Le quotidien des bourses - 24/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 24/04/2024


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00:32 to aim for other international opportunities.
00:35 Notably, real estate values were not the origin of the general downturn this time,
00:40 because Allianz gained +9.23%, Residence d'Arzada gained +4.20%.
00:46 The most affected sectors were the holding portfolio companies, computer services and the distributors.
00:52 In terms of distributors, mechanical production lost -4.90% and Bellevue recovered from -2.80%.
01:02 And the Tunisian stock market is still in a positive position.
01:05 The Tunis index closed at 9,063 points, 3 small points of graphical gain today,
01:10 and the market recorded a transaction flow of around 8,853,000 dinars,
01:15 with a strong option on the value "so you want" which drains nearly 4 million dinars and progresses by +1.72%.
01:22 MPBS signs a new performance, the stock gains +5.89%, the Siam stock gains +5.45%,
01:31 SBDIT evolves by +4.49% while BIAT and SAH, quite sought after by investors, record slightly lower increases.
01:39 SAH gains +1.20% and BIAT gains +1.09%.
01:45 And finally, the regional real estate value boost of Abidjan closes this session in green.
01:50 The BRVM Composite improved by +0.35% to 218.94.1.
01:57 Among the striking effects of this session, we note the increase in the NEICDA title.
02:01 The publisher's share increased by +6.92% and negotiated around 695 CFRs.
02:09 Following the publication of its results, the company decided to return almost all of its profits to shareholders.
02:16 The dividend reimbursed this year will be 81.77 CFR per share held, or a return of +12.58%.
02:25 Enough to shock its shareholders and attract new shareholders for the relaunch of its expansion.
02:30 Slight growth, but still growth for the Orange Côte d'Ivoire group and very promising prospects.
02:36 The Orange Côte d'Ivoire share ends stable.
02:38 BOA Senegal, which plans to reimburse a dividend of 300 CFR per share in a few days,
02:44 sees its share price progress by +2.86%.
02:47 The strongest drop is reported on the CICABLE title, which is replaced by -2.22%.
02:54 That's it for the main news on the continent.
02:57 See you soon to see the indices that show Africa's economy in full growth.
03:03 [MUSIC]