安华会晤成功与云顶集团 探讨在森林城开赌场?

  • 5 months ago
新闻报报看 | 《彭博社》引述知情人士报道,首相安华上个星期,在柔佛森林城会晤成功集团创办人陈志远以及云顶集团主席林国泰,而国家元首苏丹依布拉欣陛下的代表,以及一些政府资深官员当时也在场,以商讨在森林城开设赌场的可能性。(主播:颜江瀚、梁宝仪)


00:00 Yunding casino is the only legal casino in Malaysia.
00:04 But today, the international media, Pengbo News Agency, released a message
00:07 saying that the Chinese government is about to issue the second casino license.
00:12 Who is it for? Pengbo News Agency quoted the informants.
00:15 They reported that the first Anhua casino was held in Rofosenlin City last week.
00:20 It was attended by the founder of Chenggong Group, Chen Zhiyuan,
00:22 and the chairman of Yunding Group, Lin Guotai.
00:25 The national leader, the representative of the King of Sudan, and some government officials were also there.
00:31 The informants said that the Anhua government officials and two big shots have met several times.
00:37 They were discussing the possibility of opening a casino in Senlin City.
00:41 Let's talk about Senlin City.
00:43 Senlin City is a joint venture between the Chinese Biguiyuan Group and the Rofosenlin Group.
00:50 It was a hot topic eight years ago.
00:52 But a few years ago, China restricted its citizens from investing overseas.
00:56 After the COVID-19 outbreak, Senlin City was hit hard.
01:01 Due to the low admission rate, it has been ridiculed as a ghost city.
01:07 In order to save Senlin City from the cancellation of the "No One Asked" return to the city,
01:11 the government is really negotiating with the two big shots of Chenggong Group and Yunding Group
01:18 to open a casino locally?
01:20 The Bloomberg News reported that the negotiation is still in the initial stage.
01:24 It is not clear whether Anhua really agrees to open a casino in Senlin City.
01:29 Bloomberg News said that the concern of Prime Minister Anhua is that the population of China still accounts for the majority of Muslims.
01:35 If a new casino is opened, it may cause dissatisfaction among Muslims.
01:39 However, the wishes of the Chinese Biguiyuan Group are to open a casino in Senlin City.
01:46 It can be a way to promote the development of Senlin City.
01:50 The news said that members of the Rufo Wang family or Sudan agents may also be invited to participate in the opening of the casino.
01:56 However, according to the rumor, the spokesman of Chenggong Group said that the company did not know if the founder Chen Zhiyuan had discussed with Anhua about opening a casino in Senlin City.
02:07 As for the Prime Minister, the National Palace, Biguiyuan and Yunding Group, they did not respond to this rumor.
02:14 According to the media, the Prime Minister met with Chenggong Group and Yunding Group last week to discuss the possibility of opening a new casino in Senlin City.
02:24 After the news spread, Chenggong Group's share price rose sharply today.
02:28 It started at 1 cent to 29.5 cent.
02:31 Then the stock price climbed to 3.5 cent or 12.28% in half an hour, rising to 32 cent.
02:39 The total amount of 28.36 million shares has become one of the top 10 most popular shares in Maguo.
02:44 But the two bears of Yunding and Yunding and Yunding and Yunding are not rising and falling.
02:51 Yunding opened low and went low, mainly because the market was worried that the casino in Yunding Singapore, which is in the middle of the water, would be hit.
03:00 But the government is interested in sending the second picture of the casino.
03:05 After the rumor of opening a new casino in Senlin City spread, the Prime Minister An Huanxin's attendance was questioned by the media.
03:13 His response was to cross his hands and say that someone mentioned the issue of issuing a casino card.
03:23 It's all a lie.
03:24 He said it was wrong to be low.
03:26 The Prime Minister has already said low.
03:27 Of course, some people may still be guessing if it is really low.
03:31 Then everyone can only pay attention to the next development.
03:34 [MUSIC]
