Don't Deport My Luna | Full Movie 2024 #drama #drama2024 #dramamovies #dramafilm #Trending #Viral

  • 5 months ago
00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:03 Bastards, let me go.
00:00:12 Come on, babe.
00:00:13 Drop the act already.
00:00:14 You're excited about this, too, aren't you?
00:00:17 [LAUGHTER]
00:00:19 Just a little something to make you a good little kiss.
00:00:23 What do you want?
00:00:25 We paid a lot of money for you.
00:00:26 [INAUDIBLE]
00:00:29 [SCREAMING]
00:00:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:55 Stay still.
00:00:56 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:00 Who are you?
00:01:04 Why can't I remember anymore?
00:01:06 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:09 Hey, just because I'm grabbing coffee with the guy
00:01:11 doesn't mean I'm marrying him.
00:01:13 Plus, I can't just wait to get deported.
00:01:17 I've just arrived.
00:01:18 I'll talk to you later.
00:01:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:25 Black hair, black suit.
00:01:27 Where are you?
00:01:28 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:32 Oh, there you are.
00:01:35 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:38 It's been five years.
00:01:44 That girl, my maid, where are you?
00:01:47 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:50 Mr. Kingsley?
00:01:51 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:54 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:58 Thank you.
00:02:05 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:08 When we talked online, I didn't expect you to be so young.
00:02:13 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:16 And hot.
00:02:19 She seems to have forgotten.
00:02:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:23 Never mind.
00:02:25 I'll introduce myself again.
00:02:27 I'm Emma Young, 23 years old.
00:02:29 And to prove I'm not a fraud, I brought these credentials.
00:02:35 As you can see, I'm not in any debt.
00:02:37 I have a job, so I can provide for myself.
00:02:40 Plus, my parents are in Canada, so you don't have to worry
00:02:42 about all the family hassles.
00:02:44 In conclusion, marrying me won't bring you any trouble.
00:02:49 Nice to meet you, Miss--
00:02:50 Young.
00:02:51 Yeah, it's Young.
00:02:54 However, today's the first day we've met in person,
00:02:58 so perhaps it's a bit early for talks of a marriage.
00:03:01 Of course not.
00:03:02 It's the perfect time to talk about marriage.
00:03:06 Of course not.
00:03:06 It's the perfect time to talk about marriage.
00:03:08 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:12 Look, if I don't marry you, I'm going to get deported.
00:03:15 As you can see, my visa's going to expire soon.
00:03:17 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:21 Please, you're my only hope.
00:03:23 We can get married.
00:03:26 There's something you need to know first.
00:03:29 What is it?
00:03:30 You see, my family observes a rather complicated religion.
00:03:37 Though I'm not religious, I can respect all faiths,
00:03:41 unless it's a cult.
00:03:42 No, of course not.
00:03:44 It's just they follow a rather unique faith.
00:03:49 It won't be a problem then.
00:03:50 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:54 Don't worry.
00:03:55 I'd understand if you refuse.
00:03:57 Risky business, after all.
00:04:00 Anyway, it was nice meeting you.
00:04:01 Miss Young, may I invite you to the town hall
00:04:05 for a totally legitimate marriage?
00:04:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:04:10 Absolutely.
00:04:12 I'll meet you there, Mr. Kingsley.
00:04:13 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:04:17 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:04:20 Alf Alexander, where'd you go?
00:04:38 Parents are looking for you.
00:04:39 Party's about to start.
00:04:40 Tell them I'm not going.
00:04:42 But it's the 10th anniversary of KS Group.
00:04:45 You're the CEO and alpha of Crimson Shadow Pack.
00:04:49 Mr. And Mrs. Kingsley will be furious if you ditch this.
00:04:52 OK.
00:04:53 Then ask them what's more important, the party
00:04:56 or Crimson Shadow's Luna?
00:04:57 Well, of course, the Luna is--
00:04:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:02 Wait.
00:05:03 We-- our pack has a Luna?
00:05:05 Where's the stuff I asked you to bring?
00:05:07 Oh.
00:05:10 Crimson Pack family heirloom.
00:05:11 Handed down generation to generation from Luna to Luna.
00:05:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:16 You sure she's your mate?
00:05:18 And Luna?
00:05:19 What about that human girl you saved?
00:05:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:24 Call an ambulance.
00:05:28 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:32 Since you saved that human girl five years ago,
00:05:44 you've been jutting all other women out,
00:05:46 digging up the whole world, searching for her.
00:05:48 You're ready to give up on her now?
00:05:51 How do you know she's not that girl?
00:05:54 But it seems she's forgotten about that night.
00:05:56 Nor does she remember who I am.
00:05:58 Doesn't matter.
00:06:00 She'll get to know me again as my wife.
00:06:03 I'll drive.
00:06:05 Where to?
00:06:06 Town Hall.
00:06:10 I'm getting married.
00:06:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:15 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:16 Congratulations.
00:06:17 You are now lawfully wedded.
00:06:20 Thank you so much.
00:06:22 You have no idea how much this means to me.
00:06:24 Actually, use one hundredth couple today, if you'd like.
00:06:27 We can host a small ritual for you.
00:06:29 Thanks, but I think we're good.
00:06:31 Why not?
00:06:32 I've always felt sorry for not giving her a full wedding.
00:06:37 If there's anything you can do, I'd really appreciate it.
00:06:40 What?
00:06:41 If we're going to do this, we might as well do it right.
00:06:43 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:46 Would you like to say you were a screwing?
00:06:49 I swear I love you from now on, my wife.
00:06:53 In sickness and in health, till death do us part.
00:06:57 So Emma Young, will you marry me?
00:07:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:03 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:06 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:09 Yes.
00:07:10 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:13 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:16 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:23 I'm sorry.
00:07:24 We're a couple now.
00:07:25 You don't have to say you're sorry.
00:07:26 I have a question for you.
00:07:28 Are you an actor?
00:07:30 I think I'm in love with you.
00:07:32 No, no, I'm not that carried away.
00:07:35 It's just what you did in there really made me feel
00:07:37 like we were getting married.
00:07:39 Isn't it great?
00:07:40 It's exactly what we needed, the full immigration.
00:07:44 Anyways, thank you.
00:07:46 Here's your ring.
00:07:47 Keep it.
00:07:48 It's just a trinket.
00:07:49 Take it as a wedding gift.
00:07:51 I can't.
00:07:51 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:55 This is nothing much, but this ring
00:07:57 has been with me since I was a little girl.
00:08:00 It's yours now, since you gave me this.
00:08:03 I got to go.
00:08:04 I'll see you later.
00:08:05 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:09 A $200 million ring, and you call it a trinket?
00:08:14 I hope Mrs. Kingsley doesn't pass out when she hears this.
00:08:17 She'll just be glad I found a mate.
00:08:19 Now, you have a job to do.
00:08:19 Find me a cheap condo in Queens and make
00:08:21 sure it seems low profile.
00:08:23 Cheap condo?
00:08:25 What for?
00:08:26 I'm moving out of the back house.
00:08:28 I'm moving with my mate.
00:08:30 Took me long enough to find my mate.
00:08:32 And my mom, I don't want her to scare her away.
00:08:34 You know how dramatic she is.
00:08:37 When are you going to tell Luna Emma you're a werewolf?
00:08:41 When I find a way to make her fall in love with me.
00:08:43 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:47 Here's 50K.
00:08:51 Count it.
00:08:54 I can't believe you paid off your ex-boyfriend's
00:08:56 debt after five years.
00:08:58 You got balls, girl.
00:08:59 And can I have my stuff back now?
00:09:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:09:04 We're clear now.
00:09:23 What is this?
00:09:29 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:09:33 You know I've always had feelings.
00:09:40 Be my girl.
00:09:43 I'll give you back this 50,000.
00:09:46 Get you back to NYU to study fashion design.
00:09:49 Hasn't it always been your dream to become a fashion designer?
00:09:55 I know you felt like you never reached your potential
00:09:59 after you dropped out because of your ex-man.
00:10:02 My only dream now is to get away from all of this.
00:10:04 [LAUGHTER]
00:10:07 The more you fight it, the more I want you.
00:10:13 Let me go, you fuck.
00:10:14 Do you have no shame?
00:10:15 Girl, I run a casino.
00:10:17 What shame could I possibly have?
00:10:20 Wait, I'm married.
00:10:21 Oh, yeah?
00:10:22 With who?
00:10:23 Your good for nothing boyfriend who disappeared.
00:10:26 You listen here, bitch.
00:10:28 Your petty talk of shame is worth nothing in New York.
00:10:31 Who gave you this ring?
00:10:37 Let me go, you jerk.
00:10:38 You're a Kingsley.
00:10:40 Get out.
00:10:42 Leave, now.
00:10:43 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:10:46 Boss, what's wrong with the ring?
00:10:50 It's the heirloom of the Kingsleys.
00:10:53 She's a member of Kingsley's pack.
00:10:56 But how?
00:10:58 You listen here, bitch.
00:11:07 Your petty talk of shame is worth nothing in New York.
00:11:12 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:11:15 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:11:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:11:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:11:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:11:29 [GROANING]
00:11:33 Where's the first aid kit?
00:11:35 It's over there.
00:11:36 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:11:39 This is going to hurt.
00:11:41 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:11:44 [GROANING]
00:11:45 Just try to keep your ear dry.
00:11:47 You should feel better in a few days.
00:11:50 How did you end up in a place like that at this hour?
00:11:54 To pay back my debt.
00:11:57 Didn't you tell me you weren't in debt when we first met?
00:12:00 Well, technically, it was my ex's.
00:12:02 He borrowed $500,000 from the casino,
00:12:05 and I spent five years paying it back.
00:12:08 Seems like you really love him.
00:12:11 No, I hate his guts.
00:12:13 He borrowed $500,000 in my name,
00:12:16 then made me drop out of school, and I
00:12:18 had to spend the best years of my life trying to pay it back.
00:12:21 Seems like you've had rough times.
00:12:24 It's all over now.
00:12:26 Now I can finally live for myself.
00:12:28 Don't worry.
00:12:33 As of today, I'm going to watch over you.
00:12:36 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:12:40 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:12:44 [SIGHS]
00:12:46 Ah!
00:12:47 [GASPS]
00:12:49 [GUNSHOTS]
00:12:52 Tom Robert.
00:12:54 The fuck you want?
00:12:55 [GRUNTS]
00:12:56 [PANTING]
00:12:59 Tough guy, huh?
00:13:01 Why don't you tell me your name, and I'll
00:13:03 make sure your body ends up in a nice sewer by tomorrow.
00:13:07 Alexander Kingsley.
00:13:09 Looking forward to your hospitality.
00:13:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:13:15 Yes.
00:13:18 He's Alexander Kingsley.
00:13:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:13:23 Are you crazy?
00:13:28 It's against the law to marry someone for a green card.
00:13:31 If you get caught, you'll be sent away for good.
00:13:33 I won't back down.
00:13:35 It's my dream to go to New York and be a fashion designer.
00:13:38 It took me so long to pay off the debt.
00:13:40 Now nothing can stop me.
00:13:43 Fuck that Tony.
00:13:44 You know, you never would have had a drop out of school
00:13:46 if you didn't need to pay off his debt.
00:13:48 Speaking of which, I know you have always loved KS Fashion.
00:13:53 Now they are holding a fashion design competition,
00:13:56 and first prize is $100,000 and a chance to work for them.
00:14:01 But I don't have a diploma.
00:14:03 Will I be able to enter?
00:14:06 Don't chicken out, Emma.
00:14:07 It doesn't say anywhere on there about diplomas.
00:14:11 I know how talented you are.
00:14:14 There's a good chance for you to take the top prize.
00:14:18 Hello?
00:14:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:14:23 Emma?
00:14:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:14:30 Emma?
00:14:31 Emma, it's me, Tony.
00:14:33 Don't you recognize me?
00:14:34 No, no, no.
00:14:35 Don't touch her, jerk.
00:14:37 Long time no see, Abigail.
00:14:40 See, you're just as rash as ever.
00:14:41 I thought you would have grown up a bit.
00:14:43 And you're still as gross and phony as I remember.
00:14:46 I am warning you.
00:14:48 Stay away from Emma.
00:14:50 She's been through enough paying off your debt.
00:14:53 So you work here?
00:14:56 That's great.
00:14:57 You can clean up my table for me.
00:15:00 Get the fuck out of my restaurant.
00:15:03 I own this place.
00:15:04 And you are not welcome in my restaurant.
00:15:08 Abigail, I can handle this.
00:15:10 I'll take you to your seat.
00:15:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:15:15 Here's your menu.
00:15:21 So I hear your visa's going to expire.
00:15:27 It's none of your business.
00:15:29 In fact, I've been meaning to find you
00:15:30 over the past five years.
00:15:32 I just felt so ashamed.
00:15:36 Emma, let's get back together.
00:15:39 What are you doing?
00:15:39 Let go of me.
00:15:40 Emma, I have money and status now.
00:15:43 Come back.
00:15:44 I can take care of your visa.
00:15:46 I don't want anything to do with you.
00:15:47 Let me go.
00:15:48 Hi.
00:15:51 Babe, what are you doing here?
00:15:53 I thought you were out shopping.
00:15:55 I'm eating here with my friends.
00:15:57 Who is she?
00:15:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:16:03 You shameless bitch.
00:16:07 I tried to get with my boyfriend.
00:16:08 I don't want anything to do with your boyfriend, plus I'm married.
00:16:15 To a drug addict?
00:16:17 No wonder you had your eyes on my boyfriend.
00:16:19 Making use of every opportunity to climb up, huh?
00:16:22 I'm not you.
00:16:24 Treating shit like treasure.
00:16:26 If I were you, I would keep your boyfriend to yourself
00:16:28 to prevent him from fucking up everything.
00:16:30 Brainless fucker.
00:16:32 Keep your dirty hands off of her.
00:16:36 You OK?
00:16:37 Alex, what are you doing here?
00:16:38 I'm here to pick you up, of course.
00:16:40 Who the hell are you?
00:16:41 As you can see, I'm her husband.
00:16:45 Wow, are you coming straight from the ghetto?
00:16:48 He really is a perfect guy for that breath.
00:16:50 My husband may not be rich and powerful,
00:16:53 but he is kind and hardworking, and I wouldn't trade him
00:16:55 for all the money in the world.
00:16:57 It's true.
00:16:58 I used to be in a relationship with your boyfriend,
00:17:00 but we broke up a long time ago.
00:17:02 And this is the first, hopefully the last, time
00:17:04 we've seen each other since then.
00:17:07 And Tony, I won't even bring up the $500,000 I paid back for you,
00:17:12 but I hope this is a clean break and you
00:17:14 won't bother me ever again.
00:17:15 What are you doing?
00:17:25 That was my wife.
00:17:26 Sorry I dragged you through this shit.
00:17:32 I was actually quite happy.
00:17:34 Happy?
00:17:34 For what?
00:17:35 The way you spoke up for me.
00:17:37 It's kind of cool, especially so in front of your ex.
00:17:40 Why were you with your ex?
00:17:48 I didn't know he was coming.
00:17:49 He just showed up.
00:17:50 It's OK, you don't have to explain.
00:17:52 I trust you 100%, and because you're my wife now.
00:17:57 All right, let's go.
00:17:58 What, you're going to take the trolley?
00:18:05 Emma, get in the Audi.
00:18:06 A princess like you shouldn't have to walk.
00:18:08 Tony, what part of we are done do you not understand?
00:18:11 Look, I know you were angry at me.
00:18:13 Yeah, I left you behind, but that's because I
00:18:15 was nobody when I was young.
00:18:17 Now I've got money.
00:18:18 We can have a future together.
00:18:20 For God's sake, Tony, how many times do I have to tell you?
00:18:22 I don't want you in my future at all whatsoever.
00:18:24 I know you love me, you just can't say it.
00:18:28 This guy threaten you with your visa?
00:18:30 Emma, don't worry, just divorce him,
00:18:32 I'll take care of everything.
00:18:33 Mister, I'm afraid you got it the wrong way.
00:18:37 My wife married me with her own heart,
00:18:39 not because of the visa or any other reason.
00:18:41 If you keep bothering us, you will regret it.
00:18:44 Oh yeah?
00:18:46 Like how?
00:18:47 Am I young?
00:18:47 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:18:51 I'm about to immigration.
00:18:55 My visa expires today.
00:18:58 I got to take it to my office.
00:18:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:19:03 [PHONE RINGING]
00:19:07 Oh my God, I'm so dead.
00:19:14 I meant to go over this information with you
00:19:16 before the investigation, but now it's too late.
00:19:20 Sweetheart, maybe you should just calm down.
00:19:24 How could I?
00:19:25 We barely know each other.
00:19:26 We've been married less than a week.
00:19:27 They're going to ask me the first question,
00:19:29 and I'll be exposed and get deported.
00:19:30 That's it.
00:19:34 We need to do a crash course.
00:19:36 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:19:39 Emma.
00:19:40 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:19:44 You trust me?
00:19:48 Yes.
00:19:49 Listen, no one is going to deport you or break us apart.
00:19:54 I assure you, everything's going to be just fine.
00:19:57 Emma Young, Alexander Kisling?
00:20:07 Yes, sir.
00:20:08 I have a question.
00:20:13 Did you get married so she won't get deported back to Canada?
00:20:15 Did you get married so she won't get deported back to Canada?
00:20:23 Where does that come from?
00:20:24 Just now, a man claiming to be your ex
00:20:26 just reported this to us.
00:20:28 Who, Tony Brown?
00:20:29 That jerk wouldn't leave me alone even if we broke up.
00:20:32 He is a hypocrite.
00:20:34 That man is not to be trusted.
00:20:36 OK, then I'm going to ask several personal questions.
00:20:39 Only true couples could get it right.
00:20:42 But before that, I've got to tell you,
00:20:45 if your answers aren't consistent,
00:20:47 you're getting deported indefinitely.
00:20:50 And you, you're going to get fined $350,000
00:20:54 and a seven-year imprisonment.
00:20:56 Is that understood?
00:20:59 Let me get this started.
00:21:00 What's your favorite color?
00:21:05 Black.
00:21:05 Blue.
00:21:06 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:21:09 Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
00:21:11 Me.
00:21:12 So she's closer to my heart.
00:21:14 When'd you meet?
00:21:23 About a year ago.
00:21:24 Actually, it was five years ago.
00:21:28 She was drunk, ambushed by several thugs.
00:21:31 I took care of all of them.
00:21:33 And we've been tied to each other ever since.
00:21:39 OK, investigation's over.
00:21:42 Just wait a minute.
00:21:42 We're done for.
00:21:51 Calm down.
00:21:53 Sorry, I should have never pulled such a stunt,
00:21:55 dragging you down with me.
00:21:57 Now I'll go talk to them and confess my crimes that you
00:21:59 don't get fined or go to prison.
00:22:00 It's too late to plead guilty.
00:22:03 Just sit here.
00:22:04 I'll go talk to them.
00:22:05 Everything's going to be just fine.
00:22:06 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:22:10 Beta Jack, come to the immigration office now.
00:22:22 They want to deport your Luna.
00:22:24 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:22:28 Omega Felix, you're in big trouble.
00:22:43 Omega Felix, you're in big trouble.
00:22:49 Well, honestly, Beta Jack, I'm sorry.
00:22:53 I'm not quite sure how I offended you.
00:22:55 Oh, offending me is nothing.
00:22:58 It's Alpha Alexander you've crossed.
00:23:00 Alpha Alexander?
00:23:02 Wait, no, no, no, no, no.
00:23:03 How can that be?
00:23:04 How is that possible?
00:23:05 I haven't seen him in over-- more than a year.
00:23:07 Well, maybe you're so drunk with the power of this office,
00:23:11 you've forgotten who you are.
00:23:12 No, no, no, no.
00:23:13 Look, everything I have, Alpha Alexander gave to me.
00:23:16 Everything I do, I do for the prosperity
00:23:18 of the Crimson Shadow Pack.
00:23:20 How do you contribute to your pack exactly?
00:23:24 By trying to deport the mate of Alpha Alexander?
00:23:27 Luna of the Crimson Shadow Pack?
00:23:29 No, no, I wouldn't do that.
00:23:32 Nor do I dare.
00:23:33 Rest assured, Beta Jack, I'm on top of it now.
00:23:37 I promise you, no one will touch my Luna.
00:23:39 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:23:42 Oh, one more thing.
00:23:48 OK, hold on.
00:23:49 Luna Emma doesn't know her husband is a werewolf yet.
00:23:53 OK.
00:23:54 So try to keep Alpha Alexander's identity a secret.
00:23:57 They're still getting to know each other.
00:23:59 Don't want to blow the cover.
00:24:05 OK.
00:24:05 Sorry, Mr. Kingsley.
00:24:18 I shouldn't have got you into this.
00:24:19 What are you thinking?
00:24:26 Nothing.
00:24:27 Emma Young, you are deported indefinitely
00:24:39 for committing fraud trying to get a green card.
00:24:43 And Alex Kingsley, you're under arrest for fraud.
00:24:47 And you can explain yourself in court.
00:24:49 I confess that I married him to get my green card,
00:24:51 but he's nothing to do with this.
00:24:53 I lied to him.
00:24:54 He knows nothing.
00:24:55 So please leave him out of this.
00:24:56 No.
00:24:57 We got married because we love each other.
00:24:59 Alex!
00:25:00 I know what you're thinking.
00:25:01 You want to take all the blame, but I got to tell you,
00:25:03 that's not going to happen.
00:25:05 We're a couple, a team.
00:25:07 And we face and fight everything together.
00:25:09 Well, well, well.
00:25:10 Emma thought it was true.
00:25:14 Whatever stunt you're trying to pull off,
00:25:16 you do it in front of the judge.
00:25:17 Get away from her.
00:25:21 Alex, I'm with Kingsley.
00:25:23 Are you resisting arrest?
00:25:24 No one's going to take my wife away or deport
00:25:26 her from this country.
00:25:27 No one's going to take my wife away or deport
00:25:33 her from this country.
00:25:34 Take him down.
00:25:39 Hey!
00:25:39 Stop it!
00:25:40 Stop it!
00:25:42 Taking a scene in the federal office like this,
00:25:44 you want to keep your job or not?
00:25:45 Mr. Miller, sorry for the disturbance,
00:25:47 but these two are trying to bend the law.
00:25:49 Mr. Miller, it was all my idea.
00:25:51 I'd willingly accept my deportation,
00:25:52 but please spare him.
00:25:53 All right, I can see what's going on here.
00:25:55 And you can go now with your husband.
00:26:02 What?
00:26:02 I got the report here on the investigation.
00:26:05 It proves they don't know each other at all.
00:26:08 What are you going to prove with a bunch of stupid questions
00:26:10 you don't even remember your own wife's birthday?
00:26:14 She committed the crime herself.
00:26:15 Idiot!
00:26:16 You want us all to lose our jobs?
00:26:17 Obviously, this kind woman is trying to protect her husband.
00:26:25 And this gentleman, though aware of the consequences,
00:26:28 is always standing by his wife.
00:26:30 Man, I see nothing but love in them.
00:26:33 But--
00:26:34 Are you trying to question my decision?
00:26:37 No, sir.
00:26:39 Know your place!
00:26:40 As for you two, though you're off the hook for now,
00:26:43 the Department of Immigration will
00:26:45 conduct further investigations.
00:26:47 So if anything goes wrong, you know the consequences.
00:26:53 Yes, sir.
00:26:54 Thank you.
00:26:57 Told you we'd be OK.
00:26:58 Thank God I get to stay in America.
00:27:08 You have anything to say to me?
00:27:11 Sorry.
00:27:12 For what?
00:27:15 For not believing in you.
00:27:17 Anything else?
00:27:18 What else?
00:27:23 You shouldn't have left me out when you were in trouble.
00:27:26 I'm your husband.
00:27:26 It's my duty to protect you.
00:27:28 We're a couple, a team.
00:27:34 Whenever a problem arises, we solve it together.
00:27:37 You understand?
00:27:39 Yes.
00:27:39 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:27:42 Who is he?
00:27:47 Miss Emma.
00:27:49 Respected.
00:27:50 He is my boss.
00:27:51 He pulled some strings here at the immigration office.
00:27:58 I'm his boss.
00:28:01 Well, thank you so much, Mr--
00:28:03 Boss.
00:28:04 Jack Thomas.
00:28:06 Jack Thomas.
00:28:07 Yes, Mr. Thomas.
00:28:08 Would you like to come to dinner with us?
00:28:10 Oh, no, no.
00:28:10 No need.
00:28:11 He's got work tonight.
00:28:14 Do I?
00:28:15 Did you forget you have a meeting with a client?
00:28:18 Oh, yeah.
00:28:18 You're going to be late.
00:28:19 Right.
00:28:20 OK.
00:28:20 Thank you.
00:28:21 Wait.
00:28:21 Thank you.
00:28:24 Why do I get the feeling you're the boss?
00:28:26 It's called bottom-up management.
00:28:29 Come.
00:28:30 I want to take you to a place.
00:28:31 Where?
00:28:36 Sorry for the shabby little place.
00:28:37 Idiot.
00:28:43 I told him to find me a cheap place, and he gets me this?
00:28:46 You call this place shabby?
00:28:48 I've never seen such a nice apartment.
00:28:51 So you're rich.
00:28:52 Oh, of course not.
00:28:53 I'm just renting it.
00:28:56 It belongs to my godmother.
00:28:57 She's working abroad, so I'm just
00:29:01 renting the place for a low, low cost.
00:29:06 OK, but why did you bring me here?
00:29:09 In fact, I wanted to invite you to move in with me.
00:29:14 Are you sure?
00:29:15 I don't want to be an obstetian.
00:29:17 We're a couple.
00:29:18 We should live together, right?
00:29:20 And anyways, you remember what the immigration officer said.
00:29:23 They keep investigating us.
00:29:25 So I thought we'd get to know each other by living together.
00:29:29 And I get scared every night living in such a huge place.
00:29:35 OK, I'll move in.
00:29:37 But I'll share half the rent.
00:29:39 That sounds good.
00:29:41 Let me show you to your bedroom.
00:29:43 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:29:46 Alex, can I borrow your charger?
00:30:04 [HEART BEATING]
00:30:06 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:30:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:30:12 I'm sorry.
00:30:20 I didn't know you were taking a shower.
00:30:22 You want to borrow the charger?
00:30:24 Yes.
00:30:24 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:30:28 Here you are.
00:30:33 Thanks.
00:30:34 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:30:37 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:30:41 Aren't you forgetting something?
00:30:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:30:55 Hormones.
00:31:04 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:08 We're mates.
00:31:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:12 [HEART BEATING]
00:31:16 Emma Young, you're married.
00:31:18 How can you dream about another man?
00:31:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:23 Fuck you, Tony.
00:31:29 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:34 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:38 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:46 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:49 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:53 Morning.
00:32:19 Morning.
00:32:20 I prepared breakfast.
00:32:23 You made all of this?
00:32:24 I didn't know what you liked, so I made several dishes.
00:32:29 You enjoy the meal.
00:32:30 I'll be right back.
00:32:30 I'm going to get the door.
00:32:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:32:34 Surprise.
00:32:35 Mom, what brings you here?
00:32:37 I'm here to see my daughter-in-law.
00:32:40 Where is she?
00:32:41 How do you know?
00:32:43 I told Beta Jack not to tell anyone about it.
00:32:46 Come on.
00:32:46 You're my son.
00:32:48 I knew the moment that you moved out that you found your mate.
00:32:53 But as Alpha of Crimson Shadow Pack,
00:32:56 your marriage is a big event.
00:32:59 How could you just go to the town hall and get a certificate?
00:33:03 That's because--
00:33:04 Never mind.
00:33:05 Just move.
00:33:07 I can't wait to meet your Luna.
00:33:08 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:33:16 So you're Alex's wife.
00:33:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:33:22 Oh, no, no.
00:33:27 That's too much.
00:33:28 I can't take this apartment.
00:33:30 Those gifts will do nicely.
00:33:31 Emma, it's 11.
00:33:33 Don't you have a design competition?
00:33:35 Oh, gosh, Susan.
00:33:36 I'm so sorry. I have to go.
00:33:37 I'll see you later.
00:33:38 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:33:41 [SIGHS]
00:33:42 Mom, you almost spilled the beans.
00:33:45 Now tell me, when are you going to take
00:33:47 her back to the Pack House?
00:33:49 Well, like you just saw, she's a human.
00:33:51 And our marriage is still unstable.
00:33:55 I got to ease her in, let her accept who I am.
00:33:58 Whatever.
00:33:59 Just bring her back to the Pack House.
00:34:02 I like her a lot.
00:34:05 [LAUGHS]
00:34:06 Don't you miss her?
00:34:08 All right.
00:34:09 I got it.
00:34:10 I got it.
00:34:11 You should go now.
00:34:13 My dear godmother.
00:34:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:34:19 I was inspired by--
00:34:20 That's very interesting.
00:34:21 Oh, well, my customers--
00:34:23 [APPLAUSE]
00:34:26 How you in the calm?
00:34:34 What could be more important than having the chance
00:34:36 to hook up with the CEO of KS Group?
00:34:39 CEO of KS Group?
00:34:40 You want to hook up with them?
00:34:42 This CEO, although very young, has
00:34:44 made some great achievements, making him the most eligible
00:34:48 bachelor in New York.
00:34:50 I hear he's going to be appearing
00:34:52 at the awards ceremony.
00:34:54 And here I thought you came to congratulate me.
00:34:57 Hey, bitch, now that you are married,
00:34:59 you should start looking out for me.
00:35:02 Plus, I know what you're capable of.
00:35:04 This competition is basically like a joke for you.
00:35:07 Everyone, please welcome our first place winner, Emma Young.
00:35:11 [APPLAUSE]
00:35:14 Enjoy your big win, girl.
00:35:16 [APPLAUSE]
00:35:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:35:23 [APPLAUSE]
00:35:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:35:38 First prize, $100,000.
00:35:50 Who are you talking to?
00:35:52 Such a big smile.
00:35:54 None of your business.
00:35:57 Nor am I interested.
00:35:59 Come on, I hooked up with some chicks lately.
00:36:00 Let's go and see them in the bar tonight.
00:36:03 Next time you have such arrangements, don't me out.
00:36:07 Are you in love with someone?
00:36:11 Emma, where are you going?
00:36:13 The competition's over.
00:36:14 Of course I'm going home.
00:36:15 Yeah, but don't you want to stay and see what the legendary CEO
00:36:19 of KS looks like?
00:36:20 I'm married.
00:36:22 Even if he looks like Brad Pitt, it's got nothing to do with me.
00:36:25 You can enjoy his good looks yourself.
00:36:27 I gotta go.
00:36:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:36:31 [SIGHS]
00:36:33 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:36:37 [GASPS]
00:36:39 Look, it's the CEO of KS Group.
00:36:43 Isn't that Emma's husband?
00:36:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:36:48 What is he doing here?
00:36:51 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:36:54 What's the matter?
00:37:00 We should go.
00:37:01 This place is really pricey.
00:37:03 Don't worry, it's all on me to celebrate your victory.
00:37:06 Of course not.
00:37:08 I'm the one with the prize money.
00:37:09 I should be treating you.
00:37:12 And--
00:37:14 What's this?
00:37:16 My rent and $50,000 I owe you.
00:37:20 What?
00:37:22 Are you divorcing me?
00:37:24 Of course not.
00:37:25 I made a promise, and I intend to keep it.
00:37:29 Alex?
00:37:31 That sneaky little shit always keeps
00:37:34 the best close to his chest.
00:37:37 I never expected you to fulfill your promise.
00:37:41 No, I mean, it's a lot of money.
00:37:43 I could spend it easily.
00:37:45 Why don't you hold onto it for me?
00:37:46 Keep it.
00:37:48 All right.
00:37:49 I'll hold onto it for you.
00:37:50 But you have to let me treat you tonight.
00:37:51 Well, well, Alex, keeping such a beautiful lady to herself.
00:37:59 Hi.
00:37:59 Hi.
00:38:06 I'm Joey Van De Kamp.
00:38:08 Hi.
00:38:09 This is Emma Young, my wife.
00:38:11 Emma, this is my friend Joey.
00:38:13 Are you kidding me?
00:38:15 No one told me the alpha of Crimson Shadow Pack
00:38:17 is getting--
00:38:19 Crimson Shadow Pack?
00:38:21 Alpha?
00:38:23 What are you talking about?
00:38:24 It's an online game we used to play in college.
00:38:27 I used to play alpha, and he would play beta.
00:38:31 Since when did I become his beta?
00:38:33 Nice to meet you, Mr. Van De Kamp.
00:38:35 You should sit down with us.
00:38:36 We were just about to order.
00:38:38 No, thanks.
00:38:39 Just need you to yourself to my restaurant.
00:38:41 Your restaurant?
00:38:43 He means he works in this restaurant.
00:38:46 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:38:50 $132?
00:39:10 How could it be so cheap?
00:39:12 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:39:14 It's this restaurant's anniversary.
00:39:17 The 100th customer gets to enjoy a 90% discount.
00:39:22 90%?
00:39:24 If you-- if you still think it's too expensive,
00:39:27 we can cut it further down by 50%.
00:39:29 You can save even more.
00:39:30 No, no, I'm good.
00:39:32 Thank you so much.
00:39:33 Here's the money.
00:39:35 Keep the change.
00:39:40 Why so fast?
00:39:43 Honey, are you keeping something from me?
00:39:47 What's there to keep you from?
00:39:48 I looked it up.
00:39:49 This restaurant has only been open for three months.
00:39:52 How could there be such thing as an anniversary?
00:39:54 Now tell me the truth.
00:39:55 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:39:58 Now tell me the truth.
00:40:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:40:04 Did he owe you money?
00:40:08 Yeah.
00:40:10 He's been a little short on cash lately.
00:40:14 This morning I loaned him some money,
00:40:15 and this is probably his way of showing his gratitude.
00:40:18 Mr. Kingsley, if that's the case,
00:40:20 we should give him the money back.
00:40:21 He's just a waiter.
00:40:22 He's got no right to give us such a big discount like that.
00:40:25 If his boss finds out, he'll be fired.
00:40:27 Thank the stars I have such a kind wife.
00:40:31 Yeah, and one more thing.
00:40:37 After the competition, the CEO of KS showed up.
00:40:40 You saw the CEO of KS?
00:40:47 No, I left right after I got my award.
00:40:49 But Abigail stayed to see the CEO of KS.
00:40:52 Hey, you work for KS.
00:40:54 Is your boss more good looking than you?
00:40:55 Maybe a little bit less.
00:41:03 Your boss is cute and rich.
00:41:05 Why is he still single?
00:41:07 You said he's single.
00:41:09 He's married?
00:41:11 Not only married, but to a beautiful and considerate wife
00:41:14 just like you.
00:41:16 He must be a jerk then.
00:41:18 Of course not.
00:41:20 Who gives you that idea?
00:41:22 I mean, if he's married but still show his face to the world
00:41:25 like he's single.
00:41:26 Cool.
00:41:27 Let's not talk about him anymore.
00:41:46 Don't you have an interview tomorrow with KS?
00:41:49 Let's go home and cram up.
00:41:51 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:41:54 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:41:58 [SIGHS]
00:42:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:42:26 I think this is great.
00:42:28 Why throw it away?
00:42:29 KS is a world famous fashion brand.
00:42:32 Such poor quality won't suffice.
00:42:35 Hey, relax.
00:42:37 It's just a job.
00:42:39 It's not just a job.
00:42:41 It's the whole reason why I came to New York,
00:42:43 to be a fashion designer.
00:42:44 I'm sorry I'm so anxious about this.
00:42:49 It's just I dropped out of design school
00:42:51 to pay off Tony's debt.
00:42:53 This could be my ticket back into the game.
00:42:55 I don't want to lose it.
00:42:57 Emma, I know what you're capable of.
00:43:01 And I'm sure you're going to get into KS.
00:43:07 Thank you.
00:43:08 You have no idea how much this means to me.
00:43:10 You keep it up.
00:43:16 I'm going to go make a phone call.
00:43:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:43:25 Beta Jack, keep an eye on tomorrow's interview.
00:43:32 Make sure it's conducted fair and square.
00:43:35 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:43:38 [SIGHS]
00:43:47 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:43:51 [DOOR OPENS]
00:43:53 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:43:56 Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you.
00:44:13 We're married.
00:44:15 You can do whatever you want to me.
00:44:18 I'm done working.
00:44:20 I'm going to sleep now.
00:44:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:44:24 [DOOR OPENS]
00:44:33 [CHUCKLES]
00:44:34 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:44:37 Hi, I'm Emma Young.
00:44:39 I'm a fashion designer.
00:44:40 Here is my resume and portfolio.
00:44:42 Thank you.
00:44:43 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:44:46 Sorry I'm late, guys.
00:44:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:44:51 Sorry I'm late, guys.
00:44:56 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:44:59 What are you doing here?
00:45:01 Well, I work here.
00:45:02 Why shouldn't I be here?
00:45:04 You must be kidding.
00:45:06 I'm chief designer at KS Group, one
00:45:08 of the judges of this year's KS Fashion Design Competition.
00:45:11 And now, I'm your interviewer.
00:45:14 So if you have no further questions, can we get started?
00:45:16 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:45:19 Yes, please.
00:45:24 I'm Emma Young from Canada.
00:45:27 I'm a fashion designer.
00:45:29 I studied at NYU, major--
00:45:31 [DOOR CLOSES]
00:45:32 I recall that you dropped out of NYU.
00:45:34 Yeah.
00:45:35 I didn't finish my studies for some personal reasons.
00:45:40 So you are just a high school graduate?
00:45:44 Is this some kind of joke from the HR department?
00:45:48 The standards of KS is getting lower and lower.
00:45:54 In fact, I got this interview because I won the KS Design
00:45:57 Competition.
00:45:58 Though I just graduated high school,
00:46:00 I am very experienced in fashion design.
00:46:03 Attached to my resume, you'll find my portfolio.
00:46:05 Such trash is a worthy job.
00:46:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:46:09 I'll admit that my education falls short,
00:46:12 but education is not everything.
00:46:14 Plus, an interview is a two-way selection.
00:46:16 If you have set a bar for education,
00:46:18 you should have notified me before instead
00:46:20 of insulting me like this.
00:46:22 This only shows how low KS Group has fallen.
00:46:25 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:46:28 Hey, Emma.
00:46:32 How--
00:46:33 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:46:36 She looks unhappy.
00:46:37 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:46:39 Oh, my dear god.
00:46:41 She failed the interview.
00:46:43 I'm so dead.
00:46:45 Emma!
00:46:46 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:46:49 What do you want?
00:46:50 Don't be so impatient.
00:46:52 I'm here to give you another chance.
00:46:54 A chance?
00:46:55 Wasn't it enough what you did back there?
00:46:57 You, of all people, should know why I dropped out--
00:47:00 to pay back your gambling debt.
00:47:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:47:04 You, of all people, should know why I dropped out--
00:47:06 to pay back your gambling debt.
00:47:07 Look, I apologize for how I treated
00:47:09 you in the meeting room.
00:47:10 But you know, I had to keep up my image as chief designer.
00:47:13 I really do want to make it up to you.
00:47:15 Stop gaslighting me.
00:47:17 Where were you when you borrowed money in my name,
00:47:19 when loan sharks cornered me at my school?
00:47:21 Let's not talk about that.
00:47:23 What's past is past.
00:47:25 Right now, I can offer you a job as a designer.
00:47:28 I don't want your charity.
00:47:30 It's disgusting.
00:47:31 Don't be so quick to throw your chance on a whim, Emma.
00:47:35 I can make your dreams come true.
00:47:37 Plus, it pays well.
00:47:38 You need the money, don't you?
00:47:41 You're pathetic, stopping at nothing to get money and power.
00:47:45 If I won the game, I can make it on my own.
00:47:49 Ungrateful bitch.
00:47:51 You really think you won that competition fair and square?
00:47:54 What do you mean?
00:47:55 Let me tell you the truth.
00:47:57 I gave you that trophy because I was
00:47:59 the judge of the competition.
00:48:01 Without me, you'd be nothing.
00:48:04 Two choices.
00:48:06 Either you get back together with me, or leave it or not.
00:48:10 You will never find a job in fashion.
00:48:13 Let me go, you jerk!
00:48:15 You have no choice.
00:48:17 She said let her go.
00:48:18 Which part did you not understand?
00:48:20 Sweetheart.
00:48:21 Don't worry, baby, I got you.
00:48:24 Oh, how touching.
00:48:27 Oh, I'm bursting with tears.
00:48:29 Listen, loser.
00:48:31 If I were you, I'd quit.
00:48:33 Because you can give her nothing.
00:48:35 I warn you.
00:48:37 Stay away from my wife, or I'll be the last one you see before you die.
00:48:41 One day, you'll regret this.
00:48:54 I'm sorry.
00:49:05 It was meant to celebrate you getting into chaos.
00:49:07 It's fine.
00:49:08 Babe, are you OK?
00:49:19 To today's MVP, KS, Chief Designer, Tony!
00:49:24 [CHEERING]
00:49:26 Without him, this competition wouldn't be such a success.
00:49:34 [CHEERING]
00:49:35 Quit calling him Chief Designer.
00:49:37 Come tomorrow, he'll be director of the whole design department.
00:49:40 Not yet, not yet.
00:49:41 Let's keep a low profile.
00:49:43 Come on, admit it.
00:49:44 Of all people in this company, who has better talent?
00:49:48 Experience or qualification to fill that post?
00:49:52 I hear the CEO's personal assistant, Mr. Thomas, will be coming down to make the appointment.
00:49:57 Look, Mr. Thomas is here.
00:49:59 Mr. Thomas!
00:50:05 I thought you weren't interested in tonight's banquet.
00:50:07 Come on, get Mr. Thomas a drink.
00:50:08 No need, no need.
00:50:09 Let's have a toast.
00:50:10 I came for you.
00:50:12 Me? Is there anything I can do for you, sir?
00:50:16 Tony Brown.
00:50:18 I have to say, you really did a great job.
00:50:21 Well, I... come on, I was just... I was just doing my duty.
00:50:24 I actually came here to make an announcement, everybody.
00:50:27 Tony Brown?
00:50:29 Yes, sir.
00:50:31 Pack your stuff.
00:50:33 You're fucking fired.
00:50:43 You're fucking fired.
00:50:46 Oh, wait... wait, what?
00:50:51 Mr. Thomas, is there something wrong?
00:50:54 Oh, you heard me.
00:50:55 This is a direct order from Chaos Group's CEO, Mr. Kingsley himself.
00:50:59 Why?
00:51:00 Well, because you violated company policy, lied on your background check, and abused your power.
00:51:06 Mr. Kingsley has personally decided to remove you from the company and have you blacklisted.
00:51:12 On top of that, Chaos will be suing you on the count of fraud.
00:51:16 I suggest you find yourself a lawyer.
00:51:19 No, no, you can't do this to me.
00:51:23 After everything that I have done for Chaos, I... I need to talk to Mr. Kingsley.
00:51:27 Who do you think you are to talk to Mr. Kingsley?
00:51:30 Just as a heads up, if I were you, I'd think carefully about who I've offended and start begging for forgiveness.
00:51:39 Emma. It must be Emma.
00:51:42 That bitch, how did she hook up with the CEO of Chaos?
00:51:46 Emma, aren't you supposed to be working at Chaos?
00:51:55 What are you doing back here at my shabby little diner?
00:51:58 Tony sabotaged my new job.
00:52:01 What?
00:52:03 He's the chief designer and my interviewer at Chaos.
00:52:07 Fucking Tony.
00:52:10 I thought he had enough when he drugged you five years ago.
00:52:14 Drugged me? What's that supposed to mean?
00:52:17 What?
00:52:22 What did you just say about drugs? Five years ago?
00:52:26 I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:52:28 What?
00:52:29 What did you just say about drugs? Five years ago?
00:52:33 I don't know, I didn't say anything about drugs.
00:52:37 In fact, I keep having this dream about making out with a man whose face I can't see.
00:52:43 Maybe it's all the stress.
00:52:49 Yeah.
00:52:50 I mean, it has been a tough five years for you, you know?
00:52:53 Maybe it's time to take a breather.
00:52:56 I'm sorry, Emma. I can't tell you about what happened five years ago.
00:53:00 Better just let go.
00:53:03 Is this Emma Young?
00:53:12 Yes, you were talking to her.
00:53:14 We have re-evaluated your portfolio.
00:53:16 On behalf of the Chaos Group, we would like to offer you a position here at our company.
00:53:21 If you're interested, please report to the Chaos Tower receptions next Monday.
00:53:25 Sure, thanks.
00:53:27 So, what happened?
00:53:36 It was Chaos. They want me to start working on Monday.
00:53:39 I got a job at Chaos!
00:53:42 Oh my god! Your dream job!
00:53:44 I'm so happy for you!
00:53:46 Well, hey, where are you going?
00:53:49 I can't wait to tell Alex.
00:53:52 Right, yeah. He is your man and all.
00:53:55 I've been waiting for you for hours.
00:54:03 How do you know I live here?
00:54:05 Say it. Who's the CEO of Chaos Group to you?
00:54:08 What are you talking about? How would I know a big shot like that?
00:54:12 Thanks to you, I got fired from Chaos Group and blacklisted by the entire industry.
00:54:16 And on top of that, Chaos Group is going to sue me for fraud.
00:54:19 Who is capable of all of that except for the CEO of Chaos Group?
00:54:23 You're fired?
00:54:24 Oh my, karma is indeed the bitch.
00:54:26 Drop the act, you whore. I've come to all of this because of you.
00:54:30 Come on, people get what they deserve. Maybe you should take a look at your own actions.
00:54:33 Don't play the innocent girl with me. Remember?
00:54:37 You were quite the slut when you were sucking cock five years ago.
00:54:40 What are you talking about?
00:54:42 What is it that's making my beautiful wife so worried?
00:54:48 When did you get home?
00:54:50 Just now.
00:54:52 What's the matter?
00:54:54 Nothing. I got into chaos.
00:54:58 But?
00:55:01 No but. I know that look when something's bothering you.
00:55:06 Something's weighing heavily on your mind.
00:55:09 I have a question for you.
00:55:12 If I've done something unfaithful to you or something that might hurt you, in the past I mean, what should I do?
00:55:20 Then it means that I'm not perfect enough.
00:55:23 Look, sweetheart, I'm new at being a husband too.
00:55:28 If there's anything that I've done wrong, I need you to tell me immediately.
00:55:32 Now, let's just forget about all your bad mood.
00:55:37 We gotta celebrate you getting into chaos.
00:55:41 Cheers.
00:55:43 Thank you.
00:55:54 I think I need more whiskey. More. More whiskey.
00:56:06 You're drunk. I'm gonna take you back to your room.
00:56:10 Oh, I'm not even tired.
00:56:13 You're drunk.
00:56:15 I'm just tired of all this.
00:56:17 Alex.
00:56:19 I need to sleep.
00:56:22 I'm sorry.
00:56:24 [Music]
00:56:51 Oh my god, what did I do?
00:56:54 [Music]
00:57:21 Morning.
00:57:24 Did you sleep good last night?
00:57:26 I made breakfast, Mr. Kingsley.
00:57:28 Mr. Kingsley? I remember you calling me honey last night.
00:57:32 I gotta go to work now.
00:57:35 Ada Jack, did you find out who Emma met yesterday?
00:57:50 It's Tony Brown.
00:57:52 He seems to have said something to Emma.
00:57:54 Of course it was him.
00:57:56 I gotta get rid of him.
00:57:59 Please, just give me some more money. I promise I can win it back this time.
00:58:07 Tony Brown, you've lost everything you have.
00:58:12 You have nothing to use as collateral now.
00:58:15 I have my body, my organs. I can mortgage my kidney to you.
00:58:20 Five years ago, you mortgaged your girlfriend. Now it's your organs.
00:58:24 You never cease to amaze me.
00:58:27 It's your ex-Emma's money to pay your debt. Pay it.
00:58:38 If you don't pay it back, your kidney's mine.
00:58:45 Don't worry. I will.
00:58:48 [typing]
00:58:50 Mr. Kingsley, I just gave him the money as you ordered.
00:59:14 Thank you for your help.
00:59:16 Please, it's an honor to serve at Kingsley.
00:59:19 Speaking of, I just hope we both can forget the untimely accident with Mrs. Kingsley last time.
00:59:26 A truly foolish mistake on my part.
00:59:30 If you'd like, we have a few more things to discuss.
00:59:36 I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't.
00:59:39 If you'd like, we have ways to make sure Tony Brown will not be able to pay back the money.
00:59:47 No need.
00:59:49 He'll get himself killed. Soon.
00:59:57 [dramatic music]
00:59:59 [gun cocks]
01:00:02 [gun cocks]
01:00:30 No! You cheated, you fucking bastard!
01:00:34 No! You cheated, you fucking bastard!
01:00:40 Cheating? Do you have any proof of us cheating?
01:00:43 If you didn't, then why did I keep losing until all my money was gone?
01:00:46 That means you don't have any proof.
01:00:49 So you're messing with us.
01:00:51 This makes things easy, you little shit.
01:00:53 Security! Seize him.
01:00:55 Where are you taking me?
01:00:56 Remember how you got your money?
01:00:58 Now your kidney's ours.
01:01:00 Scumbag! I want to talk to your boss!
01:01:07 Are you looking for me?
01:01:10 Mr. Robert, I'm so sorry. Please, just give me a few days. I swear I can pay you back.
01:01:16 You have nothing. How can you repay me?
01:01:19 My girlfriend Emma, she has money. She lives in a big apartment near Central Park. She can help.
01:01:24 Poor kid. I want to help, but that's not my decision to make now.
01:01:30 Hi, Tony.
01:01:33 Long time no see.
01:01:37 What are you doing here?
01:01:41 I heard you want my wife to pay off your debts. Again.
01:01:45 What makes you think Emma's going to do that?
01:01:48 It's you. All this shit I made is because of you.
01:01:52 I'll kill you!
01:01:54 Who are you?
01:01:57 Idiot. Don't you know he's Alexander Kingsley?
01:02:01 CEO of KS, leader of the Kingsley family.
01:02:05 No, it's not possible. He's just a nobody. How can he be--
01:02:09 I told you to stay away from my wife.
01:02:12 But you keep bothering her. Again and again.
01:02:17 So you think you're the winner, huh? Well, let me tell you the truth.
01:02:22 Your wife, Emma Young, might appear to be a good, innocent girl, but she's actually a dirty whore.
01:02:28 A sex toy played with by everyone.
01:02:30 Hey, you. Put some tape on his lip.
01:02:32 Five years ago, I drugged her and sold her to some thugs.
01:02:36 They must have had their way with her during that beautiful night.
01:02:42 So you're the one who drugged her five years ago.
01:02:47 Oh, yeah. I bet you're mad that you've been lied to, huh?
01:02:51 No matter how much you cherish your beautiful little wife,
01:02:56 she will never be anything more than a dirty whore playing innocent.
01:03:01 You want to know something interesting?
01:03:04 I rescued her from those thugs five years ago,
01:03:09 and I'm the only one who had sex with her that night.
01:03:13 That's impossible.
01:03:16 So, I should thank you.
01:03:19 Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to meet Emma and marry her.
01:03:24 I've said all I had to say.
01:03:28 He's all yours.
01:03:31 You stay away from me! Mr. Kingsley, please forgive me!
01:03:40 It's all my fault, Mr. Kingsley!
01:03:43 No! No!
01:03:46 I got a gift box, but what's in it?
01:03:55 Open it.
01:03:57 O-M-G.
01:04:00 I hand-picked that out for you. Your style, your figure.
01:04:04 You are definitely going to get nailed by your husband in that tonight.
01:04:08 Emma!
01:04:10 Mr. Kingsley, you're back.
01:04:12 What's that behind you?
01:04:14 Nothing.
01:04:16 Uh, hello? Who are you talking to?
01:04:21 He didn't hear it, did he?
01:04:27 You think he heard it?
01:04:28 What if he heard it?
01:04:30 Who cares about that? The real question is, is he even capable as a man?
01:04:34 What do you mean?
01:04:36 I mean, it's been almost half a year, but you two still haven't even hooked up yet?
01:04:40 That's because it's a fake marriage.
01:04:42 Bullshit! Any normal man would have done it by now.
01:04:46 It's been half a year.
01:04:48 Either he is incapable of it, or he's gay.
01:04:53 He didn't even touch me when he was drunk last time.
01:04:56 I'm sure he's not even interested in you.
01:04:59 I'm sure he's not.
01:05:01 I'm sure he's not.
01:05:03 He didn't even touch me when he was drunk last time. You really think that he's gay?
01:05:08 [music]
01:05:35 What are you doing?
01:05:37 Don't you think it's a little bit cold in here?
01:05:40 I'll turn up the heat.
01:05:42 It's already at maximum heat, but I'm still cold.
01:05:46 Give me a second.
01:05:48 What are you doing?
01:05:53 To keep you warm.
01:05:55 Mr. Kingsley, I have a question. Are you gay?
01:05:59 [music]
01:06:00 Mr. Kingsley, I have a question. Are you gay?
01:06:03 What?
01:06:04 Is there something wrong with my body? Is this not attractive to you?
01:06:08 What do you mean?
01:06:09 Why don't you touch me? Not when you're drunk. Not today.
01:06:14 Or are you impotent?
01:06:16 [laughs]
01:06:18 [music]
01:06:23 What are you doing?
01:06:25 [music]
01:06:43 So, you still think I can't do it?
01:06:47 Can I go now?
01:06:51 Not yet.
01:06:53 [music]
01:07:13 [music]
01:07:25 Shit. Shit.
01:07:27 [music]
01:07:33 Why don't you wake me up? I'm going to be late.
01:07:35 I wanted you to sleep in. Breakfast is ready.
01:07:38 I gotta go.
01:07:40 [clears throat]
01:07:43 Aren't you forgetting something?
01:07:45 [music]
01:07:51 See you.
01:07:52 [laughs]
01:07:53 [music]
01:08:01 Here is your coffee and the files you asked me to prepare yesterday.
01:08:07 Really? A latte?
01:08:10 Could you not bring me the same thing every morning?
01:08:13 If that's what you asked for, a latte every morning.
01:08:18 Don't you ever think?
01:08:19 What kind of person drinks the same thing every day?
01:08:22 If you didn't want it, you could tell me before instead of telling me now.
01:08:27 Excuse me?
01:08:30 I've been here for a month and all I do is chores every day.
01:08:35 I didn't come here to be an intern. I came here to be a fashion designer.
01:08:39 So you think you have what it takes to be a designer now?
01:08:44 Yes. Why else would KS hire me?
01:08:48 Alright. Project.
01:08:52 Kevin White. Heir to the White family. Is this project big enough for you?
01:08:59 Nail him and you'll never have to do another chore.
01:09:05 Uh-uh, but if you fail, you can pack up your stuff and get your ass out of this company.
01:09:12 Alpha Alexander?
01:09:23 What's the matter?
01:09:25 It's Luna Emma. She got into a fight with the director of design.
01:09:29 She's finally had enough.
01:09:31 Alpha Alexander, sir. I don't understand. Why don't you just make it?
01:09:36 Emma, chief designer. We know she deserves it.
01:09:39 I agree. But she is new here and people will gossip. So she better just go through the ropes.
01:09:45 It's good for her career development.
01:09:47 But she has to deal with Kevin White.
01:09:50 The White family from Crimson Shadow Pack?
01:09:55 Yes. Yeah. You know Kevin White can be notoriously difficult. I'm afraid Luna Emma will-
01:10:03 Don't worry. I trust she can handle it.
01:10:06 It's twelve. You should come to bed.
01:10:17 I gotta meet with my client tomorrow, so I gotta finish my work. Go, you sleep first.
01:10:23 Okay.
01:10:24 [Music]
01:10:27 [Music]
01:10:29 [Music]
01:10:58 Maybe I shouldn't drag you through this ordeal. But don't worry. I'll make you chief designer when this project is over.
01:11:04 Excuse me. Do you know where I can find Mr. White?
01:11:26 [Music]
01:11:33 Mr. White?
01:11:34 [Music]
01:11:37 There you are. Nearly.
01:11:40 My calls for a punishment.
01:11:44 What the hell was that?
01:11:46 Wait, wait, wait, wait. You aren't the stripper that we ordered?
01:11:51 Then never mind. You're here now, so you're one of us. Come and let me have my way.
01:11:57 I'm not here to party. I'm here to see Mr. White.
01:12:00 Kevin White? What do you want him for?
01:12:04 I'm Emma Young, designer from Chaos. I have an appointment with Mr. White to discuss the opera tour he ordered.
01:12:10 Work, work, work, work, work, work?
01:12:14 Work.
01:12:19 You are Mr. White.
01:12:21 All work and no play makes Emma doll girl.
01:12:26 Gotta have some fun from time to time. Now come. Let me show you what we have here.
01:12:32 I'm not here to play. I'm here to work.
01:12:35 I'm not here to play. I'm here to work.
01:12:46 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
01:12:49 Fuck off!
01:12:50 You ungrateful idiot. Do you have any idea who he is?
01:12:56 He's the eldest son in hair of the White family of New York.
01:12:59 I'm sorry, Mr. White. I'll pay for your medical treatment and the broken glass.
01:13:04 But I didn't come here to party. I came here to work. If it bothers you, I'll come back another time.
01:13:09 You wanna talk about work? Okay.
01:13:13 Okay.
01:13:14 You know what?
01:13:19 Drink this in one go, I'll talk about work with you.
01:13:26 So I just have to drink this?
01:13:30 Okay.
01:13:36 Deal.
01:13:41 So you're saying if I drink this, you'll sit down and talk about work with me?
01:13:46 Not only that, but...
01:13:48 I can write off what happened just now.
01:14:10 Down to the last drop.
01:14:12 Nice! KS has got some talent.
01:14:16 Can we start now?
01:14:18 Somebody looks a little drunk.
01:14:33 No problem, no problem. Come on, I'll take you to have some really good rest.
01:14:39 What was in that drink?
01:14:50 Just something to loosen you up.
01:14:53 Let me go, I'm married.
01:14:57 Oh, really?
01:14:59 Stop!
01:15:00 I've never tasted a married woman before.
01:15:01 Let me go!
01:15:02 Fuck off me!
01:15:03 Alex.
01:15:17 Who the hell are you to come into my house and hit me?
01:15:29 You're dead!
01:15:32 You're dead!
01:15:33 You're a wolf too.
01:15:41 Kevin White, is it?
01:15:43 Tell your dad to come looking for me if he has a problem. I'll deal with him.
01:15:49 I don't know.
01:15:50 [Dramatic music]
01:15:51 [Dramatic music]
01:15:53 [Dramatic music]
01:15:54 [Dramatic music]
01:15:57 [Dramatic music]
01:16:19 [Sad music]
01:16:20 Well, well, well. If it isn't our esteemed designer, Emma Young.
01:16:29 Where did all your confidence and entitlement go?
01:16:32 Where do you think you're going?
01:16:34 I just put in my termination with HR. What more do you want?
01:16:38 Yeah, you hit KS's VIP client and sabotaged our deal.
01:16:44 You think after all that you can just walk away?
01:16:48 What do you want?
01:16:49 I want you to pay the damages.
01:16:51 What you did cost KS five million dollars.
01:16:55 You pay the damages, then you can go.
01:16:57 It's a business. You win some, you lose some.
01:17:00 How can you pin this loss on me? You're picking on me.
01:17:04 Sure am.
01:17:06 That's what happens when you mess with me.
01:17:07 What if I refuse to pay it?
01:17:09 Oh, talk about the tempers of a KS employee.
01:17:13 Mr. White, what are you doing here?
01:17:16 An employee from your company has bullied their way to the doorstep of the White family.
01:17:23 Now, that's a good reason for me to come, isn't it?
01:17:27 So tell me, who is it that beat up my sod?
01:17:32 Who is it that beat up my sod?
01:17:40 It was her, Emma Young.
01:17:44 Yes, I'm the one who hurt your son.
01:17:46 Do I look like an idiot to you?
01:17:52 She can't even squash a fly. How could she beat up my son?
01:17:57 To be clear, sir, it was her husband that did it.
01:18:00 Who's her husband?
01:18:04 He's a nobody. Please, Mr. White, it was your son who took advantage of me first.
01:18:10 If you weren't putting moves on him, why would he take advantage of you?
01:18:15 Yeah, as I see it, it's this shameless slut who tried to seduce Mr. Kevin White.
01:18:20 Yeah, I seduced Kevin and then had my husband beat him up. Does this make sense to you?
01:18:25 Before you put Kevin under your spell, your husband found out about your little side project.
01:18:31 So then you tried to pretend that Kevin came on to you.
01:18:35 Okay, Mr. White, this woman is no longer with KS. You can do with her what you like, you bitch.
01:18:40 Tell me, little girl, who is your husband?
01:18:46 I told you, your son molested me first. If you want a lawsuit, you can call the police now.
01:18:52 Call the police? Even if the mayor of New York City walked through that door, he'd have to take his hat off to me.
01:19:00 Do you really think the police would be on your side?
01:19:05 Oh, really? You want me to take my hat off in front of you, too?
01:19:11 Alpha, no, sorry, Mr. Kingsley. Why are you here?
01:19:19 Alex.
01:19:21 Don't worry, Miss Young. We'll take it from here.
01:19:24 Please, Mr. Thomas, you're Alex's boss. You must help him.
01:19:27 Just wait and see.
01:19:31 I heard you're looking for someone, so I thought I'd come and try to help you find him.
01:19:34 It's my son, Kevin. He was beaten up by this woman and her husband in his own house.
01:19:41 Really? Do you know why that happened?
01:19:46 He offered her a drink, her husband got jealous and beat my son unconscious.
01:19:52 Oh, really? Do you often lace your drinks with drugs and then ask someone to drink them?
01:19:59 Look, Kevin would never stoop so low. Even if he did, it doesn't justify starting a fight.
01:20:05 And I heard her husband's a werewolf.
01:20:10 Really?
01:20:12 So I will find this person no matter what. He hit my son, so I will break both his arms. So teach him a lesson.
01:20:20 In fact, I have something to tell you. I'm the one who hit your son.
01:20:28 What?
01:20:29 I'm her husband.
01:20:31 I'm her husband.
01:20:35 You mean, you mean she...
01:20:38 A family of idiots. He has come to get himself killed.
01:20:42 Mr. Wright, you heard the man. He is this woman's husband. Take him away and break his arms.
01:20:48 Shut up, idiot!
01:20:50 What was that for?
01:20:52 So sorry, Mr. Kingsley.
01:20:54 Are you crazy? He is the bad guy. What are you saying sorry for?
01:20:57 I'll tell you why. I'm Alexander Kingsley, CEO of KS and head of America's largest family, the Kingsleys.
01:21:03 No. That's impossible. How could...
01:21:06 So are you going to break my arms?
01:21:08 Sorry, Mr. Kingsley. It was stupid what my child did to you and your wife. Please forgive me and my son.
01:21:17 My wife was the victim in this case. I'll let her decide whether or not to forgive you.
01:21:25 It was very wrong what my son did to you yesterday. Please, show some mercy. Let him go.
01:21:32 Honey, it's okay if you're still angry. I support you, no matter what. And no one can bully you.
01:21:42 Mr. Wright, I think it's best we both forget about yesterday. But I don't want anything like this to happen again.
01:21:51 Yes, I will teach him a lesson. I promise this will never happen again. And you.
01:21:57 Emma, please forgive me. I should have never been mean to you. We've been working together for a long time, remember?
01:22:04 Too late. Security, escort her out and ban her from entering the site indefinitely.
01:22:09 And also, contact all domestic brands. She's blacklisted by this industry forever.
01:22:16 Don't you have anything you want to say to me?
01:22:18 I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you the truth, but I was afraid you would reject me. So I thought I should wait until we were more stable.
01:22:29 Then why tell me now?
01:22:31 Because I think you've fallen in love with me.
01:22:40 [emotional music]
01:22:53 There's something else I need to tell you.
01:22:55 You're already Kay as a CEO. What else can I not accept?
01:23:00 Actually, I am...
01:23:07 Alexander Kingsley!
01:23:10 [gunshot]
01:23:11 No!
01:23:13 Fuck you!
01:23:14 Please help somebody!
01:23:15 Emma, get me to the car.
01:23:16 But you must go to the hospital!
01:23:17 Emma, trust me. Just get me to the car.
01:23:19 Alex, Alex, please stay with me. Please. I'll call an ambulance. No, no, I should drive you to the hospital.
01:23:27 No, I won't make it. There's something I need to tell you now.
01:23:31 Yes, yes, I'm listening.
01:23:35 Before I do, you gotta tell me you'll never leave me.
01:23:37 I'll never leave you.
01:23:38 And you'll never divorce me.
01:23:39 We'll never get divorced.
01:23:40 Actually, I'm a werewolf.
01:23:44 What?
01:23:47 Yes, I'm a werewolf. That's the last secret I'll ever keep from you.
01:23:51 I'm not in the mood for jokes, Alex.
01:23:53 It's not. I am a werewolf.
01:23:55 I was just afraid to tell you because I thought you'd see me as some kind of monster, but I'm not a monster.
01:24:04 I don't eat people, and I don't shift very often. I'm actually about as normal as anybody else.
01:24:11 Oh my god, you're losing your mind.
01:24:13 I'm actually as sharp as a blade.
01:24:15 Emma, I gotta ask you. Even though I'm a werewolf, do you promise to love me and never divorce me?
01:24:22 I'm your wife. Whether you're a werewolf, ogre, or dung beetle, I will always be your wife.
01:24:29 Then I have no worries.
01:24:33 [phone ringing]
01:24:35 What? You're not hurt?
01:24:39 What? You think a bullet like that could hurt a werewolf? Werewolves only get hurt by silverware or wolf's bait.
01:24:49 So you've been acting.
01:24:54 You jerk.
01:25:01 I'm sorry I lied to you. I was afraid I was going to lose you.
01:25:04 There's something I need to tell you too.
01:25:10 Five years ago, before I knew you, I had sex with another man.
01:25:18 I don't know why, but I seem to have lost this chunk of memory.
01:25:23 I don't know who that man is, nor can I remember his face.
01:25:28 Honestly, I thought it was a dream until Tony told me it was real.
01:25:31 And I don't know why I keep having this dream lately, but I feel a special bond with that man.
01:25:40 And I don't know why I keep having this dream lately, but I feel a special bond with that man.
01:25:50 I just feel so guilty because I'm not faithful to our marriage.
01:25:57 So that's what it is.
01:25:58 You don't seem surprised.
01:26:01 Sure, because I'm the man you're dreaming about.
01:26:05 What? No, there's no way you could be that man.
01:26:08 The reason why you're having this dream is because you are my mate.
01:26:13 What do you mean by mate?
01:26:20 Every werewolf has a destined mate in their life.
01:26:22 Once that mate relationship is established, they form a sort of a special bond through scent or senses.
01:26:29 And they find their way back to each other no matter how far apart they are.
01:26:33 Five years ago, I rescued you from those thugs.
01:26:39 And that night you became my mate.
01:26:42 And on that night, you and I had our first sex.
01:26:45 You probably don't remember it because of the drugs in you.
01:26:49 Where did you go after that night?
01:26:51 I had a family emergency. But before I left, I gave you my phone number.
01:26:57 [Music]
01:27:00 [Music]
01:27:02 [Music]
01:27:28 Fuck, I must have missed that slit.
01:27:32 [Music]
01:27:33 When I got home, I waited for a call you never make.
01:27:37 And I went to that hotel room, tried to find you.
01:27:41 No luck there either.
01:27:43 But then six months ago, you appeared before my very eyes once again.
01:27:48 And I knew in that moment, I could never let you go again.
01:27:51 Thank you for telling me this.
01:27:54 I feared that I loved another man.
01:27:56 But it's all clear now.
01:28:00 Everything makes sense again.
01:28:02 You mean you're willing to accept me?
01:28:04 I might be silly, but I'm not stupid.
01:28:07 I know who loves me and is willing to treat me right.
01:28:10 [Music]
01:28:15 Thank you for believing me.
01:28:17 And thank you for waiting for me all these years.
01:28:20 [Music]
01:28:26 So you really are a werewolf?
01:28:29 As real as you can get.
01:28:30 Say, can you transform for me?
01:28:33 I want to see it.
01:28:35 I'll do it when we get home.
01:28:37 [Music]
01:28:40 [Music]
