• 6 months ago
After committing four turnovers against the Vikings, Philip Rivers acknowledges that he might only have two more games as the Chargers' starting quarterback.
00:00 Usually, they don't go very well. And, you know, we kept
00:03 putting our defense in tough spots, but they they hung in
00:05 there. And then eventually, the mistakes just kind of snowballed
00:09 out of control and they pulled away from us.
00:12 Yeah, I think so. I think that was evident last last week. And
00:25 I thought so this week. I mean, again, we it was, it was, you
00:29 know, going to be a 1210 half, maybe a 1312 us. And, you know,
00:34 sack fumble and they go for a touchdown. And then it goes to,
00:41 you know, whatever 1910 and then we fumble the first play to
00:44 start the second half and he gets another stop. And anyway,
00:49 it just kind of we just kept making mistakes. But I don't
00:51 think the fight was I don't think I don't think there's any
00:54 lack of fight. And I think I don't think there'll be any lack
00:56 of fight the next two weeks. This loss doesn't I don't think
00:59 it's going to deter anybody from fighting at least I sure hope
01:02 not.
01:02 Yeah, I mean, I think you can look at seven. I mean, I think
01:21 you should I know that the numbers is the number but it was
01:25 it was still too many. I think I think seven would be a false
01:29 way to tell the story. The last two are at zero impact on the
01:33 game. The other ones certainly do. And, you know, again, I mean,
01:38 I, you know, we're better, not turn the ball over the last two
01:41 games, you know, previous to Denver and Jackson, we had one
01:44 and and really gave ourselves a chance to win both of those one
01:49 of those we want to blow out fashion of them. We give
01:52 ourselves a chance today. Yeah, it's just too many and our
01:54 defense kept holding them to three. And so we kept you know,
01:58 and then Melvin gets the one interception right back kind of
02:01 cancels that one out right away. So he didn't score on that one.
02:03 But just too many, obviously, and they ended up costing us.
02:09 And, and then obviously the drive that sold out right there
02:12 down 25 to 10. And then your last first play of the fourth
02:16 quarter, not getting anything. And then that was the one drive
02:19 they did put together offensively to kind of make it
02:24 a little tougher. And then we turned it over the first play
02:26 back, I think.
02:26 Yeah, I think I think everything is important. I mean, you've
02:39 heard me say the say the phrase everything matters. I think
02:43 everything matters. And every every throw every, every
02:46 interaction, every interview, they all matter, regardless of
02:50 the situation you're in. So yeah, I mean, I think it's I
02:54 think it's a I think, again, it's another chance to show your
02:57 character and show that fight and, and desire to go play and
03:03 play for each other and play for your team and all in all above.
03:07 So I think that's collectively and I think individually, I
03:11 mean, shoot, I'm going to play them like they're the last two.
03:13 I mean, that's all I can do, you know, and, and see what goes
03:17 from there. And, you know, that's the only way I know to go
03:21 about it.
03:22 Yeah, he's played great. And obviously, you see, he's, he's,
03:31 he's a bit hobbled to him. He's battling, you know, he's
03:34 battling. He's been battling all year. The contested catches that
03:38 he makes are, you know, are awesome. And, you know, Mike's
03:43 doing an unbelievable job. I'm not saying this to get any
03:46 credit on any of these throws, but they're intentionally thrown
03:48 where they're thrown, because of the player that he is, you know,
03:51 like you've seen over the years with Malcolm and those guys. So
03:54 you give a guy like that a chance and you put it in a place
03:57 where you think a good spot and then he makes it right. And, you
04:01 know, he showed a lot toughness and a lot of fight. And I don't
04:04 know where he ended up with the day. And obviously, he only
04:06 cares about winning too. But I think at the end of this year,
04:09 when you look up and see that he'll have, you know, over 50
04:11 balls and, and over 1000 yards and in late league and average
04:15 per catch. That's quite a quite a big jump from year one when we
04:20 didn't know what he was going to end up with a back injury and
04:23 the whole deal. He goes double digit touchdowns one year and
04:25 then the following year, he's going to have the year he had.
04:28 So really, it's really been awesome to see how he's played.
04:31 Yeah, I mean, it could be I mean, I don't I don't necessarily
04:41 like expect that it is or or I don't necessarily think it's a
04:47 crazy thought that it will be. You know, I think you just don't
04:51 know. So I think you, you, I think you always don't take any
04:55 for granted. I sure hope I have and I don't feel like I have
04:57 over 16 years. But I think this is a unique situation in terms
05:03 of, you know, contract being up it being a bit of a bumpy year,
05:08 to say the least. And you just don't know the uncertainty. So I
05:12 think even more so now, you know, these last two against
05:17 Oakland, Kansas City, that you just, you know, you take it all
05:20 in, just in case.
05:21 Yeah, it was a tough day. Again, the turnovers obviously ended up
05:34 catching up with us. We had some really good drives made a lot of
05:37 really good plays. There's a there's a few plays out there
05:39 today that were made offensively, you know, that
05:43 were that would have that would probably be a you know, in our
05:46 top 20 plays of the year, offensively that maybe not not
05:50 to everyone, but that things that happened that we executed
05:53 that were, they were awesome, and put together some good
05:55 drives. But when you turn it over the way we did early,
05:58 again, the ones late, I you know, I'm over the stats, except
06:03 the ones that hurt us. And so certainly, there were some that
06:06 hurt us, no doubt. And those obviously, caught up with us, we
06:11 hung in there, our D kept us in there. I mean, you know, the two
06:14 right away that we had fumbled for half and then fumbled to
06:16 start the third, you look up and you're still two store game,
06:19 we're good, let's go and, and felt good about it. And we just
06:23 we just couldn't stalling out there again, the long eight
06:26 minute drive or however many minutes we had. And then the
06:29 first play of the fourth quarter, that we were stopped
06:32 on the fourth down. And then that was the one drive that again
06:34 that they put together was, that was the tough sequence right
06:38 there. They kind of didn't end it again, we didn't quit. I
06:42 think we turned it over the very next play again. But it was it
06:46 was tough.
06:46 Well, I think this is a good defense. I have great respect
06:51 for Coach Zimmer and that defense. And it's always it's
06:53 always a challenging week of preparation. I told him that
06:55 before the game, it's always a fun week of preparation, but
06:58 challenging, they do a nice job. The two inside linebackers are
07:01 great communicators and, and, and some of the pressures they
07:05 orchestrate make it tough. They have two really good defensive
07:07 hands. And then I think, you know, you know, Harrison, the
07:12 safety 22 does a heck of a job. And that's not to short the
07:15 other guys, but those guys kind of run it, you know, from their
07:18 kind of the run it from all three levels. And they do a nice
07:23 job, they make you earn everything and they made us earn
07:25 it today. And again, they had they they call some of those
07:28 turnovers, we self inflicted some of them. But it's a good
07:32 team. They won 10 games. I mean, so they'll be they'll be playing
07:35 in January.
07:36 Yeah, it's tough. I think especially the expectations we
07:56 had coming into the year. And I think we're in the fashion,
08:00 we've lost some of these games, you know, eight of the nine now
08:02 have been one score, and not just one score, like, oh, yeah,
08:06 they they cut it to seven with 32 seconds left, and they were
08:09 down all game. They were all one score and games we either could
08:14 have or in some ways should have won. So I think that makes it
08:17 even tougher, because you talk about that much difference play
08:21 here to play there and two or three of those games. And we're
08:23 sitting here, eight and six right now, you know, we're kind
08:26 of still in the mix or seven and seven is still in the mix. So
08:28 that's what makes it even tougher. Again, it's been a
08:32 bumpy, bumpy year. And only way I know is to is to is to keep
08:36 playing. I told you guys that in the huddle, but it whatever it
08:39 was 32 to 10. And we only know one way we're gonna go. And
08:43 that's the only way I know moving forward these next two
08:45 weeks is we'll just go get to play the Oakland Raiders. And
08:48 last time they'll be the Oakland Raiders and get to go to Kansas
08:52 City and what I hope they're playing for a bye. I sure hope
08:57 that they're playing for a bye. I mean, I'm hoping that big time
09:00 makes it even more fun.
09:02 Yeah, well, I think again, that's not gonna be solely my
09:18 decision. You know, that's where I think the uncertainty lies.
09:21 You know, so we'll just kind of see. I think I think when the
09:25 when the dust settles, December 29 and 30. And some time goes
09:30 from there. It'll all play out. But again, I think with that
09:33 uncertainty just just adds it does add some emotion and it
09:37 adds some, maybe a little more intentional appreciation for
09:42 what could be the last two even though maybe it may not be. And
09:46 so I think that's just with that uncertainty comes that approach
09:50 and emotion.
09:50 Yeah. All right.
09:54 Yeah.
09:55 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
10:06 Yeah.
