ALIEN HUNT Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Set against the backdrop of a remote wilderness, a group of siblings on a hunting trip stumbles upon an abandoned military outpost on their property. What begins as a routine excursion quickly escalates into a nightmarish confrontation with a formidable force of alien warriors. Trapped in a deadly game of cat and mouse, the hunters must fight for survival against an unyielding enemy in a brutal, do-or-die battle.
Starring Barron Boedecker ('Escape Pod', 'The Bigfoot Trap'), Brent Bentley ('The Perfect In-Laws', 'Haunt Season'), Deiondre Teagle ('The Visitor', 'Painted in Blood', 'Death Ranch'), Chelsey Fuller ('The Bigfoot Trap', 'The Silent Natural'), Jesse Santoyo ('A Nashville Country Christmas', 'Potter’s Ground'), and Adam Pietripaoli ('The Bigfoot Trap', 'The OctoGames'). Directed by Aaron Mirtes.
Starring Barron Boedecker ('Escape Pod', 'The Bigfoot Trap'), Brent Bentley ('The Perfect In-Laws', 'Haunt Season'), Deiondre Teagle ('The Visitor', 'Painted in Blood', 'Death Ranch'), Chelsey Fuller ('The Bigfoot Trap', 'The Silent Natural'), Jesse Santoyo ('A Nashville Country Christmas', 'Potter’s Ground'), and Adam Pietripaoli ('The Bigfoot Trap', 'The OctoGames'). Directed by Aaron Mirtes.
Short filmTranscript
00:00This is an opportunity.
00:05What stands in the way, becomes the way.
00:11Where are all the deer?
00:12Ain't no birds.
00:13What walks on two legs and bites like a gator.
00:14Maybe that's what's killing all the wildlife.
00:15Now we don't have signal.
00:16Is it a buck?
00:17What the hell else could it be?
00:28It's no buck.
00:31God blessed us with these wonderful creatures.
00:36You are going to be scared.
00:59But you cannot let it win.
01:06Fear wins, you lose.
01:13I'm going hunting.