Midi infos - 27/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Midi infos - 27/04/2024


00:00The formation is in progress on Median TV Afrique. Thank you for joining us for this
00:17round of news. Here are the headlines. UN Security Council, the movement of the
00:22non-aligned pays tribute to His Majesty King Mohammed VI. This movement of 120 UN member states
00:28salutes the efforts of the President of the Houthi Committee in favor of the Palestinian cause.
00:33Details to follow in this newspaper. In the Middle East, it is still the status quo in the Gaza Strip.
00:40After six months of conflict, Israel and Hamas are still talking about a ninth truce.
00:47The 16th edition of the International Salon of Agriculture in Morocco has opened its doors to the general public since yesterday,
00:53placed under the theme of climate, agriculture for sustainable and resilient production systems.
00:58It will last until April 28. See you right away for the development.
01:05Welcome ladies and gentlemen. We open this newspaper with this tribute made by the movement of the non-aligned
01:11to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the movement of 120 UN member states.
01:18It salutes the efforts of the President of the Houthi Committee in favor of the Palestinian cause.
01:25At the occasion of a meeting dedicated to the situation in the Middle East, the non-aligned have also highlighted
01:32the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI in terms of the preservation of the specific status of the Holy City of Houthi
01:39and the assistance it brings to the Magdesis, the intervention of the permanent delegation of Uganda to the United Nations,
01:47President of the Office of Coordination of the Movement of the Non-Aligned, which I offer you an excerpt.
01:55The co-historical and legal status and the status of the sacred sites of Christians and Muslims
02:13with an ashemitic historical tutelage in the city. We also call for the preservation of the sacred character of religious sites.
02:22The MNA, moreover, salutes the efforts made by His Majesty King Mohammed VI as President of the Al-Quds Committee of the Islamic Cooperation Organization.
02:31Moroccan news is also this visit of the Princess of Al-Ameryem, President of the Social Works of the FARC,
02:39in the seat of the Headquarters of the FARC, carrying out the high instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI,
02:45Supreme Leader and Head of the General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces.
02:49The Princess presided yesterday over the Board of Directors of the Social Works of the Royal Armed Forces.
02:56At the meeting, Colonel-Major, Head of the General Directorate of Social Services,
03:01gave an account of the various achievements achieved over the past year,
03:07in favor of the beneficiaries of the social works of the FARC,
03:11including support actions for peacekeeping operations, pilgrimage and participation in the Marhaba operation
03:19to welcome Moroccans living abroad.
03:23The support of the Spanish government to the autonomy plan proposed by Morocco
03:29to resolve the difference around the Moroccan Sahara illustrates an important political and strategic commitment.
03:36These are the words of the High Representative of the United Nations for the Alliance of Civilizations, Miguel Angel Moratinos,
03:43who therefore saluted an important step forward for Madrid.
03:47He spoke at the Nueva Economía Forum, a reference debate platform in Spain.
03:55Relations between Rabat and Paris are heating up.
03:59Morocco and France are laying the foundations for a new economic cooperation,
04:03to which a new dynamic was instilled yesterday,
04:07during the meeting between the Patronas of the two Arab countries.
04:11Many French companies have also fallen under the charm of the southern provinces,
04:16like Benani.
04:18Rabat and Paris are on the right track to renew their economic relations.
04:23This is in any case the will expressed by the two countries at the opening ceremony
04:28of the Economic Forum Morocco-France, organized this Friday in Rabat
04:32by the CGEM and its French counterpart, the MEDEF.
04:36This meeting brought together more than 400 business leaders from the two countries.
04:40I am very admiring of the long-term strategy that Morocco has,
04:44which has allowed it to identify a number of essential, structuring files.
04:48I am of course thinking about energy, training and skills, infrastructure,
04:53the World Cup of Football 2030, which is a sporting event,
04:57but also an economic event, and in Rabat,
05:02to demonstrate the interest of French companies to,
05:06in partnership with their Moroccan counterparts,
05:10participate in these huge projects,
05:14which will further strengthen Morocco's role in Africa.
05:18We are also aware of the power of the place that Morocco has taken so far
05:22as a hub for Africa, and this is a very appropriate choice.
05:32The MEDEF and the CGEM highlighted the importance of this bilateral relationship,
05:37which must materialize through projects to build and lead together
05:41to Morocco, but also to Africa.
05:46France is Morocco's first economic partner,
05:49with more than 8 billion euros of IDE in 2022.
05:56We want to further strengthen this relationship
05:59because we have perspectives on the organization of the World Cup in 2030.
06:06There are infrastructures to be built together,
06:09on renewable energies, on everything related to tourism.
06:15So the future is ours, we have to believe in it,
06:18we have to work together so that everyone can benefit from this relationship
06:24in a win-win spirit.
06:27The French boss did not fail to highlight the growing interest
06:31that French companies have in the development and investment
06:35in the southern regions of the Kingdom.
06:37The economic potential of the southern provinces
06:39is thus of interest to many French companies,
06:42after the official green light given to French public buyers
06:45to support projects located in the Moroccan Sahara.
06:50All eyes are open between Rabat and Paris,
06:53a rapprochement witnessed by the recent visits
06:56of French, Arab and Moroccan ministers to Paris.
07:00Soheil Jalil returns on the reasons for this new dynamic
07:03of French-Moroccan cooperation.
07:06French-Moroccan relations,
07:08privileged relations of friendship and partnership.
07:11Since 2023, the two countries have shown