The Prince of Wales visits the West Midlands to learn about initiatives across the region that are supporting people’s mental health and wellbeing. Prince William's first stop was at the St Michael's Church of England High School in Sandwell where he spoke with the pupils and even shared his daughter Princess Charlotte's favourite 'dad joke'. Report by Czubalam. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
00:00 [Multiple voices]
00:03 Hashtag 21AOK. Which is it?
00:06 Achieved Gold School Mental Award for the Christmas movie.
00:09 What I'll do is I'm going to say a joke that is Charlotte's favourite joke at the moment that she keeps telling me.
00:14 I'll do that instead. But you're going to have to interact with me, it's not a joke I can tell straight away.
00:19 Knock knock. Who's there?
00:21 Interrupting cow. Moo.
00:25 [Laughter]
00:27 I hear that a lot at the moment. That's the greatest one I could think of. It's clean and broadcastable.
00:33 [Cheering]
00:50 [Cheering]
01:16 [Indistinct chatter]