Presse monde - 24/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 24/04/2024


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00:37 No access to electricity in a reliable and low-cost way.
00:41 An element which is strongly hindering the economic and social development of the whole continent.
00:47 $30 million of investment will be necessary to carry out this commitment,
00:52 specifies the institution in a statement which commits to contribute $5 billion to the project, calculates Figaro.
00:59 To the French daily La Croix, Armenia and Azerbaijan, close to a peace agreement.
01:04 The Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev assured Tuesday, April 23,
01:08 that a peace agreement with Armenia was closer than ever,
01:11 while the two countries began to delimit their common borders
01:14 after decades of territorial disputes, the newspaper said.
01:18 Regularly, the leaders of these rival states of the Caucasus claimed that they wanted a peace treaty,
01:23 settling these differences, but the talks remained very difficult and long.
01:27 Regular armed incidents, in addition to the extent of tensions, are echoing.
01:32 And the newspaper noted that Armenia and Azerbaijan fought in two wars,
01:36 the first in the 1990s, won by Armenia, which killed more than 30,000,
01:42 the second in 2020, won by Azerbaijan, which killed more than 6,000, signs La Croix.
01:47 Place now at Challenge.
01:49 According to the daily, Kim Jong-un supervised Monday,
01:52 nuclear counter-attack exercises, sending a clear warning to the enemies of Pyongyang.
01:57 The South Korean Army's Chief of Staff said earlier in the day
02:01 that North Korea had launched several short-range ballistic missiles
02:05 off its eastern coast, the newspaper said.
02:08 According to the North Korean press agency,
02:10 as part of the North Korean nuclear management system test,
02:14 the artillery forces took part on Monday in these maneuvers, presented as unprecedented,
02:18 and showing the extent of Pyongyang's nuclear capabilities.
02:21 It is also for North Korea to protest against the joint military exercises
02:25 organized by South Korea and the United States,
02:28 indicated the press agency quoted by Challenge.
02:31 Kim Jong-un supervised this simulation,
02:34 including deployment of troops in a nuclear counter-attack position,
02:38 with nuclear-headed shrapnel,
02:41 to prepare for the possibility of a nuclear crisis,
02:44 says Challenge.
02:45 At the end of the GEO, the end of gravity,
02:48 specialized in levitation, the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
02:52 has developed a floating platform in the void.
02:55 The platform in question takes the form of a small square, 1 cm wide.
02:59 It is made of graphite.
03:01 The crystalline shape of the carbon, which is highly diamagnetic,
03:04 is therefore strongly repulsed by magnets,
03:06 but this plate has been covered with silica.
03:09 The mechanism follows simple principles.
03:11 A diamagnetic material is naturally repulsed by magnets,
03:14 a science already exploited by the Maglev trains.
03:17 But the researchers at the Japanese Institute bring their added value
03:20 by overcoming two constraints, the Daily.
03:23 First, their platform does not need to be powered by an external source of energy.
03:27 However, the oscillation of a material in levitation
03:30 generally loses its energy little by little,
03:32 and so it has to stop.
03:34 This is due to external forces that apply to the object,
03:37 which generates an effect called "turbine shock",
03:39 the Daily notes.
03:41 Second exploit,
03:42 the scientists of the Unit of Quantum Machines
03:44 have therefore created a new material derived from graphite.
03:47 A chemical modification has transformed the graphite
03:50 from an electric conductor to an electric insulator.
03:53 Thanks to this, the electric fields no longer pass through the material,
03:56 while retaining its diamagnetic nature.
03:59 In this way, energy losses no longer intervene,
04:02 while the material can remain in levitation, retaining geo.
04:06 And finally for Chlor, this press release,
04:08 we mention this article by Science & Life.
04:10 The Daily comes back on the restitution by Switzerland to Egypt
04:13 of a fragment stolen in the 1980s,
04:16 in the temple of Ramses II,
04:18 in the city of Abydos, in the south of Egypt.
04:20 If the exact date of the theft is not known,
04:22 the Daily reports,
04:24 the head of the Egyptian Department of the Heritage of Antiquities,
04:27 Chabban Abdelgawad,
04:28 estimated that it took place between the end of the 1980s
04:32 and the beginning of the 1990s.
04:34 Between 2013 and today,
04:36 the statue fragment traveled to several countries
04:38 before landing in Switzerland,
04:40 and more precisely in the city of Bern,
04:42 where Egyptian authorities were able to block it
04:44 to prove that it belonged to their heritage.
04:47 Symbol of the ancient Egypt,
04:49 like the temple of Don Cammon or Cleopatra VII,
04:52 Ramses II reigned over the land of the pharaohs
04:54 for nearly 67 years,
04:56 making him one of the sovereigns
04:58 to have spent the most time on his throne,
05:00 alongside Louis XIV, King of France,
05:02 where Elizabeth II, Queen of England,
05:04 signs on her life.
05:06 Thus, we come to the end of this press release.
05:08 Good follow-up of the programs on Mediacom TV.