• il y a 6 mois
00:00 Alright, I'm jumping right in today. Here's my subject may sound corny particularly if you're struggling in your marriage, but it's not corny to me
00:06 Here's my subject
00:08 Marriage is amazing
00:10 Marriage is amazing. It's on the screen marriage is
00:14 Amazing. I believe that I know that people who would disagree with me and say marriage is not amazing
00:20 I don't know what they're going through. I don't know who they picked. I don't know what's up in their life
00:23 I don't know what their parents taught them. I don't know what church they go to
00:26 I don't know what they read but for me marriage is amazing. Please hear me. Don't look at me
00:31 Like I'm some sort of superhero. No, I got some stuff in my life
00:33 I wish I had some better sibling relationships parental stuff. I mean everybody got stuff but marriage is
00:39 Amazing. I wouldn't trade it. I want you to feel this way those of you that are single
00:43 I don't want you to get married until you can have an amazing marriage
00:47 To those of you who are married and you think it to yourself. I just can't lie
00:52 Didn't feel that amazing to me. That's what this teaching is for. No judgment here not putting you down one couple
00:58 I just hugged and prayed with bro was so transparent. I said brother. Listen, I'm not judging you man
01:03 I'm glad that you honest enough to tell me you got to work on yourself and we have to work on this marriage
01:09 Let's get it
01:09 So once you take a lot of notes take your phones out and put them on vibrate and the flow with me single people
01:14 You really should be taking notes because don't think this is not for you
01:18 I mean you getting singles teaching what you got for two weeks and now you're hearing what to expect when you get married
01:23 Oh, that's good. That's good
01:25 So those of you who are married if you've been married longer than I've been born
01:28 I still want you to pay attention newly married want to be married used to be married divorced
01:32 I got all kind of people in this amalgamation of a congregation
01:37 So everybody lean in and let's see what God has to say to us. Okay, here's how we gonna do it
01:42 So next week and you don't have to put on the screen, but next week we'll talk about that
01:44 Couples gonna hook up at six o'clock. You have to put on the screens, but couples gonna hook up at six o'clock next Sunday night
01:49 We're gonna talk about love making my girl not gonna teach together afterwards. We're going over there to dance and
01:54 By the way, if you married and you're in your 20s, please give DJ Shaq your song selection because everything
02:01 I'm gonna play was written in the 70s and 80s
02:03 Yeah gap band
02:07 New addition cutie pie Teddy Pendergrass, it's gonna be bad
02:12 So if you if you're in your 20s, you better give up the DJ something you want us to play because everything I'm playing
02:18 I'll be written in the 70s and 80s praise God. Amen. It's gonna be bad up in here. Amen. It's gonna be bad
02:23 All right. So next week more practicality
02:26 today
02:28 Biblically theologically, let's ground marriage. Let me see who's smart. Let's see what the Bible says. Not my opinion
02:35 God bless me, but forget me. It's all about him. It's all about his words
02:38 So if you've heard this before that's okay
02:40 There are tens of new people hundreds of new people thousands of new people who need this day
02:45 Mama didn't give it to him first church. They went to was a good church, but just not a relevant church
02:49 So Reverend Buckwheat ain't preach on marriage and so you didn't hear about it like you're gonna hear about it today
02:55 So once you get this information you got to do something with it here
02:59 It is first and foremost you're writing the participants of marriage the participants of marriage mark
03:06 Mark 10 verse 6 and 7 but from the beginning of creation
03:08 God made them male and female for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife
03:15 the participants of marriage and
03:17 Cleave did you grow up on King James the Hebrew dog bark to stick to and here cleave?
03:24 Cleave clean and Ruth clung to Naomi same Hebrew word by the way to stick to like glue
03:31 To be bound to to be joined to a man shall cleave first
03:35 It says from the beginning God made them male and female God challenged me and said are you gonna preach this politically correct?
03:43 I'll preach it like it's in the Bible
03:45 Are you gonna preach this and have some kind of trepidation and fear of some pushback?
03:50 Or you're gonna be prophetic and help thousands of people hear the counter voice to culture
03:56 Because culture is telling you that there's like three four genders. No, there's male and female
04:02 I'm not that small minded. I do too much studying to preach small sermons
04:07 hermaphrodites their person is born with two genitalia
04:11 zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero point
04:15 Nothing percent you can hardly find one if you try but every now and then there's somebody who's born with two
04:20 Genitalia, even in that case. They have more chromosomes of one sex than another
04:26 Which sort of determines what they really are pastor. How's that possible?
04:30 You ever seen somebody was born and maybe one of their arms were shorter than another or somebody born with no legs or somebody born
04:36 With mental stuff right if you can be broken
04:39 Mentally and and broken physically sometimes you can be broken sexually
04:44 So I'm never amazed when people tell me I'm attracted to this some brother. I just like little boys
04:49 Okay, god bless you, but we know that's not the will of God. I only like people who look like me
04:53 I don't trip on what people attracted to that'll drive me crazy. What it comes down to is what does he say?
04:58 Because if we get into what terms everybody on I mean, come on some people like animals and dogs. That's crazy. Forget that
05:05 They were born male and female is called listen to me the law of first mention
05:12 Theologically law first mention means wherever you first see something in the Bible pay close attention when it's first mentioned in
05:17 Genesis we see clearly and he made the male and female
05:22 right men and women and then he says for this reason a man shall leave his father mother and and be and be
05:29 Joined to his wife. So who are the participants of marriage according to your Bible one man one woman?
05:37 One man one woman now
05:39 I want to I want you to hear this teacher so you can decide if you like the word church
05:43 We're just too conservative too biblical for you. I don't even want you to feel judged while you're here
05:47 I want you to say listen, maybe this our last Sunday because I didn't know what this man of God believes one man
05:53 One woman not I seen someone Instagram girl got three husbands
05:59 I'm like, you know watch somebody smash your wife every night. Praise God. Amen you
06:04 I'm like, are you at your mind? I'll swing on every brother in here praise God
06:15 If you even look at my woman twice, I'm done messing with you
06:18 But this is the kind of stuff that's happening and in the absence of my voice one of the voice on Instagram watchers gonna hear
06:26 So I got to tell you no matter what the world is saying. It is one man
06:30 one woman and the two
06:33 shall
06:34 Cleave to one another it's real stuff
06:36 It is not a game and the two shall become one only in love making you become one
06:41 You can't even become one with your best friend. You can't become one with your son
06:45 You can't become one with your favorite sister only the oneness of marriage. It's a mystery. It's amazing
06:50 It's more than just orgasm and sex
06:52 There's a oneness to it that God had in mind that I want you to catch which is why I can't be in the bed
06:58 With 30 people because God don't want me to be one with 50 people
07:01 Right the oneness of marriage is my wife and I in a perfect world
07:07 I hope you want this for your granddaughter and your daughter and your niece and your nephew
07:11 Even if you didn't do it, right God never wanted us to have body counts
07:15 Somebody says this a regular sermon. I never heard this kind of sermon before he talked about smashing and body counts
07:21 I'm going back to my other church. I
07:23 Mean can he ease into it? He just jumped right in with the smashing and the body counts just little rough for me
07:31 We're rough for me
07:33 So I want single people to hear me when I tell you God had an idea for marriage
07:40 He said the two shall become one
07:42 Okay, and what God has joined together who joined it, which is why people kill me getting married without Christ
07:52 I said it last week. I'm sorry. I'm on record. I think it's crazy to get married if you're not a Christian
07:58 If you're going to hell anyway go to right way
08:02 There's no way I'm going to hell living right
08:06 I'm not going to hell if I'm going to hell I'm going drunk. Ha with 50 strippers in the back of my stolen spreader
08:13 I'm going with gasoline draws on I'm a busted wide open praise God
08:22 But if you believe that the Word of God is true then what God is showing together
08:32 Presidents don't have a right President Obama to redefine marriage
08:36 Politicians don't have a right to redefine marriage Instagram doesn't have a right to redefine marriage what God he is
08:46 $2 word the progenitor
08:48 the
08:51 Establishmentarian $2 words the creator those of you that create stuff and you have a patent on it when you create something
08:58 You're the one that decides how it runs
09:00 You're the one that decides what it takes for it to run because you created it God told me to tell you he has a patent
09:06 on marriage
09:08 You find it in Genesis 2 and 3 and don't let your cousin don't let no
09:13 Liberal preacher no black scholar because they smarter than you don't mean they writer than you
09:20 Y'all just missed that
09:23 Sometime when you hear somebody smart you think well, he's smarter than me. He got more degrees than me
09:28 Then how can he not be smarter than me?
09:31 Y'all ready to shout this for the old people because grandma said I may not have a degree but the Holy Ghost told me I
09:36 don't I
09:38 Wish I had seven people
09:40 God said it I believe it and that settles it for me
09:45 So let's get this party started at the word church
09:49 We only believe in one kind of marriage
09:53 one man
09:55 one woman
09:56 Let's go further one godly man
09:58 one godly woman I
10:01 Have never did the wedding of two people and let's both believe in Jesus
10:07 You at least got a fake and fool me. There's no way I'm gonna marry two people and one doesn't confess Christ
10:13 Marriage is built on Christ
10:15 Marriage is built on God
10:18 Let no man
10:20 Separate let no man put asunder that includes your in-laws
10:24 Somebody did a sermon when in-laws become outlaws
10:30 Yeah, don't let nobody come in between your marriage
10:34 Hear me guys. Let no man separate don't don't let jealous family members separation
10:39 Don't don't let people who want to be you separate you y'all ready for this. Don't let your kids separation
10:46 My wife was taking my daughter to school the other day and victory
10:49 My little girl was in the car and my wife was talking to me through the speakerphone on the car
10:53 So victory can hear our conversation. My wife said when we hung up victory was like so y'all just talk about nothing, huh?
11:00 She said the whole ride to school y'all ain't talked about nothing
11:05 My wife said you better get you a man one day that you can talk about nothing with
11:08 You better get you a husband. You can talk about nothing with
11:14 little African girl
11:16 The point she was making to her is yes dad and I love talking with one another and we don't even let our kids
11:24 Oh, there's an elephant in the room. You want some real teaching? We have a right to reinterpret the text
11:30 Into 21st century context the Bible assumes you'll love this that when you two hook up, you don't have any children
11:37 Trust me what I'm telling you the scripture assumes that when you two hook up, there's no kid
11:42 So it's you two nothing comes between you you ready. I can't teach that in a real church
11:48 I have to reinterpret the text to fit this context. That's not I said Jesus that's called preaching
11:54 That's called relevant preaching and relevant preaching means in most cases you meet any girl over 30
12:01 She probably got a daughter a brother got a son
12:04 And so what do you have when you hook up with somebody?
12:07 Remember this singles with no children when you hook up with somebody would a child there's a term we use you'll love it write it down
12:13 I'm called
12:14 colliding covenants
12:16 Colliding covenants means you have to be careful because if her son is 1213
12:23 She had a covenant with him before she had one with you. I
12:26 Got to talk to blended families, too
12:29 If this gonna be a real teaching or because this guy's so handsome his son's not a problem
12:34 You're gonna take on his two daughters. That's fine. But at least know this
12:37 Colliding covenants, which means it was her and her daughter before you got there
12:41 So now once you two hook up the door, but looking like who is this and the sons look alike. So that's your new man mama
12:48 Cuz I thought I was you
12:52 And now sometimes there's tension in the house because you got to navigate between two companies that are important to you
12:59 Young people if you do it, right, it should be you two before the baby come
13:06 That way the day the baby is born is y'all two against him
13:10 Don't start no stuff
13:13 Because it was us two before you got here. It's gonna be us two after you leave. It's us against you
13:19 Would y'all clap for young people that can do this
13:23 Many of us
13:31 Have had to navigate the blended stuff, but I want to teach young people
13:35 Please be careful who you say I do to
13:39 Because not only is there the participants of marriage are you taking notes?
13:43 But secondly, there is the permanence of marriage those watching across the world the permanence of marriage
13:49 You don't believe me the Bible says and the two shall become one so they are no longer one flesh
13:53 Therefore don't let anyone separate where God is joined the permanence of marriage
13:59 You better look at me means you got to stay with this person
14:02 until
14:04 One of y'all die
14:06 I'm sorry leaving your neighbor said that's a long time. I'll care who it is
14:09 Let me try this one more time
14:13 What God is joined together let no man separate. I'm clear my whole family on both sides
14:19 No, it's her and I some things I don't want everybody coming over my house for it
14:23 No, it's her and I today is us and our children
14:25 Your family becomes a family within families your family your family. Sometimes you got to guard that and say no
14:30 We got to do whatever we got to do to make sure that we connect and that we stay together and we got to guard
14:35 That okay. What do you mean by that? Let no man put asunder which means it is
14:41 Permanent the streets don't say that the streets say the love making that good. No, I'm gonna get me another man
14:47 The streets say she picked up a few pounds. I'm done the streets say I'm not intellectually stimulated no more
14:53 It's just not what I thought the street says it's just not what I thought it was gonna be
14:56 So I just don't want to be married no more. That's what unkingdom people say but not the body of Christ not
15:03 Believers, why did I write this book? Because do you understand the significance of something being permanent?
15:09 That's more than she got a cute shape. That's more than he talked nice to me on three dates. That's more than he cute
15:17 That's more that he got a good job. This is to add. Ah, I
15:22 Can't leave this marriage in many cases watch this. I don't ever wanna leave
15:28 But if you hook up with the wrong person
15:31 That's a long time and the only reason you can't leave is Christ and the kids and counseling
15:37 The devil is alive. I come to make sure you understand the permanence
15:43 The world would say that's some theological biblical mumbo-jumbo. Y'all must be crazy. I said at the first service
15:51 I'm gonna see who appreciates this the longer I live
15:53 The more I'm so grateful
15:56 for the Word of God
15:59 You didn't catch it. Uh-uh. You're hearing me, but you're not hearing me. Let me try this again the longer I live the more grateful
16:06 I am for the Bible
16:08 I'm a seminarian so I know more than most there's some issues the scribes and some people say there's some errors and when you're
16:14 Rewriting something and and you're translating it you can leave a word out and all those kind of things
16:19 I know what seminarians are thinking now, but that's saying it is the closest the closest thing we have
16:25 to the revealed will of God
16:28 You still didn't catch it. Let me let me get ghetto
16:33 What if the Bible didn't exist? I?
16:36 Need smart people. What if truth was subjective?
16:40 What if there was no absolute morality? What if we had no guidelines? How trifling would you be?
16:49 What if there was no such thing as absolute truth what if there was no Bible so you just did what you felt
16:56 How trifling would church be what what couples would still be together who will ever forgive their enemies would murder be wrong?
17:04 Would cheating be wrong? The only thing we have to guide us is his word
17:10 So I'm grateful for his word because it gives me guardrails
17:16 It gives me something to keep me straight because I'm naughty by nature. Can I get a witness up in here?
17:21 I'm sorry. Here's somebody say you better. Thank God for Jesus. Go ahead
17:26 If it weren't for Jesus all y'all be cussed out if it weren't for Jesus
17:30 I leave and not come home if it wasn't for Jesus I'd cuss
17:33 Somebody holler thank God for the word
17:43 The word says everybody
17:46 That marriage is until death do us part
17:50 No matter what your mama did
17:52 Yeah, no matter what your father did your sisters did no matter what the streets say
17:56 It's permanent other than three things and you all know this if you've been to the word five minutes
18:00 There are tens and hundreds and thousands of new persons watching for the first time
18:04 So let me give you the three A's again the three A's the only way by the way
18:10 You do know you can get divorced by but the Bible says pastor. You can't get divorced
18:14 No, it doesn't Bobby doesn't say you can't get divorced. Bobby says God hates divorce
18:17 The Bible talks about what happens if you do get divorced, but the Bible does not say you can't get divorced
18:22 Oh, you can get divorced. But in order to remarry you only get divorced for three reasons
18:29 abandonment
18:31 abuse
18:32 Adultery said out loud abandonment us just help me to help me us just help me. I want no kids rather cry
18:37 Just to import abandonment said
18:39 abuse
18:42 adultery say about abuse
18:44 Abandonment a daughter. What do I mean? What do I mean by that? If your wife keeps slamming you?
18:52 Number one live weight
18:57 Find out what's wrong
19:02 Then she can slam you
19:07 But seriously also this idea of
19:10 Some brother keeps putting his hands on you. That's common sense
19:15 Jesus told me to tell you you don't have to stay if he threw you out the window
19:19 You have to pray about it just just
19:25 Number two
19:29 Abandonment again. I've heard people tell me my husband lives with another woman. He abandons you
19:34 Yeah, my wife is not even coming back. She abandoned she's over a parent's house. She won't come home. I didn't touch her
19:39 I didn't beat her she abandoned. I think abandonment is also a man who won't try to provide
19:45 Because the Bible says you ought to provide for your children. And if not, you are worse than a sinner
19:52 So if a brother won't try I did not say he's laid off. I did not say you make more
19:58 I did not say he's not fulfilling your financial fantasies. You shouldn't have picked broke cookie
20:05 Don't pick broke cookie and throw it in his face if the brother got a paper route
20:10 He's trying if a brother works at Amazon
20:12 McDonald's a lawyer a doctor if he's attempting to provide you can't quit your spouse because they don't make enough
20:19 But if they're not trying y'all not talking to me
20:23 And then number three
20:28 Adultery, that's a church word for some people. Other words. I'm married, but you creeping with somebody else
20:33 Okay
20:34 So so what does the Bible say about that Jesus said not pastor Jesus said except for adultery
20:39 Whenever Jesus say something put your spidey senses up even Jesus said you are not to get divorced
20:45 Except for adultery, by the way, I don't believe that because there's adultery one time every marriage should end
20:52 The Bible says in Ephesians 4 forgiving one another as God has forgiven you
20:58 But I also have to tell couples be careful busing a creep move
21:02 Because if they want to they can divorce you and remarry
21:07 according to the Word of God
21:10 Don't ever
21:14 Forget the permanence of marriage. Oh boy y'all better look at me adultery adultery means adultery you you with somebody else
21:21 And can I tell you something I tell every couple this
21:23 Be careful what choices you make
21:26 Be careful going out on your spouse and because your spouse cheats on you does not give you the right to cheat on them
21:34 Pastor what no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it gives you a right to divorce them
21:40 It doesn't give you a right to cheat on them. Do you think your kids gonna care who cheated first?
21:48 Well, I cheated on your daddy cuz he cheated on me so I got two nasty parents oh y'all not catching this praise God
21:54 Yeah, I touch your neighbor say this is some real teaching right here. He coming a little rough
21:58 What you have a right to do is to come to the church court
22:03 Paul asked the question
22:05 Why would you take your affairs to a worldly court?
22:07 It begins at the church your elders your pastor and said I caught her she won't stop messing with that man pastor
22:13 I have proof by text Instagram proof
22:15 So therefore I don't want to be married no more the church then cancels that covenant
22:20 According to biblical grounds we then kill that covenant and say based on Bible your covenant is now killed
22:27 You are free when we tell you after some healing and some grief recovery to date again
22:33 Because your partner killed the covenant
22:35 If you get divorced
22:40 For any other reason than those three the scripture says even if you remarry you still cheating
22:47 So here you are with a ring on and adultery I
22:52 Don't care if y'all have five babies together. The Bible says you never kill the other covenant
22:58 So therefore you can't enter another one because that covenant hasn't been killed by the church
23:04 Now
23:06 Here's what some pastors would do god bless them they just maybe don't know pastor
23:15 I did marry somebody who got divorced and it wasn't for the right reason. So are we cursed? No, no, no, no
23:20 No, there's grace on you
23:22 What you don't know you don't know but now that you know better come on talk to me somebody
23:27 Yeah, you you got to do better
23:30 So there is the the participants of marriage one Christian man one Christian woman
23:37 There is look at me singles the permanence of marriage. I know I'm parking here for a minute. You want to know why?
23:43 I'm moving books by the thousands. I'm in a different city every week because I'm really trying to convince singles this so permanent
23:49 I don't care how cute they are this so permanent. Don't you say I do because the three dates
23:56 Don't you say I do cuz she got a wicked body you're gonna spend more time off the bed than in the bed
24:00 You make sure whoever you say I do to that. You're gonna stay with them. I'm with lady Vernon. Hear me until I die. I
24:09 Told the first service if she gets sick, I'm gonna wash her up
24:13 And if I can't make love to her, I'll be okay. I made a choice. I
24:20 Believe she do the same thing for me and also promised her and I want to say it publicly again if she does die
24:27 I am NOT remarried until after the funeral
24:30 If you think I'm a disrespect her and get married before the funeral I'm a way to we leave the cemetery
24:42 That's me and her inside joke we've been telling that joke for 30 years
24:48 She over there laughing everybody a little levity, but seriously folks. I should I say but spiritually folks
24:54 marriage is
24:57 forever
24:58 The participants of marriage the permanence of marriage number three. Let's see if I can do this in 10 minutes
25:03 The pedagogy of marriage great class by the way pedagogy to the other word just means to teach pedagogy
25:10 Pedagogical teaching teaching the pedagogy of marriage Paul gives us some teaching on marriage
25:16 By the way, this is the this the tight part next week. We'll have more fun and then next Sunday night
25:21 It's just gonna be all of us married people here together at 6 p.m. Then we're gonna dance afterwards. I can't wait
25:27 But the teaching about marriage Ephesians 5 22 for wives this means submit to your own husbands as to the Lord
25:35 For a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church as the church submits to Christ
25:43 So a woman a wife should submit to her husband and everything. I just heard ten creatures like
25:49 Say submit
25:54 Let me pause parenthetically and tell you a little bit about us at the word church
25:58 So you can decide if this gonna be the church that you stay at I really mean that because we serious about marriage
26:04 We serious some of us blended some of us
26:07 Somebody was married before I had children, but now that we together under this teaching we take it serious
26:12 Some of us is not the first marriage. Okay, but but under this teaching we we say I'm serious about marriage
26:18 And this is a marriage house. This is a
26:22 family house
26:24 This is a house that models family. Call me crazy. It's who I am. I like the fact I think I model
26:31 masculinity a lot of feminine brothers notice how many and this is not to be offensive how many like really
26:38 Feminine or or in feminine or feminine brothers you you see around here. I'm not saying some brothers here don't struggle with their sexuality
26:45 That's just life. But how many flaming feminine you don't see that a whole lot because I model masculinity
26:51 People tend to go to what they attracted to
26:53 There are other churches you'll see a lot of brothers who maybe are very feminine and by the way
26:58 I love you if you here but tell me how many you see you see a lot of strong brothers here
27:02 Because I tend to model that and then women here tend to model the leading lady
27:07 I think if a pastor and his wife does it right they can model
27:11 What family should look like?
27:13 So I'm not frontin. I kind of come across a little masculine because I'm trying to model that I ain't faking
27:21 I want bros to see me and see that's a man that's strong yet sensitive loves his wife
27:26 But he's leading lady Vernon to me represents brilliant smart, but purposely submitted
27:33 not submitted because she gotta be submitted because she want to be a
27:37 Smart woman
27:42 Don't need you for your money. She needs you for your ministry
27:46 She got her own degree. She got more degree than you
27:50 However, let me pause parenthetically and tell women
27:55 Most bras don't want nothing hard as him
28:00 And
28:02 Some of you
28:07 mistake brilliance
28:09 For okay. In other words to be purposely submitted don't mean you're stupid
28:14 It actually means you're smart
28:17 You don't think bros like me. No, you don't think I know
28:20 Victory Rose Vernon is smarter than me and about 80% of things
28:24 The key to keeping a man is to act like you not
28:28 I
28:30 Baby you fix that tire for me. Thank you
28:36 Thank you. I love you. That's what I think that time I'll fix it tomorrow, too
28:42 You got nothing to say. Oh, yeah, I can fix it like that. My father told me I do that
28:47 Big death and time Hercules Hercules Hercules Hercules. Thank you, baby
28:56 I
28:58 Am a real straight-up, bro
29:03 Submission is sexy
29:06 Not stupidity because you need a woman that's strong enough to hurt you sometime
29:10 You you need a woman that will pick a place where she got to say be quiet and listen to me now
29:15 Because what you said was wrong and what you're doing is wrong
29:17 I can't about to tell you this but me and then you have to submit yourself Ephesians 520 submitting yourself one to another
29:23 But there's these explicit commandments. Can I teach in my own church? Can I teach there's this explicit?
29:29 And and if you don't believe the Bible if you don't believe our teaching it's not the right church for you
29:33 We believe in the headship of the husband if that bothers you
29:38 I promise you and be careful women when you want to be the head
29:41 Yeah, you stay single stay single if you want to be the head you shouldn't get married because there's no straight-up, bro
29:48 That wants a woman to run him
29:52 And you shouldn't want a man you can run
29:54 That's that's not in the Bible that's not Bible
30:01 Hit assistant say I want a man with Jesus and some thug tendencies go ahead tell somebody praise God, huh?
30:10 Yeah, I want Jesus and some thug tendencies. I
30:13 Yes, I want to be someplace. I'm gonna be fun someplace
30:17 If
30:19 You love your pastor and you want me to tell you the truth women raise your hands they teach us pastor
30:33 Gotta be careful because sometimes ladies be careful because your mother god bless her but she she taught you more to be single than married
30:43 Because of the pain of her past
30:45 Because of what your dad did to her because of her abandonment issues. Maybe she's become jaded
30:50 So as opposed to speaking into you submission, she's speaking to you survival
30:54 Yo, yo daddy hurt me all you heard for 20 years yo daddy hurt me yo daddy and men
31:04 So there's this messed up thinking and so you come into your marriage protecting yourself as opposed to submitting yourself. Oh
31:12 This is so good. I think I'd be careful to some of my single daughters
31:16 I love you enough to tell you this you got two degrees you make two hundred fifty thousand a year
31:20 You got your own house, you know how to be everything but a wife
31:23 And so you threw yourself into your career, but you didn't throw yourself into practicing submission
31:31 So sometimes men dates you and they see quickly you too hard you to accomplish you too independent when any real man
31:39 was brilliance and submission
31:41 I
31:43 Got three a man's praise God I got I got four a man's and one was my wife. Hey, praise God
31:50 Some teaching women, okay, how brilliant you are practice submission. It's not stupidity. Okay. Okay. Wait a minute
31:59 I know you don't think I'm that one-sided. How crazy is this? So
32:03 Submission, wait a minute submarines submarine it goes under the marine sub goes underwater
32:10 It's a trip when you want submission, but brother you don't have no mission
32:14 So you want me to to get under what
32:24 There's nothing to get under I
32:27 Can't get on the PlayStation. I can't get under Netflix. I can't get on
32:37 So you need to have a mission for her to sub to
32:40 Sub mission. I believe in the mission so much that I'm under the mission
32:47 And many of you
32:52 Don't know enough about the mission before you say I do
32:55 And now you're frustrated because you would a brother with no mission and he wants submission in the blind
33:03 Yeah, I'm submitting to something I can't see the mission has not been clearly articulated
33:08 I have no sense of where we're going. So it's hard to be submitted when I got to pay the bills
33:12 It's hard to be submitted when I sense there's no get up and going you
33:18 So always carry yourself in a way that a godly woman wants to be submitted to you. Are y'all listening to me?
33:28 Okay, it gets better than that because I wrote in my notes. I told my assistant I said leave that right here
33:34 I wrote myself a note
33:35 Please read this straight from the Bible don't paraphrase because I want to read the Bible more the second half of my pastor is straight
33:41 To you and Ephesians 5 you all know this will drop it on the screens. Check this out every man young brother teenager
33:48 Season brother everybody Ephesians 5 26 is to make her holy and clean
33:54 washed by the cleansing of God's Word
33:56 He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish
34:03 I'm going back to Ephesians 5 verse 25 first throw it up for husbands. This means love your wives
34:10 Just as Christ loved the church
34:13 He gave his life for her. I think you missed it because then nobody shout
34:18 I think the Bible puts way more pressure on the husbands than it do wives
34:24 That it does wives way more immense pressure is on a husband
34:29 Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church. Y'all must be new members because you didn't shout
34:35 Let me try this one more time as Christ. Do you know how much Christ loved the church?
34:40 He loved the church so much that they hung him hot
34:43 Here's the gospel. They stretched him wide
34:47 He hung his head
34:50 For me he died
34:52 That's love
34:54 the Bible says
34:56 husbands
34:57 Bruh, a bruh, bruh, this more than she got a wicked body
35:02 This is more than girl. Look cute when my friends come over. This is more than that. Don't get married - you ready to die
35:11 Yeah, literally if you have to but not just literally in every way
35:17 the Bible
35:20 Juxtaposes your wife to the church compares juxtaposes to the church
35:25 It compares your husband to Christ
35:29 Okay, you still missed it. Some of you been here 15 years. You've heard me say this so wives you're the church
35:38 Okay, husbands. You're the Christ. Okay, let's look at Christ. Let's look at the church. Let's start with the church
35:44 The church is a trip
35:47 The church put 10% in some weeks some weeks they don't the church faithful sometime sometime not
35:54 Church all over the place
35:57 Church can be in then be out
35:59 Bible calls your wife the church all brothers with women still in baby-making age
36:06 Look at me between premenstrual and postmenstrual your wife got one good week of mine
36:11 Praise God. Amen
36:15 I
36:17 Stop me when I'm like she either coming in
36:22 Or it out so you got seven days for sex conversation mental stability then it's back up again
36:30 I hate you. I love you. Kiss me. Don't touch me my head here. My body hurt my mind hurt my butt hurt
36:37 Don't touch me
36:39 Good
36:41 One good week until menopause that's it one good week
36:49 Somebody type in the comments. I love this church. I love this church. I love this church
37:04 There's this real spiritual movie
37:06 That I want every man to watch before you die. It's a very spiritual movie. Matter of fact, you hear God in the title
37:13 It's called the Godfather
37:15 It's a rite of passage for a young man
37:27 All of my sons had to watch it for the first time at 11 and take notes on it
37:31 Then they watch Godfather 2
37:34 Godfather 3 is a sin. Don't watch it at all. Praise God. Amen
37:37 But one in two is a must before you become a man
37:40 I'm joking, but I'm serious because in a very real sense Michael Coleo says something
37:45 The Godfather says something that most people are going to minimize because it's hyperbolic, but there's a principle and that's this
37:51 The Godfather said women and children can play not men
37:59 That that's hyperbolic I know that's hyperbolic but there's a principle that I'm always thinking about the big picture
38:04 Yeah, my wife baby. We're gonna shop it. I'm taking the door. We go in here. I'm sitting there compute
38:09 Okay, if they do that then that I'm gonna let her go to this school. Okay, what's gonna happen if she goes to that school?
38:13 Okay, what's gonna happen to our future if we to do this if we sell now?
38:16 Does that mean I can leave some money for my grandkids is the insurance in place if I die tomorrow?
38:21 I'm thinking about life insurance when they think about vacation
38:26 That's the first bill I won't pay but if I die bill
38:29 Okay, I'm losing some people y'all don't see y'all want it. Yeah, what kind of man do you want?
38:35 What what kind of man are you gonna be?
38:37 You you you you gotta be the Christ
38:41 While the church is all over the place starting with me not Christ
38:45 He right there matter of fact one of my favorite songs nobody gonna shout he was there all the time
38:54 He was there all all the time he waited patiently
39:00 in line
39:03 He was there
39:06 Oh
39:09 All the time I just taught you a song sing with he was there
39:14 All the time
39:18 He was there
39:23 All all the time here's my favorite lyric he waited patiently
39:29 When I had four men he waited patiently
39:33 When I was sleeping with all kind of chicks he waited patiently
39:37 When I wasn't coming to church he waited patiently
39:41 in line
39:44 He was there
39:47 Y'all gonna make me run out this church he was there
39:52 If you know he was there he was there he was there
39:57 Oh
40:01 All the time
40:05 So here's the point
40:18 I'll send the Sun that I said the Sun that he waited patiently
40:22 When he wasn't at the top of my agenda he just waited
40:28 When he wasn't at the top of my to-do list he just waited
40:33 He said I'm gonna do all that stuff in college. I'm gonna let him mess up
40:36 I'm gonna let him hit the streets and I'm gonna wait right here until he comes to me
40:41 When when the church is wishy-washy
40:44 crisis stable
40:47 Which means as a husband she depends on me to be stable
40:51 Yeah, I'm right there. My kids know my kids say when stuff is the worst. I met my comments
40:58 I don't know how that happens. I can I can be nitpicky about stupid stuff, but but when is that it's worth they say daddy
41:04 I'm here. What happened?
41:05 Rob broke his leg everybody run around says that's okay. That's okay pack his bag
41:08 God, I'm like everything happens my children make crazy mistakes everybody crying. I'm just standing okay come sit down for a minute
41:13 I'm the Christ
41:16 Yeah, I'm the Christ of the house. I want to read this Oh
41:20 Suki-suki, I'm done watch this verse 26 through 29 to make her holy and clean watch by the cleansing of God's words
41:28 He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish instead
41:34 She will be holy and without fault watch verse 28 every man in this church in the same way in
41:41 The same way in the same way
41:44 Husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies for a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself
41:51 No one hates his own body, but feeds and cares for just as Christ cares for the church
41:56 The text does not suggest narcissism, but it does absolutely suggest a healthy sense of self
42:02 So brother, how you gonna love me when you don't like you?
42:09 You need to get rid of your daddy pain before you become my husband
42:12 You need that anger out your system before you slap me. You need to work on yourself because you don't even love yourself
42:19 So this is what therapy and Christian therapy and reading my book one of my rules get my book today is emotional health
42:25 Check their emotional health don't about to do that. Jesus not enough. You can be you can be saved and cuckoo
42:31 All of us know some say people some of our parents talking about Jesus all the time
42:36 But then we think about my got some crazy tendencies
42:39 It's always Jesus, but she crazy
42:41 Seriously, so just because you got Christ don't try to clothe your crazy or cover your crazy. So so I'm saying that to say
42:48 You need a man. I'm finished that will wash you
42:53 Not just sleep with you
42:59 Wash you in prayer
43:01 Wash you in the word
43:03 Wash you
43:05 She's sitting right there either. I'm lying or I'm not I
43:08 wash her and
43:11 I'd rather stay single and allow the church to cover me and my pastor to cover me and the elders to cover me then be
43:17 With some man who won't
43:19 I'm not getting married so you can wash me
43:23 All five of my kids are here today and I bless God for that in some capacity all five
43:34 And
43:36 If they ever tell a story about me, I know what story they're gonna tell first
43:43 How I come running through the house at 5 in the morning
43:47 when I feel demons in there and
43:50 I don't knock on doors when I feel Jesus. I just go in the house. I just want the room. They'd be there sleep shake
43:57 I'm not so cool. My boss she come back
44:00 Shaddah boss
44:02 vacations her cut out by she
44:04 Say and get in there. I get in the bed with him sometime
44:07 and cover
44:10 Y'all think this again. I get in the bed. I'll just jump dead sleep in the name of Jesus
44:15 Cuz sometime the covering got to get up
44:18 at the witching hour
44:21 Y'all go I feel Jesus the witching hour
44:27 Three o'clock in the morning when you feel demons trying to mess with your daughter
44:31 Demons trying to get your son. You can't stop every bad thing, but there's power in prayer
44:38 And you need a man
44:41 But I'm not gonna get off subject I'm not talking about my kids that's another sermon
44:51 That's coming soon. I'm talking about my wife. I
44:55 cover her in prayer I
44:57 wash her with my words I
44:59 Wash her I wash her every man here. You're the washer. That's a nine o'clock service and I'm done
45:06 When is the last time you pray for your wife out loud?
45:09 And I'm not judging you and don't you say nothing to your husband later?
45:13 Don't you ever say here what pastor said that's that's the worst kind of don't you ever say that?
45:18 Don't you ever go home see pastor? Don't do that. No
45:22 No, that brother is your husband you honor him more than you honor me
45:25 Amen, you don't throw me up. I'm not you don't throw me up
45:30 You don't throw me up. He loved you more than I do
45:34 He's done more for you than I ever will don't you ever compare your husband to no
45:39 No, your husband is your husband and he's a beautiful brother and he never got this teaching from his daddy
45:44 So even though y'all been married 17 years today's gonna start a new marriage in Jesus name y'all know I wish I had
45:51 Somebody ought to thank God!
45:53 (audience applauding)
