
  • 5 months ago


00:22 OK, bye-bye.
00:24 Hi.
00:25 I'm looking for my fiance.
00:27 His name's Ken Snyder.
00:28 What room is he in?
00:30 I'm sorry, miss.
00:31 I can't provide the information of our guest,
00:33 even if he is your fiance.
00:36 Listen, I know for a fact that he's
00:39 upstairs screwing another woman.
00:41 Let me tell you something else.
00:42 That woman is probably my half-sister.
00:45 I'm supposed to get married to him next week,
00:47 and we haven't even had sex because he said that he's
00:49 saving himself for marriage.
00:51 Now, I need concrete evidence that this asshole
00:53 is cheating on me, so what do you say?
00:56 Can you help us, sister?
01:00 You can get this from me.
01:01 Crystal, come on.
01:06 Oh, man.
01:08 Should've go with her.
01:13 Oh, baby.
01:15 I'm coming.
01:16 OK.
01:21 [KISSING]
01:22 Oh, my god, baby.
01:24 That was so good.
01:26 Gosh, and it just makes me even more pissed knowing that you're
01:29 getting married to Serena next week.
01:32 I really can't stand the thought of you having sex with her.
01:34 Are you going to get over fucking her now?
01:36 I know, sweetheart.
01:38 But I'm doing this for us.
01:40 Serena's mother stated in her will
01:41 that she has to be married by 28 to take over the company.
01:45 She's turning 28 in a week.
01:47 This is just temporary.
01:49 Once I take her company, I'll divorce her.
01:52 Then you and I can be together.
01:54 You promise?
01:56 I promise you I won't touch her.
01:59 I'll just tell her I can't get it up with someone.
02:01 [LAUGHTER]
02:03 [KISSING]
02:08 [COUGH]
02:09 You two are disgusting.
02:10 Whoa!
02:11 Here, take a shower.
02:12 [SCREAM]
02:13 What the fuck, Serena?
02:14 What the hell are you doing here?
02:16 You're asking me that after I catch you in bed
02:17 with my fiance?
02:19 Really, Carol?
02:20 You're asking me that after I catch you in bed
02:22 with my fiance and Ken, my sister?
02:25 Get off your high horse, Serena.
02:27 Your father arranged our engagement
02:28 so you can keep your mother's company.
02:30 It's not like we're in love.
02:31 That may be true, but I did trust you.
02:34 I'm not marrying a cheater.
02:35 The engagement is mine.
02:37 Good luck finding a husband in less than a week.
02:40 You can say goodbye to your company.
02:43 What the fuck, Serena?
02:44 I'm never letting go of my mother's company, ever.
02:48 Test me again, and you'll see what I'm capable of.
02:55 [GASPS]
02:56 That bitch.
02:57 Lynn, could you meet me at the Ross Hotel bar, now?
03:05 And then he has the audacity to tell me I'm a bummer, too.
03:12 OK, Serena, I get it.
03:14 You got cheated on.
03:15 But honestly, drinking is not going to help.
03:18 Something else will.
03:21 What are you talking about, Lynn?
03:22 I got you a surprise.
03:24 It's waiting for you in room 1011.
03:26 Or should I say, he is.
03:30 Did-- did you get me an escort?
03:32 Did-- did you get me an escort?
03:42 Lynn, I don't need an escort.
03:45 What I need right now is to find a way
03:47 that I'm going to get married in a week
03:48 so I can take over my mother's company.
03:50 Come on, Serena, you're too stressed.
03:51 You need to let loose.
03:53 Have some fun first.
03:56 I think our ideas of fun don't align.
04:00 Just go.
04:00 Have some fun with him and relax in 1011.
04:03 Just go.
04:04 Go.
04:05 This is crazy.
04:11 Not when you get there.
04:12 He'll be waiting for you.
04:14 Check out us at 11 AM.
04:16 Enjoy.
04:16 This is fucking crazy.
04:21 [LAUGHTER]
04:25 Hmm.
04:37 It's you.
04:38 What's your name again?
04:46 It's you.
04:50 Wow, where did Lynn find you?
04:52 How did you find me?
05:02 I didn't find you.
05:03 Lynn did.
05:04 Oh, good.
05:05 That's great.
05:05 Hello?
05:10 You there yet?
05:11 Yes.
05:12 And he is super hot.
05:15 Thank you, bestie.
05:16 Have fun.
05:19 How did you--
05:20 Shh.
05:21 Just-- we're talking.
05:24 Let's just enjoy each other's company tonight.
05:26 Hello?
05:38 What do you mean, no show?
05:39 She said she was there already.
05:40 Well, I've been here for 30 minutes and no one is here.
05:43 I'm leaving.
05:43 Charging you a $500 cancellation fee.
05:46 Goodbye.
05:48 Hello?
05:49 If she's not there, then where the hell is she?
05:52 OK, one second.
06:22 God, what happened last night?
06:47 I have to get out of here.
06:57 Leaving without telling me your name again?
06:59 Again?
07:04 Again without telling me your name again?
07:06 Again?
07:11 Again?
07:14 I've never actually done this before.
07:17 I know it's been five years, but does she really not remember me?
07:22 Your pocket's pretty--
07:23 All right, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy.
07:25 Your phone, too.
07:29 Your jacket.
07:33 That's really nice.
07:34 I want that, too.
07:36 Really?
07:40 [HONKING]
07:43 [HONKING]
07:46 Sorry.
07:49 Oh, ouch.
07:51 You got jumped.
07:52 Yeah.
07:53 Was it because you were wearing expensive clothes?
07:55 No, I can't--
07:59 Just take it.
08:00 My friend's around the corner.
08:01 Oh, and next time you're in the neighborhood,
08:09 don't wear nice stuff.
08:10 You're going to get targeted.
08:12 Hey, what's your name again?
08:14 Thank you for a lovely night.
08:23 And I should be going.
08:25 [LAUGHS]
08:26 Wow, I really miss you.
08:29 Smile for the camera, sis.
08:31 Smile for the camera, sis.
08:36 I heard you were drinking yourself to death at the bar downstairs.
08:41 Looks like you had some fun.
08:43 I can already see the headlines now.
08:45 Heiress of Monroe Construction cheats on her fiance with a cowboy?
08:50 Who are you to talk about cheating?
08:52 I just caught you in bed with my fiance.
08:54 Yeah, well, nobody knows about that, do they?
08:56 Just wait till I upload these photos.
08:58 You will never be named CEO.
09:00 What the fuck are you doing?
09:07 Are you an idiot?
09:08 I've already uploaded all these to iCloud.
09:10 Hmm, what a coincidence.
09:13 So have I.
09:15 You sneaky bitch!
09:18 At least I have clothes on.
09:20 What do you think is going to be worse?
09:21 Your nudes with Ken?
09:23 Or me just in a room with Liam?
09:25 [GASPS]
09:26 I'm telling father about this.
09:28 This is not the last of me.
09:30 [GASPS]
09:31 [SIGHS]
09:36 I'm sorry you had to see that.
09:38 But nice move, not gonna lie.
09:40 You handled it well.
09:42 Is it true you have a fiance?
09:44 Ex-fiance?
09:47 Ken Snyder?
09:48 The heir of Snyder Electronics?
09:50 That's the one.
09:52 I'm taking over my mother's company in three days,
09:54 and that's all he really cares about.
09:56 Well, that Snyder guy would be a fool to care more about a company than you.
10:00 Well, anyway, thank you for helping me out.
10:05 My name is Strader Monroe, what's yours?
10:07 Jesse.
10:09 Jesse Ross.
10:12 As in CEO of Ross Architecture and Construction?
10:17 Jesse Ross.
10:22 As in CEO of Ross Architecture and Construction?
10:26 [SIGHS]
10:27 Hey, Mom.
10:35 How are you?
10:38 Better now that you're here.
10:43 Thank you.
10:48 The Rosses just won't give up, will they?
10:51 I told them a million times to leave us alone.
10:53 You're sick for God's sake.
10:55 They don't care, sweetie.
10:57 All the Rosses see is a great opportunity
11:00 to acquire a blooming company from a dying woman.
11:05 Don't say that, Mom.
11:06 Don't worry, sweetie.
11:08 I'm leaving the company to you,
11:10 even if it's the last thing that I do.
11:13 It's too hard to do alone.
11:16 Promise me that you'll find someone kind,
11:20 someone you trust.
11:22 Marry him, and take over the company when you turn 28.
11:27 And keep a legacy.
11:30 No, just don't leave me, Mom.
11:32 Promise me, Serena.
11:35 I promise.
11:37 [SIGHS]
11:39 Jesse Ross.
11:53 Stay the fuck away from me.
11:55 I'm sorry, did I say something?
11:57 My mother was Pauline Monroe.
11:59 Seven years ago, your family tried to get her to sell her company
12:02 while she was dying from cancer.
12:04 Okay, hold on a second.
12:05 What are you talking about?
12:07 My mother's company was her life's work.
12:09 And you tried to steal it from her, and that killed her.
12:12 Serena, wait.
12:19 What?
12:20 And don't say you're sorry.
12:21 That's not going to bring her back.
12:24 I'm not Jesse Ross.
12:26 What do you mean you're not Jesse Ross?
12:33 I mean, I'm not that Jesse Ross.
12:35 I mean, it's a pretty common name, no?
12:37 How can I forget?
12:39 He's an escort.
12:40 How could he be that Jesse Ross?
12:42 Right. Totally.
12:45 That name is just really triggering for me.
12:49 Besides, this is the Ross Hotel.
12:50 If you were the real Jesse Ross,
12:52 somebody would have recognized you.
12:54 Oh, good morning, Mr. Ross.
12:58 How did she know who you are?
13:06 I work at this hotel quite often.
13:10 I mean, I work at many different hotels.
13:12 Of course, of course.
13:13 Due to your profession, I'm sure you have to do this a lot.
13:17 Anyway, speaking of that, did Lynn already pay you?
13:21 Excuse me?
13:22 Oh, oh my God, I'm so sorry.
13:26 Two grand, should be enough, right?
13:28 And, uh, a gift.
13:31 Hold on. Does she think I'm an escort?
13:49 Have a good rest of your day.
13:51 Um, do you want me to call you an Uber or something?
13:55 No, that's alright. I'll take the subway.
13:58 Subway? Isn't he the owner of this hotel?
14:02 Well, um, thanks for the great night.
14:05 You're welcome.
14:06 Bye.
14:07 Bye.
14:09 [music]
14:11 Morning, boss.
14:21 Got some news for you.
14:29 The franchise mall is delayed in construction again.
14:33 Same problem?
14:34 The taco stand lady refuses to leave.
14:37 I'll have to force her to move her if we want to continue construction.
14:40 Alright, let's go.
14:45 Hey, so I'm gonna need this whole truck to move.
14:57 You listen to me, you copper asshole.
15:00 I'm not going nowhere, okay?
15:02 I've been here for over ten years.
15:04 And if you want me to go, it's gonna be over my dead body, okay?
15:09 How much would it cost to buy out the entire business?
15:12 What?
15:13 I mean, everybody has a price, right?
15:15 You asshole! You think everything can be bought with money?
15:18 [speaking Spanish]
15:20 What is wrong with you?
15:24 To be with somebody all night is foul.
15:26 It's absolutely foul. I don't know where she found this person.
15:29 Shameless bitch.
15:31 Carol told us that you were out the whole night at a hotel with another man.
15:36 You have tarnished our family name!
15:40 Monroe is my family name.
15:44 You're just a homewrecker turned stepmom
15:46 living in a house that my mom bought with the money that my mom earned.
15:51 So I suggest you shut your mouth,
15:54 or I swear I'll do it for you.
15:56 Look at your daughter.
15:59 How dare you talk to us like that?
16:01 You're the one out there with every man you could scoop up on the street.
16:05 Go back to Ken. Apologize and beg his forgiveness.
16:09 Yeah. I'll do that, Dad.
16:12 When pigs fly.
16:13 Are you crazy, Serena?
16:15 You cannot take over this company.
16:17 You're not going to get away with this.
16:19 You're going to get your ass kicked.
16:21 I'm not going to get my ass kicked.
16:23 I'm going to get my ass kicked.
16:25 You're going to get your ass kicked.
16:27 You cannot take over this company until you are married.
16:30 How do you expect to find a husband in the next few days?
16:33 Oh, don't you worry. I will.
16:35 It just won't be the guy that cheated on me
16:39 with my own sister.
16:42 What?
16:43 You're a homewrecker.
16:49 Like mother, like daughter.
16:51 Huh?
16:52 You sneaky bitch.
16:54 I was just keeping Ken company.
16:56 You were the one who was out with a call boy all night.
16:59 At least he was nice and honest.
17:02 You guys?
17:04 You guys are just a bunch of money-hungry vultures
17:06 feasting on what my mom left behind.
17:09 That's your daughter.
17:15 She should be locked up.
17:17 You're both right.
17:18 I'm going to go.
17:20 I won't let them take your company, Mom.
17:31 I promise.
17:33 Okay.
17:35 Where are you, Serena?
17:43 I don't want to talk about last night.
17:45 I'm actually calling as your assistant now.
17:48 You should be meeting the chief designer of construction
17:50 at Future Mall for the construction site right now.
17:52 Oh, shit.
17:54 I completely forgot.
17:56 I'm on my way.
17:58 Nice.
18:00 Is that Rosa?
18:02 Yes.
18:03 He's all yours, sir.
18:05 God bless you.
18:14 Can you move this truck?
18:18 I think you used a drink.
18:20 Hi.
18:25 Do you guys have water here?
18:28 It's you.
18:29 Oh.
18:31 I didn't take you as a taco stand kind of guy.
18:34 You're going to kill yourself doing all these jobs.
18:36 Yeah.
18:37 Usually I can handle this type of stuff,
18:39 but I'm especially tired after last night.
18:43 No, not today.
18:44 I'm not doing that.
18:45 Anyways, what can I help you with, Ms. Monroe?
18:49 You can call me Serena.
18:51 I was actually supposed to meet someone here,
18:53 but it looks like I am late,
18:55 so I think they already left.
18:57 Somebody that keeps you waiting?
19:00 I think you're worth the wait.
19:02 Hold on a second.
19:03 You might actually be the perfect partner.
19:05 Hey, Jesse.
19:06 Are you married?
19:07 No.
19:08 Girlfriend?
19:09 No.
19:10 Situationship with different women?
19:13 Of course not.
19:15 Oh.
19:16 Okay.
19:17 Perfect.
19:18 Have fun.
19:20 Where are we going?
19:22 City Hall.
19:23 We're going to get married.
19:25 Well, it's official.
19:32 We're married.
19:34 Kind of weird to know that I said it out loud.
19:36 I don't know.
19:37 I think it sounds just right to me.
19:41 Well, not the marriage part is over.
19:43 Let's talk business.
19:45 I'm going to deposit 10K on this card every month,
19:47 and that is your salary for playing my husband.
19:51 You know I'll marry you for free?
19:54 Come on, Jesse.
19:55 You barely know me.
19:57 I know you well enough to know that I like you.
20:03 Just take it, Jesse.
20:06 I can't have you working in the hotels.
20:09 You know what I mean?
20:11 Listen, I--
20:16 All right.
20:17 You're right.
20:19 A gentleman never argues with a lady.
20:22 Great.
20:24 I have to go, but keep your phone on you,
20:27 and I look forward to working with you, Jesse Ross.
20:31 You as well, Serena Monroe.
20:34 We need to stop talking about her,
20:36 because it's a little bit over it.
20:38 Oh, my.
20:42 What are you doing here?
20:45 You should be on your knees at Ken's house
20:47 begging him to take you back.
20:49 Ken probably kicked her out.
20:50 That's why she's groveling back to us.
20:52 Funny, coming from the woman who had her hands down
20:54 his pants this morning.
20:55 How dare you insult my baby girl, you wretched child.
21:00 Well, I wouldn't have to if your baby girl
21:03 wasn't such a liar and a man-stealer.
21:06 You're just jealous that Ken chose me.
21:08 And now without a husband,
21:09 you're freaking out about the CEO title.
21:12 I'm glad you mentioned it,
21:13 because I have something to show you guys.
21:19 Is-- is that a marriage certificate?
21:25 You're married?
21:28 You're married?
21:32 Who the hell is this guy?
21:35 That is none of your business.
21:39 Wait a minute, Jesse Ross?
21:41 Isn't-- wait, isn't he the billionaire--
21:44 Oh, snap out of your daydream.
21:45 It's not that, Jesse Ross.
21:47 As if a billionaire CEO would be interested in you.
21:52 Let me guess.
21:53 Is it the call boy from the hotel the other night?
21:57 [laughter]
21:58 Sorry.
21:59 Homeless.
22:01 So what if it is?
22:05 It's my marriage.
22:06 Why do you care?
22:07 Are you insane?
22:09 You are the CEO-to-be of Monroe Construction.
22:12 What can this loser do for our company, huh?
22:15 He's got no connections.
22:16 He's got no money.
22:17 He's got nothing.
22:18 Work is work.
22:19 Marriage is marriage.
22:21 If all you're concerned about is money,
22:23 I'll get you the money.
22:24 Listen to yourself.
22:25 What do you think?
22:27 Money grows on trees?
22:29 You file for divorce right now,
22:31 or you never step foot in this house again.
22:34 Works for me.
22:36 I don't want to see your faces anyway.
22:38 I was just here to show you this ship again.
22:41 Serena!
22:45 Everything just went so unexpected, Serena.
22:48 You've been sitting like this all morning, boss.
22:51 Has something happened?
22:52 Yeah.
22:54 This happened.
22:56 Oh my.
22:57 I got married last night to that girl.
23:00 Wait, the girl that got you the wool coat?
23:02 That's amazing, boss.
23:04 What did you say whenever you told her you'd been looking for her
23:06 for the last five years?
23:08 I didn't tell her.
23:10 What?
23:11 Why?
23:12 She's not just a random girl.
23:15 She's Serena Monroe.
23:17 The heiress of Monroe Construction
23:19 and daughter of...
23:20 Pauline Monroe.
23:21 And she thinks that my family killed her mother.
23:24 And to be honest with you, I don't blame her.
23:26 But it was your uncle who insisted on going after her mother.
23:29 You were only 23. You weren't even CEO yet.
23:31 I know, Cooper, but I'm still a Ross.
23:33 It doesn't change anything.
23:34 That's why I don't want her to know who I am.
23:36 Just not right now.
23:37 Okay, well, I have to say, boss,
23:39 I don't think this is a very good idea.
23:42 [sighs]
23:44 Okay, well, I have to say, boss,
23:46 I don't think this is a very good idea.
23:48 She's been on my mind all these years.
23:50 I like her.
23:52 I want to have a chance to get to know her better
23:54 and to be around her, but I can't do that
23:56 if she knows who I am.
23:58 Before she sees me as the Jesse Ross,
24:00 I need a chance to show her who I really am.
24:03 [phone buzzing]
24:06 Morning, Serena.
24:11 Hey, where are you?
24:13 Uh, I am at the construction site selling tacos.
24:17 Again?
24:19 Yeah, I need to pay the rent.
24:21 Well, I'm your new boss now.
24:24 I sent you an address. Can you come now?
24:26 Yes, of course. I will be there soon, boss.
24:29 [laughs]
24:31 I gotta get going.
24:33 And what about your meeting in 30 minutes?
24:35 Push it back.
24:36 My only priority right now is Serena, my pal.
24:39 [sighs]
24:42 This is not getting anywhere.
24:48 Tom?
24:50 Looking amazing as ever.
24:52 Thank you, Ms. Monroe.
24:54 So nice to see you.
24:56 Mwah.
24:57 Mwah.
24:58 Your dress is ready. I'll be right back.
25:00 Oh, actually, it's my husband who is coming in today.
25:03 Oh.
25:04 He needs some DC clothes, some shoes,
25:06 and definitely a new watch.
25:08 That's great, although I'm not sure I can handle
25:10 all of that today.
25:12 Um, but--oh.
25:14 Oh, sorry. I'm late.
25:16 It's Monroe.
25:18 Why didn't you tell me that your husband was, um,
25:21 uh,
25:23 so handsome.
25:25 [laughs]
25:26 Very nice to meet you. Jesse Ross.
25:28 Wow, I have never been to a store like this.
25:31 I mean, it must be so expensive.
25:34 Baby, we don't have to do this if you don't want to.
25:37 Oh, don't worry about it. I don't want to.
25:40 Thank you.
25:42 So, can you get his measurements?
25:45 There's no need.
25:47 I'm sorry. What I mean is that, you know,
25:53 I've been doing this for so many years.
25:56 I can just take one look at him and know exactly
25:58 what he needs.
26:00 See, this is why we come here, because
26:02 Tom is the expert of all experts.
26:05 Right, okay. So, well, then, uh, Mr. Ross,
26:08 why don't you, uh, come in the back,
26:10 and I will show you some suits.
26:13 Great. I will be waiting outside the sitting room.
26:16 What is going on?
26:22 Thank you for covering for me.
26:24 Look, you have an entire rack of suits here
26:26 that have been custom tailored for you.
26:28 Pick three, and we'll try them on.
26:31 Oh, okay.
26:33 Whatever you say.
26:35 Okay.
26:40 [Music]
26:43 Hmm.
26:54 Actually, not bad. Hmm.
26:57 I like this one, too.
27:08 What is this magic?
27:10 Everything fits you like a glove.
27:12 Trade secret.
27:14 Oh, I'm so sorry. Excuse me. Sorry.
27:25 Oh, it's okay.
27:27 I think that we will take all three of them.
27:32 Oh, yes. Um, uh, actually,
27:37 today is our annual sale.
27:39 50% off everything that you've purchased today.
27:42 Top off? Tom, you never have sales.
27:45 Why don't I just go wrap this up?
27:49 Three of them. Okay.
27:52 I promise that when I make enough money,
27:56 I will pay you back.
27:58 You don't have to pay me back. You're my husband.
28:01 At least not with money.
28:05 [Music]
28:08 You know, no one's ever given me that nice of gifts before.
28:21 Thank you, Serena.
28:23 Of course. You're my husband now. I want to take care of you.
28:26 Plus, it's not every day that you see a guy with this good in a suit.
28:32 Actually, I got you something.
28:35 Oh, wait. Hold on, Hanuman. In case.
28:38 I know I rushed you into this whole marriage thing,
28:43 so I thought the least I could do is get you a ring.
28:46 You know, you didn't rush me into anything.
29:01 Actually, I need to tell you.
29:03 If it isn't Serena Monroe.
29:07 So, you must be the new husband Serena bought.
29:12 I mean, chose.
29:15 You must be the new husband Serena bought.
29:19 You must be Ken Snyder, the cheating ex-fiancé she dumped.
29:23 Anything I dumped her first.
29:26 Well, then I have a big thank you to tell you.
29:28 Because she's mine now.
29:31 You must be paying him a lot, Serena.
29:34 He's extremely committed to the character.
29:37 Yeah, I'm really committed.
29:39 And if you'll excuse us, I'm going to take my wife home.
29:42 You don't even have your own car?
29:52 You have to drive Serena's.
29:54 What kind of loser are you?
29:56 Loser?
30:00 I've been called worse by better people.
30:04 Fucking prick.
30:17 [Car engine]
30:19 Thank you.
30:30 You're welcome.
30:31 Wow, I can't wait to see what this place looks like.
30:34 Wait.
30:39 Something feels odd.
30:43 Well, this is me.
30:46 Drive home safe.
30:48 Where do you live?
30:50 Aren't you going to invite me in for some coffee or something?
30:52 Fuck, I just pulled over some random neighborhood.
30:55 I don't actually live here.
30:57 Where do you live?
30:59 Which house is yours?
31:01 Can I have a tour?
31:03 Yeah, um, this one.
31:06 Yeah, let's go.
31:08 But maybe next time.
31:10 See, the thing is that I'm renting.
31:12 I have a lot of roommates.
31:13 Six guys and me.
31:14 It gets messy and dirty and...
31:16 Wait, you're telling me seven people live in this house?
31:19 Cramped up?
31:20 Is that even legal?
31:21 You know, the housing market is like so expensive nowadays, so...
31:26 Anyways, drive home safe.
31:29 Okay.
31:31 Is he hiding another woman in the house?
31:36 No, really.
31:38 You can go.
31:39 I will.
31:40 As soon as you get inside.
31:42 Okay.
31:44 I think you missed yourself, Chris.
31:55 I forgot my keys.
32:01 What?
32:03 Six other people live there.
32:05 Just knock. I'm sure someone's home.
32:07 Fuck it.
32:08 Fuck it.
32:13 Who are you?
32:30 I'm not buying anything.
32:31 Go away!
32:32 Hey, friend!
32:33 I forgot my keys.
32:35 If you could just let me inside so we can...
32:38 I think it's not even time.
32:41 I'll pay you wherever you are, I'm a simple guy.
32:42 Go away!
32:43 Hey, what's wrong with you?
32:45 Go away!
32:46 No!
32:47 Who are you two?
32:48 I don't know you.
32:49 Are you crazy?
32:51 Get out!
32:52 Get out!
32:53 Excuse me.
32:58 What the fuck is going on?
33:03 What the fuck is going on?
33:05 What was that for?
33:15 Do I need a reason to kiss my wife?
33:17 What's wrong with your roommate?
33:20 He said that he is very busy with a girl right now.
33:24 If you know what I mean.
33:26 And he asked me to come back later.
33:27 Wait.
33:28 You know Chinese?
33:29 A little.
33:30 Yeah, I'm not fluent though.
33:32 It's kind of cool.
33:33 But you live here.
33:35 He can't just treat you like that.
33:37 Oh, no, no, no.
33:38 I'm actually going to go to a friend's house, hang out for a little bit and I'll come back later.
33:42 There's no worries at all, no.
33:44 Let's go.
33:45 To where?
33:47 You're my husband.
33:48 I can't let you just live like this.
33:50 I'm going to buy you a house.
33:51 Are you serious?
33:53 Of course.
33:55 Let's go.
33:56 (upbeat music)
33:58 (tires screeching)