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Juego de Voces Capitulo 4 Completo
Juego de Voces Capitulo 5 Completo
Juego de Voces Capitulo 6 Completo
Juego de Voces Capitulo 4 Completo
00:00:00Welcome to Juego de Boxes, with you, my grandma, my mom, and my sister, the Angelicas!
00:00:31Eli solo vive para mí
00:00:34Todas desean con el pie pasear
00:00:38El tomador del brazo caminar
00:00:41Eli es más que un pinche y azul
00:00:44Me tiene casi loca, yo me muero por su amor
00:00:47Eli, Eli
00:00:51Eli, Eli
00:00:54Eli, Eli
00:00:56Bailando tu y mi, Eli es un primor
00:01:00Cantando mi voz y tu voz es un clarín
00:01:03Le dan a las chicas locas de pasión
00:01:07Le piden las que consumen cuando Eli viene a mí
00:01:10Eli, Eli
00:01:13Eli, Eli
00:01:16Eli, Eli
00:01:20Eli solo vive para mí
00:01:23Con su guitarra toca rock and roll
00:01:27Twistiendo no hay nadie como Eli
00:01:30Si al oído me viene a cantar
00:01:33Acaba con el cuadro pues es todo un gentleman
00:01:36Eli, Eli
00:01:39Eli, Eli
00:01:42Eli, Eli
00:01:46Eli solo vive para mí
00:01:54¡Divinos, divinos!
00:01:57Eli solo vive para mí y yo solo vivo por estos tres
00:02:03¡Qué bonito!
00:02:04Por primera vez las Angelicas cantando juntas
00:02:07Gracias, madre
00:02:08Los cuatro juntos
00:02:09Los cuatro juntos
00:02:11Gracias, mi vida
00:02:14Gracias por venir, madre
00:02:16Te tenía que traer como una consagrada que eres
00:02:19Para sentirme heredera
00:02:21Y luego sentirme consagrada para que tú seas heredera
00:02:24¿Viste qué bonito?
00:02:25Todo queda en familia
00:02:26Gracias, gracias, de verdad
00:02:28Gracias, gracias
00:02:29Me encantaría que se quedaran
00:02:31Pero tengo que conducir un programa de televisión
00:02:34Así que por favor
00:02:35Vayan allá atrás, ahorita los alcanzo
00:02:37Gracias, muchas gracias
00:02:41Pero ahora sí
00:02:43Bienvenidos a Juego de Voces
00:02:52Juego de Voces
00:02:54Y como pueden ver
00:02:55Aquí siempre se aplica de tal palo tal astilla
00:02:58La semana pasada los herederos lo volvieron a hacer
00:03:00Y le ganaron a nuestros consagrados
00:03:02Por lo cual el marcador está
00:03:04Trece a veinte a favor de los herederos
00:03:07Y como la competitividad está a todo lo que da
00:03:11Esta semana los equipos, no hombre
00:03:13Hoy sí tiraron la casa por la ventana
00:03:15Porque trajeron a muchísimos aliados
00:03:17Incluso yo traje aliados
00:03:18Y ni siquiera estoy compitiendo
00:03:19Con eso les digo todo
00:03:20Pero no se pueden perder este programa
00:03:22Miren, van a estar
00:03:23Calo, Matiz, Cumbia Kings, María José
00:03:26Diego Torres, María León, Galilea Montijo
00:03:30Y Adal Ramones
00:03:33No hombre, está espectacular
00:03:35Y además esta noche los herederos representan
00:03:37A la causa Save the Children
00:03:39Mientras que los consagrados representan
00:03:41A la causa de Asociación Proformación
00:03:43Y Orientación de la Mujer IAP
00:03:47Y bueno, yo la verdad es que me urge
00:03:49Empezar este show
00:03:50Porque además de capitanas
00:03:52Tenemos nada más y nada menos
00:03:53Alicia y a Melanie
00:03:57Arriba los consagrados
00:03:59Vamos a comenzar por favor con el primer juego
00:04:02Cuéntanos pantalla de la suerte con que vamos
00:04:11La tuya contra la mía
00:04:15Alicia y Melanie para este juego
00:04:17Espero que sus consagrados y herederos
00:04:19Conozcan música de ayer y de hoy
00:04:21Porque la persona que venga
00:04:22Va a tener que interpretar una canción
00:04:24Que no sea de su época
00:04:25Así que Melanie por favor dime
00:04:27¿A quién le abres el micrófono?
00:04:29Me la aviento
00:04:31Si me das chance, vamos a ver que
00:04:33Va, se la voy a dar a Laloito
00:04:34Venga, venga Lalo
00:04:41Mi querida Alicia Villarreal
00:04:44¿A quién le abres el micrófono?
00:04:45Bueno, pues como ya sabes que yo soy fan
00:04:48Es uno de los guapos de mi panel
00:04:50De los consagrados
00:04:52Mira nomás
00:04:54No, no, no
00:04:58Mijares contra Lalo Capetillo
00:05:01Eres muy temprano
00:05:02Bueno, pero antes de que vayan a posiciones
00:05:04Este, mi queridísimo
00:05:06Mijares yo sé que tienes muchas admiradoras
00:05:08En este show y todos lados
00:05:10Pero hay una que incluso te considera un héroe
00:05:13¿Quieres saber de quién estoy hablando?
00:05:14Si, a ver
00:05:15Vamos a ver
00:05:17Ok, entonces lo voy a hacer
00:05:18Hola, ¿cómo están?
00:05:19Soy Luzerito Mijares
00:05:21Soy Luzerito Mijares
00:05:25Qué burra
00:05:27Ay, pues mi relación con mi papá es preciosa
00:05:30Nos llevamos muy bien
00:05:32Cuando es serio, da un poco de miedo
00:05:34Pero es como, como si fuera un osito
00:05:37Cuando el osito gruñe, cuando el osito bebé gruñe
00:05:39Es como, ay, ya sabes
00:05:41Como que no da tanto miedo
00:05:43No, no, no, no, no
00:05:46La verdad, cada vez que me siento mal
00:05:49O estoy teniendo un mal día
00:05:50Bueno, él está ahí para mí siempre
00:05:52Creo que es un súper papá
00:05:54Mi papá me ha enseñado muchísimas cosas
00:05:57Una de esas cosas, pues es el amor al trabajo
00:06:00Hace poco tuve, tuve un accidente en el teatro
00:06:04Pues di las funciones con el pie roto
00:06:06Y mi papá me ha enseñado, bueno, pues eso
00:06:09Que el show debe continuar
00:06:10Como pasó en el primer programa
00:06:12Pues literal, se paró la música
00:06:14Y él seguía cantando, porque pues se equivocó
00:06:17La c***, la c***, la c***, la c***
00:06:20Todos corte, corte
00:06:21No, nada de corte
00:06:22Él seguía, seguía, seguía
00:06:24Tengo que decir algo, tengo que decirles algo
00:06:27Y ganó
00:06:30Mi papá es un superhéroe
00:06:32Porque, primero, usa casco
00:06:34Usa capas, muchas capas
00:06:38Y tercero, pues es el mejor papá del mundo
00:06:41Lo amo
00:06:42Y él se puede teletransportar a donde yo esté
00:06:45Tengo un video donde estábamos en Japón
00:06:50Sí, que estábamos cantando las mañanitas
00:06:53Happy birthday to you
00:06:59And many more
00:07:03A lo que yo haga, y se lo pida, él lo va a hacer
00:07:06O sea, si yo le digo
00:07:08Papá, grábame un video con una toalla en la cabeza
00:07:16O sea, como que, yo soy cero cursí
00:07:19Pero pues papi, te amo
00:07:21Y en este programa, pues, demostraremos el cariño que nos tenemos los dos
00:07:28¡Qué bonito, Bella!
00:07:31¡Qué bello momento!
00:07:34¡Qué bonito, muy hermoso!
00:07:36Pero, ¿qué creen?
00:07:37Tenemos que comenzar con los duelos
00:07:39Así que, por favor, vayan a sus posiciones
00:07:41Lalo y Mijar, ¿eh?
00:07:43Manuel, Manuel, nada más te tenemos una porra
00:07:46Una porra para que te motive, sí
00:07:49Y es uno, dos, tres
00:07:51¡Nolacá, nolacá, nolacá!
00:08:25Mucho más cuando estamos a solas
00:08:28Cuando nos falle la memoria y solo quieran las fotografías
00:08:34Que se me olvide todo menos que tú eres mía
00:08:39Cuando los años nos pasen
00:08:42Y las piernas no caminen
00:08:45Y los ojos se me cierren
00:08:48Y la piel ya no se estira
00:08:51Cuando lo único que sé
00:08:54De lo que hicimos en vida
00:08:57Y aunque nadie a de esto pase
00:09:02Eres el amor de mi vida
00:09:09Eres el amor de mi vida
00:09:15Eres el amor de mi vida
00:09:18Eres el amor de mi vida
00:09:48Y tú que te creías el rey de todo el mundo
00:10:00Y tú que nunca fuiste capaz de perdonar
00:10:11Cruel y despiadado de todos te reías
00:10:18Hoy imploras cariño aunque sea por piedad
00:10:26¿Y a dónde está tu orgullo?
00:10:30¿A dónde está el coraje?
00:10:35Porque hoy que estás vencido bendigas caridad
00:10:44Ya ves que no es lo mismo amar que ser amado
00:10:51Hoy que estás acabado de lástima me das
00:11:00Maldito corazón
00:11:15Me alegro que ahora sufras
00:11:20Que llores y te humilles ante este gran amor
00:11:29La vida es la ruleta en que apostamos todos
00:11:38Y a ti te había tocado no más la de ganar
00:11:47Pero hoy tu buena suerte la espalda te ha volteado
00:11:53No fallaste corazón
00:12:02No vuelvas
00:12:08No vuelvas a apostar
00:12:23No vuelvas a apostar
00:12:28No vuelvas a apostar
00:12:33No vuelvas a apostar
00:12:38No vuelvas a apostar
00:12:43No vuelvas a apostar
00:12:48No vuelvas a apostar
00:12:52No vuelvas a apostar
00:12:57No vuelvas a apostar
00:13:02No vuelvas a apostar
00:13:07No vuelvas a apostar
00:13:12No vuelvas a apostar
00:13:18¡Señoras y señores, tenemos resultado!
00:13:24¡Pantalla de la suerte, habla por favor!
00:13:40Bien ganado, bien ganado.
00:13:42If you beat Mr. Mijares, it won't be easy.
00:13:49Bravo, Lalo.
00:13:50Well said, well said.
00:13:53Lalo, I need you to go get your record.
00:13:57Go get your record, please.
00:13:58You know, there are records that have two points, there are records that have one point.
00:14:02And in the end, we'll know how many points each team has, and then we'll know who the winner is.
00:14:08Mr. Mijares, how nice that you stayed with me, but you don't have to go get your record.
00:14:13Well said, Lalo!
00:14:14Come on, Lalo!
00:14:15Well said, Lalo!
00:14:17I remind you, Captain, that you can't see the score until the end of the show.
00:14:22Thank you very much.
00:14:23And, well, lucky screen, please.
00:14:25What do we continue with?
00:14:34It's time for the angelic moment.
00:14:44I love angelic moments!
00:14:47And as you know, the heirs are winning on the global scoreboard.
00:14:50And that's why the consecrated gathered and decided to put together a strategy.
00:14:54Do you want to see what they planned?
00:14:56Let's see it.
00:14:57Guys, I put them together because I think we need to look for strategies.
00:15:02Manolito Mijares is feeling a little bad.
00:15:04He's nebulizing.
00:15:05I also called him, but...
00:15:07Strategy 2.1.
00:15:10Look at what they're doing.
00:15:12They really are a team.
00:15:13You wonder.
00:15:15Another thing I see is that they interact a lot in the court, right?
00:15:21They're talking a lot with the people.
00:15:23And we're very quiet.
00:15:24No, just look at the little finger.
00:15:26Oh, someone has a clip.
00:15:28Well, a handkerchief.
00:15:30And then it's like, oh, oh, oh.
00:15:32And then that creates empathy, right?
00:15:34You two without a shirt, please.
00:15:36We have to do something.
00:15:37I'm going to tell him.
00:15:39Mucha lupa.
00:15:40The vest pulled.
00:15:42Pulled, pulled very well.
00:15:43Yes, yes.
00:15:44Or that vest here.
00:15:45Go ask Mijares.
00:15:47Of course not.
00:15:48But you two...
00:15:50We should make some postcards or something like that.
00:15:55Make us postcards of the five.
00:15:57Yes, super eighties.
00:15:58Son, that's super eighties.
00:16:00But we're already there.
00:16:02We're already there.
00:16:03Well, we already have it, right?
00:16:05Let's see Mijares.
00:16:08Come on, let's see Mijares.
00:16:10These consecrated, what a thing.
00:16:13They are absolutely disposed of everything.
00:16:15And where are they?
00:16:17Where did my consecrated go?
00:16:19Oh, look at them.
00:16:23They are cheating the public.
00:16:25They are going to vote.
00:16:27They are going to vote for us.
00:16:29When you cut them.
00:16:31Those cheaters.
00:16:32Yes, yes, yes.
00:16:33They don't know who to vote for.
00:16:34Those cheaters.
00:16:35They don't know who to vote for.
00:16:36The cards.
00:16:38Good, good, good.
00:16:39Are they going to vote?
00:16:41Are they going to vote?
00:16:43Are they going to vote for us?
00:16:44I think they ate the mandate of this side.
00:16:47Can we go up, please?
00:16:48Can we go up?
00:16:49No, no.
00:16:50They ate the mandate of this side.
00:16:52For us.
00:16:54Hey, erase it, erase it.
00:16:56Can we go up too?
00:16:58This is proselitism.
00:17:04What a good luck screen.
00:17:06Please, what do we continue with?
00:17:10Duel of captains.
00:17:15In this case, duel of captains.
00:17:17Because Melanie and Alicia have to show here
00:17:20who of the two is the spoiled girl.
00:17:25Because the time has come for them to face each other
00:17:28in a duel of captains, ladies and gentlemen.
00:17:34I already found out that they don't come alone, right?
00:17:38That they come with a crew, that they bring special guests.
00:17:42And please, well, go to your positions, please.
00:17:45Let's go, let's go.
00:17:46Everyone to their stage.
00:17:48My dear Melanie.
00:17:51Please, tell us who you brought.
00:17:53Well, I brought my little Cruz,
00:17:56one of the most important men in my life.
00:18:00It's the first time we're going to sing together,
00:18:03we're going to be together.
00:18:05And I think we're going to make my mom very nervous,
00:18:08the truth.
00:18:09So, well, let's go.
00:18:12Wow, what a thrill.
00:18:14And my dear Alicia Villarreal,
00:18:16tell me, please, who accompanies you?
00:18:19Look, I'm not nervous, because women rule.
00:18:24And I bring one of my friends,
00:18:26the most talented warrior, empowered, great artist,
00:18:32and he sings beautifully, and he accompanies me, Maria Jose.
00:18:37We will give the war.
00:18:39Maria Jose, my dear, welcome to Juego de Voces.
00:18:42I love you, I love you.
00:18:44I love you, old woman, and you know it.
00:18:46And well, now get ready,
00:18:48because your voices are on the line, now.
00:19:03With my heart
00:19:07And now you come to look for me
00:19:12Love me
00:19:14You were everything to me
00:19:20And now I can't even see you
00:19:25See you
00:19:30And with you, I'm not here, baby
00:19:37I burn your skin, I burn your tears
00:19:39I imagine you like a drinker, Rondon
00:19:45My body is hot like Oriana
00:19:48People pass by and they want to look at you, Rondon
00:19:54You taste like chocolate
00:19:58You taste like chocolate
00:20:02I kiss you, I let you go, I want to be
00:20:07A woman's body
00:20:12At sunset
00:20:16Let the music of tsunami not stop
00:20:19Let the music of tsunami not stop
00:20:23Let the music of tsunami not stop
00:20:26I want to dance
00:20:34I want to dance
00:20:36Chocolate is what I want to dance
00:20:40Baby, you are everything I want
00:20:42If you are not with me, you know I'm suffering
00:20:44Look at what I see, I only tell you
00:20:46My heart is beating like a seal, I resist
00:20:48I keep desiring you, I'm always by your side
00:20:50With your chocolate hair, I keep hallucinating
00:20:52I know it's easy, I want to dance
00:20:54I know it's easy, I want to dance
00:21:00You taste like chocolate
00:21:04You taste like chocolate
00:21:08I kiss you, I let you go, I want to be
00:21:13A woman's body
00:21:22I want to dance
00:21:53I didn't sign up to dance reggaeton, guys.
00:21:55I'm pretty bad at reggaeton.
00:21:58But, how do we dance?
00:22:01Like this, reggaeton?
00:22:02No, Melenia, help me. Don't do it.
00:22:04Take me, take me.
00:22:05Come on, come on.
00:22:10Down, down, down, down, down, down
00:22:15Down, down, down, down, down, down
00:22:20Down, down, down, down, down, down
00:22:27Turn around, turn around, turn around, turn around
00:22:32Come on, come on.
00:22:36And with Kumbia King, nothing more and nothing less.
00:22:39Come on, good, spoiled Alicia Villarreal and Maria Jose.
00:22:42Their voices are on the line now.
00:22:49¿A quién van a engañar ahora tus besos?
00:22:52¿A quién van a mentirle ahora tus manos?
00:22:55¿A quién van a decirle ahora te amo?
00:22:58Y luego en el silencio le darás tu cuerpo
00:23:01Detendrás el tiempo sobre la almohada
00:23:04Pasarán mil horas en tu mirada
00:23:07Y sólo existirá la vida amándote
00:23:13¿Ahora quién?
00:23:19¿Ahora quién si no soy yo?
00:23:22Me miro yo en el espejo y me siento escupida y lógica
00:23:28Y luego te imagino todo regalando el dolor de tu piel
00:23:33Tus besos, tu sonrisa eterna y hasta el alma en un beso
00:23:37Mi beso va al alma y en mi alma está el beso que pudo ser
00:23:42¿Ahora quién?
00:23:43¿A quién te besará?
00:23:45Y mi caricia se brindará
00:23:48¿Ahora quién?
00:23:49Lloro y me siento escupida
00:23:51¡Ay mamá!
00:23:53¿Ahora quién?
00:23:54Mi intento fue solamente verte
00:23:56¿Quién tendrá el placer de amarte?
00:23:59¿Ahora quién?
00:24:00Lloro y me siento escupida
00:24:02¿A quién?
00:24:04¿Ahora quién?
00:24:05Dime quién te escribirá poemas y cartas
00:24:08Contarás tus verdos y faltas
00:24:11Y me siento escupida
00:24:14¿Ahora quién si no soy yo?
00:24:17Me miro yo en el espejo y me siento escupida y lógica
00:24:22Y luego te imagino todo regalando el dolor de tu piel
00:24:27Tus besos, tu sonrisa eterna y hasta el alma en un beso
00:24:31Y en mi alma está el beso que pudo ser
00:25:32¡Consagrados! ¡Consagrados! ¡Consagrados! ¡Consagrados!
00:25:43El punto es para los consagrados
00:25:48Pero pues aquí todo quedó en familia la verdad porque no pasa nada
00:25:55¿Tu disco Alicia, cuál es tu disco?
00:25:57¿Cuál escogemos equipo?
00:25:59El que tenga dos puntitos Alicia
00:26:01¿Pero cuál será el de los dos puntos?
00:26:03El que tenga los puntos
00:26:06Si sale el uno es culpa de Eric
00:26:10Les recuerdo que no vamos a saber cuantos puntos tienen los discos
00:26:13Sino hasta el final del programa
00:26:15Capitana por favor meta el disco en su cajita
00:26:24Ya estamos de regreso en Juego de Voces
00:26:26Y ahora dinos pantalla la suerte por favor
00:26:28¿Qué sigue?
00:26:34¿Cuál está bailando?
00:26:37Consagrados y herederos para este juego vendrá un invitada muy especial
00:26:43Y además con unos bailarines a hacer una coreografía icónica
00:26:47Cada equipo tendrá que apuntar en su pizarrón
00:26:50¿Qué canción cree que es? ¿De qué canción se trata?
00:26:54El equipo que adivine va a ganar un punto
00:26:56Y después vendrá otro bailarín y hará exactamente lo mismo
00:26:59¿De acuerdo?
00:27:01Nuestra primer bailarina es una mujer que amamos
00:27:04Que queremos y que admiramos mucho
00:27:06¿Qué les puedo decir yo?
00:27:08¡Nuestra amada Galilea Montijo!
00:27:25Espera, ¿se nota desde mi parado?
00:27:27Sé que fuiste a Rusia, ¿no?
00:27:29Fui con Vivi
00:27:30¿Con Vivi?
00:27:31Sí, a sus clases.
00:27:32Y patas hasta acá como Vivi
00:27:35Sí, ahorita mejor esperen
00:27:37No nos ha calentado
00:27:39Sí, no te preocupes
00:27:41¡Ay, qué gusto que estés con nosotros, mi querida Valeria!
00:27:43¡Me encanta verte en paz!
00:27:45¡A vos mismo!
00:27:46¡A vos más!
00:27:47¡A tu familia!
00:27:49¡Los amo, la historia!
00:27:51Todos ustedes
00:27:53y te agradecemos que vengas a sacar tus mejores pasos de baile.
00:27:57Ay, Dios mío.
00:27:58Así que, por favor, ellos van a hacer una coreografía.
00:28:01Nosotros no vamos a oír lo que ellos están bailando.
00:28:03Ellos iban a estar escuchando lo que están bailando.
00:28:06Esto lo presenté el año pasado en el festival de baile de Venecia.
00:28:12No en Roma, en el de Venecia.
00:28:14Y me fue increíble.
00:28:16Me fue increíble.
00:28:17¿Verdad, chicos?
00:28:18Qué maravilla.
00:28:19Representando inmensamente, con mucho amor, a México.
00:28:26Ganaron el primer lugar.
00:28:27Por tu suerte.
00:28:28Por favor, Galilea, espero que estés lista,
00:28:30porque tus piernas están en juego.
00:28:38Oh, oh.
00:28:42Oh, my God.
00:28:46¡Ya sé!
00:28:48Ah, ya.
00:28:51Yo también.
00:28:52No digan, no digan.
00:28:54Watch, watch, watch.
00:28:58Sí, sí, seguro que sí es.
00:29:03Sí, es como las discotecas.
00:29:14¿Ellos allá?
00:29:15Oh, oh, oh.
00:29:16No, espérate, Beba, espérate.
00:29:20Está rarísimo que no he escuchado.
00:29:22¡Aplauso de pie!
00:29:26Gali, qué bárbara.
00:29:27Oye, esas clases de jazz contemporáneo,
00:29:30junto con Fossey, se vieron ahí.
00:29:32Quiero, por favor...
00:29:33De aquí a cabaret, ¿eh?
00:29:34De aquí a cabaret.
00:29:35De aquí a cabaret.
00:29:36Quiero, por favor...
00:29:37¿Sí vieron mi expresión tan seria?
00:29:39Sí, sí, sí.
00:29:40¿Sí saben cuál es?
00:29:41No lo digan.
00:29:42No digan nada.
00:29:43Sí, no pueden decir nada,
00:29:45pero ahorita necesito que volten sus pizarrones
00:29:49y que nos digan a las tres.
00:29:50A las tres los capitanes,
00:29:51necesito que volten el pizarrón
00:29:53y nos digan qué canción creen que Gali nos bailó.
00:29:57Pero cuenta tres.
00:29:58Ahí está.
00:29:59A la de una, a la de dos, y a la de tres.
00:30:08En lo que se me ofrece,
00:30:11pero no se llama La Fuerza de Tu Amor,
00:30:14se llama En lo que se me ofrece.
00:30:17El punto es para los herederos.
00:30:20Gali, por favor, báilanos.
00:30:22Gali, por favor.
00:30:23Gali, por favor.
00:30:24Por favor.
00:30:26Bailando, cantando
00:30:30En lo que se me, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
00:30:34Uh, baby, no puedo esconderlo
00:30:38Siente todo el cuerpo
00:30:40La locura de tu amor
00:30:45Bravo, Gali, le hemos pijo.
00:30:48Eso, muévele, muévele, muévele, muévele.
00:30:52Esas clases de jazz contemporáneo.
00:30:55Esas clases de perreo.
00:30:56No, somos uno mismo.
00:30:58Te amo, amo verte.
00:31:00Yo más.
00:31:01Gracias por venir, mi querida Gali.
00:31:03Te amamos.
00:31:04Gracias, Gali.
00:31:05Gracias por venir a jugar con nosotros.
00:31:08Gracias, gracias, muchachos.
00:31:10Muchísimas gracias.
00:31:11Bye, Gali.
00:31:13Herederos, tienen que ir por su disco, por favor.
00:31:16Venga, por favor, mi querida Capitana.
00:31:19Venga, Capi.
00:31:20Ven por tu disco.
00:31:21Capi, Capi.
00:31:23El que quiera se estudia.
00:31:26Eso, muy bien.
00:31:28Les recuerdo que hasta el final del programa
00:31:30vamos a saber cuántos puntos tiene cada equipo
00:31:33porque esos discos no se pueden ver
00:31:35sino hasta el final del programa.
00:31:37Y, pantalla de la suerte, por favor, dinos.
00:31:41¡Que sigue!
00:31:50Batalla de baladas.
00:31:53Meleni y Alicia, este es un juego nuevo,
00:31:56así que yo aquí, yo no les pido la luna,
00:31:59solo les pido que manden aquellos
00:32:01que sepan que pueden cantar una cosa elegante,
00:32:04dirían por ahí.
00:32:05Meleni, por favor, dime a quién le abres el micrófono.
00:32:08Pues yo creo que a mi Joss.
00:32:11¡Venga, Joss!
00:32:14Él viene vestido para la ocasión, ¿viste?
00:32:17Vienes muy guapo.
00:32:18Muchas gracias.
00:32:19Muy guapo.
00:32:20Y Alicia, por favor, dime a quién le abres el micrófono.
00:32:23Pues nosotros tenemos a una de las mejores baladistas de México.
00:32:29Grande, guapísima, ella es mi amiga
00:32:31y la quiero y la respeto, y mira nomás.
00:32:37¡Ay, Joss! ¡Ay, Dios mío!
00:32:40Y bueno, vayan a sus posiciones, por favor,
00:32:43porque sus voces están en juego ahora.
00:33:04Me he leído una historia, me he inventado
00:33:08Para estar aquí, aquí a tu lado
00:33:12Y no te das cuenta que
00:33:15Yo lo encuentro y hay que hacer
00:33:19Sé que piensas que no he sido sincero
00:33:23Sé que piensas que ya no te lo repeto
00:33:26Pero quién me iba a decir
00:33:30Que sin ti no sé vivir
00:33:34Y ahora que no estás aquí
00:33:39Me doy cuenta cuánta falta me hace
00:33:45Si te he fallado te pido perdón
00:33:48Es la única forma que sé
00:33:52Abriendo las puertas de mi corazón
00:33:56¿Para cuándo decidas ponerte?
00:33:59Porque nunca habrá nadie
00:34:01Que pueda llenar el vacío que dejaste en mí
00:34:06Has cambiado mi vida, me has hecho crecer
00:34:10Es que no soy el mismo de ayer
00:34:15Un día es un siglo sin ti
00:34:32Así es la ley
00:34:35Hay un ángel
00:34:38Hecho para mí
00:34:45Te conocí
00:34:48El viento se me fue
00:34:51Tal como llegó
00:34:57Y te fallé
00:35:01Te hice daño
00:35:05Tantos años yo
00:35:11Pasé por todo sin pensar
00:35:15Te amé sin casi amar
00:35:18Y al final ¿Quién me salvó?
00:35:22El ángel que quiero yo
00:35:27Y ahora tú
00:35:30Te cuelas en mis cuerpos
00:35:34Dejándome tu beso
00:35:37Junto al corazón
00:35:40Nunca eres tú
00:35:43Abriéndome tus alas
00:35:47Me sacas de las malas
00:35:50Trachas de dolor
00:35:54Porque tú eres
00:35:58El ángel que quiero yo
00:36:35¿Qué creen?
00:36:37Tenemos resultados
00:36:42Y estuvo cerradísimo
00:36:44Así que pantalla de la suerte
00:36:46¡Cántanos quién ganó!
00:37:04¡Ya no quiero jugar contra mi mamá!
00:37:06Ya me ganó, ya no quiero
00:37:08Ya no quiero
00:37:10Bueno, Isabel te toca ir por tu disco, aunque...
00:37:12¡Ay chavos! ¿Qué quieren, cual quieren?
00:37:14El micro de los 60's
00:37:18Te recuerdo, mi querida Isabel que tienes que entregarle tu disco a la capitana
00:37:21Y que no se vale saber cuántos puntos tiene este disco
00:37:25¡Hasta el final del show!
00:37:26We'll see you at the end of the show.
00:37:28We're back to the Game of Voces.
00:37:35Now let's see what the screen of luck has in store for us.
00:37:45My secret weapon.
00:37:47Secret weapon.
00:37:49For this game I need you to send me two people who can have an ace up their sleeve.
00:37:53Because the heir must bring a secret weapon.
00:37:57So, Melanie, please tell me who you'll give the microphone to.
00:38:00It's still mine.
00:38:02Almost unbeatable, it's mine.
00:38:04Give her the microphone, please.
00:38:06It's mine.
00:38:11And Alicia, please tell us who can bring an ace up their sleeve.
00:38:14Wow, and we're like this.
00:38:16Look, how are we?
00:38:18Guys, remember the team.
00:38:21Well, I want to know what the secret weapon is that my beloved and adored soldier of love brings.
00:38:30Alicia, I'm already down.
00:38:33You're one of the strong ones.
00:38:35Let's see, Mr. Mijares, please come here.
00:38:37Mia, come here with me.
00:38:39Please, both of you.
00:38:41Come on, Mia.
00:38:43Both of you, please, because I want...
00:38:45I want you to tell me who your secret weapon is.
00:38:48So, please, Mia, tell us who your secret weapon is.
00:38:51Well, I can't take it anymore.
00:38:53He's a man that... well, I grew up with his music.
00:38:56And he's so talented, and he's been a part of all our lives.
00:39:00And I bring Diego Torres!
00:39:08Diego Torres!
00:39:11You're the best!
00:39:14Thank you for being with us at Juego de Voces.
00:39:17What a wonder!
00:39:19Diego Torres, you won't leave without being hugged and patted, because you're...
00:39:23Well, you know what? I admire you.
00:39:25I love that you're here.
00:39:27Oh, what a beautiful man. I went to see him at a concert in Israel.
00:39:29Say hello to him.
00:39:31I'll go now, because first I have to ask you, Mr. Mijares.
00:39:34Who are you coming with?
00:39:36I'm coming with...
00:39:38Oh, they're already there.
00:39:40With the group Matiz.
00:40:12The first time you kissed me
00:40:15To see your intentions
00:40:17And take precautions
00:40:51I'm so innocent that I never took
00:40:56For this pain, I don't care about anything
00:41:01And those eyes that saw you now won't hurt me
00:41:06The courage that this love for you doesn't leave me
00:41:11And the one who wants to lose himself in alcohol
00:41:15Who will give you his arms like I did
00:41:38I fell and from falling so much I learned
00:41:43That life is normal to stumble
00:41:47That you can't always win
00:41:53And that's how we learn to love and suffer
00:42:01But I got up and I'm not going down
00:42:05And I counted one, two, three to start again
00:42:08I won't give up
00:42:12No, no, today I'm better than yesterday
00:42:16And I got up and I'm not going down
00:42:20And I counted one, two, three to start again
00:42:24I won't give up
00:42:26No, no, no, today I'm better than yesterday
00:42:32One, two, three, we started from zero
00:42:34Three, two, one, I put myself first
00:42:36And even if I fall to the ground
00:42:38I know there will be another return
00:42:40And that's how we learn to love and suffer
00:42:54But I got up and I'm not going down
00:42:58And I counted one, two, three to start again
00:43:02I won't give up
00:43:04No, no, today I'm better than yesterday
00:43:09And I got up and I'm not going down
00:43:13And I counted one, two, three to start again
00:43:17I won't give up
00:43:19No, no, no, today I'm better than yesterday
00:43:25And this life is to feel
00:43:30I don't want to regret
00:43:34I'm not afraid to be happy
00:43:40And I got up and I'm not going down
00:43:44And I counted one, two, three to start again
00:43:48I won't give up
00:43:50No, no, no, today I'm better than yesterday
00:43:55And I got up and I'm not going down
00:43:59And I counted one, two, three to start again
00:44:03I won't give up
00:44:05No, no, no, today I'm better than yesterday
00:44:34I need you to come because this is a serious moment, right?
00:44:39La Beba loves you, my daughter, give her a kiss
00:44:41Yes, of course
00:44:43But a pleasure
00:44:45How are you?
00:44:46I'm fine, I'm fine
00:44:47Nice to see you
00:44:48Manuel, you can tell everyone
00:44:50So I would stay here to listen to them
00:44:52Come, sit down
00:44:53Thank you
00:44:54Sit in my chair, sit down
00:44:55You are the best
00:44:56Give the chair a little
00:44:58It's consensual
00:45:00You are the best
00:45:01Thank you
00:45:02Ladies and gentlemen, tell me the audience
00:45:04What team do you give volume to?
00:45:06Come on, Mia
00:45:08Yes you can, Mia
00:45:09Come on
00:45:13We have very close results
00:45:18I'm nervous
00:45:19Oh, screen of luck, sing to us
00:45:21What happened?
00:45:23Heirs, consecrated, consecrated
00:45:27Very good, Eduardo
00:45:30Let's go
00:45:32The heirs won
00:45:38Let's see, look for another one for the score
00:45:40No, no, no, girls
00:45:41Don't go, he says he's leaving the show
00:45:44Can't you go?
00:45:45No, I'm leaving the show
00:45:46But why? If you won the other point
00:45:50Here the young people are very happy
00:45:52But don't go, we love you
00:45:54No, no, I'm leaving
00:45:57Look for someone for the next shows
00:45:59Because I already lost twice here
00:46:01Man, it was a...
00:46:04Well won
00:46:07Little ones, precious
00:46:09We are going to celebrate this with a good piece of meat, a good wine
00:46:11And then we forget and we become friends all over again
00:46:13They made me trizzas
00:46:15Do you invite me?
00:46:16Of course
00:46:17Well, that's it, then I think it's perfect
00:46:19No way
00:46:20Thank you, Mr. Mijares
00:46:21Thank you, Diego Torres for being with us
00:46:23Thank you, Diego
00:46:25We love you, thank you, thank you
00:46:27A big round of applause, please, to say goodbye, Mr. Diego Torres
00:46:31The master is coming with his cape down
00:46:33Literally, with his cape down
00:46:37And of course, thank you very much to my beloved Matiz
00:46:40Who I'm going to go hug back there
00:46:42For being with us
00:46:44And Beth, for your album, my love
00:46:46I'm very excited, I can't believe it
00:46:48Sorry, team, I'm failing you
00:46:50I'm failing you
00:46:51I think it was an old man that we brought, he was two
00:46:54We don't know how many points the records have
00:46:57Who told you?
00:46:58It was until the end of the show
00:47:00We don't know yet
00:47:01Who told you, Mr. Capetillo?
00:47:03Three contacts
00:47:04But well
00:47:05They're vibes
00:47:06Enough, please, don't fight
00:47:08Better, let's go with the screen of luck
00:47:10To tell us what's next
00:47:17With his own seal
00:47:20Captains, in this game
00:47:22Your members will stumble with the same stone
00:47:24Because whoever they send
00:47:25They have to interpret the same song
00:47:27That tonight will be
00:47:29Secret of love by Joan Sebastian
00:47:33So, Melanie, please
00:47:34Tell me who you open the microphone to
00:47:36Well, I'm going to send
00:47:39To my comadre Lucerito
00:47:45And Alicia, please
00:47:46Tell me who you open the microphone to
00:47:49I'm going to send to a consecrated
00:47:51That we already saw him dance
00:47:52And we love him
00:47:54And he has a lot of flow
00:47:56I'm going to send to my dear
00:48:01Well, Eduardo and Lucerito, please
00:48:03Go to your positions
00:48:07I'm so nervous
00:48:09I hope your voices are ready
00:48:11Because they're in play
00:48:19I'm going to change your name
00:48:23To keep the secret
00:48:27Because I love you and you love me
00:48:31And we owe respect to someone
00:48:35And I can change your name
00:48:39Based on what you've brought
00:48:43Now you'll be with my glory
00:48:47You deserve it
00:48:51We've given each other a kiss
00:48:55A closed one-to-one
00:48:59A secret love, I confess
00:49:03I love you like no other
00:49:07And I can change your name
00:49:11Because I love you and you love me
00:49:15Now you'll be with my glory
00:49:19For me you are the glory
00:49:23A closed one-to-one
00:49:27A secret love, I confess
00:49:31A closed one-to-one
00:49:35A secret love, I confess
00:49:39A closed one-to-one
00:49:43A secret love, I confess
00:49:46A closed one-to-one
00:49:49A closed one-to-one
00:50:10I'm going to change your name
00:50:14To keep the secret
00:50:19Because I love you and you love me
00:50:24And we owe respect to someone
00:50:28And I can change your name
00:50:32Based on what you've brought
00:50:36Now you'll be with my glory
00:50:39Now you'll be with my glory
00:50:43You deserve it
00:50:47We've given each other a kiss
00:50:51A closed one-to-one
00:50:55A secret love, I confess
00:50:59I love you like no other
00:51:03And I can change your name
00:51:07But I won't change the story
00:51:11Whatever you call yourself
00:51:15For me you are the glory
00:51:19A closed one-to-one
00:51:23A closed one-to-one
00:51:27A closed one-to-one
00:51:31A closed one-to-one
00:51:34A closed one-to-one
00:52:04A closed one-to-one
00:52:08A closed one-to-one
00:52:12A closed one-to-one
00:52:16A closed one-to-one
00:52:20A closed one-to-one
00:52:24A closed one-to-one
00:52:28A closed one-to-one
00:52:31Heirs, heirs, heirs
00:53:02Which score will it be?
00:53:04If you have a 2 or a 1, that disc
00:53:07Thank you!
00:53:15We're back with a game of voices
00:53:17And now show us the screen of luck, please
00:53:19What's next?
00:53:24Duel with allies
00:53:29Consagrados and Heirs already realized
00:53:31That in war, in love and in a game of voices
00:53:33Everything is fair
00:53:35And for that, for this duel
00:53:37I need your captains to send those
00:53:40Who think they can make alliances with
00:53:42Spectacular people
00:53:44With super special guests
00:53:46So, Melanie, please tell us
00:53:48Who do you open the microphone to?
00:53:49I do have a special guest
00:53:52So I'm going to open it to me
00:53:53Because today I love myself a lot too
00:53:56That's amazing, Melanie, right?
00:53:58Right, she's so cool
00:53:59That's amazing, but tell us
00:54:01Who are you going to send?
00:54:02But they already said it
00:54:03I'm going to go with a monster of the stage
00:54:06And I send my dear Eric
00:54:11Eric and Melanie, go to your positions
00:54:14For the love of God
00:54:17My dear Melanie
00:54:19Please tell us
00:54:20Who are your allies?
00:54:23I'm coming with Caló
00:54:25Wow, that's amazing
00:54:27And Eric Rubin, please tell us
00:54:28Who are you coming with?
00:54:30I brought a woman
00:54:31Who is full of talent
00:54:33María León, ladies and gentlemen
00:54:37This is going to be great
00:54:40And I hope that your allies
00:54:42Are synchronized
00:54:43Because your voices are on the line
00:56:07massa gracias
01:10:46Single ladies
