Panen Merosot, Harga Cabai Anjlok

  • 5 months ago
Hasil panen menurun harga cabai anjlok, cuaca panas yang melanda sejumlah wilayah di Sumatera Utara dalam beberapa bulan terakhir mengakibatkan hasil panen cabai para petani di Kecamatan Batu Bara menurun drastis. Saat ini para petani cabai di Desa Lubuk Cuik, Kecamatan 50, Kabupaten Batu Bara telah memasuki masa panen, namun sangat disayangkan hasil panen kali ini jauh berkurang dibanding musim panen sebelumnya.


00:00Thank you for joining us again, Mr. Miyarsa, at Power Breakfast.
00:03The harvest is declining, the price of chilies is skyrocketing.
00:06Yes, the hot weather that hit a number of regions in North Sumatra in the last few months
00:10resulted in the harvest of chilies, farmers in Batubara, decreased drastically.
00:15Currently, the chili farmers in the village of Lubu Cui,
00:18in the 50th district of Batubara, have entered the harvest season.
00:22However, it is very unfortunate that the harvest this time is much less than the previous harvest season.
00:27One of the farmers, Suwono, said that the decrease in harvest yields reached up to 40%.
00:34Usually, in a field of 1 hectare, the farmers can harvest 10 tons of chilies.
00:39However, this time they can only harvest 6 to 7 tons of chilies per hectare.
00:44And according to the harvest of chilies,
00:47this is due to some of the chili flowers withered due to the extreme hot weather.
00:52In addition, many chili plants withered and died of diseases.
00:56In the midst of the decrease in harvest yields, the chili farmers are also faced with an uncertain price of chilies.
01:03Even last week, the price of red chilies in the level of the farmers in Batubara
01:07fell to 13,000 rupiah per kilogram.
01:10Farmers hope that the price of chilies will remain stable
01:13so that they can cover the production costs
01:16because the price of fertilizer and agricultural drugs is currently considerably expensive.
01:22This year, the yield of chilies has decreased due to the extreme hot weather.
01:29Many flowers withered due to the high yield of chilies.
01:38In a field of 1 hectare, the farmers can harvest 10 tons of chilies per hectare.
01:45However, this time they can only harvest 7 tons of chilies per hectare.
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