Soir infos (20:00) - 23/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Soir infos (20:00) - 23/04/2024


00:00The war in Gaza is now entering its 200th day, a war that has killed 34,183 Palestinians to date.
00:23International calls are multiplying to exhort the United Kingdom to renounce its project of expulsion of asylum seekers to Rwanda.
00:35Yesterday, the British Parliament adopted a law qualified as historical by Rishi Sunak. We also talk about it.
00:43Placed under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the 16th edition of the SIAM continues in Meknes until April 28.
00:55Our special envoy, Omaimas Bila, returns with us on the second day of this event.
01:01Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
01:06This Tuesday in Rabat, the Republic of Sierra Leone expressed its full support for the territorial integrity of the Kingdom,
01:14while considering the Moroccan Autonomy Initiative as the only credible, serious and realistic solution to the differences around the Moroccan Sahara.
01:24This position was expressed in a joint statement published after the meetings between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the African Cooperation and Moroccans living abroad, Nasser Bourita, and his counterpart, Sierra Leone, Timothy Moussakaba.
01:41Abdelhatif Hammouchi meets the Head of the State Security Service of Qatar.
01:50Since yesterday, the Director-General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance has been touring some Middle Eastern countries.
02:00Abdelhatif Hammouchi met with Abdullah bin Mohamed Al Khulaifi, accompanied by senior Qatar security officials.
02:09As part of the discussions, the main common security challenges of this meeting were also the opportunity to strengthen joint cooperation through the implementation of important security partnerships.
02:23Let's go back to Geneva to talk about intellectual property.
02:29At the end of a meeting with the Minister of Youth, Culture and Communications, Mohamed Merdibensaïd,
02:37the Director-General of the World Intellectual Property Organization stressed that intellectual property supports all aspects of life in Morocco,
02:49including the city and rural areas.
02:54Morocco and the World Intellectual Property Organization are also working on a project with the city of Essaouira
03:02on ways to make traditional products known all over the world.
03:08Mr. Tang insisted that intellectual property is not only a question of heritage, but also a question of the future.
03:17And then in the Middle East, the war in Gaza is now entering its 200th day.
03:21The latest figures from the Palestinian Ministry of Health show 34,183 dead and 77,143 injured since the beginning of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
03:34At least 32 additional deaths were reported in 24 hours, while 70% of Gaza's territory was destroyed.
03:44However, the Israeli army remains determined to carry out an offensive on Gaza.
03:52Today, the UN called for an international inquiry into common faults discovered in the two main hospitals of the Gaza Strip,
04:01underlining the need for an independent inquiry in the face of the current climate of impunity.
04:07In a statement, Volker Turko, UN Commissioner for Human Rights, said he was horrified by the destruction of the largest hospital in Gaza, Al-Shifa,
04:17the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younes, and the discovery of common faults near these sites, and for which he is asking for an investigation.
04:27Hamas's political office will remain based in Doha as long as its presence is useful and positive to the efforts of mediation to put an end to the war in Gaza,
04:42said this Tuesday the spokesman for the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Majed Al-Ansari.
04:49The Gulf country, which has hosted the political office of the Hamas movement since 2012, with the blessing of the United States,
04:56plays the role of mediator in the negotiations between Israel and Hamas on a truce accompanied by the release of hostages and prisoners.
05:06The discussions, also led by the intermediary of Egypt and the United States, are at a dead end, both sides accusing each other of blocking them.
05:19And international calls are multiplying to exhort the United Kingdom to renounce to expel asylum seekers to Rwanda.
05:27Yesterday, the British Parliament adopted a law called Historic Paris-Chisounaq.
05:33This bill allows the expulsion of asylum seekers entering the United Kingdom illegally.
05:39In the wake of this, the UN, already very critical of this project, has asked London to reconsider its plan,
05:46just like the High Commissioner for Human Rights and its counterpart in charge of the Filipo refugees.
05:56Place now another page dedicated to the International Salon of Agriculture in Morocco.
06:10The 16th edition of ICIAM continues in Meknes until April 28, organized under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
06:19This 16th edition has as its main theme Climate and Agriculture for sustainable production systems,
06:28and Resilient.
06:29Special envoy from Média TV, Oumar Masbila, returns on the second day of this event.
06:34Hello everyone and welcome to this special edition of ICIAM, the International Salon of Agriculture in Meknes,
06:41in its 16th edition.
06:43This 16th edition puts the focus on the issue of climate change.
06:47This is the first edition of ICIAM, the International Salon of Agriculture in Morocco.
06:53This is the first edition of ICIAM, the International Salon of Agriculture in Meknes, in its 16th edition.
06:58This 16th edition focuses on several novelties, with the aim of creating an easy and fluid access space,
07:06to the benefit of exhibitors, participants, but also the general public, visitors.
07:12Among the greatest novelties of this year is the introduction of e-tickets to improve access conditions.
07:19Before arriving, access was easy and fluid.
07:23Another novelty this year is also the introduction of the AgriDigital Pole.
07:27This is a pole that focuses on the role of technology and agricultural research
07:37in the service of a more resilient and more efficient agriculture.
07:43Another novelty is the extensive extension of the Terroir Products Pole,
07:49which values agricultural and Moroccan terroir products.
07:55Among the novelties of this year is that this 16th edition of the International Salon of Agriculture
08:03is located on an area of 12.4 hectares, 13% more than the previous year.
08:12This is huge.
08:14This edition will also highlight the importance of national agricultural research.
08:19It is a meeting that highlights the role of agricultural technologies
08:25and scientific research in this area.
08:28It is part of the future strategy of national agricultural research,
08:33which was launched by King Mohammed VI the Sovereign in 2020.
08:41It is called Green Generation.
08:44There are several novelties.
08:47The International Salon of Agriculture in Meknes has become one of the largest agricultural events,
08:55not only at the national level, but also on the African continent and internationally.
09:02Today, it is a real fair and exhibition that welcomes hundreds of thousands of visitors each year
09:15who come here to explore the halls of the Salon to learn, discover, have fun,
09:22taste, but also buy products from the terroir.
09:29Among the great novelties of the Salon, there are more than 1,500 exhibitors from more than 70 countries.
09:40This year, more than 930,000 visitors are expected, which is huge,
09:46but at the same time logical given the importance of the agricultural sector
09:51for the national economy, for farmers, for small and medium-sized businesses,
09:57for start-ups and also for farmers and all those who operate in this area or this vital sector.
10:08Today, the exhibitors present a wide variety of products,
10:13from seeds, fertilizers, phytosanitary products, agricultural machines,
10:19new technologies, because today, when we talk about agriculture,
10:23we are necessarily talking about new technologies and scientific advances in the field.
10:28On the other hand, we cannot deny that among the greatest challenges encountered today in the field of agriculture,
10:36it is the availability of water resources and water management.
10:40To talk about this, I have the pleasure of welcoming Mr. Naouf El Lodfi.
10:47He is the Director of Start-Up Agrolora.
10:50Hello and thank you for accepting our invitation.
10:53Thank you.
10:54I also have next to me Mr. Fran Dirall.
10:57He is the Technical Director and Developer of a specialized company of Allioculture.
11:03This is Dégoliveur.
11:05Dégoliveur. Hello everyone.
11:07I was saying earlier that water punishment is one of the greatest challenges of our time.
11:13You, as a company, how do you face this kind of challenge that you are facing?
11:20Indeed, the problem of water resources has become a real problem in Morocco for the past few years.
11:27Climate change, poor management, over-exploitation of resources
11:33has really made us start to feel the problem of water and the problem of water scarcity
11:41in several sectors, not just agriculture.
11:45In our company, Agrolora, we are trying to find or participate in the global solution through digital.
11:56It must also be said that the solution is not only through digital.
12:01It is a work of all stakeholders who work in agriculture and water resources management.
12:06And we are part of this ecosystem to be able to respond through our solutions to these problems.
12:13What are the solutions that you propose as a company in water management?
12:18These are classic or unconventional solutions.
12:25Classic solutions to give recommendations for irrigation doses
12:30based on weather stations or satellite data.
12:34That is to say, every day we give the farmer the irrigation dose that needs to be done,
12:40transforming a language understandable by all farmers, the big, the small and the average.
12:47There are also solutions based on IoT,
12:51or what we call connected objects, all sensors that monitor
12:57or take instantaneous measurements on specific parameters
13:02that we need to do agriculture in general
13:06and that we need to do precision agriculture.
13:09These new machines that you just said,
13:13which are still in contact with new technologies,
13:15are they expensive for the simple Moroccan farmer?
13:19Listen, I'm going to make a very, very simple parallel.
13:22To equip a farm, you have to put millions of dirhams,
13:30not to say millions, it depends on the surface.
13:33And to do irrigation and intensive agriculture,
13:37you still need to have enough water to be able to do it.
13:40And if we do nothing to optimize and to monitor
13:46and to just follow our resources and our ways of doing irrigation,
13:51then the loss will be really dry.
13:54And so the price...
13:57It's more expensive...
13:58Yes, it's more expensive to lose your farm or to close it,
14:01to no longer do irrigation,
14:02than to put some equipment to be able to maintain and secure the investment.
14:08So, precisely, in relation to this same subject,
14:10you as a company, what are the solutions that your company offers
14:16to face this kind of challenge in relation to water punishment?
14:20So, indeed, this is what we have developed.
14:23It is especially on hydric stress.
14:25We started more on olive trees,
14:27since it is still the emblem of Morocco,
14:30so with a Moroccan manufacture, of course.
14:33And we also develop with partners who are among us.
14:36The idea was really to control the water
14:39and to optimize the fertility, or at least the quality of our oil.
14:46Because today, with the problems of hydric stress,
14:49we realized that, especially this year, we have seen it well,
14:52we have gone through operations that have not even been able to recover a liter
14:58and a strong increase in the liter of oil.
15:03So, the export was not even conceivable.
15:06So, today, this conception is a development
15:10which aims to make a pocket of water
15:14so that Olivier can go through the most difficult moments,
15:19which are June, July and August, where we lack a lot of water.
15:24And thanks to partners like you here,
15:28we manage to control the water,
15:31that is to say, we will control how many hours we will give water
15:34and we will be able to go as long as possible on irrigations.
15:38Your two companies are complementary.
15:43The goal is common,
15:45that is to say that we gain quality from our oil,
15:48that we do not biodegrade our land,
15:53since the product is totally neutral
15:55and, on the contrary, it will only provide the necessary food for Olivier.
15:59And so, yes, with colleagues, we are trying to optimize
16:03and change and evolve the discourse of the farmer
16:07to help him as much as possible on his farm.
16:13Thank you to my two guests for accepting our invitation.
16:17And just as he said,
16:19if agriculture is one of the main causes of water shortages,
16:25it is also one of the first victims.
16:29So today, thanks to such inventions,
16:34things can change.
16:36We must act without waiting and adopt the right practices.
16:41Moreover, the importance of agriculture in the Moroccan economic sector is very important.
16:46It represents almost 14% of the gross domestic product.
16:50Of course, this figure varies according to the years.
16:53We are talking about climate conditions
16:56and climate change,
16:58which is one of the key themes of this 16th edition of the CIAM.
17:04Thank you for following this special edition of CIAM 2024.
17:10See you soon.
17:13This fair is also an opportunity to highlight
17:16the specificities and challenges of each region of Morocco
17:20in terms of agriculture.
17:22Special envoy from Medellin TV, Oumar Masbila,
17:24also visited the pavilions set up during this CIAM for you.
17:28Our participation in the Moroccan Agricultural International Fair
17:34in the 16th session,
17:36we participated in almost all the poles
17:41of this very important international event.
17:46And to present our strategy
17:50in terms of adaptation to climate change,
17:55which is currently the theme of this session.
17:58So we presented a little bit of everything we do in the region of Raatia-Filets.
18:02It is the mobilization of rainwater,
18:04it is the encouragement of drop-by-drop equipment for the water economy,
18:10but it is also the introduction of new varieties
18:14that are more adapted to our region
18:18given the climate change that has occurred in the region,
18:21both at the national level.
18:24This is our participation in the poles of the regions.
18:27We have also participated in the poles of land products
18:34to expose and spread our skills and potentials in these products.
18:39It is very important.
18:41We have participated with 42 cooperatives
18:44that work in this field to present.
18:47And you know, we are a region with very specific electricity.
18:51We participate in the production of dates up to 90% at the national level.
18:57We participate in the production of apples up to 60%.
19:01And we also participate in the production of rice at 100%.
19:07But we also have saffron at 40%.
19:10It is among the largest agricultural regions in the Kingdom,
19:13with an agricultural area of more than 1 million hectares
19:18and an irrigated area of almost 200,000 hectares.
19:22The region is characterized by a very rich and diversified agricultural production,
19:27which gives the opportunity to develop a very prosperous agro-industrial sector.
19:32This is why the region has worked to put in place the ingredients to develop this sector.
19:37The region has set up its agropole,
19:40which is an integrated industrial platform
19:43designed to welcome agro-industrial companies in the best conditions.
19:48In the same vein, the region has set up a regional support fund
19:53for agro-industrial companies that settle in this agropole
19:58in order to encourage companies that work in the valorization of regional agricultural production.
20:05The particularity of our region, in terms of SIAM,
20:10is that there is first of all the availability of water,
20:14alhamdulillah, thanks to the last rainfall,
20:16so the dams that exceed 90%.
20:19Secondly, there is a very strong leomar culture in this red fruit area,
20:25with more than 80% of production in the area.
20:28Thirdly, there are large projects such as the agropole, which is in a state of completion,
20:33and the interconnection that allows the water to be taken from the Oued Makhazine dam to the Al-Khorofan dam,
20:40so it is in the process of completion.
20:42Thank you for watching this news report.
21:12Thank you for watching this news report.