• il y a 6 mois


01:31Urban disorder, a way of life in the capital city, Yaounde, on the roads, in the markets and lanes.
01:45Streets are flooded with examples of uncivil behavior.
01:49One doesn't need to go far to notice lawlessness has taken a toll of our cities and administrative tolerance is evident here.
02:01The municipal police is deployed every day to police this disorder.
02:06From the reigning disorder, it is easy to say who is being policed.
02:12The level of corruption is said to have risen in the streets since the coming of the municipal police,
02:18with complaints at the National Anti-Corruption Commission reportedly skyrocketing,
02:23police topping the list as most corrupt sector in the country.
02:29Municipal police collect from recalcitrant drivers and traders occupying roadsides anarchically.
02:35No one gets punished for dumping in prohibited space.
02:39Those who perpetrate urban disorder get visas by tipping off the policeman,
02:44sometimes with only 500 CFA fines.
02:47The decentralization of the sector seems to be synonymous to decentralizing corruption
02:53and the lawless behavior in streets continues to increase as municipal police corruption thrives.
03:02And in the wake of skirmishes, experts have reiterated that municipal police officials must be trained before exercising duty on the streets.
03:12They say to give value to a sector necessary in maintaining order in cities,
03:18police local agents hired by mayors must follow a training at the National School of Local Administration
03:24and work under the supervision of police forces.
03:28Cynthia Saptala with details.
03:33The role that must play these agents hired by the mayor are clearly stipulated in the 2019 Code on Regional and Local Authorities
03:41and the 2022 Implementation Decree.
03:44Essentially, they are meant to help local authorities maintain security, circulation, order and sanitation in the cities,
03:52working in close collaboration with the police force.
03:56They are not another branch of the national police, no.
03:59Local police are not entitled to use any force against citizens if they are facing opposition.
04:07They should insist the report either to the mayor who will request the national police.
04:12In light of recent events, experts urge for councils to train those recruited to do the job of municipal police.
04:20People are learning this control operation in the schools.
04:24Policemen are spending years in school to learn how to go about these duties.
04:30Somebody cannot just be carried from the quarter and then the next day he has a uniform and then they send him on the street.
04:38A municipal police cannot be a reject from society.
04:45He cannot be an ex-convict or family members of local authorities that take drugs.
04:50You must draw a profile for the position.
04:52It is an honourable job that even an enamed graduate can do.
04:56It is from July 8th this year that the National School of Local Administration, NASLA, will begin its first batch of training.
05:04To give them the basic general notions of comprehension of the municipal police powers of the mayor.
05:12Notions like human rights, respect for institutions, urban order, fire protection,
05:20local taxation, etc.
05:24Experts maintain that these are auxiliary elements to the police force
05:29and to be more efficient in the field, respecting their role is primordial.
05:35The Minister of Territorial Administration has given firm orders that any activities, routine checks and controls by municipal police in Yaoundé must be authorised by the senior divisional officer.
05:48The measure was announced by Paul Atanganji as he chaired a crisis meeting on the recent standoff between the municipal police and commercial motorbike riders that left both Biker and his passenger dead.
06:00Let's listen to the Minister.
06:04I want to make it very clear.
06:07The senior divisional officer is the supervising authority in the division.
06:12Any activity or control by the municipal police must have clearance from the senior divisional officer.
06:18The municipal police should not exercise violence of any form on road users, traders or citizens in our towns.
06:25The mayors must put in place proper mechanisms to control the activities of the municipal police in order to avoid abuse of power, extortion of funds from traders and motorbike riders.
06:38I urge the motorbike riders and the municipal police to be law-abiding citizens so that we can collectively protect people and their property, which remains a cardinal point of the work of administrative authorities.
06:54And in other news, the Centre for Education, Training and Support to develop many initiatives in Cameroon, known by its French acronym,
07:02CEFAID has signed an agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs to join efforts in promoting the socio-economic insertion of vulnerable populations in the east and south regions of Cameroon.
07:14The three-year renewable contract was signed in Yaoundé between Minister Pauline Erengene and the coordinator of CEFAID, Esian Owono Oyono.
07:24Let's now take a listen to the coordinator of CEFAID on the mission they will embark on, most of which revolve around promoting the rights of indigenous populations.
07:35Our mission is to improve the life condition of vulnerable populations as Baka, as Pageli, as Bororo, Bejan.
07:46We are proceeding in strengthening their capacity, in accompanying them in the defence of their law, that all those who are engaging in conservation domain should be taken into consideration.
08:02The law of local community, we are trying to limit their access to natural resources where they are taking their medicine.
08:11They are facing too much problem to access all those resources in those protected areas.
08:16It is why CEFAID is trying to accompany them to defence their rights inside and even around those protected areas.
08:28Professor Richard Laura Omba has been installed as new rector of the University of Yaoundé II.
08:35This was during a high-profile ceremony presided at by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Professor Jacques Famendongo, as Mukuele Prince Wiladoma tells us.
08:47The University of Yaoundé II finds a match in the wealth of experience of Professor Richard Laura Omba.
08:54The SOA campus that played host to the installation presided over by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Professor Jacques Famendongo, weighed its strength in numbers and expansion.
09:07Five schools, two faculties and two institutions of higher learning to accommodate a growing number of over 25,000 students.
09:15To foster digitalization and probability of student employability, which is the current drive in higher education, the Grand Chancellor of Academic Orders called on the new rector to emphasize social cohesion and peace building on the two campuses.
09:30Until his appointment by presidential decree of last April 9th, Professor Omba was director in charge of teaching development in the Ministry of Higher Education.
09:41The professor of French literature takes over from Professor Adolphe Mincochet, appointed to the Constitutional Council.
09:47This in a high-profile ceremony that demonstrated the impact wielded by the University of Yaoundé II across the socio-economic and political spectrum of the country.
09:59From the Central Region, we take you to the West Region, where the French Ambassador to Cameroon, His Excellency Thierry Machand, who accompanied Housing and Urban Development Minister Celestine Kecha-Couters to evaluate some debt reduction development contract projects executed in Bafousam over the years, has expressed total satisfaction with the quality of work done.
10:24This was during a fieldwork in Bafousam in the presence of West Governor Awafonka Augustin and officials of the French Development Agency.
10:33Kelvin Nembo reports.
10:54The result of the visit of Housing and Urban Development Minister Celestine Kecha-Couters to assess the quality of infrastructure before the May 10 guarantee period expires.
11:16The Mindubas was satisfied with the quality of infrastructure but disappointed with the poor comportment of some owners of farmlands who failed to clear grass along the road and to make matters worse, debris such as leaves, twigs, plastics, block gutters, making the free circulation of rainwater almost impossible.
11:40She instructed the company in charge to make some corrections and joined the City Mayor and the Regional Council President to work in unison with other stakeholders involved under the supervision of West Governor Awafonka Augustin to ensure proper maintenance of the said infrastructure in Ibizu increase its lifespan.
12:05From infrastructure to health, health workers from the different health centres, districts and regional hospitals of the Latura region have been upgrading their skills on how to ensure the smooth implementation of the universal health coverage scheme already operational in its first phase in the region.
12:22This was during the first annual regional coordination meeting organized by the Latura Regional Delegation of Public Health. In the following report, Larisse Nane-Pote presents the actual enrollment figures of phase one of the universal health coverage scheme in the Latura region.
12:39So far, 373,509 persons have enrolled on phase one of the universal health coverage scheme in the Latura region. 17% are persons living with HIV, 60% children from 0 to 5 years old, 19% tuberculosis and dialysis patients.
13:05Figures, health experts say, are quite encouraging.
13:09The report we have today, it's happened that we are around 400,000 people with onchocerciasis, chronic renal disease. These are mostly for the phase one.
13:21This first annual regional coordination meeting of health actors of the Latura holding in Kongsamba is to take stocks of health activities in the region and come up with a plan of action for 2024.
13:34During an inaugural lesson on good governance, participants from the different hospitals and health centers of the region have been enjoined to work in collaboration with decentralized local authorities to ensure the smooth implementation of the universal health coverage scheme.
13:50Mayors are involved, presidents of regional councils are involved in managing hospitals and this presentation was to try to explain to health personnel how to work together to have best practice as concerning governance.
14:10The scheme generally favors pregnant women and children for now and the coordination team have been expressing worries on proper dissemination of the information, instability of the universal health coverage platforms and the finance to keep it going.
14:26And our special health page tonight zooms in on hemophilia, an inherited bleeding disorder in which blood doesn't clot. Normally the disease has been described as a silent killer, damaging lives around the world.
14:40Sandrine Tani in the following report tells us how the disease can be managed.
14:45Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder in which the blood does not solidify properly, leading to spontaneous bleeding at any given opportunity. 46-year-old Serge Dezeretaku was born with and has been living with this condition.
15:03When they decided to circumcise me, I started bleeding for a long time. That situation, I spent more than one month with that bad situation and then she was obliged to go and see a hematologist.
15:21An illness which has no exact cures as of now, Serge says he has lived all these years by the grace of God.
15:28The management of this hemophilia is not easy. You can sleep on your bed, you wake up with a bad situation, it means that you are bleeding somewhere in your body. It is only with God that we are living.
15:42Hemophilia is caused by a change in one of the genes that provide instructions for making the clotting factors functional.
15:49According to the president of the Cameroon Hemophilia Association, about 200 persons are living with this blood disorder in Cameroon.
16:09Away from health, the Angosa's council in the Upper Nyong'o division now boasts of a new town hall and a municipal hostel.
16:18The modern structure which falls in line with government's mission to improve the working environment of public officials by providing standard workspaces and adequate equipment was inaugurated by the Minister of Decentralization and Local Development, George Elanga-Oba.
16:34Details with Bennett Akame-Ondwa.
16:37The occasion marking the official inauguration of the town hall of Angosa's gave room for Minister George Elanga-Oba to appreciate the use of local construction tools, emphasizing the import substitution policy of President Paul Biya.
16:52We are using local materials as the head of state is asking us. We are putting in place an institution where people can come and serve in a very best and better way.
17:02Financed by FECOM, the council building consists of more than 15 offices, a hall and other modern facilities to better serve the population of the Mbwans subdivision.
17:13Those who are working here are appreciative of the offices. We are also inaugurating a city where we have built six houses, showing that if means are given to the local authorities, then capacity to do what the state is doing to have our population housed in very well organized places to show that decentralization is a reality.
17:34Mbwans during the event gained the appreciation of traditional leaders of the area who expressed their joy as well as the population.
18:04It was International Sectaries Day during which they discussed the adaptability of sectaries in a more demanding and constantly evolving professional context. Bruno Ndowi reports from Kirby.
18:17In a world where technology and artificial intelligence seems to be threatening job security in certain sectors, the Association of Secretaries and Executive Assistants of Cameroon are meeting in Kirby to extend their knowledge on certain skill sets in order to be more efficient in their duties.
18:34Celebrating the 24th edition of the International Secretary Day is also an opportunity for these administrative assistants to look into the adaptability and agility of secretaries in a more demanding and constantly evolving professional context and their social well-being.
18:50If we are not trained, we end up not being efficient. So we gather here to improve the quality of our job, to train ourselves.
18:58Their social well-being and bringing the award to see the dignity in their profession is key to them.
19:04We are proud of being secretaries. It's a noble job. We help our management to accomplish the objectives of the organization. So it's really a noble job. We are happy to be here today seeing as the job of a secretary is becoming more and more relegated to the back because of AI and technology changes.
19:26Secretary at work is still regarded as indispensable and a vector to success in public and private structures.
19:33As you know, secretaries are the person who help the bosses to do their jobs. Without secretaries, we can do nothing.
19:44As the secretaries celebrate this day, they are called to be methodical, with a good eye for detail, well organized with an orderly mind and deal promptly with correspondences.
19:54The CPDM Central Committee Permanent Delegation Leader for Momodivision has called on local party officials to preach peace and register massively on the electoral registers of elections Cameroon for upcoming elections.
20:10Minister Mbacha Rose Famunda made the call in Bamenda while on a peace and voter registration mission as called the Dofeke Olivier reports from Bamenda.
20:21The sufficiently mobilized political meeting was focused on peace crusading and registration on the electoral registers of elections Cameroon.
20:32Minister Mbacha Rose Famunda, leader of the CPDM Central Committee Permanent Delegation for Momodivision instructed all local party officials to continue to preach peace while mobilizing all CPDM militants of voting age to register on the electoral roll
20:50where the stakes will be high this time around.
21:21They were well reorganized. If just only the executive of these basic organs register, then we are sure that we are going to win and that is my message. Get them registered.
21:32Senator Enwy Francis and Paula Chubong advised the local party officials to strive to register valuable voters at the base.
21:41Justice Mbacha Rose Famunda appreciated the security situation and urged all local administrators to relocate to Momodivision.
22:11The meeting was attended by a cross section of active forces of the localities.
22:42We are very happy for this route. It is going to help disenclave these production basins and fetch more wealth for our farmers.
22:53All those who took to the rostrum hailed the initiative which they say will help disenclave production basins of food and cash crops in the south and central regions.
23:05President Polbia has realized his promise. Our people have to show their gratitude by enrolling on electoral list and voting.
23:15The population residing on the road stretch have been encouraged to assist the enterprise to realize the job without any hitches for the good of the farming communities of the area.
23:28The second edition of the horse race dubbed Grand Prix Brigadier General Husseini Djibo has taken place in Banyo in the Damawa region with great satisfaction expressed by the Vice President of the Sports and Horse Racing Federation, Jean Curie.
23:45While congratulating the 27 jockeys for their performances, the sponsor of the event, Brigadier General Husseini Djibo, appealed on the powers that be to make the event an international one.
24:00Gathered at the Kawzad Park racing course in Banyo, the 27 jockeys participating at the second edition of the Brigadier General Husseini Djibo's horse race demonstrated might and aptitude as they competed in three categories,
24:19notably 800m, 1,000m and 1,200m to the delight of the population as well as the invited guests.
24:29Banyo held the second edition of the race. We pray God that event to become international.
24:37The Horse Racing and Sports Federation believes that they can input the initiative to make it more professional.
24:44People have seen how modern riding horses gallop their horses and we expect that for the third edition the city of Banyo will have a race track that will accept all the horses.
25:05To the brain behind the horse racing competition, Brigadier General Husseini Djibo, he will give his all in ensuring the development of the activity in the region.
25:15This is our village and it is this village who make us what we are today and we are obliged to come back and to give smile to our youth.
25:27The winners, three in the different categories, received compensations as a booster to enable them carry on with the activity.
25:37Haja Alin, the lone lady from Turkey who participated at the competition, received a special prize from His Majesty, the Lamida of Banyo, Senator Mohamed Gabdo Yaya.
25:51Our book of the week is titled Skyrocket Your Education Career, Building a Profitable and Impactful Career in Public Speaking.
26:03The 134-page book is written by a prolific and international public speaker, Olivier Som.
26:09Aisin Gokum read the book and says it is a must-read for everyone desiring to transform their public speaking from a passion to a profession.
26:20Necessity is the model of invention, it is often said. Skyrocket Your Education Career, Building a Profitable and Impactful Career in Public Speaking is one of those inventions born out of necessity.
26:36My main motivation was to have a tool, a material that students in Cameroon, in Africa, anywhere around the world can go through when they are taking their public speaking classes or courses wherever they find themselves.
26:47The book comprises 21 chapters in 134 pages, cutting across the do's and don'ts of public speaking.
26:56My readers are going to discover 20 mistakes that speakers should never make on the stage, how to become an effective speaker, how to become an international speaker, ways on how you can prepare your presentation effectively,
27:08some important things or tips that every speaker or beginner speaker needs to understand, public speaking and your spirituality.
27:16The author hopes to see the book spread across the African continent both in formal and informal settings.
27:24We expect our students to all have copies of the book so they can use it as a textbook in class.
27:30And of course, we wish to partner with higher institutions in Cameroon and Africa that they can actually use the book to teach public speaking to their students.
27:38And it's also good to know that the Zambian national speakers have other copies to use to train their speakers over there in Zambia and other countries.
27:45Oliver Nshom is a native of Ndum, Oku, Bui Division of the Northwest Region.
27:51He is a transformational sought-after global speaker, founding president of the Cameroon National Speakers Association,
27:59as well as the founder and director of the African Inclusive Institute of Public Speaking.
28:06Oliver has published 11 books already and is happily married to Laura.
28:12Time to talk about us.
28:15The staff of the CRTV's TV newsroom have been told to work for the interest and growth of the corporation while safeguarding values of friendship at work.
28:25The Deputy Director-General Emmanuel Wangibe was speaking during a ceremony to mark the newsroom's end-of-year party yesterday in Yaoundé.
28:33Hiromu Kenyi reports that it was an opportunity for reporters and technicians to display hidden talents in singing and dancing.
28:42An all-jeans attire night party.
28:47Technicians like journalists from CRTV's TV newsroom meet at the sumptuous hall of Le Continent de Saint-Jean.
28:54As special guests honour their invitations,
28:57the Deputy Director-General of CRTV reminds staffers to remain professional in their daily activities.
29:13Then comes the moment to eat Cameroon's best delicacies on tables.
29:18While invited artists Mel B and Amina Poulou mount the podium, everyone exercises dancing steps.
29:26Next on stage, TV news department director displays her hidden talent in music.
29:39The business we are doing is a business that you cannot do alone.
29:43On an occasion like this, it's time to say, OK, I'm sorry, it was OK.
29:48Or to understand just that it was part of our deal to deliver a good job.
29:56At recess, retired cameraman Alain Boua is handed gifts for proudly serving the corporation for over three decades.
30:03It's always good that from the stress of the newsroom,
30:07the personnel come together and celebrate and bond together and become stronger.
30:26Part two, Makosa and Bikusi rhythms electrify the air.
30:30Editor-in-chief Aimé Robert Bina remakes Nkodu Sitoni's finest singles.
30:47The night gets long, but entertaining and the cutting of the cake re-echoes the virtues of togetherness existing in the newsroom.
31:01Hidden talent discovered, indeed.
31:05And that does it for the 7.30 crew. Thank you so much for your loyalty.
31:09More newscast comes up at 8.30. Stay tuned to programs on the CRTV. Have a good night.