for many of the tourists that come into the town.
02:23 Yeah.
02:23 So really it's and it is an image that a lot of people who come to visit see when they leave the car park so it's something that a lot of people recognize so I just really wanted to paint it.
02:33 And it's acrylic paint?
02:35 Acrylic paint on canvas, yeah.
02:36 Has that always been your medium or was it when as an artist is it a case of kind of dabbling with a few things and just finding what works for you?
02:43 Well yeah I mean I work in I can work in any medium really, I started out in watercolor when I was young mum bought me a watercolor set and she used to paint watercolor which inspired me.
02:55 I do find that acrylic is more forgiving though you can paint over any mistakes that you make with acrylic.
02:59 Yeah.
02:59 Whereas watercolor once you've painted it you know if you make a mistake you're pretty much stuffed so.
03:05 Yeah.
03:06 Yeah but I mean I have done pictures in ink and felt pen I've done a locomotive, a tractor, a truck there's all sorts of different things I've done.
03:16 Yeah.
03:16 But acrylic for me sort of embodies the the way I want my work to be represented.
03:22 Yeah.
03:23 So much.
03:23 And the tones on the bridge there you've caught that just a treat haven't you it's gorgeous.
03:27 So what is it you get out of painting then I mean it's a lot of people who do it they say it's quite therapeutic really.
03:33 Yeah yeah the thing about my my day-to-day job as a plumber is that I'm literally working all day with my hands I don't really need to to sort of think too much in the job.
03:45 And when I get home from work I'm physically tired but I want to switch off from what I've been doing.
03:52 So I find that painting is like my um it's like my oh what's the word um it's it's like a meditation almost.
04:02 Yeah.
04:03 Yeah.
04:03 Your mind just sort of washes away you can think about anything while you're doing it.
04:08 And we're here kind of in the hub of the home the kitchen but this is this is your studio as well isn't it we've got lots of natural light coming in.
04:14 Yeah.
04:15 This literally is where you'd sit and do your painting.
04:17 Correct I literally sit here do my painting and sometimes I'll put the dinner on behind.
04:21 Yeah.
04:21 On the arbor there and I can sit and paint for an hour a couple of hours or whatever.
04:26 Yeah.
04:26 Um and yeah it's a nice it is a nice setting it's not as easy in the winter because obviously it's dark.
04:30 Yeah.
04:31 But we do have large windows here which helps.
04:33 Yeah.
04:34 So yeah it's quite a nice place in the centre of the home to sit and paint really.
04:37 And is it do you know when it's finished because there is that I've heard artists saying oh sometimes you can fiddle too much or you know did you know right that's it brushes down I'm done.
04:47 Yeah I've got to be honest like doing something like this is great but your interest in the actual image itself wanes after a little while.
04:54 Yeah.
04:55 So once I once I planned in my head what I was going to do.
04:59 Yeah.
04:59 I think I I think I finished on the railings there.
05:02 Yeah.
05:03 I said to myself once I've done these railings I'm not doing any more to it.
05:06 That's it.
05:06 I stared I've I've joked that if anyone ever needs any engineering work done on this bridge I know they'll be sitting.
05:11 Yeah.
05:12 You know what I've done.
05:12 Yeah literally.
05:13 That's all I've done is stare at this bridge.
05:15 In fact I don't think I'm ever going to drive over it again.
05:17 [Laughs]
05:18 But yeah so I do know when I finished a picture.
05:20 Yeah.
05:21 I actually personally find it quite easy so I'm done with that now.
05:24 So what what any have you got your eyes on your next subject or.
05:28 I'm not sure yet I've had a few a few suggestions from people.
05:32 Um I'd like to probably do another picture in Bridge North.
05:36 Yeah.
05:36 Perhaps Shrewsbury.
05:38 Um I've had a lot of compliments about water.
05:41 Yeah.
05:41 Which is something I've not done before in a painting.
05:43 Um so maybe something to do with water I'm not sure yet.
05:46 Yeah.
05:47 A few a few options but uh you know watch this space.
05:50 And I just chuck out that website name again then.
05:52 Yeah it's www.peteharringtonartist.com