• last year
We take you around the closed RBS bank in Bakewell before work starts to became a restaurant.


00:00So my name is Rob Hattersley. I'm the owner and managing director of Longbow Bars and Restaurants
00:04Limited. We recently announced that we're taking on the Royal Bank of Scotland in Bakewell to send
00:09this into a premium restaurant operation. We're looking to put planning in mid-May for submission
00:15but we want your feedback beforehand. So we've got open days on the 4th and 6th of May at the bank.
00:21You can drop down, come and have a chat to us, see the plans, give your feedback and understand
00:26what's going on. So I'm here with Derbyshire Times at the moment so you can see the building,
00:31you can see the potential, you can see what it looks like before we start making the changes.
