Chef JR Royol goes experimenting on food possibilities! | Farm To Table (Full episode)

  • 5 months ago
Aired (April 21, 2024): Who would've that a soup made from bread could be so delicious? Or that desserts blend really well with coffee? Chef JR Royol expresses that possibilities are endless as long as you are willing to experiment with food!


00:00For a quick dish, but still strong.
00:07Have you ever thought about the taste of a bread, especially a Pinagong, in a soup?
00:13You will see here, just one fruit in one plant.
00:17Because we maintain the quality.
00:22Not all are coffee drinkers, right?
00:24So we have this idea of creating non-coffee.
00:30I like the fusion of drinks because one, you can save,
00:33and you're enjoying one beverage and one dessert in one drink.
00:40This is so colorful in the fridge and in front of me now.
00:43I think it's something common in what I eat so far.
00:45Everything is fresh while eating.
01:00For a quick dish, but still strong.
01:18Using our freshly harvested papaya, let's make a stir-fried papaya with shrimp.
01:24So our pan is hot.
01:31The oil is also hot.
01:33So we'll just put our papaya.
01:46Let's season it with salt and pepper.
01:55Let's add our onion.
02:00A little bit of ginger.
02:03And our garlic.
02:09Then let's add our bell pepper.
02:18Then our shrimp.
02:20Let's season it with a little bit of soy sauce.
02:24And a little bit of pepper.
02:36Let's add a little bit of sugar.
02:49We can now serve it.
02:55Hello Food Explorers!
02:58Another day, another coffee hunting today.
03:02You know we love coffee.
03:04When we wake up, or even if we're not sleepy, we're looking for coffee.
03:09And now, here at Daily Habit, I was intrigued because they have dessert-inspired coffees.
03:19It started because I'm a chef.
03:20All I wanted is to have my own restaurant and cafe.
03:24And when I got back here in the Philippines, I decided to start up my own business, which is Daily Habit.
03:31We started in a more straightforward and simple menu.
03:37Magikinahawa is known for being a very, it's like a food street.
03:43So people love it, love to come here and just roam around, try different restaurants.
03:49But I feel like Daily Habit stands out because of, it's comfort food, but we put twist on every dish that we serve.
03:59So for example, we have a dish that has a fusion with Korean and Filipino, and we combine it together.
04:05And then we have Spanish and Filipino combined together, so it creates a little fusion.
04:11So now, I have three iced beverages and one hot beverage.
04:17And these are all available here at Daily Habit Cafe.
04:21Their drinks are inspired by different desserts.
04:24If you like Banuffee Pie, they have a drink that's inspired from it.
04:28Then we also have Butter Cookie Mocha.
04:32We also have latte, but this is not just regular latte, this is rose latte.
04:38And then here, it's obviously Creme Brulee inspired.
04:42This is on top of it.
04:43Our non-coffee, we made sure that, for example, it's a group.
04:46Not all are coffee drinkers, right?
04:48So we have this idea of creating non-coffee that are so different from others
04:55in the way wherein I let my barista create their own drinks so that their creativity could be served.
05:02And it's their own creation.
05:21So before this hot coffee gets cold, I'll try this first.
05:30I was expecting it to be sweet, but no, it's just the right sweetness for me,
05:36someone who loves coffee.
05:38It got the taste of creme brulee while balancing the taste of the coffee that we're looking for.
05:44Let me take another sip.
05:49And it doesn't overpower each other as in balance the taste.
05:57So if you're looking for creme brulee mixed with your coffee, here it is.
06:01Don't order it alone.
06:07So there's a calming effect along with the effect of the coffee which will make you awake.
06:16Let's move on to the Butter Cookie Mocha.
06:23It's like a melted butter cookie, literally.
06:25But just a little bit because you might already know what I'm talking about.
06:30The Banoffee Pie.
06:32Usually, Banoffee Pie is sweet because of the desserts or the ingredients in the middle of the pie.
06:39But this one, they made a drink but it's not that sweet.
06:45And it's still coffee.
06:49It's still true to its nature of being a coffee.
06:52I like the fusion of drinks because one, you can save money.
06:57And you're enjoying two different, well one beverage and one dessert in one drink.
07:12Did you know that there's a variety of melon that you rarely see in the Philippines?
07:17This is the Japanese Melon.
07:23There, you see it's green, right?
07:26Oh, it smells sweet already.
07:27Sweet already?
07:29So here, wow, it's really, really juicy.
07:35It's like that.
07:36I bit my tongue.
07:37Mmm, it smells good.
07:38It smells good already.
07:39There, so that they can see.
07:44Oh my God, sir.
07:45Oh my God, sir.
07:47And Buki Damara studied the secret of how it can be exported to our country
07:52using some scientific farming methods and automated greenhouse.
07:58We're going to do the first stage of the production of Japanese Melon.
08:02This is what we call pre-germ.
08:05There, we just spread the tissue.
08:16After that, we just wet the tissue.
08:31We just spread the seeds.
08:34After we spread the seeds, we'll cover it again with tissue.
08:42So that it's not exposed to sunlight because it also needs seeds that are dark.
08:50We call it dark treatment.
08:53So we need to put a label, the variety, and what date we planted it.
08:59So we know when it needs to be transplanted.
09:02This is what we're going to use when our seeds have already sprouted.
09:06One to three days of pre-germ.
09:10Then, when the seeds have already sprouted,
09:15that's what we're going to put in our seedling tray.
09:18We do pre-germination to make sure that our seedlings are equal.
09:26So if we pre-germ, all that we're going to put in the seedling tray,
09:30all of it has sprouted.
09:32So we'll have an equal seedling.
09:34So this is the 34 days after sowing.
09:37The activities that we do here is pruning.
09:42We'll just remove the side shoots.
09:45We remove the side shoots so that the nutrients can focus on the growing point.
09:51After we remove the side shoots, we'll see here that there are openings.
09:56So we'll just put this fungicide so that the diseases won't get in.
10:03We're just protecting the plant.
10:06Fruiting vines grow in a soilless drip irrigation mechanism
10:11that helps to avoid cross-contamination
10:15in case a plant gets sick or has rot.
10:18So this is our timer for our flood and drain.
10:21I'll just open it.
10:28When the fruiting vine is big enough,
10:31it can be hand pollinated.
10:33Here, I'll show you the 41 days after sowing.
10:38It's almost ready to be pollinated.
10:40You can see that it has flowers.
10:43We measure the size of the leaves.
10:46It needs to be from here to here, 25 to 30 cm
10:51so that we can decide if we'll continue pollinating.
10:54In the Japanese melon, we pollinate with 14 nodes.
11:00What are the nodes?
11:01This is how you count the nodes.
11:03This is how you count the leaves.
11:06So this is how you count, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
11:13So we already cleaned the 12 nodes below
11:16so that we can decide if we'll continue with the 14 nodes.
11:21So we'll know if the flowers are female or male.
11:27If it's like this, you can see the male.
11:30This is what we call an ovary.
11:33So that's the female.
11:36Then this is the male.
11:39You can see that he doesn't have an ovary.
11:44If this one is already open,
11:46when it's already open,
11:48we'll just remove the petals.
11:51So we'll just take the male flower.
11:54We'll remove the petals.
11:57Just like this.
11:59Here it is.
12:01So we can see the yellow powder.
12:03That's what we call pollen.
12:05So that's what we attach to the female flower.
12:09Then after pollinating,
12:11we'll pollinate with 3 fruits.
12:13Then when it's egg-sized,
12:16we'll choose who we'll continue with.
12:20So we'll cut off the two pollinated ones.
12:23We'll just leave one.
12:24Then we'll clean the top part
12:28so that it doesn't have any residue.
12:30So that the nutrients are focused on the fruits.
12:33Then we'll just maintain 25-27 leaves on top.
12:38When it's 25, we'll pinch the top.
12:41So that the nutrients are really focused on the growing point of our fruits.
12:45Because Japanese Melon is famous,
12:47Bukidamara has automatic switches
12:50that control the circulating fan
12:51and water source inside the greenhouse.
12:55It also has side sleeves that provide protection
12:58from extreme weather conditions.
13:00Food explorers,
13:02I'll show you our control panel
13:04and the system that we use here in the greenhouse.
13:07We lower it when it rains.
13:09When it's hot,
13:11we open the shade net on the pan
13:14so that the temperature is maintained.
13:17Then here's the pump.
13:18Here's the pump.
13:20It needs to be automated
13:22so that it can connect to the timer.
13:24So here on the timer,
13:26it's also on the app.
13:28So we can control it using our phone.
13:31So here on the timer,
13:33it says what time it will irrigate.
13:35And how many minutes it will irrigate.
13:39So this is our auto-dosing.
13:42This is what we call Nido Pro.
13:44So it's also on the app.
13:45For example, we'll put it on the app
13:47that says Too Easy.
13:49It means the fertilizer.
13:51When it reads 1.9,
13:53it will inject the fertilizer
13:55to make it Too Easy.
13:57So these are our fertilizers.
13:59We made our own fertilizers.
14:02We're now at stage 3,
14:04the fruiting stage.
14:06We have different stages in fruiting.
14:08This is what we call Fruit Expansion,
14:10Fruit Netting,
14:12and Sugar Buildup.
14:13We're now at Sugar Buildup.
14:15We can harvest it in 11 days.
14:18You'll see different colors of strings.
14:22This is what indicates
14:24the date it was pollinated.
14:26Based on the date of pollination,
14:28we'll know when to harvest it.
14:30There are different varieties
14:32that have 45 to 50 days
14:35after pollination,
14:37it can be harvested.
14:39You'll see here,
14:41there's only one fruit per plant.
14:44We maintain quality.
14:46Quality is what we're after.
15:03Pinagong is one of my favorite
15:07cheeses to buy
15:08when I know someone from Quezon.
15:11It's a partner of coffee,
15:14chocolate, even tea.
15:16It's perfect as a snack.
15:19But have you thought about
15:21the taste of a bread,
15:23especially pinagong,
15:25in a soup?
15:27So for our next dish,
15:29we'll make Pinagong Soup.
15:31This will be the base of our soup.
15:33We'll just mix this
15:35with minced pork
15:36and garlic.
15:38So basically we have here
15:40our pan.
15:42Let's put a little bit of stock.
15:50Then we'll put our meat.
16:03The process we're doing now
16:06is basically we're par-cooking
16:08our ground pork
16:11and at the same time,
16:13we're rendering the oil.
16:21So at this point,
16:23we can see the oil is coming out.
16:26It's the perfect time to add the garlic.
16:37Then we'll deglaze it with a little bit of water.
16:52We're par-cooking the pinagong
16:54while we're mixing it with the soup.
17:02we can pour the stock.
17:06Let's put the lid on.
17:23If you'll notice,
17:25after we put the pinagong,
17:27the consistency of our soup changed.
17:30It became more thick.
17:37Let's adjust the seasoning.
17:39Let's taste it first.
17:46A little bit of fish sauce.
17:55Of course, pepper.
18:07You can also add
18:09toasted garlic.
18:19So in less than 15 minutes,
18:21we have a delicious soup.
18:37Saigon is well-known
18:39for the authentic and fresh
18:41that we offer.
18:43So we buy vegetables
18:45three times a week
18:47to ensure the freshness
18:49of our vegetables.
18:51We have Vietnamese sources,
18:53especially the Vietnamese.
18:55So we have a lot of
18:57Vietnamese sources.
18:59So we have a lot of
19:01Vietnamese sources.
19:03So we have a lot of
19:04Vietnamese sources,
19:06especially the bread
19:08and the vegetables.
19:10We also have suppliers.
19:12Our bestsellers are
19:14Goi Con or Fresh Spring Rolls.
19:16We also have the original
19:18and authentic Pho Bo,
19:20Beef Noodles.
19:22We also have Seafood Noodle Soup.
19:25This is so colorful
19:27in the fridge and in front of me.
19:29And we'll be starting off
19:31with a Vietnamese staple food,
19:32which is a noodle soup
19:34better known as Pho.
19:36Is it still hot?
19:38Is this our first batch?
19:40It's still dripping.
19:47Just to share,
19:51I came from Da Nang, Vietnam.
19:53So it's in the central part
19:55of Vietnam,
19:57in between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh
19:59or Saigon.
20:00It's very different.
20:02The taste is very authentic.
20:04The noodles are soft
20:06and the firmness is just right
20:08because these are the ideal
20:10noodles for this soup.
20:12And the Pho is there,
20:14which is light
20:16and delicious.
20:24We also have another
20:26soup here.
20:27This is the Saigon Seafood Soup.
20:28It's more colorful.
20:30I can see tomatoes
20:34this is clam.
20:36Let's taste it.
20:44I'm sweating a bit.
20:46It's a bit spicy.
20:48Next one.
20:50It's still vegetables.
20:52Of course, it's not Vietnamese
20:54if it's not vegetables.
20:56This is Vietnamese
20:58and you dip it
21:00either in the fish sauce
21:02or in the peanut sauce.
21:05There's a lot.
21:07I think it's something common
21:09in the three dishes I've tried so far.
21:11Everything is fresh while you're eating.
21:13You won't get full
21:15no matter how much you eat.
21:17Let's taste it.
21:18It looks like lumpia
21:20at first glance,
21:22but inside, it's full of vegetables and meat.
21:24But the taste is different.
21:26Let's open it.
21:28You won't just eat it like this.
21:30We have lettuce here.
21:32You'll wrap it here.
21:34I dipped it in vinegar
21:36with cucumber
21:38and chili.
21:40Okay, let's taste it.
21:47You can actually taste the meat.
21:50But it's still full of vegetables
21:51because there's more.
21:53You have vegetables inside
21:55and wrapped in vegetables.
21:58So there's less guilt
22:00when you're eating
22:01even if there's meat inside.
22:02Also, there's mushroom
22:03which is also healthy.
22:04In Vietnamese, this is called
22:06Banh Xeo.
22:10there's noodles and pork inside.
22:12It's the same way of eating
22:14as the fried egg roll earlier.
22:17You'll also wrap it in lettuce
22:19together with cucumber.
22:25Let's taste it.
22:32I'm on my way to my
22:34Healthier 2024.
22:36This one is
22:38Banh Mi.
22:39Their sandwich.
22:42This one is more famous.
22:43Because we have bread
22:44and we can't go without coffee.
22:46This is Caffè Suano.
22:48It's their hot coffee.
22:50It's condensed milk
22:51at the bottom.
22:53That's the distinct subject
22:54of Miss Coffee.
23:02Let's have a sip of coffee.
23:06It's delicious.
23:07Let's try the pomelo salad.
23:23I would order this.
23:25I think this is the best
23:26place in Vietnam
23:29we have students
23:31and senior citizens.
23:33They love our Vietnamese food
23:35because they are seniors
23:37and they like vegetables.
23:39Every Tuesday and Wednesday,
23:41we offer our
23:43lunch promos.
23:45Although it's just a small version,
23:47it's filling.
23:49Our students like it.
23:57Being happy
23:58opens up a lot of possibilities.
24:01You can make
24:02a delicious Pinagong soup.
24:08You can inspire
24:09your favorite desserts
24:11to make delicious
24:12coffee drinks.
24:14You can also grow
24:15Japanese melons in the Philippines.
24:19Using fresh ingredients
24:20and your imagination,
24:22The Power of Coffee.
24:26The possibilities are endless.
