Germany's hardworking reputation: Myth or reality?

  • 6 months ago
Germans have a reputation for being hardworking and disciplined. Is that really the case?
00:00 Hey, good to see you here. Today we will examine another German virtue together.
00:04 Puh, there we go. Today it's all about the virtues of discipline and diligence.
00:15 Well, you're rather mediocre at both of those.
00:18 Why is that and what are you doing here?
00:21 I'm your little German conscious and when it comes to diligence and discipline we excel.
00:27 It's actually what we are known for. Well, let's take a look at that.
00:31 Do Germans really live up their hard-working and disciplined reputation? I'm curious.
00:37 Me too. Now get back to pumping that iron.
00:40 Oh, I can't do anymore.
00:50 Well, well, well, you wanted to train for an hour but you've only been here for 45 minutes.
00:56 Yeah, but I can't physically do anymore.
00:58 Oh, come on, a bit more discipline please. Remember, ohne fleiß, kein preis, no pain, no gain.
01:05 Yes, but at what price? Can I just shower now?
01:08 Wasn't one of your New Year's resolutions to do more sport?
01:12 Yes, that's true, but...
01:14 Well, a little perseverance then, please.
01:16 Why are you pushing me so much?
01:18 It's for your own good. You said yourself that you wanted it and you're not alone.
01:23 Popular resolutions among Germans are to do more sport and eat healthier.
01:28 Well, but how long do these last?
01:30 Well, as long as necessary.
01:34 No, no, for just under 40% of people,
01:37 well-intentioned resolutions last less than a month. So much for German discipline.
01:43 Oh, come on, just 10 more minutes and you will be done. Come back now.
01:50 Well, discipline is important, but not the way you might think.
01:53 It's not really about being coerced into doing something.
01:57 It's more about everyone sticking to the rules and completing the task efficiently.
02:01 I suppose you're right, but anyway, you better get back to work.
02:05 I'm not going to work today. I'm off work.
02:08 What? But you have so much to do.
02:11 I don't care.
02:12 Wait a minute, we were just talking about sticking to the rules to get tasks done.
02:17 What about that now?
02:18 Well, that doesn't mean I can't have time off.
02:21 To be honest, we Germans don't work that much compared to the rest of the world,
02:25 and we do less and less overtime.
02:27 That's because we're efficient.
02:28 Well, you can look at it both ways.
02:31 And the trend is rising.
02:40 We are just hard working, but we also treat ourselves to holidays.
02:45 On average, we have more than 30 days per year.
02:49 Not bad.
02:50 Right, and that's why I'm enjoying a nice day off.
02:53 And tomorrow evening, I'm going on holiday.
02:56 All right, you win.
02:58 Don't you have to pack if you're going on holiday tomorrow?
03:05 Oh no, I can still do that tomorrow. I'm not leaving until the evening.
03:09 No, no, no, no, no. You know how the saying goes.
03:12 "Was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen."
03:15 Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
03:17 Tomorrow will be much more relaxed if you have already packed.
03:21 I just want to relax.
03:23 Come on, get it out of the way. At least get started.
03:26 Okay.
03:28 Oh damn, I forgot to buy sunscreen.
03:37 See, it's a good thing that you already packed today.
03:40 Now you can still pick some up.
03:42 You are right.
03:43 Now it's time for a proper holiday.
03:58 Hi.
04:09 Yeah, yeah, I can send that by mail.
04:11 Uh-huh, no worries.
04:13 Absolutely no problem. Yeah, I'm happy to do it.
04:16 Bye-bye.
04:16 What was that?
04:19 Oh, my boss needs something.
04:21 Didn't you just boast that Germans like to go on holiday so much?
04:25 Yeah.
04:26 As much as we like going on holiday, we find it hard to stop working.
04:32 Almost 60% of Germans have worked on holiday before.
04:36 That is surprisingly high considering that we usually take the end of a working day very seriously.
04:42 Okay, enough of that now.
04:44 Hard work is good, but only when it's appropriate.
04:47 A holiday is a holiday.
04:48 You are right.
04:51 German diligence and discipline are tricky virtues.
05:00 A lot of things seem outdated.
05:03 Hey, hey.
05:04 But that's the way it is.
05:05 We Germans aren't all in the army.
05:08 We also like a more leisurely pace.
05:11 Okay, that's fair.
05:12 But diligence and discipline are still very important.
05:16 Most young Germans still believe that hard work and determination get you where you want to go.
05:22 Makes sense.
05:23 Makes sense.
05:25 [Music]
