Matewan (1987)

  • 5 months ago
Matewan (/ˈmeɪtwɒn/) is a 1987 American independent[2][3] drama film written and directed by John Sayles, and starring Chris Cooper (in his film debut), James Earl Jones, Mary McDonnell and Will Oldham, with David Strathairn, Kevin Tighe and Gordon Clapp in supporting roles.[4] The film dramatizes the events of the Battle of Matewan, a coal miners' strike in 1920 in Matewan, a small town in the hills of West Virginia.
00:02:43Shouldn't call shouldn't call
00:03:26What in God's name are you doing? I got a shot set up back there
00:03:31Word come down from Turley
00:03:34Tony Drake, they brung it down to 90 cent a ton
00:03:38Down day goes are holding fast in number three
00:03:42He says take it or leave it
00:03:47See if it's what we're gonna do
00:04:01We're 19 and 20 in the southwest field and things is tough
00:04:07The miners is trying to bring a union to West, Virginia
00:04:11Coal operators and their gun thugs is set on keeping them out
00:04:18Miners down in Mingo laid their shovels down. We will pull another pill
00:04:23Another time we'll lift another finger till the Union we have won
00:04:28Stand up boys. Let the bosses know turn your buckets over turn your lanterns
00:04:34Oh as far in our hearts and far in her soul, but there ain't gonna be no fire in the hole
00:04:43Them was hand loading days
00:04:45They paid you bit of time and they didn't care no more for a man. They done for a draft me
00:04:50Them was hard people your coal miners then they wouldn't nobody who wanted to cross
00:05:07Daddy died a minor
00:05:09Grandpa, he did too. I'll bet the coal will kill me for my working days is through and a hole is dark and dirty
00:05:16An early grave can find a plan to make a union for the ones who leave behind
00:05:21Stand up boys. Let the bosses know turn your buckets over turn your lanterns
00:05:27Far in our hearts and far in her soul, but there ain't gonna be no fire in the hole
00:05:34There ain't gonna be no fire in the hole
00:05:43Pushed come to shove and pretty soon. We had us a war down there in mango County
00:05:48Which in them days was known as bloody mango
00:05:51And that's where it all come to a head there on tug fork in the town of mate
00:06:07Done it mama. We're gonna have the Union
00:06:24Just gotta stop for a little repair
00:06:40So they're still bringing coal out of there I'd sure hate to get a whiff of that
00:07:03Step down gentlemen, this here be your new home
00:07:31Come we're getting off in town just getting line
00:09:03When do we get to make one you don't want to go there mister ain't nothing but crazy people
00:09:44Everybody was here then they got word and they gone on up the line of ways
00:09:49some kind of Union business
00:09:52Yeah, I saw you best steer clear of it
00:09:57My name is Bridey May Tolliver
00:10:00Joe Kenahan
00:10:04You know
00:10:06Radner's boarding house big white house right on past the coal dock. She's a real sourpuss though
00:10:13Elmer Radner
00:10:16Thank you, you're gonna be in town long thigh depends
00:10:23I'll see you around
00:10:31I hope so
00:11:19These picks and shovels are to be considered alone from the Stone Mountain Coal Company their cost would be deducted from your first month's pay
00:11:26tool sharpener provided by the company's 25 cents a month
00:11:30Use of the wash house is 75 cents a month medical doctor provided by the company's $2 a month special procedures, actually
00:11:38Your train ride here provided by the company will be deducted from your first month's pay
00:11:44The pay will be issued as company script
00:11:47Redeemable for all goods and services at the Stone Mountain
00:11:50company store
00:11:52Purchases of any items available at the company store from outside merchants will result in firing without pay
00:11:59Let's keep y'all from jacking up some prices at your store
00:12:06Johnson that calls me a few clothes
00:12:10Powder fuses lamps headgear all appropriate clothing will be available at the company store and
00:12:17Stone Mountain will generously advance you a month's supply of these items payment to be deducted
00:12:24I'm gonna take you over to camp now where you will be living. There's some
00:12:28Italian gentlemen, they're very eager to meet you
00:12:31Rentals will be for one room 250 a month company room. No more than two people in one room children included
00:12:40Electricity where
00:12:55Mrs. Ratner. Yes. My name is Joe Kennehan
00:13:03I'm gonna be in town for a bit and your place here was recommended. What do you do?
00:13:13Guess I'm looking for work. You can't make a company. Yeah, we the company there ain't no work
00:13:24Look mister, don't act the lamb with me. What's your business here?
00:13:29I'm gonna tell her
00:13:32Off the line a mile. It was all colored this time. They bust his nose
00:13:36Fetch me two chunks about this big and a piece of
00:13:44Just put it up in the air buddy. Just like you're watching the clouds
00:13:48Don't get that bleeding stopped. I got my lips
00:13:52You said what?
00:13:54Seems to be all the men around here care about watching kids is starving
00:13:59It's just frustration is all and you can't take care of them you care about
00:14:05There you go, this freezes up all them little veins inside, huh?
00:14:09It's just so they close up and they don't let any more blood out you doctor
00:14:17And just a guy looking for a place to stay
00:14:20five dollars a week cash
00:14:23That includes dinner and clean sheets
00:14:26Hope I'm not making a mistake
00:14:29Name is Joe Kennehan
00:14:37Almost never worked for the railroads laying track, Kansas, Missouri
00:14:43And I went out west for a bit worked in a lumber camp
00:14:48Little whatever pays an honest dollar. I'm a coal miner
00:14:52At least till we come out. I was had me over in section three. I was a trapper boy
00:14:58Ain't you little young? I'm almost 15
00:15:01There's some in there younger than me
00:15:03Of course with the strike now, I mostly work on running this place I have a little donut
00:15:09It's gonna be a long one that
00:15:12Superintendent Stone Mountain he said he'd go broke for he'd let one Union some bitch so much a step into his coal mines
00:15:19Danny, oh, sorry, ma'am, but that's what he said
00:15:23Daniel's a preacher. That's so you ought to hear him testify
00:15:28What church you with?
00:15:30Around here. There's the missionary folks based a hard-shell Baptist and then there's the freewill folks, which is your soft-shell Baptist right now
00:15:37I preach for both
00:15:41I'll get it Daniel's are gonna preach tonight over at the missionary. I
00:15:48Never was religious myself
00:15:50It's Cephas mama
00:15:53Little Wilma
00:15:55Miss Knight's I
00:15:59Come to have a word with your new boarder
00:16:02If he don't mind
00:16:06Excuse me
00:16:24Claims he's the fellow the Union sent us
00:16:29Can you prove it
00:16:34Don't take nothing to have a card printed up I guess you just have to trust me
00:16:41Who wrote the Iron Heel
00:16:44Jack London, where's Joe Hill buried it all over the world. I scattered his ashes which eyes big bill
00:16:52Hey would miss him
00:16:57It's right one had Frank little died Butte, Montana, they hung him from a railroad trestle
00:17:06Now, you know your stuff I
00:17:09Was with the Wobblies me too
00:17:12Back when it meant something
00:17:15One big Union right around here, buddy
00:17:20See lively, this is my restaurant fellas are waiting
00:17:32They don't give a damn whether we live or die just so long as they get the coal out of the ground
00:17:37They had us pulling pillars and the roof was working, you know, like it does before it's going to fall down
00:17:43If I say I ain't a dine in here and walk away
00:17:47They'll put me down some damn puddle in a two-foot seam and no air to breathe. A
00:17:53Man can't mind coal that way. They're just boosting us further than we can go the check. Wait a minute
00:17:58He'll take 50 pound off your load for slate when they end a pebble in it. It's down in the bottom
00:18:02Where the ain't no looking for then they raise the prices at the company store the same
00:18:07Goddamn week that they lower the tonnage rate and they still ain't rocked us that damn hole. How am I talking about?
00:18:14I can't hear you
00:18:16I still can't hear you
00:18:20Do you know his name
00:18:24Have you felt the warm and comfort of his precious love
00:18:31Praise his holy name
00:18:41Listen to me now listen to me
00:18:45The prince of darkness
00:18:51Is upon the lion
00:18:55Now in the Bible
00:18:58His name is Beelzebub
00:19:03Lord of the flies
00:19:07Right now on earth today
00:19:10His name is Bolshevist
00:19:13Socialist communist union man
00:19:17Lord of untruth
00:19:19Sower of a evil seed enemy of all that is good and pure and this creature
00:19:28Walks among us
00:19:34What are we gonna do about it
00:20:02First thing we got to have is all of these niggers and all these dagos that come in here to take our jobs
00:20:08Thrown out of the mind my hands. Hell they got him in our houses
00:20:11They're sitting in our tables right now and they're sleeping in our beds
00:20:15Well, we're out living under a piece of canvas at the back of the holler. I've been a union man my whole life
00:20:20I know the story with these coal operators and their gun thugs
00:20:25The only thing they understand is a bad end of a bullet
00:20:29If we show them we just as soon blow up their damn minds and seen them work by a bunch of scabs
00:20:34Well, then they go listen
00:20:36Someone's come. It's Alex. You got someone
00:20:57Did you find him he come right up on the steps
00:21:01they told me that
00:21:03See he live is where the Union men's meet. So I
00:21:09Got business with the Union
00:21:13That's so what's your name son that calls me few clothes I
00:21:22Didn't come here looking for no trouble
00:21:24The man's got to eat
00:21:28They told me today was jobs here
00:21:31damn scab
00:21:34You watch your mouth Pecker would
00:21:41I've been called nigger and I can't help that the way white folks is but I ain't never been called. No scab
00:21:49And I ain't fixing to start up now I
00:21:53Go ton for ton loading cold with any man here
00:21:56When I do I expects the same dollar for the same work
00:22:01You got this holler alive son. You'd be doing good for yourself
00:22:10Union men my ass
00:22:22You won't be treated like men
00:22:25You won't be treated fair
00:22:28Well, you ain't men to that coal company
00:22:32Your equipment like a shovel a gondola car a hunk of wood brace
00:22:41They'll use you tell you where out or you break down
00:22:45Are you buried under a slate fall and then they'll get a new one and they don't care what color it is or where it
00:22:52comes from
00:22:54It doesn't matter how much coal you can load or how long your family has lived on this land
00:23:00If you stand alone, you're just so much shit to those people
00:23:09You think this man is your enemy
00:23:17This is a worker
00:23:21Any union keeps this man out ain't a union it's a goddamn club
00:23:29Now they got you fighting white against colored
00:23:32Native against foreign holla against holla
00:23:35When you know, there ain't but two sides of this world
00:23:38Them that work and then that don't you work?
00:23:42They don't
00:23:45That's all you got to know about the enemy
00:23:51You say you got guns
00:24:00Well, I know that you all the brave men
00:24:03And I know you could shoot it out with the company if you had to
00:24:08But the coal company don't want this Union
00:24:12The state government don't want it the federal government don't want it and now all of them
00:24:17Just waiting for an excuse to come down and crush us to nothing
00:24:25Fellas we're in a hole full of coal gas here
00:24:29The tiniest spark at the wrong time is going to be the end of us
00:24:35So we got to pick away at this situation slow and careful
00:24:41We got to organize and build support
00:24:45We got to work together
00:24:49Till they can't get their coal out of the ground without us because we're a union
00:24:54Because we're the workers damn it and we take care of each other
00:24:59How can we shut the mines down if we don't dynamite them the men walk out all of them
00:25:11Fat chance
00:25:20And every man that walks out on his own steam we've taken to the Union
00:25:30All the day goes and all the colored
00:25:35That's what a union is fellas
00:25:38You better get used to it
00:25:41So this fellow owns a vineyard goes out first thing one morning
00:25:44And he hires some workers says he'll give him a dollar for the day, which was decent wages in biblical times
00:25:51Well, then he's at the marketplace
00:25:53And he sees some other fellas and he hires them and some more at noon and some at two and some at five and every
00:25:58Time it's the same deal a dollar for the day, and he's hiring all day long right up to one hour for quitting time
00:26:17Look we're real sorry to barge in on you like this, but it's come to a point where we got to talk to you I
00:26:24Know you people got it hard coming to a new country. You don't know the rules
00:26:30Don't know how things work. They don't know shit about mining coal. That's for sure
00:26:34They've been dying like flies in that number three hole
00:26:40But how it is
00:26:42You don't have a whole lot of choice in this thing
00:26:46You know what a union is
00:26:51What the situation is?
00:26:54We need every joint of the union. They shoot us
00:26:58We know Johnny they own you shoot us
00:27:07Well, that's one way of looking at it because of all a
00:27:11Bullet can triumphant syndicato me. Oh, yeah syndicato. I'm Corey syndicato Rosario
00:27:41Bet there goes a driving me crazy now, what's he playing now? Who's that?
00:28:20Pecker was gone past
00:28:27What we talking to him for you won't walk back to Alabama
00:28:34Son goes down he sends for his foreman
00:28:36He says to go pay off the workers
00:28:38Starting with the ones he picked up just an hour going to pay every one of them the same dollar a day
00:28:44And of course the fellows that went out first is roped off about this
00:28:48So they get to agitate and complain and so loud the owner come up and he says look it
00:28:53We dealt for a dollar and that's what you get and what I pay anybody else is none of your lookout. So they're
00:29:02Now that's all the gospel story says except for the moral Jesus drew out of it and so Jesus says
00:29:10Thus it will be in the kingdom of heaven. The first will be last and the last will be first
00:29:18Now it's clear from this parable
00:29:20That Jesus hadn't heard nothing about the Union
00:29:23If he was walking the earth today and seeing the situation we got with these coal operators
00:29:27He'd have changed his tune a man deserveth an hourly wage
00:29:30He'd say for though the pit be gassy and the face full of slate a man still toileth by the sweat of his brow
00:29:36And what's a better deal here on earth? No matter what I got in store for him in the hereafter
00:29:41Praise Jesus
00:29:46In a hand
00:29:51Out kind of late, aren't you I met some people and we got to talking
00:30:03Who are you
00:30:06Maybe sit Hatfield. I'm chief of police around here. It ain't against the law to talk is it?
00:30:24I'll take care of my people
00:30:27You bring them trouble you're a dead man
00:30:36Sleep tight, Kenny
00:31:46Well, look at this Griggs II they got up a little reception committee for us
00:31:59What is your name, honey
00:32:02Bridey May Tolliver you like to watch the trains come and go bright in me
00:32:09Yeah, and
00:32:11The people what come into town?
00:32:14There's been a lot of new people coming here lately if you
00:32:20Fella named Joe Kenahan show up
00:32:30Are you married Bridey May I was
00:32:34He got killed in the man. Oh
00:32:38That's too bad
00:32:40Do you hear that Griggs II he got killed in the mind?
00:32:43It's a shame
00:32:47Was your husband a union man while he was living? No, he said it would never take hold down here
00:32:54He sounds like a smart fella. I
00:33:00Think that you are real pretty, you know that birdie me
00:33:06Thank you
00:33:10Don't you think she's pretty Gracie
00:33:16You are the best-looking mountain trash I've seen in a long while
00:33:28See you around
00:33:34Let's roll Griggs II so we get out of this shithole the better
00:33:55Was putting up blackberries when train will Blankenship come shouting up the holler that the number five had blown I
00:34:04Remember I took the pot off the stovetop washed up my hands before I went down
00:34:12It took two days to dig through
00:34:15Then when they brung him up you couldn't tell which is which
00:34:19They found blood on the walls from Phyllis trying to claw their way out
00:34:26Mrs. Elkins mrs. Mount Spratt am I may we all lost our men in that fire?
00:34:35Danny we're sibling now. He's back in that same home
00:34:43Did start
00:34:45Cold dust gets hanging in the air down there and there's a spark
00:34:49They could spray the walls down, but company says that cost too much
00:34:55Hey was
00:34:57Well sit Hatfield ever a minor
00:35:00Not for long. He don't like to be closed in said
00:35:04He's always real friendly smiling said
00:35:07Then the war come
00:35:10Cabal testament got to be the mirror. He made said she the police and then the girl that cabal mark
00:35:17well, I
00:35:24Don't want you using Danny. I'm no crazy union business man has to stand up for what he believes him
00:35:31Danny ain't no man
00:35:35Mr.. You're gonna be moving on
00:35:38When I lose you're gonna walk on out of this hall, or we got to stay here. I intend to leave a union when I go
00:35:45my husband used to talk Union I
00:35:48Seen where it got him
00:35:54Mama people up front mama
00:36:06Sorry mister. We're full up not anymore. You're not Sonny Stone Mountain sent us down here. We're still full up
00:36:13Can I help you gentlemen these two are trying to push their way in here? I told him it wasn't no use
00:36:17I don't see where you got any say in the matter. My mama says you can't stay here, then you can't that's all Danny
00:36:23Keep out of this
00:36:25Look I only got one room left, but then somebody's gonna have to move don't they let me see you register
00:36:32You ain't seeing nothing
00:36:35Lady we're here as guests of the Stone Mountain coal company. They own this house. Good morning
00:36:43You fellas moving in yeah
00:36:47Well you won't find a better night's sleep anywheres in town
00:36:51It's a shame. I got to move over to the hotel. It's a
00:36:56business you know
00:36:59So you mind if I settle my bill man
00:37:02Danny you signed these two gentlemen in
00:37:13Don't think the company ain't gonna hear about this
00:37:29Sometimes you got to bend so as you don't break
00:37:34Foods awful at the hotel mattresses got looms probably cooties, too
00:37:41I'll be all right
00:37:45I'll get my things. Thank you
00:37:58Yeah, it's a lie down here listen up
00:38:02Get a hold of something solid
00:38:04You can pop a little poke
00:38:06Nice ringing sound you're all set
00:38:10Nice solid top over your head you get up get up
00:38:16On a hollow sound like a drum
00:38:20That's like sagging
00:38:22You got to put in another post
00:38:25You think all is a long time
00:38:27I've been going on the ground since I was 10 you
00:38:30We make a show
00:38:38You make a shoes
00:38:42Someday get there. Yeah
00:38:46It could be
00:38:48You try and head out of here now
00:38:50You'll be on all that money like they say company shoots you for a thief
00:38:58Be on all that money like they say company shoots you for a thief
00:39:03Just some slaves up here they own our black ass
00:39:11If you I got a question
00:39:15Now suppose they let us in this union like they say we're gonna have to work with them Italian people
00:39:22am a padroni
00:39:24Equally to kill a horse a horse enough. You're going to so look at my family. I don't mind if I'm a uncle. Yeah, I know for me
00:39:31What y'all more than I see?
00:39:33Clemente no Johnny
00:39:54Taking a walk. Hi. I'm going up to the coal camp. I meet those new fellas when they come off the shift
00:40:04You're doing union business ain't you
00:40:09How you like mrs. Radner's
00:40:11Well, it wasn't room
00:40:13I'm at the hotel now in she a sourpuss though
00:40:20There's a victim in town. Mr. Canahan, it's Baldwin Sam Baldwin
00:41:08This is town property
00:41:10Who are you?
00:41:12I'm the mire
00:41:15Pleased to meet you. My name is Bill Hickey. This is Tom Griggs
00:41:20We're carrying out an eviction for Stone Mountain
00:41:23You can do what you want up at the coal camp, but this is town property
00:41:28Stone Mountain holds the deeds on these houses Cabell
00:41:32You need a writ for eviction
00:41:36You the law around here
00:41:40And you can help us
00:41:42These people are trespassing on company property. They all signed a contract that they wouldn't join any union you
00:41:50You Baldwin felt agency, that's right
00:41:56Presently employed by the Stone Mountain Coal Company
00:42:02This is from mr. Turley here and this is from our boss. Mr. Thomas Phelps
00:42:10I've met. Mr. Phelps
00:42:14Good we won't have any problem. I wouldn't pee on him if his heart was on fire
00:42:25Neither of these will do for a writ. You'll have to see a judge in Charleston
00:42:31What if we ain't got time to go to Charleston
00:42:34You better find some
00:42:37Now I can't do nothing about what you pull outside town limits, but you bother these people under my jurisdiction, I'll put you under arrest
00:42:46You and whose army?
00:42:53All you men on the gun go home and get it your deputies as of now
00:43:02Best you people stick close. We'll need witnesses
00:43:08Giving you ten minutes get those people's belongings back in the house
00:43:12But the rest of the boys was here. You wouldn't be so cocky
00:43:17Rest the boys was here. I'd give you five minutes now move it
00:43:39Can't win, you know, this is gonna happen with you without you you can't stop it
00:43:50All right, boys, let's put it back in this ain't our day
00:44:11Never seen a lawman buck a company gun before
00:44:20He's mostly a real nice feller
00:44:27Intention makes him nervous though. We got a motion on the floor here
00:44:36And this is coal miners only
00:44:42All them in favor of keeping them scabs out of the mines tomorrow morning using whatever force it looks like is necessary
00:44:52Raise your hands
00:45:04Settled in
00:45:10Pass them peas boy
00:45:19That's a piece then
00:45:24Boy deaf or dumb or what?
00:45:26Daniel ain't done. Daniel's a preacher
00:45:30That right boy you a preacher
00:45:33What do you preach to boy
00:45:36Daniel preached at the meeting last night was a good number of souls there. He was soul saver boy
00:45:47You want to have a go at me and Griggsie here we ought to be a real challenge
00:45:51He's a squirrel preachers what
00:45:53Stands up on a stump out in the woods and testifies to the Holy Rodent Danny. You wouldn't hurry to meet your maker boy
00:46:02Ain't no guns allowed at table sit down Danny
00:46:10You do what your pretty mama says preacher
00:46:25Put that away now mister
00:46:29Pack it away Griggsie
00:46:33Look we're gonna be here a while little lady. You can have it the easy way or the hard way
00:46:41Now how about them peas
00:46:50Boys getting on my nerves
00:47:08Oh Lord
00:47:09They told me they would talk to the fellas. I saw their faces last night Joe. They wasn't buying
00:47:15We're playing right into the company's plans the men voted Joe, and what more do you want?
00:47:22Stephen I
00:47:25Seen the lights on the hill they're sneaking them in for a night shift
00:47:33Let's go fellas
00:47:48Bet you seen hundreds of strikes
00:47:51Yeah, I got thrown clear out of the missionary the other night
00:47:58We getting close
00:49:13Fellas put their lanterns out you just hit the dirt
00:49:49Think this belongs to you
00:50:05All right, let's welcome our new brothers
00:50:24Now stone mountain don't move one piece of coal unless it's a union man that moves it
00:51:17Them days the coal company owns your camp houses
00:51:21They owned your land they own most of the town and the people who run it
00:51:26If you wasn't for the company, there wasn't too many places you could go that was still on the map
00:51:49The union didn't have too much they could give to the people back then
00:51:53All we got in common is our misery Joe Keeney hand you say and the least we can do is share it
00:52:31Good idea what are they?
00:52:35Got the evil eye that one
00:52:41You let me catch you peeking over there she got the evil eye if I ever seen it
00:52:51Well, what we got here we bring you some food mama stole it from the company quiet Danny
00:52:57Well, we can use anything you got
00:52:59You people crazy ain't never gonna win this thing
00:53:02And will you help us for?
00:53:08Got work to do
00:53:12We appreciate you help I ain't never seen everybody all together like this company don't stand a chance
00:54:21What's the pitch
00:54:24Well, I was just saying to the mayor here, oh
00:54:29We're all trying to do our jobs you and me him and
00:54:35Nobody's paying us enough to be dodging no bullets for
00:54:44Mr. Felt
00:54:46has authorized me to
00:54:48Make it more attractive for you gentlemen to cooperate
00:54:53Town ain't for sale. Mr.
00:54:59What about you
00:55:02Now I figure that that
00:55:05Little show you were putting on out there. The other day was just for bargaining power
00:55:11Or are you gonna be stupid too
00:55:24Either you shithogs lift a finger in town limits. I'll put you away
00:55:38Damn hillbillies always gonna do it the hard way
00:55:49You boys are going up against some pretty big people
00:56:07Don't push your luck
00:56:26How's Jesse these days she's okay see it
00:56:32You think they're bluffing
00:56:39Neither am I
00:56:46Now the way the relief fund works is kind of tricky
00:56:50Because all the different situations we got going around the country
00:56:55We stretched real thin. There's a lot of strategy to who gets what and win
00:57:01I report to the strike committee
00:57:03And they evaluate the progress we're making here and the political situation and then they release the strike fund to us
00:57:10You mean they cut us off?
00:57:13The amount that we get is based on what if they think we're gonna lose
00:57:19The strike committee considers what's best for the Union as a whole but politics boys
00:57:25I'm gonna play Union. You gotta play politics. I'm sure Joe don't like that no more than you do
00:58:43Don't like it one damn bit me neither
00:58:46I didn't get into this thing so I'd have one more boss to tell me what the Union isn't your boss
00:58:51It's you and why we gotta wait for some hunkies up in Pittsburgh to give us a word to move cause it's a democracy
00:58:59Like the United States democracy, that's a joke
00:59:47Just got a little piece of bullet left in there
00:59:51The company doctor said he wouldn't come out
00:59:53But there's a fella in Pikesville on the Kentucky side. That'll treat Union men on the sly
01:00:00He'll be here by noon
01:00:04He treats Union he'll treat colored
01:00:07More water Danny. Yes, ma'am
01:00:09Can you just hold this up there against there real gentle? Don't press home. Hey, Alma
01:00:14You seen any of the men?
01:00:18Only them that's wounded
01:00:22I should do it. Not at least nobody got killed. No, thanks to you
01:00:31Take it easy, buddy
01:00:34Morning Joe. Hey Bridie. You seen any of the fellas not a one
01:00:42He's real nice-looking
01:00:45He likes me I can tell how I
01:00:50Just know me and that's all that'd make a cat laugh
01:00:57If you want to make this kind of slot for dinner you
01:01:00Come and make it. This is United States here and we do things to me. No, no, you wouldn't listen to me
01:01:06Nella, you can learn something here
01:01:11Ladies what's the problem? I thought she's gonna make up some cornbread with it. Well, you should see this
01:01:20My mate I declared a farina and Mia miss Elkins these people got their own way of doing things
01:01:25Well, that is a waste a good cornmeal if you ask me she makes up this porridge Lee kind of mess
01:01:31I wouldn't feed it to the
01:01:41Where's all the men gone to
01:01:50That changes the whole picture
01:01:53What I'm saying is
01:01:55Unions is fine for some things
01:01:57But for other things a man's got to go on his own
01:02:01Of course that's up to you
01:02:05All stone
01:02:11You make syndicato you do what the syndicato say I
01:02:17I listen to Joe
01:02:21You close
01:02:24We're gonna be shooting white folks, right, that's the idea
01:02:31People hear about black folks shooting white folks no matter what it's for you're gonna be held to pay
01:02:39You got a point
01:02:41Well, then
01:03:00You people
01:03:02Have been put out of stone mountain mine housing
01:03:06And some of you have seen fit to take along certain items of food
01:03:13Furniture and clothing that don't belong to you, but belong to the company
01:03:20As of the day of the strike your script
01:03:24cease to be legal tender meaning
01:03:27That any item of food clothed in furniture not paid for in cash money
01:03:34Must be turned over to me and my deputies. I suggest that you all cooperate
01:03:43See my boys
01:03:45They didn't get much sleep last night. So they're kind of jumpy
01:03:52Besides we got the law on our side. You ain't no law. You got to slip around the real law
01:03:58You just got guns is all you just thought
01:04:05Yeah, maybe you're right sonny we just got guns
01:04:10You still got a hand in them goods
01:04:13yellow scab herder you
01:04:17Learn you get up there. You got a list of goods
01:04:20Don't need one. How are you gonna know what belongs to the company and what don't he's the red hickey
01:04:30He's the agitator
01:04:36Everybody see I don't got a gun on me
01:04:44What good do you think that's gonna do you
01:04:51You shoot me folks will know it was murder. Well, that's some cold comfort
01:04:59You listen to me red
01:05:20He was hunting
01:05:24You folks are making an awful lot of commotion you scared all the game away
01:05:29This your machine
01:05:32Heard it last night, too
01:05:35It's an offense to the ear. Hold it pops. You're talking to the law here
01:05:41He asked you anything
01:05:44Would you get that thing pal Spanish War
01:05:54War between the states
01:05:56War between the states
01:05:58You all getting this machine and get back into town where you belong
01:06:02Ain't but one law out here
01:06:05And that's a law of nature
01:06:10Let's get the hell out of here
01:06:36Folks trying to keep the noise down you do fine
01:06:40If yourself to the bird and the rabbit
01:06:43You see any hogs, there's probably ours. We'd appreciate it if you'd leave him be
01:06:49Good day to you
01:07:04Be all right from work for my ribs. Oh, who were those people Rosson's mostly and a shuttle worth
01:07:14It miners you never find them folks near a hole they have most their land stole by the company
01:07:19They heal people now foothill people really your genuine hill people. They can be dangerous
01:07:35The thing you got to remember son is your fuse burns one foot per minute make it too long I might see it
01:07:44Make it too short. We'll all be meeting you on the other side
01:08:03Damn it
01:08:13Airshaft number four go out the back way
01:08:43Where's all our other friends and I'd miss Alma they get tired of the Chuck or what?
01:08:50Don't biddy went on strike
01:08:52Lay down her teeth and protest. They're just particular about who they eat with what about you miss Elma
01:08:59Are you particular?
01:09:03Stone Mountain didn't hold the lease hair you don't mountain didn't hold lease here. You'd be peddling poontang down at cinder bottom
01:09:09So just shut your mouth about it
01:09:22Where's the little preacher tonight
01:09:40Bitch got no table manners
01:10:03You know where Danny's
01:10:06No, I don't know where anybody is nobody wants to tell me either
01:10:15Okay, yeah just tired so I've been working all day this place
01:10:26I've been working it
01:10:30Say they burned my husband I started and I've been working in it
01:10:36It don't never stop
01:10:39Gets it tired
01:10:44There ain't nobody it's hard
01:10:48It's hard being on your own
01:10:58You don't know nothing about it
01:11:12What is it sounds like dynamite up at the mine I'd be that number five shaft
01:11:34Now be some shooting
01:12:01Anybody seen my Hillard
01:13:11Okay, boys spread out he's here somewhere I got him he's over here. Hold on boys. It's me
01:13:33Hold your fire boys. It's see
01:13:36You all right?
01:13:39You better get back to camp
01:13:51Hold his leg
01:13:53Hold it. Can you fit him? Oh hold
01:13:57Now I'm just gonna pull this back from your leg boy
01:14:04Hey, what happened
01:14:06We was sold and ball went to come up from behind
01:14:10Known right where we was laying out. They knowed when the men was out of camp today, too
01:14:16How's your feeling buddy you made it
01:14:20Thought we lost you back there. Well, I got off a couple of rounds buried myself in the leaves
01:14:25Seen Reese Hadley go down though. See if let's get back. I
01:14:30Don't think so
01:14:31Well, you see what happened you pick up a gun
01:14:34All I see is them niggers and daggers weren't there tonight and we was sold and somebody gonna pay
01:14:47Something bad's happening out there. It was guns hunting party. That's all now. Where was I?
01:14:54Um time to put all shine time to put all shyness aside
01:15:03admit to our heartfelt
01:15:10I'm not sure how you spell attraction
01:15:14How about
01:15:20Are you sure you want to do this heartfelt desires dearest
01:15:34Look at that just a covered with gore dogs didn't do all that
01:15:41Are you drawing breath son ball was
01:15:45We were sold
01:15:47What's your name?
01:15:52See who's Purcell
01:15:54kind of Nimrod Purcell
01:15:58Stages uncle
01:16:00Say some Baldwin agents took you
01:16:05From behind
01:16:07Under them Purcell's ever was too bright
01:16:11Grab his ankles missus and mind your dress. He's a bleeding like a stuck pig
01:16:27Found him boys. He's here
01:16:46Got yourself a martyr
01:16:50Not hard to stop this
01:16:55Any sign of Cephas
01:16:58Well, maybe smell them before we see you
01:17:08They found somebody just stay right here honey, don't look at that mess
01:17:13But I got something for mr. Canahan I
01:17:16Don't think he's in no mood to be bothered right now. I'll see you
01:17:23Who is it?
01:17:26Just some poor minor whose troubles is finally over
01:17:31Don't look on me I
01:17:35Talked to you licks. He says your phonograph machines gonna be fixed in a couple days now
01:17:42It's awful nice of you to do ever
01:17:46We gotta take care of our favorite lady now, don't we
01:17:51You've been so generous
01:17:53Thinking about me when that mr. Canahan got you all so busy with the Union
01:17:59And mr. Canahan's what I come to talk to you about Bridie I
01:18:05Got a suspicion he might not be what he says he is. What do you mean?
01:18:15I think did you send can I hand some sort of letter?
01:18:48What do you want
01:18:53He wouldn't
01:18:55There's a whole crowd of fellas stand around him. I seen can a hand laughing waving that letter
01:19:02so I
01:19:03Come over to see what's so funny a
01:19:07Lot of fellers
01:19:13You mind if I have another drink honey
01:19:18Ain't pretty what I gotta say
01:19:32He said some things Bridie
01:19:36She'd been following me around ever since I got here
01:19:40Trailing after me like a dog in heat
01:19:42Sniffing around my legs like a brood bitch. She don't wear no drawers
01:19:47He says so she can be ready for whatever stumbles down the pathway
01:19:52He didn't
01:20:02He said you'd done it with one of the colors
01:20:06Think it might be worse than that
01:20:10Be a spy in with the coal operators
01:20:15Well, he's got the fella so turned around with all his top. I
01:20:20Need for you to help me Bridie
01:20:23And sometimes you got to tell a little bit of a lie
01:20:27Just to get the truth across
01:20:29We fight them with guns we lose
01:20:34That's a whole damn story
01:20:37I'm not gonna bullshit you fellas and tell you there won't ever come a time when the people that own this state
01:20:42Send the word down to have us all murdered
01:20:45But if we don't stand together now as workers
01:20:49We got no hope at all
01:20:54As workers we got no hope at all
01:21:13Help me up
01:21:15You going somewhere? This is miners business
01:21:20You ain't no miner
01:21:23Did you come along
01:21:38So, um last night he comes up here and uh
01:21:44He's all drunk and everything and I I said this how I didn't want to have nothing to do with him
01:21:50And I would call some of you fellers for help and he says that all of you was
01:22:00Taken care of
01:22:03Taking care of huh when I seen that there wasn't no help I
01:22:11He uh kind of
01:22:16Forced me he
01:22:19Forced me
01:22:26That's okay you better hear this first hand go ahead honey, what happened then
01:22:36Afterwards he he'd thrown money on the bed like I were some kind of a whore
01:22:49Done just fine, honey
01:22:53Now, why don't you go sit outside for a minute while we figure out what we're gonna do about this
01:23:11So we don't have no sense with women so what you know how brady builds things up
01:23:19Take a look at this that our friend left laying on the floor last night
01:23:33Baldwin felts agency
01:23:41What did it say it's a death warrant is what for mr. Joseph Kennehan
01:24:32So it's goodbye mr. Kennehan tonight minors
01:24:38How do you manage that
01:24:41That tramp that goes to meet the passenger train
01:24:44Seems she's got the eye for kenny
01:24:47So he put it in her head that kenny has been bad-mouthing her all around town
01:24:52He's got her down there right now crying to the minors
01:24:56He's got these papers from bluefield
01:25:05I didn't leave my coat like this
01:25:20You spy little bastard
01:25:23What'd you hear, huh, what did you hear nothing horseshit hit him bill
01:25:33See this metal
01:25:36You know how I won this preacher boy, huh
01:25:41I was sitting alone
01:25:43in a ditch in france
01:25:45And this kraut
01:25:47Jumps in right next to me
01:25:50And I took my bayonet
01:25:52And I stuck him right in the face
01:25:57And then another jumps in and I stick him too
01:26:01and another
01:26:02And another and another they just kept coming one at a time all night long
01:26:11And in a little bit I I got to worried that they weren't all dead so
01:26:16I stuck them all again a couple times just to make sure
01:26:21And in the morning
01:26:24They said that I was a war hero
01:26:29Well, i'm gonna stay close to you tonight preacher boy
01:26:36And you let one wrong word fly
01:26:40And i'm gonna put one in your skull
01:26:43And i'll do the same for you pretty mama
01:26:48You know, I ain't lying don't you boy
01:26:51Yes, sir
01:26:54Man who draws a short straw gets to do the job and word don't travel beyond this room about who it is
01:27:02The rest of us will want a good alibi
01:27:05I figure in that prayer meeting tonight
01:27:07right under the preacher's nose
01:27:16Welcome to the union son
01:27:36What's the story
01:27:39Rudy heard that the balding was coming after you tonight and I'm supposed to stick by you
01:27:49You got the shit detail again, huh?
01:28:16You all right danny
01:28:18You got your sermon memorized?
01:28:21I bet he don't know any more scripture than I do and that ain't a whole hell of a lot. Is it greasy?
01:28:27You know any
01:28:29Never got no further than in the beginning was the word
01:28:33Guess we both doomed to the hot place
01:28:39Lord relies on little shits like this one to spread his word. I don't want no truck with heaven
01:28:44And as for hell, well, we've been to west virginia
01:28:52There is power
01:28:56Wonder work and power in the blood in the blood of the lamb of the lamb. There is power
01:29:05Wonder work and power in the precious blood of the lamb
01:29:20There is power power wonder work and power in the precious
01:30:02What in god's name you doing son
01:30:05I just got your leeks all stuffed up in here. You're trying to bust them open again. I've got to get down there
01:30:10They got to know you ain't going nowhere's unless it's in a pine box. Where's your sense?
01:30:17I got to
01:30:23It's those fellas that get here, huh?
01:30:28If they're coming I wish they'd hurry up I don't want any more shooting in the woods
01:30:40You ever use one of those
01:30:4610th capillary in cuba back in 98
01:30:53San juan hill
01:30:56Is it pretty rough down there
01:31:00Did what I had to
01:31:06Is it true you were red
01:31:12Yeah, I suppose it is
01:31:15And how come you don't carry a gun
01:31:19Well, we carry little round bombs won't you read the papers
01:31:36I want to tell you tonight
01:31:38about the blackness in the heart of man
01:31:40i'm gonna warn you
01:31:42About the many and devious ways in which satan will hide from you the truth
01:31:47Of who your real friends are
01:31:50I'm gonna do it with a story from the patriarchs
01:31:52Of course
01:31:54Now we all know about joseph and how out of all jacob's 12 children he was the smartest and the smoothest
01:31:59And how his brothers got so jealous they pulled off his coat of many colors and whooped on him and left him out to be
01:32:05sold into slavery
01:32:08But joseph was not your ordinary fellow even for biblical times he had a special way with him
01:32:14A way of looking at the grand scheme of things
01:32:17So when this fellow potiphar bought him for a slave
01:32:20joseph just smiled
01:32:21And vowed he was going to be a good one
01:32:23Making the best of a bad situation
01:32:25He put his heart to his work and was honest and friendly in his dealings and for you knew it
01:32:30He was just about running potiphar's households and fields and all his businesses for him
01:32:36The only trouble
01:32:38Was potiphar's wife
01:32:39Now she was what you might call a loose woman
01:32:42When I was in leavenworth, there was a bunch of mennonites
01:32:45And because they wouldn't fight in the war it's against their religion
01:32:52It's also against their religion to shave their beards or
01:32:56wear buttons on their clothes
01:32:59And they was being forced to do both by the prison guards
01:33:06So they refused to work
01:33:09They went on a strike right there in hell's half acre
01:33:13Right there in hell's half acre
01:33:16They were handcuffed to the bars of a cell house
01:33:19eight hours a day for two full weeks
01:33:25They were put with their arms up like this
01:33:30So they had to stand on their toes for those cuffs that cut into their wrists
01:33:40They can't nobody stay on their toes eight hours
01:33:46So pretty soon their
01:33:49Their fingers would start to swole up
01:33:53They turn blue and then they crack open
01:33:59Blood would run down their arms
01:34:02So they had to stand on their toes
01:34:06Eight hours a day day after day
01:34:11But still they wouldn't work
01:34:15Still they tore the buttons off their uniforms every time they were sewed back on
01:34:20They tore them with their teeth
01:34:22Because their hands wouldn't close no more
01:34:28So now I don't claim a thing for myself
01:34:34But them fellows see they never lifted a gun in their lives
01:34:42And you couldn't find any braver in my book
01:34:55I wish them fellows would get here
01:35:01Also in potiphar's employ at this time were a couple of spies from one of his enemies
01:35:09Fellows that wanted to bring him down in the world get their hands on his fields and houses
01:35:12They seen the wanton lust of miss potiphar and seen it would be good for their purposes to get shed of young joseph
01:35:20So they come to potiphar's wife
01:35:42She calls joseph in and she asks him one more time joseph will you lie with me and he says no ma'am I won't
01:35:48And she sets up a ruckus and grabs hold of his garment
01:35:50He's wearing and runs it in two before he can get clear
01:35:53Potiphar runs in then with his guards and she's a ball in her eyes out and shaking like a leaf
01:35:58You're serving joseph
01:35:59She says he come in here and tried to make me lie with him
01:36:02Only when I called out he fled leaving this here garment as evidence and not only that she says
01:36:08He'd been spying and plotting against you with your enemies. He means to take over here and have you killed
01:36:15Potiphar had no reason to misbelieve his wife
01:36:18Joseph was a slave and a foreigner
01:36:23So he gathered up his servants and household workers and they went and slew joseph dead
01:36:29Cut him from gut to gizzard and left him bleeding in a stream
01:36:35And lo they never learned to miss potiphar's lies and went to their maker unrepentant with innocent blood on their hands
01:36:44Draw your own conclusions
01:36:48What a privilege
01:36:57What a friend we have in jesus
01:37:10What a privilege to carry
01:37:21Getting awful late
01:37:29You hear something
01:37:34No, yeah, yeah, I think I did
01:37:37Like somebody moaning
01:37:40Maybe it's the fellas
01:37:42I think let's go out there and have a look
01:39:03Who's that
01:39:06Yes, yeah
01:39:11Meet me call off
01:39:15Well better get back to camp
01:39:19Wait a minute
01:39:26Well, at least we didn't waste a trip
01:39:39No such luck
01:40:28How come they waste more food in one day
01:40:31Than a poor worker's family has on their table in a week
01:40:35Now, let me ask you
01:40:37Whose sweat was it that went into building those mansions?
01:40:40Once they seen how they'd almost done an innocent man. It was like joe couldn't say no wrong. It's the workers. That's who?
01:40:48We moved out in the mingo county then spreading the word about the union spreading like wildfire
01:40:54Over the red jacket to rag land and dale barton all up and down the tug fork river
01:41:00Bringing the union out to all the folks that needed help
01:41:04Putting the spirit into them and trying to shut down the whole southwest field helping themselves to our land and our labor
01:41:11for too damn long
01:42:08Joe keenahan said how there was a new day of coming
01:42:12Sometimes I could just about see it
01:42:15But hit were a dangerous living for a union man and you didn't dare turn your back
01:42:23Hit was hard times and hit was hungry times, too
01:42:27The union relief was spread thin and hope of a new day can feed your soul, but leave your belly rumbling
01:43:15Data lady
01:43:21Since there's just me and hillard and you got all these little ones
01:43:31You know what to do with this hillard brung it in
01:43:37It's for you
01:43:40I ain't gonna watch no babies go hungry
01:43:42Here you go on
01:43:44You take it
01:43:46Here's some navy beans
01:43:49And these here is ramps now you can cook with these
01:43:55They'll put a taste in your stew
01:44:22Well, I figure he's all in this together
01:44:31We sure got some pretty babies
01:44:38Who's your favorite pitcher hot eller he's from logan county
01:44:45You get to play ball much when the mines are open
01:44:55Joe yeah, you ever kill anybody
01:45:03What brought that up I bet sid has here in the war
01:45:13Yeah, well all I saw was workers killing workers
01:45:17There wasn't any point in it. They'd thrown you in jail because you wouldn't go
01:45:22Them two years kept me from killing some poor stiff. They got pushed out on a battlefield by rich folks and politicians
01:45:31And they were worth it
01:45:41It's getting dark danny
01:45:45Better go get that cold
01:46:13See there right there by the railroad trestle
01:46:18That's where cap hapfield and his boy joe glenn killed three men boy weren't but 13 used a winchester
01:46:29You think it hurts much a bullet
01:46:33Beats dying damn coal mine
01:46:39Boy weren't but 13 year old joe glenn
01:47:02Must be in there he always sleeps with the lights on but he's gotta be quiet
01:47:28Let's get the little bastards over here
01:47:36Grab him cut him off
01:47:45Well, well what we got here
01:47:49Smart's a little donut boy
01:47:52Hillard right now
01:47:55How about you give us the names of your ringleaders up in logan?
01:48:00Give us five names boy. That's all five names and we'll let you go
01:48:04That's fair, isn't it? Never
01:48:12Talk to us boy
01:48:16Talk to us
01:48:18I'll rot in hell first
01:48:20Have it your way
01:48:23Mr. Lively
01:48:47I sentence you to death for the crime of stealing company property and being a dirty bolshevist union man
01:48:54You got 10 seconds to talk
01:49:39What a smell boy dirtied his diapers
01:49:45I I can't I swore it on a bible
01:49:49So we're gonna have to get down to it son
01:49:53Use the razor hold him boys
01:50:01Just a little neck boy
01:50:10Get it off you jess
01:50:16Plant mounts bill man acer retina jt. Keto
01:50:24Five give us five boy and harley shelton
01:50:30Kill him
01:50:54One of them fellas he named live
01:50:57Clay hill, where's that?
01:51:00It's a cemetery
01:51:03Them are all fellas was killed in a gas fire five six years ago
01:51:20Nothing like a young boy dying stir things up
01:52:14Baldwin's coming into town tomorrow. Can you hear him?
01:52:49You fellas have any idea what's waiting for us
01:52:53You mean they didn't tell you
01:52:55Oh, I just seen a line in the papers about opportunity for red-blooded american men
01:53:00Immediate openings high pay travel chance for advancement apply baldwin phelps and write your own ticket
01:53:08And the native get restless someplace. They put that out
01:53:13Cook some more cannon fodder
01:53:16Ever hear of the Hatfields and the mccoy son. Yeah. Yeah, of course I have this make ones. They're stomping grounds
01:53:23They put a bullet in your brain
01:53:30I said
01:53:33We got authorization to put these miners off company property here in town
01:53:36Not for me, you don't and we also got a warrant for your arrest you give us any trouble
01:53:48This ain't worth shit, can you know it?
01:53:52One way or another we're going to carry out these evictions tomorrow morning
01:54:15They come to kill me
01:54:30Hillard was my friend
01:54:34When I first come down to the mines it was hillard showing me what to do
01:54:39He was a good coal miner a good union man
01:54:43And he always took care of his mama
01:54:49I don't know how they could have done him like they did
01:54:54Don't know how they could have done him like they did
01:55:00All he wanted to do was live decent that's all
01:55:05Sometimes people say how god willed it how everything's his plan
01:55:14I don't think he planned on
01:55:16Hillard to land in here amongst all these elkins is not this young in his life
01:55:22So you rest in peace hillard
01:55:26You rest easy because we're going to take up where you left off
01:55:40Man is born to suffer you're gonna tell us to turn the other cheek. Don't
01:55:48Shooting is what they want now
01:55:51Maybe it's what we want, too
01:55:57Expect too much of people joe
01:56:01You're still after that one big union but most of us
01:56:06We can't see past this holler
01:56:09Deliver us from
01:56:12the gallery
01:56:15Unworthy though we are
01:56:20Are leave us living safe and warm
01:56:27And sheltered in your arms
01:56:36Of grace are we
01:56:40Sand was never more
01:56:44to be
01:56:47Deliver us from
01:56:50the gathering storm
01:56:53Unworthy though
01:56:56We are
01:56:59Deliver us from I need to talk to the men
01:57:06And be decent now
01:57:13I'll call a meeting in the morning
01:57:17First thing
01:57:35Deliver us from
01:57:38the gathering storm
01:57:42Unworthy though
01:58:06That's the way to stay out from town tomorrow
01:58:11Something up
01:58:13I got a feeling, you know how white folks is when it gets all excited
01:59:21Nothing's going to bring hillard back, you know
01:59:26Annie I came here to help
01:59:29Sure you did
01:59:32First people come here to help us with some money
01:59:36Next we know we got no land
01:59:39Then they say they're gonna help us with a job and a place to live
01:59:43And they stick us in some damn coal camp
01:59:46And let us dig out their mines
01:59:49Now you come here to help us bring in the new day
01:59:55Well hillard ain't gonna see no new day
01:59:59We had about as much help as we can stand we gotta take care of ourselves
02:00:08We got to take care of each other
02:01:49Joe joe the men go to town
02:02:05See it
02:02:09No need for you to be in on this
02:02:11It's my town too they're my people
02:03:25You all have no right to come to this here town with all these people and drawing guns and terrorizing
02:03:30The rich you have are not valid for this town
02:03:33You can't get away with it. No
02:05:20Jesus don't show me
02:06:36I just want to talk
02:06:41I just want to talk
02:06:52I can't feel my legs
02:08:06There was a trial
02:08:08But there wasn't nobody going to pass guilty on sid hatfield and mingo county
02:08:13Sid got married to mayor testamon's widow and then the baldins they caught him unarmed
02:08:19Walking up the steps of the mcdowell county courthouse. They shot 15 bullets into him right and brought daylight
02:08:27Then ce lively stepped in and put one right through his skull
02:08:31Wasn't even a trial on that one
02:08:34That were the start of the great coalfield war and us miners took the worst of it like joe said we would
02:08:41It's just one big union the whole world over joe. Keenihan used to say and from the day of the matewan massacre
02:08:48That's what I preached. That was my religion
02:08:53We buried joe keenihan with her own
02:08:56My mama, she thought he wouldn't never stay
02:09:00But now he's with us for always
02:09:03Laying up here in these west virginia hills
02:09:34The savior
02:09:42Dwells your flowers
02:09:46That bloom
02:10:11We are traveling
02:10:18We are traveling
02:10:24One by one
02:10:29We are
02:10:33Traveling home
02:10:39Death river
02:10:43Our friends
02:10:46Have gone
02:10:51And we
02:10:54Are following
02:11:00By one
02:11:04I go
02:11:12I come
02:11:18My holy
02:11:34For you
02:11:37That I
02:11:41Was slain
02:11:45And guard you till
02:11:51The truck
02:11:55Shall sound
02:11:59We are traveling
02:12:06We're traveling
02:12:14by one
02:12:17We are
02:12:21Traveling home
02:12:27Death river
02:12:34Friends have gone
02:12:38And we
02:12:42Are following