Notebook Allows Him To Kill Anyone Just By Writing Their Name and the way they die

  • 5 months ago
00:00This is White, our film's protagonist.
00:06As he was preparing to leave, a book unexpectedly fell into his hands, the Death Notebook.
00:19White is a reserved young man who typically steers clear of trouble, yet he finds it hard
00:24to ignore someone in need of help.
00:27Unfortunately, his interventions often backfire, leading to consequences.
00:33Due to incidents in school, he's used to facing punishment and being isolated in class,
00:39which is why he's intrigued by this ominous notebook.
00:43Upon opening it, he reads the chilling first sentence.
00:48The name of the person written in this note will die.
00:52Suddenly, White leaped from his chair in horror upon hearing a terrifying sound akin
00:58to that of monsters.
01:00He caught a glimpse of a shadowy, menacing figure lurking behind him, intensifying his
01:07Strangely, the creature did not attack him.
01:11Instead, it handed him the note he had dropped in fear.
01:15The creature then looked at White and spoke,
01:18Do not fear.
01:19I mean you no harm.
01:21Do you not desire fairness in life?
01:24Do you not wish to rid the world of those who make the lives of the vulnerable a living
01:29Do you not aspire to be a champion for the weak?
01:33Look out the window.
01:34Don't you want to help her and punish the bullies?
01:37White nodded in agreement.
01:39But how? he asked.
01:42Simple, replied the creature.
01:44Just write the bullies' name in this notebook and describe how you want them to die.
01:50White hesitated, but then took the pen and wrote the bullies' name along with a description
01:55of their death in the notebook.
01:57Suddenly, the unbelievable happened.
02:01The bullies' demise became a reality.
02:03Shocked by what he had done, White tried to make sense of the situation.
02:08The creature approached him and congratulated him, saying,
02:11Well done, hero.
02:12You saved that poor girl and many others from that bully.
02:16You've done a great deed.
02:17Later that day, White sat at the dinner table with his father, his mind consumed by thoughts
02:23of his mother's killer.
02:25Unable to contain his impulsive desire for revenge, he hurriedly grabbed the notebook
02:30and wrote down the name of the killer along with a detailed description of his demise.
02:38To his surprise, fate seemed to comply with his wishes.
02:42As news arrived that the killer had met a strange and fitting end, overwhelmed with
02:48a mix of emotions, White felt a sense of joy and closure at avenging his mother's untimely
02:55The following day, White wasted no time in telling his girlfriend about the monster and
03:00the enchanted notebook he had stumbled upon.
03:03However, she was skeptical and asked for proof before believing his incredible story.
03:09Determined to convince her, White decided to demonstrate the notebook's power.
03:13He wrote down the name of a criminal and specified that he would appear in a live broadcast where
03:20he would salute the military before taking his own life.
03:23To their astonishment, the events unfolded exactly as White had written.
03:28Witnessing the notebook's capabilities firsthand, White's girlfriend was amazed.
03:33Their mission continued with targeting a child rapist, a den of prostitution, and various
03:38criminals and gangsters in positions of power.
03:43This drew admiration from many who saw them as a beacon of justice, referring to them
03:48as Kira, the savior of the innocent.
03:51Kira's actions gained international attention, making White and his girlfriend proud of their
03:57However, their newfound fame also attracted the attention of an unknown individual working
04:03for the police.
04:04This person believed that Kira's actions were unlawful and labeled them an arbitrary
04:11According to him, criminals should be brought to justice through legal means, not through
04:15random acts of retribution.
04:17The underestimation of their noble goal by the unknown person deeply provoked White and
04:23his girlfriend.
04:25Adding to their frustration, this person suspected that White might be Kira, leading to constant
04:30surveillance by the police.
04:33White's girlfriend suggested taking drastic measures like eliminating the policemen, tailing
04:38them to stop the interference, but White firmly rejected this idea.
04:43He explained to her that their mission was about protecting innocent lives, not taking
04:50However, she persisted in her idea, arguing that every war comes with sacrifices.
04:56He countered by asserting his ownership of the notebook, emphasizing that he alone decides
05:02its use.
05:04Despite her persistent attempts to sway him, he adamantly refused to harm innocent people.
05:10The reports of police suicides, which might have been orchestrated by the monster, intensified
05:15his anger, leading him to doubt the creature's intentions.
05:19But when White confronted the monster about the deaths, it revealed that its orders came
05:24from his dear friend, which only fueled White's anger.
05:29He confronted his friend, who showed no remorse, citing the sacrifices of war.
05:34That evening, Light approached White in a cafe, revealing that he knew Kira's true
05:39identity and urging White to gather evidence against him, expose him to the public, and
05:44bring him to justice for his actions.
05:47White was taken aback to find his girlfriend waiting outside his house, seeking forgiveness
05:52for her impulsive actions.
05:55She admitted that she didn't intend for the cops to die and asked for a chance to make
05:59things right.
06:01White, touched by her honesty, forgave her and agreed to help uncover Light's secrets.
06:07They decided that the key might lie with Light's personal assistant, Takashi, who might know
06:13something about Light's past.
06:16When White contacted Takashi, he learned that Light was an orphan, but Takashi was
06:21unaware of any deeper secrets.
06:24White, filled with determination, instructed Takashi to hurry to Light's orphanage to
06:30uncover his true identity or face dire consequences.
06:34This news deeply affected Light, causing him both sadness and anger.
06:40He quickly made his way to Wyatt's house, confronting him about the disappearance of
06:45his best friend and expressing his lack of mercy towards White for what he had done to
06:51After parting ways with Light, White called Takashi and urgently instructed him to leave
06:56his location.
06:58As White hurried to remove Takashi's name from the death note, he was shocked to discover
07:03that the paper with Takashi's name was missing.
07:06Soon after, Takashi was assassinated, a fact that White learned from the distressing conversation
07:12over the phone.
07:13This incident revealed to White that his girlfriend had betrayed him once more.
07:18Later that evening, White went to the party with his deceitful partner.
07:23Despite knowing the truth, he chose not to confront her immediately.
07:27As they danced together, she confessed to stealing the paper that could have saved Takashi's
07:35She also expressed no remorse for the deaths of the cops.
07:38In that moment, White looked at her differently, seeing only a dishonest and treacherous person.
07:45He realized that the magic notebook was a curse, bringing vengeance into his life and
07:51causing destruction to those around him.
07:54In a rush to rid himself of the cursed notebook forever, White attempted to discard it.
08:00His lover, however, grew upset and criticized him, calling him weak and undeserving of such
08:08She claimed that she deserved the notebook more than he did and proceeded to steal it
08:13from him.
08:14White pleaded with her to return it, warning that the notebook would only bring destruction.
08:22He professed his love for her, but acknowledged that the notebook had transformed her into
08:27an evil person.
08:29Despite this, he vowed not to abandon her because of his feelings.
08:33Overwhelmed by remorse, she decided to take her own life as a form of redemption.
08:40Witnessing this, White leaped after her.
08:43Though he survived the fall, he was deeply saddened by the loss of his lover.
08:48Later we see someone handing the notebook to White, affirming that he had demonstrated
08:52his worthiness to wield such powers and that the creature had selected him to be its master.
