एक समय हुआ करता था, जब लोग कम उम्र में शादी कर लेते थे और शादी के कुछ समय बाद ही बच्चे की प्लानिंग कर लेते थे। । लेकिन, आज के समय में हर कोई बड़ी उम्र में शादी करता है। इसकी वजह है कि करियर और फाइनेंशियल इंडिपेंडेंस।हालांकि, देर से शादी करने की वजह से अक्सर लोग इस बात को लेकर कंफ्यूज रहते हैं कि आखिर शादी के कितने समय बाद बच्चे की प्लानिंग कर लेना सही है? तो चलिए बताते हैं.
There used to be a time when people used to get married at a young age and plan to have a child soon after marriage. , But, nowadays everyone gets married at an older age. The reason for this is career and financial independence. However, due to late marriage, people often remain confused about how long after marriage is it right to plan a child? So let us tell.
#Babypalnaftermarriage #WhatistheRightTimeToBabyPlan #Relationshiptips #HealthTips
There used to be a time when people used to get married at a young age and plan to have a child soon after marriage. , But, nowadays everyone gets married at an older age. The reason for this is career and financial independence. However, due to late marriage, people often remain confused about how long after marriage is it right to plan a child? So let us tell.
#Babypalnaftermarriage #WhatistheRightTimeToBabyPlan #Relationshiptips #HealthTips
Period Me Pregnant Ho Sakte Hai| Period Me Pregnancy Ho Sakti Hai,By Dr.Gargi Agarwal|Boldsky
Garbh Theharne Ke Lakshan Kya Hote Hai| Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before Missed Period|Boldsky