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00:00 Hey to you all neighborinos, restarting the camera because, or the record, because my
00:10 hair is a total mess.
00:13 So let's play some more Spyro, let's have some fun.
00:25 I gotta move the window here.
00:30 There we go.
00:38 Alright let's have some fun, let's finish, we might actually be able to finish the game
00:42 here pretty soon.
00:42 [MUSIC]
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03:32 Well that was a total failure.
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07:46 I mean I love Spyro, I love flying around.
07:52 But these time trials.
07:58 I mean I've experienced time trials that were much worse.
08:04 [MUSIC]
08:18 Than other games.
08:30 Oh come on.
08:34 Um.
08:38 I said it before and I'll say it again. The controls.
08:42 Feel just like Spyro's controls from the 90's.
08:46 For better and for worse. I can't imagine controls that would be better.
08:52 Because to make it smoother.
08:58 You would have to give up.
09:04 Some of the great aspects of these controls.
09:10 But at the same time.
09:16 [MUSIC]
09:20 Oh shit.
09:28 There we go.
09:34 Don't have enough time to get all these things.
09:44 Come on speedy fly. Oh I missed it.
09:54 I mean I don't know. I just. For better and for worse.
10:00 These are the same controls. That's the only way to say it.
10:04 And the fact that they couldn't figure out how to make them tighter.
10:08 [MUSIC]
10:13 Is indicative of them hitting the nail on the head the first time around.
10:19 Because no matter what. You're going to have issues with the controls.
10:31 Shit.
10:48 There we go. Oh oh oh I hit the wrong button.
10:55 At least I'm getting better with this.
10:59 Like I would if I were a dragon doing all of this.
11:05 You know what I'm going to try and hit that one as I'm coming down.
11:17 Aha nailed it.
11:46 [MUSIC]
11:57 Still hitting 22 seconds. Here let me hit these guys. There we go.
12:08 Let's see if I can pick up some extra time. There we go.
12:37 Come on. Come on.
12:53 No no no no no no no. Oh oh damn.
13:08 You know what I screwed up a little bit anyway.
13:36 Come on.
14:02 That was way too many mistakes.
14:20 Get a little speed boost.
14:49 Oh come on.
14:53 I'm going to mute myself so I don't start screaming.
14:56 I'm scared. [LAUGHTER]
14:57 [MUSIC]
15:26 [MUSIC]
15:55 [MUSIC]
16:18 Okay the game stalled on me again. Did I get that? No I didn't get that. God damn it.
16:25 You know that really pisses me off. It pisses me off to no end.
16:31 But I have to do the uh I have to have my game on an external drive.
16:39 I know I know I know I should have been putting this on my tower but um I don't know.
16:47 You know I just had a bad day. Taking it out and playing a game that I love.
16:59 Except not right now. I mean what the fuck is going on with these controls?
17:04 You know he does fly like a Sopwith camel. I will say that. He flies like a Sopwith.
17:14 From uh Microsoft Flight Simulator. What do I have 3.0 or 1.0 something like that.
17:22 Hi my man. How are you? Oh I sure love you.
17:28 Foxy's asking me what is going on and I have to tell him that I love him.
17:35 And he has to remind me not to swear at video games. And you're right my little Foxy man.
17:43 So I've got a beautiful little co-streamer right here right with me.
18:02 Well did you want to sit on my lap my little man?
18:06 You want to be a co-streamer with me? Oh he's asking me to be quiet.
18:13 Yeah let's put his head down and say be quiet.
18:20 Such a good little boy. Such a good little man.
18:49 Oh my god.
19:04 Oh my god.
19:14 Oh my god.
19:24 Oh my god.
19:34 Oh my god.
20:03 Oh my god.
20:04 He's getting ready to tuck himself in.
20:09 Oh my god.
20:19 Oh my god.
20:48 Alright. He's not too far behind.
20:53 Can I catch up? And I can't catch up.
20:57 Not getting that guy is a huge problem.
21:03 Now that I know what the timing is like.
21:32 Press the wrong button.
21:47 I should have used the trap instead of disengage or dive.
22:16 I should have dived so freaking low on that one.
22:27 I clearly am not using the same commands that I think I'm using.
22:56 Oh nice nice nice.
23:02 Let's hope this is a good one.
23:05 There we go.
23:27 Nice.
23:51 Oh. Oh I got them all.
23:54 Fly like an eagle. Complete icy flight without...
23:57 What is it? Without...
24:01 Oh. 130. You know what? I think that's going to be the best that I will ever be able to do.
24:06 Let me see what that achievement was.
24:12 Without touching the ground. Oh nice.
24:15 Fly like an eagle. I think I have to do that with all of them.
24:19 At least got that with icy flight.
24:24 Alright. Well I am so glad that I didn't do that last night. I would not have been able to do it.
24:32 Let me go ahead and quit out of here and then end this video.
24:35 Love you all. Take care. See ya. Bye.
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