Oh No! I Slept with My Husband FULL Part 1

  • 5 months ago
Oh No! I Slept with My Husband FULL Part 1
00:00 Hi, I'm Beth Nelson. I'm with Regal Interiors.
00:04 Are they ready for me?
00:07 I'm sorry, Miss Nelson, but the presentation is over.
00:11 Over? That's impossible. I haven't done my pitch yet.
00:15 I've been working on it for over a month.
00:17 They already made their decision.
00:20 But I've been waiting here all day.
00:23 If you could just ask them to come in.
00:25 I'm sorry, I'm not sure I can.
00:27 But I've been waiting here all day.
00:30 If you could just ask them for ten minutes so I could show them my work.
00:33 No one cares about your work.
00:36 And judging by your outfit, your taste, is obviously not fit for this company.
00:42 I don't know who you had to sleep with to get this appointment, but it's cancelled.
00:47 You can't just cancel my appointment. That's unprofessional.
00:51 Yes, I can. And I just did.
00:55 Good afternoon, Mr. Wright.
00:58 Mr. Wright? It can't be him.
01:01 But I saw this face three years ago.
01:14 My dear, what are we waiting for?
01:21 Is he your fiancé or not?
01:23 Oh, no.
01:25 I'm the lawyer of her fiancé and my client will be arriving very soon.
01:29 And there he is.
01:32 Sorry I'm late.
01:34 It's okay.
01:36 Even though I'm forced to marry him to save my father's business, at least he looks like a good person.
01:43 [Music]
01:45 Congrats.
01:57 Thank you, Ms. Nelson.
01:59 You gotta go.
02:01 He can't be Nathan Wright. He can't be my husband.
02:09 Get out right now. Get out right now.
02:13 Wait, wait.
02:15 Hello?
02:21 Beth, you need to come home immediately.
02:23 Jessica, I can't. I'm working.
02:25 Your father had a heart attack. Get home right now.
02:28 What?
02:30 Oh my God, Dad. Are you okay? You frightened me.
02:37 I feel much better, much better.
02:41 Beth, um, my company's in trouble.
02:46 And I need your husband's financial support.
02:51 Nathan's the only person who can save it.
02:54 You lied about having a heart attack to get me home so I could ask Nathan for more money?
02:58 No, no, no.
02:59 Dad, I sacrificed my life for you.
03:01 I married a stranger for you to get money from the deal and now you want me to ask again?
03:06 Figure out another way.
03:08 I'm done helping you.
03:10 I'm done helping you.
03:13 How dare you speak to your father like that?
03:18 After everything he's done for you?
03:20 Investing ten million dollars is nothing to your husband.
03:24 He's a fucking billionaire.
03:25 The only reason I married Nathan was for you to get money from the deal.
03:29 He couldn't even look me in the eyes.
03:31 He moved to London right after our wedding.
03:33 I haven't spoken to him in three years.
03:35 We took his money.
03:37 We discussed him.
03:38 And now you want me to ask for another ten million?
03:41 We don't discuss him, Beth.
03:43 You do.
03:44 We found you a billionaire husband.
03:46 We made you the luckiest girl on earth.
03:49 Ha! Look at you.
03:51 It's obvious why he left you.
03:53 Your father spent a fortune on your clothing, food, your education.
03:57 What did you ever give us, you ungrateful little bitch?
04:03 What did you ever give us, you ungrateful little bitch?
04:08 What the hell is she doing here?
04:17 I'm ungrateful?
04:18 What about your daughter?
04:20 What has she done for this family besides spend my father's money on designer Beth?
04:24 Beth, let's be clear.
04:28 I know you envy me.
04:30 I've always been daddy's favorite.
04:32 But you?
04:34 You're bitter because your husband dumped you.
04:37 And you have a basic-ass job picking out ugly couches for morons.
04:43 My bags cost more than your little interior design salary.
04:47 You shut your mouth.
04:48 Oh, no.
04:49 And you, why don't you find your other daughter a rich husband?
04:52 I'm done helping you.
04:54 Beth, you show your mother some respect.
04:57 That woman is not my mother.
04:59 My mother is dead.
05:01 Don't you ever touch me again.
05:03 Don't you ever touch me again.
05:06 Jordan, are you going to let your animal of a daughter speak to me like that?
05:11 Both of you, just stop it.
05:12 Please!
05:14 All right.
05:17 I heard that Nathan is back in town.
05:21 So why don't you just try to connect with him?
05:26 I mean, try to fix things.
05:27 He's not a bad guy.
05:29 You might even like him.
05:31 I'm looking to bankruptcy here.
05:34 I wouldn't ask if I had other options.
05:36 Beth, please!
05:39 Beth!
05:40 Boss, before you start, let me just say how sorry I am that I didn't get to do the presentation.
05:49 Beth, Beth, it's fine.
05:51 Okay?
05:52 I knew that a company like that wasn't going to sign with us anyways.
05:55 But I'm meeting with a new potential client right now.
05:58 His name is Owen Marshall and I told him all about my best designer.
06:02 He wants to meet with you.
06:03 Tonight?
06:04 Beth, it's not like we're swimming in clients here.
06:06 If you can win him over, then we can seal the deal.
06:09 Please, Beth, I need you to do this for me.
06:11 And you deserve a night out.
06:14 Okay, sure.
06:15 Well, Miss Nelson, Andy told me you were talented.
06:22 He never said you were beautiful.
06:26 Cheers.
06:27 Alright, Mr. Marshall, let's talk about that building.
06:34 Let's get to know each other a little first.
06:36 Come on.
06:37 A little bit more? Okay.
06:38 What's up, cuz?
06:40 Come on.
06:41 It's been a while.
06:42 Heard you scored big with the PUBG Mobile investment.
06:47 Yeah.
06:48 How's it going?
06:49 Our billion users love it.
06:51 The team put together some seriously fancy cars.
06:53 We're talking Lamborghinis, Maseratis, Aston Martins.
06:56 You can even team up with your friends and play a ten-minute match anywhere.
06:59 We should play together sometime.
07:01 Dude, let's do it.
07:02 Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
07:04 You're a big, powerful CEO.
07:07 What are you doing squatting in this hotel?
07:09 Why don't you buy your own place?
07:10 I just did.
07:11 In Malibu.
07:12 Nice.
07:14 Is your fake wife gonna move in with you?
07:16 I still can't believe you ditched her right after marrying her.
07:18 I know it's been three years, but if I were her, I would probably murder you.
07:21 She's actually the reason I'm back in town.
07:23 I'm divorcing her.
07:25 I'm divorcing her.
07:27 After three years, I hope at least she was hot.
07:32 I don't even know.
07:34 I actually, uh, never saw her face.
07:37 What the fuck?
07:45 You married her without knowing what she looked like?
07:47 That's insane, man.
07:49 Dude, come on. Don't look at me like that, alright?
07:51 You know why I did it.
07:52 Look, it was a stipulation and my parents will because they didn't want me to be alone.
07:59 I knew I'd have to marry someone to get my trust eventually.
08:03 I just, I...
08:04 I didn't think it was gonna be so soon.
08:07 I didn't think I'd lose them so young.
08:09 And one day they were there and the next...
08:12 Gone.
08:14 I'm sorry, bro.
08:16 I know the accident hit you hard.
08:18 You were rushed into that marriage.
08:20 And we both had our reasons.
08:22 I married her because of the will and she married me for the money.
08:26 I'm pretty sure her father put her up to it.
08:28 Either way, despite being virtual strangers, I guess we were a perfect match.
08:32 Either way, despite being virtual strangers, I guess we were a perfect match.
08:36 We should celebrate.
08:40 Celebrate what?
08:42 Your divorce.
08:43 You're single again.
08:45 Dude, every girl in LA is gonna be trying to lock you down.
08:48 Come on.
08:50 I'm good.
08:51 Cheers.
08:56 Okay.
09:07 Excuse me.
09:08 What? Wait.
09:09 Beth?
09:10 Where are you going?
09:12 Where are you going?
09:13 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you alright?
09:23 No, no, no, no, no, no.
09:27 Hey, handsome.
09:34 What?
09:35 Hey, handsome.
09:40 What?
09:42 Whoa, careful.
09:43 Careful.
09:44 Hey, are you here with anyone?
09:48 Miss?
09:49 Hello?
09:52 Damn it. I can't just leave her here.
09:55 Come on.
10:04 Come on.
10:10 Okay, um, I am just gonna get you cleaned up.
10:14 Okay.
10:16 Just so that you're comfortable.
10:20 I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I was just trying to get you cleaned up.
10:38 You're my husband.
10:40 Wait.
10:44 (popping)
10:46 (keyboard clacking)