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00:00 He lives in Tuusula and trains at the Tuusula's boxing gym.
00:05 And he has 80% of the strike rate.
00:10 Four out of five wins before the full time.
00:14 And lost in March to Kem's stone puncher Henri Kekäläinen.
00:19 But showed his striking power and got to practice a bit from Kekäläinen.
00:24 Let's see how Ilari Kujala will go to fight Oonu Tsenko.
00:31 It's a good thing that the gentlemen have been in the same evening.
00:35 There's good video material about what kind of fighter Oonu Tsenko is.
00:41 And a lot is said about Ilari Kujala's striking.
00:45 He looks like a morning customer.
00:48 He has a bit of a similar style of walking.
00:53 Straight left hook.
00:55 And there again, hits lightly.
00:58 These guys have 10 ounce gloves.
01:02 These are professional gloves, much stronger than the Olympic style gloves.
01:08 And in the evaluation, the professional side, the big emphasis is on the strong strikes.
01:15 Ilari Kujala, a top-of-the-line amateur, among others, in this GP tournament.
01:23 Last time he was in the amateur career was in 2020.
01:27 The Finnish champion, the national team representative.
01:31 A really successful amateur, on what basis he has built this professional wrestling career.
01:37 And it has started to move nicely.
01:39 Five wins, two wins before the full time.
01:43 And the strike percentage is 40.
01:46 And there, for the first time, Ilari opens the field a bit and tries to hit the hard target.
01:54 Ilari clearly looks for a counterattack spot.
01:57 He attracts Ooni Tsenko with a dark eye, so he can hit just that.
02:04 And then when he hits, the left hook often comes after.
02:11 Yes, he moves under the post.
02:15 He clearly tries to attract Ooni Tsenko to come and get a hit against it.
02:21 But quite hard-hitting is also this Ooni Tsenko.
02:25 He is not a sensitive movement from the feet, but a strong foot.
02:29 And then when he gets a strong stance, he gets to hit.
02:32 And quite hard too, the man jumps.
02:35 And that's what the strike percentage tells us.
02:39 That from five wins, he has hit the guy's knee four times.
02:43 Yes, and what we have seen from his previous strikes, he has taken it clearly more aggressively.
02:51 So he certainly respects Kujala's striking power and ability to hit.
02:57 Ilari Kujala's manager is also a Jängkä man, who is also behind the Kirkkonummi's striking group.
03:07 And then of course Elite Boxing's real man of the tree, Miika and Asse Hokkase.
03:14 They arrange evenings for these young future fighters.
03:19 A lot of evenings so that they can be taken forward and prepared.
03:24 Ilari is of course a customer of AMI.
03:28 A lot of work is done in the legendary Epana gym of Kirkkonummi.
03:33 And Ilari hit before the evening started.
03:37 A very relaxed and relaxed guy.
03:39 And it usually means that the training has gone well.
03:42 Yes, and Ilari is good at training and good at competing.
03:46 It's a combination that usually produces results.
03:51 And of course, when there is a good team around, you don't need to be alone to hit the bag or the points.
03:58 Here in the gym, there is Anto Nembulaevi, with whom you get a good pair.
04:03 A top-class pair all the time and evenly.
04:05 Yes, it is a big advantage that even if you are a single sport, the training is for a team sport.
04:11 And there Amini throws a shadow in the corner in front of Kujala's eyes and shows how it works.
04:21 Straight to the forehand, a side hook and another straight to the forehand.
04:28 Kujala is running again, inhales a little and hits the right foot over the Ukrainian's forehand.
04:35 Not quite a knuckle hit.
04:37 The first round is set for Kujala at 10-9.
04:41 And he takes the start of the second round very carefully.
04:45 It's hard for Rasti to open the Ukrainian's Kujala's package.
04:52 He doesn't really want to go for the same level with his feet.
04:58 Maybe he should take it to Kujala and try to rip and tear it up if he wants to win.
05:05 But when we are here in the distance and Kujala gets to pack a little and hit the opponent, he is always on the neck.
05:12 Yes.
05:15 Kujala has hit well with the left hook.
05:18 He has made a few decisions in the situation with the left hook and that has surprised Unisenko.
05:24 And again.
05:26 And a good left straight.
05:30 Now Kujala is left in the situation.
05:33 He wants to hit hard and wants to hit accidentally.
05:37 But unfortunately, there is no movement in the distance.
05:42 Now Unisenko gets to hit his own right.
05:45 A small red card for Kujala.
05:48 And again a little lighter.
05:51 Kujala tries to hit the far post.
05:54 After the second round, he hits the post for six.
05:57 A good combination.
05:59 Kujala tries to get some space in the distance.
06:02 But the Ukrainian has the defense.
06:05 Kujala had a good rhythm change.
06:08 He hit a little lighter up and then hit sharply down and up.
06:13 A skillful strike.
06:16 These pictures seem to show that Kujala fits this professional style of striking.
06:29 Yes.
06:30 He has come in with a rumble and got a grip on the line.
06:37 Even though these are similar sports, there are small differences.
06:41 Kujala has hit them well.
06:45 Yes.
06:47 Kujala has taken a flying approach.
06:49 It's 13 months since his debut and now he's in the sixth round.
06:53 Before his debut, we thought until the week of the fight,
06:57 whether he would even get up.
07:00 He had been a little sick and decided to get up.
07:04 Now he's here.
07:06 A nice hit.
07:07 Now it would hurt a little.
07:09 Through the groin and then the left hook.
07:12 It looked like the Ukrainian was a little off.
07:15 There was another one behind the left.
07:18 Maybe the Ukrainian at the end of the round
07:22 He picked up the test image again from the snowy side.
07:27 Somehow he lightened it up himself.
07:29 Let's see if we get a slowdown.
07:31 It looked like when he was moving forward, Kujala got a little against him.
07:36 His feet danced their own movement.
07:40 Yes.
07:41 As soon as Onyshenko goes boldly towards Kujala,
07:47 he opens up to counterattack.
07:50 There.
07:51 There.
07:52 There.
07:53 It would hurt a little.
07:55 His feet moved straight for a moment.
07:59 But Onyshenko held on well.
08:02 A good hit.
08:04 Asikainen also emphasizes his own defense.
08:08 In the transition of hits, Onyshenko got a half-hit.
08:12 Asikainen immediately corrects that the defense must remain.
08:16 When he goes for a hit.
08:20 The third round.
08:22 After this round, we are in the semi-final.
08:26 Let's see if we get a full-time match.
08:30 Kujala has the sixth win of the tournament so far.
08:36 This is the 21st, so he has a lot of experience in winning.
08:44 But as you said, Kujala's debut is 13 months and 6 wins.
08:50 At some point, the good rhythm has been talked about.
08:54 Four games a year.
08:56 Of course, at the beginning of the career, some can take the 6th win a year.
09:00 But with a pretty maximum tempo, Kujala is the beginning of a professional career.
09:05 Yes.
09:06 And then there must also be time to practice.
09:09 We do it in the practice room, what we can measure in the game.
09:14 Now it hits nicely on the right.
09:16 A short hook from Ilari Kujala.
09:20 And again he gets through the bottom.
09:22 Now a little cross is already being hit.
09:24 Kujala is also in a hurry.
09:26 Onyshenko drives straight to the right.
09:29 Now Onyshenko is looking for a move close to the feet.
09:33 Not enough at the moment.
09:35 Kujala taps. When Onyshenko comes again, a left hook to the top of the post.
09:40 Now a basic straight, a bit of a swing.
09:43 Taimaa's hand is directly dropped from his feet.
09:46 The weight is down and he is hit to the basement.
09:49 1.5 minutes.
09:51 Take 3.
09:53 Onyshenko fights well, but somehow it feels like a pretty heavy sky is coming for him if this time will last.
10:01 Ilari starts to get stuck in the changes of the shots for a longer time.
10:06 He is not in a hurry.
10:08 It's a good look and wait that Onyshenko opens himself.
10:11 The left hook has been thrown a few times very close.
10:14 It's just a few cents.
10:16 Now comes a further right.
10:18 Now Onyshenko has to pack a little.
10:21 Now he starts attacking.
10:23 And these are the places that when he opens, Kujala usually hesitates and hits hard.
10:29 150 seconds left in the third round.
10:32 Again, Kujala tries hard to the right.
10:35 This time it goes over the small line.
10:38 Tuomari comes in and the job continues.
10:41 Now here would be a good opportunity for Kujala to take a little off and a tight finish.
10:46 And there a short left hook and again to the top of the post.
10:50 Now he hits hard to the right and tried to follow the left.
10:54 Not quite such clean, perfect hits.
10:57 150 seconds left.
10:59 Kujala takes the left right and then the left to the post.
11:03 Again after the gap, hit the post.
11:06 And those also start to feel at some point when there is so much hitting on the basement side that Kujala is in today.
11:12 Yes, and Kujala got to hit it well.
11:15 Good time.
11:17 Kujala takes hard hits.
11:20 And still to the end, tight hits to the post and hook.
11:25 And again, Kujala hits the right post, left side post and up.
11:30 Good looking.
11:33 Once again, a good fight from Ottelu.
11:36 Kujala shows a good, tough, tough fight.
11:39 Kujala stays calm.
11:42 He has good movement, good straight distance control.
11:46 But he can stay to the half distance.
11:49 If that hook would have hit, he would have hit the base of the post.
11:55 And there was a good, short left hook.
12:01 The Ukrainians had their own good phase, but as soon as Kujala found a hole there, it went to the post.
12:14 Ottelu's half distance art has been surpassed.
12:19 Three innings taken and fourth is on the way.
12:23 At what point do you think Kujala will have eight innings left?
12:28 Is it already in the summer or just in the autumn?
12:32 I would assume that Ilari will take the rest of the summer and early autumn.
12:37 That is a good question.
12:42 I think he can take eight in the autumn.
12:49 Usually, professional wrestling starts with four innings.
13:00 Then it slowly moves to six innings, then eight.
13:05 At some point, ten innings.
13:12 And when you start to take the title from the waist, you take 12 innings.
13:19 And the fans of Vanhemman polven may remember the times when there were 15 innings.
13:25 But this has been abandoned many years ago.
13:28 It has been a crazy career.
13:31 I think that the titles of Sukari Leonard, Roberto Duran, Hitman Hearns and the others were quite classic.
13:45 But in any case, you should be able to find a winner in 12 innings.
13:51 Yes, there is a good time.
13:53 36 minutes and a powerful game.
13:56 Now Kujala hits well.
14:01 Oh, oh, how it looks like it's going to be a tough game.
14:05 The Ukrainian is a little tired.
14:08 It hits well on the front foot and there is a lot of power in the hit.
14:12 But the hit is slow and when it goes over, the defense doesn't really return.
14:16 And those are the kind of bad places where Kujala can get to hit the target.
14:22 And then it hurts.
14:26 Kujala mixes well.
14:28 He is looking for a counterattack, but then he also makes his own attacks.
14:32 He doesn't just wait for Onyshenko's hit to make the counterattack.
14:39 And yes, Kujala's coach Amin Asikainen was one of the bravura in the cross-court situations.
14:44 He dared to go to them and above all he was a fast hand and a good driver.
14:49 And of course Ilanin's attack is a lot the same.
14:52 He has occasionally sought the cross of Taimasen's hand.
14:56 Now it hits well to the groin when the foot is right under the hook.
15:01 Yes, and in the previous situation, Amin should show in the corner that
15:05 he hits the groin a couple of times on the left.
15:08 And a moment later, as you can see, what the coach said.
15:11 The groin turned and a couple of hard hits to the side of the forearms.
15:16 Taiva didn't get a hit with the button on the front.
15:19 Four rounds behind the opening of elite boxing.
15:23 And based on this take, the elite boxing back-up teams can beat the Finnish crowd.
15:33 Again, a good, even take, where we see a lot of great things.
15:38 Here comes Amin's technique in the corner.
15:41 He hits a couple of times there. And will he hit more in the next round?
15:46 And we hope that the guy drops his hand a little and then he lifts the hook up there.
15:51 Yes, and when the foot is there, he can follow the instructions coming from the corner very carefully.
15:59 He can do them very well.
16:09 Marko Rahumets, Tuusulan's striking coach, is one of these strong characters in Honysenko's corner.
16:18 And he gives instructions to his own defense.
16:23 And in the light of the points, Kujala has taken this take to the point that
16:28 if Honysenko wants to get a win today,
16:32 he should at least beat his opponent several times in a row in the last two rounds.
16:39 The crowd is hitting their fists together.
16:42 They enjoy seeing this good fight on both sides.
16:45 And again Kujala hits with two hard hooks, a little straight legs, without protection.
16:53 Is Kujala's work now in such a mood that now this is over?
16:59 Yes, and again we are talking about those few centimeters in the left hook.
17:05 If Honysenko would have taken this take, Kujala has taken more in the half distance and hooks than before.
17:15 This is a good presentation that Kujala's striking skill is diversified and is still developing.
17:23 And we will see it in this take.
17:26 And it is important to get a different underhand.
17:29 Exactly.
17:30 It doesn't always develop so much if you hit your opponent in the first corner and go forward.
17:36 But good underhands and excellent right from Kujala.
17:41 This is an important experience.
17:44 He can also take the ball in the half distance.
17:48 It is a demanding distance in the same corner.
17:51 And usually there will be some floor hits or punches.
17:56 And Kujala also has enough ground.
18:03 He is able to do work all the time.
18:05 The hits are still sharp, but Honysenko also has a big head lift.
18:09 He gives top response, fights until the end and is not ready in any way.
18:15 There is still a minute left in this fifth round.
18:21 In previous takes I have said that Kujala is always in good condition.
18:29 In the test of the national team, Ilari was always in the lead or in the first place.
18:34 He is a good trainer.
18:37 When you look at the social media and Amin's training, it's not just about training in Ebana's gym.
18:45 There is also running and going up the stairs.
18:49 Hard hits.
18:52 Jaamin Asikainen was also a very hard runner at his own peak.
19:02 He did a lot of running exercises and knows what professional running requires.
19:07 In addition to running, also physical fitness, how it should be.
19:13 And also a lot of training.
19:16 30 seconds per movement and running separately.
19:20 And then a run.
19:22 Three minutes of running and a minute of rest.
19:25 And then we will see the maximum endurance in addition to basic endurance.
19:32 A little hit to the left hook to the top of the post.
19:36 If it had been a hit to the jaw, I think the take would have been over.
19:41 Here too, the last hook to the top of the post.
19:49 A few kicks in the groin go by.
19:54 Amin shows a combination of multiple hits and a small backhand to the top of the post.
20:08 Does he add the number of hits and the volume of the combination?
20:13 Yes, and more of a half-distance hit to the hook.
20:19 The audience gave applause to both.
20:25 They were waiting for the sixth and final round to start.
20:28 They have enjoyed seeing it and are starting well.
20:31 Kuijala now at half a distance.
20:34 He doesn't hit full time, he's looking for space.
20:37 And then when the place comes, he hits the team strongly.
20:40 We'll see in the second half.
20:43 But now bravely stays there.
20:46 This is a good exercise.
20:49 A real place will be there at close range.
20:52 In the future, many takes will be taken at this distance.
20:56 Interesting that Kuijala stays at half distance.
21:06 More Ukrainian strength.
21:09 Kuijala seems to know this game.
21:12 A little bit of a forehand over the post.
21:19 A few minutes left.
21:22 This is probably the hardest distance.
21:27 Both are doing a lot of work.
21:30 It's hard to play the sixth round when you decide to take it close.
21:33 And at half distance, this is over.
21:36 Kuijala could take it easy, but this is one part of the fight.
21:41 And before everything else, training for the future.
21:44 Yes.
21:47 But you have to be careful.
21:50 After the cross-court situations, Onusenko is still so good
21:54 that he knocks down supporting hooks.
21:57 You shouldn't take them with your own.
22:00 Onusenko hits there again.
22:03 A nice finish.
22:06 Now the audience is cheering.
22:09 And of course, home fans.
22:12 And the audience is clapping.
22:15 Big fighters.
22:18 You can't be more sure.
22:21 And Kuijala is making sure of the win.
22:24 He could dance there, but in the end, the audience is cheering.
22:27 Yes.
22:30 Kuijala is taking the ball close to him.
22:33 He's not making sure of the win.
22:36 He's getting experience and practicing.
22:39 But he also wants to give the audience a real fight.
22:44 The cross-court situations are a bit off.
22:47 Yes, but you can see that Kuijala is looking for a solution.
22:50 He's still trying to take the ball before the time is up.
22:53 He's hitting the support well.
22:56 Yes, now it's a hit.
22:59 Kuijala is on fire.
23:02 Onusenko is standing on his own feet.
23:05 He's almost hoping to stay on his feet.
23:08 And again, Onusenko is so good.
23:11 He definitely took the inside hook with him.
23:14 He was a great fighter.
23:17 I can't give him a chance.
23:20 He's a great fighter.
23:23 He didn't give up.
23:26 Kuijala didn't give up.
23:29 And Onusenko tried to get the ball to the end.
23:32 The audience is waiting for the winner.
23:35 There's no doubt about it.
23:38 Ilari Kuijala took every single one of the four shots.
23:41 We've seen a lot of 10-9 shots.
23:44 And we'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
23:47 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
23:50 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
23:53 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
23:56 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
23:59 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:02 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:05 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:08 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:11 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:14 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:17 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:20 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:23 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:26 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:29 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:32 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:35 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:38 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:41 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:44 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:47 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:50 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:53 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:56 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
24:59 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:02 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:05 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:08 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:11 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:14 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:17 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:20 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:23 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:26 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:29 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:32 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:35 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:38 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:41 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:44 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:47 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:50 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:53 We'll get Ilari Kuijala to the interview soon.
25:56 You know it.
