Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO) berharap, pemerintahan mendatang dapat meningkatkan ekonomi dan investasi, di tengah gempuran tantangan global yang terjadi saat ini. Analis Kebijakan Ekonomi Apindo, Ajib Hamdani menilai, keputusan pemerintahan terpilih yang progresif akan berdampak positif bagi investasi dan dunia usaha.
00:00 The Indonesian Entrepreneurs Association (APINDO) hopes that the coming government
00:05 can improve the economy and investment amid the global challenges that are happening now.
00:11 The economic policy analyst, Ajib Hamdani, said
00:15 the government's progressive election decision will have a positive impact on investment and the business world,
00:21 where the accommodative and progressive economic policies
00:25 can provide certainty to business owners to invest to reach the 2024 economic growth target of 5.2%.
00:34 In addition, it must also be supported by political and social stability that is a prerequisite
00:40 based on investment and confidence that the market can exist.
00:44 After the Constitutional Court made a decision to reject the petition and the petitioners,
00:51 and then the KPU established the President and Vice President elected,
00:55 the economy will have a momentum to be more assertive.
00:58 Because basically there are two conditions that are needed for the economy to continue to improve.
01:03 First, talk about certainty, and secondly, talk about results.
01:06 In the context of certainty, it will be measured by the risk.
01:10 And when the KPU's decision is well received by the public,
01:13 the risk decreases and the momentum for the economy rises.
01:17 Because in the midst of geopolitics that is difficult to continue to predict in the future,
01:22 a national economic power is needed that can continue to maintain its growth.
01:28 Moreover, in 2024, the economic target is quite aggressive at 5.2%.
01:34 Rise.
01:35 [Music]