In the riveting clip from Fire Country Season 2 Episode 7 titled "Under Threat," tensions ignite as the cast faces the relentless challenges of firefighting amidst intense flames and personal struggles. Led by stellar performances from Billy Burke, Max Thieriot, Kevin Alejandro, Michael Trucco and more, this CBS firefighter drama captures the raw emotions and bravery of those battling both infernos and inner demons. Experience the intensity and camaraderie firsthand by streaming Fire Country Season 2 now on Paramount+!
Fire Country Cast:
Billy Burke, Max Thieriot, Kevin Alejandro, Diane Farr, Jordan Calloway, Stephanie Arcila, Jules Latimer and Michael Trucco
Stream Fire Country Season 2 now on Paramount+!
Fire Country Cast:
Billy Burke, Max Thieriot, Kevin Alejandro, Diane Farr, Jordan Calloway, Stephanie Arcila, Jules Latimer and Michael Trucco
Stream Fire Country Season 2 now on Paramount+!
00:00 My name is Manuel.
00:02 Hey, Manny.
00:03 What are you doing here?
00:04 Uh, Eve asked if I would come by and talk to him.
00:07 You know, inmate turns incarcerated firefighter,
00:09 turns three-block captain.
00:11 I actually don't think we're gonna need you.
00:13 Day's all filled up with interviews already,
00:15 and we're good, but thanks, man.
00:16 Appreciate it.
00:17 What, you don't want me here or what?
00:19 If that reporter takes a fingernail to your paint,
00:23 she'll find out that you were at the center
00:25 of the whole drug thing here last year.
00:27 It's not good for you, it's bad for three blocks.
00:29 I'm living proof the program works.
00:31 Man, I don't think you understand
00:33 the gravity of the situation, okay?
00:35 It's not just Three Rock that's under threat.
00:37 It's the whole fire camp system.
00:39 Now, you and I both want the same thing.
00:41 We want Three Rock to stay open, remain strong.
00:43 Hell, it's not even Three Rock anymore.
00:46 You've taken away all their basic privileges, bro.
00:48 You put up a fence?
00:49 These guys feel like prisoners all over again.
00:51 I'm not gonna argue with you.
00:52 I need you to leave right now, okay?
00:54 Really?
00:55 Now.
00:57 God, the chief.
00:59 [no audio]