The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Ep 190-194

  • 5 months ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride
Episode 190
Episode 191
Episode 192
Episode 193
Episode 194
00:00Episode 190 Runway Queen
00:06Who is this American model?
00:09She has the prettiest legs I've ever seen.
00:12Oh my god, she looks like an angel, stunning and beautiful.
00:19Emma stepped onto the stage with complete confidence amid the crowd's cheers and compliments.
00:26It was clear that she was born for the runway.
00:30She shined on stage in the designer's clothes.
00:34The church erupted in applause as the audience stood with their hands in the air.
00:40Eric and Richard's worries were unfounded, as the only one walking awkwardly down the
00:46runway was the male model, Gabby.
00:50Emma glanced down at Eric briefly, eyes shining with understanding and pleasure at his silent
00:57support despite his worries.
01:00She smiled provocatively at the audience, a wicked twist to her lips as she embodied
01:06the devilish design.
01:08Afterwards, Eric and Richard clenched their fists nervously as Emma and Gabby swapped
01:16It looked like Gabby had no intention of doing anything.
01:20He simply turned and walked back down the runway.
01:24Emma's image remained in everyone's minds long after she had disappeared backstage.
01:31They were filled with visions of her face, presence, and beautifully long legs, and they
01:38all wanted to see her again.
01:41All fashion industry heads in attendance were awed and just knew that Emma would be
01:47a household name around the world.
01:50At the end of the show, the designer walked out holding Emma's hand.
01:55Everyone stood and gave her a standing ovation.
01:59Emma's eyes found Eric's in the back row, and she smiled at him lovingly.
02:05I'm so proud of you, Eric mouthed to her.
02:09She held back her tears and smiled as she restrained herself from leaving the stage
02:15and pouncing on him in a hug.
02:18Charlotte was still waiting for Emma to be ridiculed in the news.
02:23However, the news clip she received raved over her stunning runway performance, including
02:29a picture of her being treated like a queen.
02:33The quoted industry head saying that she was the purest soul on the runway.
02:38A few minutes later, Charlotte called Gabby's manager and asked him why they didn't follow
02:44through with their plans.
02:46We told you we couldn't guarantee anything, the man responded.
02:51Fuck you, Charlotte yelled in anger before draining her glass of red wine.
02:58Angrily, she thought to herself, every time I try to destroy her, she somehow manages
03:05to get more popular.
03:07Now all the industry heads are looking at her.
03:11Thanks to J.K.
03:13Soon she'll be the most famous model in the world.
03:16And here I am getting attacked day and night online.
03:21Thanks to that blasted headline.
03:24Emma removed her makeup and accepted a few interviews before leaving the church with
03:30Eric's car was parked nearby.
03:32As soon as he saw her step out, he picked her up and drove her to the manor.
03:38Her visions reporter, Kyle, trailed in his car, but he couldn't take a photo of them
03:44thanks to the car's tinted windows.
03:46He followed them until they entered the private estate where he was turned away at the gate.
03:53He reluctantly stopped the car and found a hidden spot to wait and see if he would
03:58have a stroke of luck.
04:00Eric led Emma into the manor and up the stairs to the second floor where he pushed open the
04:06bedroom door and pressed her against the wall, claiming her lips.
04:11I've been trying to hold back the urge to hug and kiss you all night, Eric said, as
04:18he removed his suit jacket and threw it to the floor.
04:22Emma leaned against the wall and hooked her arms around his neck.
04:26She wanted him by her side always and wished she could kiss him whenever she wanted.
04:33Their lips met again and they breathed into each other's breaths as their passion rose.
04:39A moment later, a tearing sound echoed through the room as Eric ripped her clothes off her.
04:46Taking the initiative, she pushed him onto the bed and straddled his body as he helped
04:52her to tear off his clothes as well.
04:55Their bodies intertwined as they kissed and touched passionately, losing control as they
05:02gave in to their feelings of intense pleasure.
05:06A while later, Eric hugged her to him, examining her body to make sure he didn't leave any
05:13visible marks.
05:15While she laid her head on his chest, he closed his eyes and relaxed, basking in the
05:21echoes of pleasure running through him.
05:25He asked her.
05:27Not as tired as you are, she replied slyly.
05:32He laughed quietly and stroked her hair before getting up and guiding her into the bathroom
05:37to wash up.
05:39She lay against his chest in the bathtub and relaxed, enjoying the closeness.
05:46Did Lisa find you?
05:47He asked.
05:49She was quiet for a moment before she said, yes, but I wouldn't have gone easy on Gabby
05:56even if you hadn't warned me.
05:58I had her mess with his shoes and distract him so he couldn't play whatever tricks he
06:03had planned on the runway.
06:06That's why he looks so awkward on this stage, he thought to himself.
06:11I think he was more worried about tripping on stage than pushing me off of it, she continued.
06:18He smiled as he kissed her on the forehead.
06:21There's one thing I haven't told you yet, he said.
06:25Charlotte is planning on firing Richard as your manager.
06:36Episode 191, Disappearing Act
06:56Emma sat up and looked at Eric.
07:00When did this happen?
07:02Lisa told me she heard Richard talking to someone at H-World on the phone just before
07:07the show.
07:09He stepped out of the water and wrapped himself in a bathrobe before helping her out of the
07:16She walked over to the bed and sat as a sense of disappointment ran through her.
07:21She hadn't known Richard that long, but he'd put his heart and soul into helping her, and
07:28Aside from Eric, she couldn't picture anyone else as her manager.
07:34He'd become a friend, and she hated to see her friends suffer.
07:38What's on your mind?
07:41Eric asked her.
07:42He may not be my manager anymore, but he doesn't deserve to be treated like this by Charlotte.
07:50She'll use any excuse to bully someone.
07:53Plus, do you really think she'd let him go so easily?
07:58If she's removing him, then she has a plan, and I don't want him reduced to nothing again
08:04if he leaves H-World.
08:07He's helped me, so now it's my turn to help him, she said vehemently.
08:13To herself, she thought.
08:15Of course, if she's already told him that he's being replaced, then I'll probably lose
08:21him as a manager no matter what I do, and I have a feeling Richard knows that too.
08:28At the Orchid Hotel, Richard had separated all the new invites, current contracts, and
08:34completed jobs before briefing Lisa on everything.
08:38He also told her about Emma's current status and the contracts she should avoid and use.
08:45Lisa lay on the sofa and listened reluctantly.
08:49He had already planned out a course for Emma, and as long as they followed his plan, she
08:55would be a supermodel in less than a month, on par with those at Star King.
09:01Are you listening?
09:02I've thrown a lot of information at you, he said as he tapped her on the forehead.
09:08She lifted her head and looked into his eyes.
09:11She'd never realized how pretty his eyes were.
09:14They twinkled like stars.
09:17Do you have to go? she asked.
09:20Lucas said a lot of bullshit, but he was right about one thing.
09:24I'm an employee of H-World, so I don't have a choice but to do whatever Charlotte tells
09:30me to do, he replied with a helpless and broken-hearted expression.
09:36Emma was the first person he'd come across who made him passionate about his job since
09:41Arnie died.
09:43He'd had every intention of staying with her till the end, but thanks to Charlotte, that
09:49wasn't going to happen.
09:51Have you told Emma that you're leaving?
09:54Lisa asked.
09:55No, the new manager is already on his way.
09:59Once I finish briefing you on everything, I'll have to head back to New York.
10:04Lisa took a deep breath as she tugged on the tassel hanging from the sofa.
10:09She hated Charlotte and her disgusting methods.
10:14Are you sure you can't stay? she begged again.
10:18There was no way she could do half as good a job at managing Emma as he did.
10:24He dealt with contracts efficiently and handled all sorts of dinners, auditions, and languages
10:31without a problem.
10:33Most importantly, he was a good person.
10:37Arnie didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he said, take good care of Emma for me.
10:44You know Charlotte will come up with a way to deal with you for everything you've done
10:48as soon as you go back to H-World, she warned him.
10:52I'm not afraid of her.
10:54He stood up and grabbed his jacket and luggage as he continued.
10:59If you don't think you can handle this, feel free to hand the reins over to Eric.
11:05She really wanted to stop him, but she didn't know how.
11:10As soon as he left, she called Emma.
11:13Hello, Lisa? she answered sleepily.
11:17Emma, Richard's gone.
11:20He headed to the airport now to return to New York, Lisa said anxiously.
11:26Emma sat up in bed, wide awake, and hung up before calling Richard, but he didn't answer.
11:33Emma had no choice but to text him.
11:36I can't stop you from going back to New York, but I won't hesitate to retaliate if I find
11:42out Charlotte is trying to humiliate you again.
11:45No one has the right to hurt you.
11:48Richard laughed quietly as he read her message.
11:52Having her for a friend made everything worth it.
11:55He was going to miss being her manager.
11:59Emma's movements woke Eric up.
12:01He sat up and noticed she was staring off into space, clearly in a bad mood, so he got
12:08up and got her a glass of water.
12:11Eric, Richard's gone.
12:13I can't stand watching a friend suffer, she told him.
12:18He sat cross-legged on the bed and held her as he tried to comfort her.
12:24It's not like you'll never see him again.
12:27I know that Charlotte won't stop at just firing him, she said, leaning into him.
12:34He held onto her shoulders and said gently, he knows what he's doing.
12:40Even if she tries to make things difficult for him, he has other skills besides managing
12:47He studied as a director years ago and received several awards.
12:53Did you really think he didn't have other options?
12:57I just hate how she's always trying to hurt and destroy people, she said.
13:02We won't let that happen, he said fiercely.
13:07She nodded, knowing that Charlotte would be the one to suffer if she dared do anything
13:12to Richard.
13:14I know, but it still leaves me without a manager.
13:18My popularity is skyrocketing after yesterday's show, which means more money and more jobs,
13:26and I don't trust anyone that Charlotte set up for me.
13:30We both know they'll be trash and loyal only to her.
13:34The entire company was whispering and pointing at him when Richard returned to H-World the
13:40next day.
13:41He knew it was because of the recording between him and Charlotte that was still the top news
13:49When he walked into Charlotte's office, she turned in her chair, stood up, and slapped
13:55Do you have any idea what you've put me and this company through? she asked sharply.
14:03He didn't respond or try to fight back.
14:06He held back all the feelings of anger, hate, and betrayal he felt toward her as she ranted
14:12at him.
14:13I don't care how you do it, but I want you to explain to everyone what was going on with
14:20that recording, or you won't like what I do in return, she snarled.
14:26What will you do? he asked, curious how far she was willing to go.
14:32It's your fault that the company is suffering a loss and facing possible bankruptcy, she
14:39Either explain and get us out of this mess, or I'll tell everyone about the sugar daddy
14:45Arnie had before her death.
14:59You've gone too far.
15:02Would you really malign someone who's dead and can't defend themselves?
15:08I don't even care about the living.
15:10What makes you think I care about the dead? she said, laughing lightly as she gazed at
15:16him with dewy eyes.
15:18Richard, we've been friends for years.
15:22How could you help Emma?
15:24She can't do half the things I can for you.
15:27Is she really worth giving up our friendship?
15:31He loosened his grip as he sneered.
15:35You have no idea what it means to be a friend.
15:39Emma may not be able to give me fame and fortune, but she did give me loyalty, kindness, and
15:46true friendship.
15:48She never once tried to threaten or blackmail me like you have.
15:53You make me sick.
15:56Charlotte's heart panged as she said, I'm in a difficult position.
16:01You have no idea what that's like.
16:04Emma has it harder, dealing with an evil boss like you.
16:09Charlotte remained quiet as he continued, I'll gladly hand in my resignation, but I'm
16:14not vouching for your innocence regarding that recording.
16:19If you don't, then I'll tarnish Arnie's name.
16:22You'll only have yourself to blame when his name gets dragged through the mud, she said.
16:27He glared at her.
16:29He took everything he had to refrain from lashing out and slapping her back.
16:35Clenching his jaw, he said, fine, I'll help you.
16:40What do you want me to do?
16:42I want you to hold a press conference and tell everyone you fabricated the recording
16:48by piecing words together, she said, before turning her back on him.
16:53She wanted him to lose all the standing and respect he'd gained since coming back to H-World
16:59and working with Emma.
17:01I'd rather take the blame than let her ruin Arnie's name or try anything else with Emma,
17:07he thought to himself, resigned.
17:11He sighed, fine.
17:14As he turned to leave, he added, you'll regret this.
17:19She didn't turn around or react in any way to his words, except to snort in contempt.
17:26As long as Arnie's reputation is on the line, he'll do whatever I want without question,
17:32she thought.
17:33Richard left her office and headed to Arnie's grave, where he sat quietly.
17:39I wish you'd taken me with you, Arnie.
17:43It was nighttime in London, and Emma still hadn't gotten a response from Richard, making
17:48her anxious.
17:50There wasn't much she could get Luke to do in regards to H-World, and besides, Kaleidoscope
17:56had enough on their plate.
17:58Thanks to Richard's absence, Lisa was busier than usual.
18:03She had trouble with the different languages and didn't understand a lot of the professional
18:10Emma, can you help me? she asked.
18:14Let me have a look, Emma said, grabbing the laptop and looking over the notes Richard
18:19had written.
18:20This is a void contract, we've already rejected it.
18:24Ugh, I wish I knew that earlier, I spent the last few hours going over it.
18:31Eric came out of the study once he finished dealing with a few things for Kaleidoscope.
18:36He took one look at the stressed expression on the two woman's faces, and took the laptop
18:43from Emma's hands.
18:44This was exactly what she hadn't wanted him to do, but they needed help.
18:51After looking through her emails, he prioritized all the emails related to the jobs she would
18:57be taking on next.
18:59Thanks to the success of JK's show, she would be staying in London a little while longer.
19:05She'd received quite a few runway offers from some big name brands.
19:11Eric, I want to go back to New York for a couple of days, she told him.
19:17He knew she was worried about her friend, and until she was satisfied with Richard's
19:22current situation, she would never be able to focus on work.
19:27He nodded and said, I'll get someone to organize your flights and postpone your jobs.
19:34She nodded her head in thanks as a rush of emotion swept through her.
19:40She appreciated that he always stood by her side and supported her, no matter what.
19:47Lisa's phone rang, and she looked down to see it was the new manager Charlotte had arranged.
19:53Reluctantly, she picked up the phone.
19:56The manager exploded in anger the minute she picked up.
20:00Where are you, you incompetent assistant?
20:04Why isn't Emma at the hotel room arranged by the agency?
20:07It's the middle of the night.
20:10Lisa opened her mouth to respond, but nothing came out.
20:14She just stared blankly at Emma.
20:17Are you deaf?
20:18Answer me, he raged.
20:22Emma suddenly grabbed the phone from Lisa's hand and said, you're fired.
20:28How dare you fire me?
20:30Who do you think you are?
20:33I'm Emma Miller, she responded angrily.
20:37The manager panicked.
20:39He thought he'd been speaking to Lisa and didn't realize Emma had taken the phone.
20:44His attitude changed as he attempted to speak in a flattering tone.
20:49I'm sorry, Emma.
20:51I got worried when I couldn't find you guys.
20:54I'm sorry too.
20:56You've insulted my assistant.
20:58I refuse to work with you.
21:01You can tell Charlotte exactly what happened if she asks, and you can also tell her that
21:06a pretty package doesn't hide the trash underneath.
21:10She hung up the phone and handed it back to Lisa.
21:14Later that night, the three of them headed to the airport.
21:18Thanks to her increased popularity from J.K.'s show, she had to be extra discreet.
21:25Kyle didn't capture a single clear photo as their car sped out of the estate.
21:30He couldn't even get a shot at the back of the car.
21:34After they boarded the plane, Emma found out about the article Lucas had released about
21:39her allegedly flirting with a male model a few days ago.
21:44Everyone had kept it secret from her, and Eric had spent a ton of money to make sure
21:50the Charlotte story remained at the top of the search bar.
21:54Eric, you didn't have to do that, she said, looking over at him.
21:59I couldn't just stand by and watch him try to humiliate you, he responded as he wrapped
22:06his arms around her.
22:08She was speechless and simply intertwined her fingers with his, gently placing a kiss
22:14on the back of his hand.
22:17After an almost ten hour flight, they exited the airport discreetly and headed for the
22:22pickup area where Luke was waiting for them.
22:26A news clip flashed across the airport screen.
22:29Richard from H World Entertainment was going to hold a press conference.
22:35Emma was sure Charlotte planned on throwing the blame for the recording onto Richard.
22:40However, Charlotte had no idea Emma was back, and had no intention of letting that happen.
23:03If Richard admitted to creating a fake recording, Emma's innocence would be revoked and her
23:09scandal would ignite once again.
23:13Everything he had done to protect her would also backfire, because it would be like he
23:18had something to hide, like her alleged relationships with multiple men.
23:25It was putting him in an extremely difficult situation.
23:29He didn't care what happened to him, but he didn't want Arnie or Emma hurt.
23:35After discreetly returning to New York, Emma contacted the friends she thought might be
23:41able to lend a hand while Eric went back to his place.
23:45She wasn't afraid of starting a battle with Charlotte, she just wanted to make sure Richard
23:51would escape unscathed.
23:53Emma, you're worrying yourself too much.
23:57Richard has his own way of dealing with things.
23:59I'm sure he won't stand idly by while Charlotte threatens him.
24:04Lisa said, trying to comfort her on their way to H-World.
24:09Going to H-World won't change anything.
24:12I'm not going there to talk to Charlotte, Emma replied.
24:16I'm going there to wait for Richard, unless you have a better way to get in contact with
24:23Lisa shook her head.
24:25Richard wasn't answering any of their calls.
24:28Since the press conference was being held at H-World, he would definitely be there ahead
24:34of time.
24:35Lisa, get someone to find out where Arnie is buried, she instructed as she suddenly thought
24:41of the only other place he would most likely be.
24:46Lisa nodded, this was one job she was good at.
24:49A few minutes later, she told Luke, who was driving, where the gravesite was, and asked
24:55him to drive there.
24:57After Luke picked them up from the airport, Eric had told him to drive Lisa and Emma wherever
25:03they needed to go while they were in New York.
25:06Lisa and Luke were a bit awkward when they first saw each other, as this was the first
25:12time they'd been around each other since Lisa suggested they live together.
25:17Luke may not have understood her reasoning, but he was still playing the part of her fianc├й,
25:23and her heart fluttered a little as he drove them around.
25:27Luke and Lisa stayed in the car while Emma got out.
25:31She wrapped herself in a coat to ward against the foggy and overcast day as she entered
25:36the graveyard.
25:38As expected, she found Richard in front of Arnie's grave.
25:43Their eyes met.
25:45Richard was obviously shocked as he stood up and asked,
25:49What are you doing here?
25:51You still have a lot to do in London.
25:54If you know that, then why did you leave so abruptly?
25:58She replied, eyeing him before he placed a bunch of white roses on Arnie's grave.
26:04She clasped her hands and bowed her head slightly in respect as she studied the photo of the
26:10young woman on the tombstone.
26:12I take it you heard about the press conference this afternoon?
26:16He asked.
26:18Yep, she said, nodding.
26:21I finally understand why Eric always asks me why I choose the hardest path, every time.
26:28Even when there's an easier solution, because I want to ask you the same thing.
26:35Did you come back so you wouldn't be implicated, or what?
26:38He asked, dodging the question.
26:41Do you really think I'm afraid of Charlotte?
26:59Emma asked as she looked at him.
27:02I just don't want you to go through the same thing I have.
27:06Emma, have you ever experienced a moment of total despair?
27:11He asked, lowering his head as he touched the photo on the tombstone.
27:17Even though his lover had been gone for several years, the pain in his heart was still fresh.
27:24Of course.
27:25Three months ago, I discovered my fiance was having an affair the night before our wedding.
27:32The next day, I met and married Eric at the courthouse, she replied.
27:37But if I hadn't met Eric, I still wouldn't have given up on love.
27:42Why would I let something like that stop me?
27:45I'm extremely grateful that I ended up meeting him.
27:50Everything we've gone through since has been completely worth it.
27:53Isn't it painful?
27:56He asked.
27:59But true pain is spending year after year missing someone while life goes on for everyone
28:06around you.
28:08Emma pulled a business card out of her purse and continued.
28:12I don't know if you need this, but I want to offer you a fresh start.
28:17No matter what you decide to do with the press conference this afternoon, you have my full
28:23Charlotte, on the other hand, if I get a chance, I will tear her apart for everything she's
28:30done to us.
28:32She turned around and left the graveyard, leaving him in peace as he thought about her
28:37words and her offer.
28:40He repeated her words in his head as a weight suddenly lifted off his shoulders.
28:45He smiled, lowered his head and spoke to the photo on the tombstone.
28:50Arnie, she's right.
28:52I've kept myself locked away for too long.
28:56It's time for me to live my life on my own terms.
29:00It's time to focus on me and the people I care about who are still alive.
29:06A large number of reporters had already gathered in the conference room as they waited for
29:11the press conference to start.
29:13They were all eager to hear what Richard had to say about Charlotte and H-World's recent
29:20Charlotte stood to one side and chatted with Lucas as she watched the staff set up the
29:26You need to be careful with Richard.
29:28Back when the three of us were still on good terms, he was always the type to deal with
29:33a situation quietly and discreetly so others wouldn't worry.
29:37He's clever and sneakier than you're giving him credit for, Lucas told her.
29:43Charlotte crossed her arms as she said, it doesn't matter how capable he is.
29:49Arnie has always been his weakness.
29:51There's nothing he wouldn't do for her, dead or alive.
29:55Do you really think he'll betray her for Emma?
29:59Lucas didn't share her confidence or faith.
30:02Her ego caused her to overlook a lot of things, including change.
30:08Nothing was forever.
30:10He kept quiet though.
30:11He knew she wouldn't listen to him.
30:14Richard entered H-World dressed in a gray suit and headed over to Charlotte and Lucas.
30:20He reminded her, don't forget what you promised me.
30:24She smiled as she said, I remember, I'll give you all the information I have.
30:31Richard turned his gaze to Lucas.
30:33Of the three of us, I thought I'd be the unhappy one.
30:37What's wrong with you?
30:39Lucas lifted his chin and replied, my beef is with Emma, not you.
30:44You can only blame yourself for choosing the wrong side.
30:48But if you have issues finding a job after this, come talk to me.
30:53Richard suddenly let out a laugh, startling Charlotte.
30:57It had been years since she'd seen such a carefree smile on his face.
31:03Maybe Lucas is right and he has changed, she thought to herself as Richard walked off and
31:08stepped on the stage.
31:10Will he stick to his side of the bargain and take the blame for the recording?
31:15She wondered as the press conference started.
31:23We were arguing about that when the car accident happened.
31:34The reporters were shocked, they'd never expected him to expose something that happened years
31:41Charlotte immediately ordered Lucas to call security and remove him from the stage.
31:47But Richard continued to speak.
31:50Do you know why they did all that?
31:54Charlotte is jealous of her models and is constantly thinking of ways to control them
31:59and bring them down.
32:01Years ago, it was Arnie, and now it's Emma.
32:05I'd almost forgotten about Charlotte's underhanded methods, but she reminded me who she really
32:12That recording is completely real and the best evidence I can give you.
32:17I still have the original recording on my phone, Richard said.
32:21Lucas approached the stage with security.
32:24They were trying to remove him from the stage by any means necessary, even violence, and
32:31didn't care that they had a room full of reporters.
32:35The security team kicked and punched him, but he didn't go down easily.
32:40So Lucas called for more security.
32:43Charlotte calmly announced that the press conference was over while security ganged
32:48up on Richard.
32:50While everyone nervously watched the scene before them, a tall figure appeared in the
32:56entrance to the conference room.
32:58Someone who was supposed to be in London.
