Looking for a boredom buster during the COVID-19 lockdown father and son Evan and Levi Turner created their own version of Go Fish!, called Go Bum now sold across the country.
00:00 So you deal seven cards to like four players, three players, two players, and then you ask
00:14 cheeky bum questions like, "Do you have a wiggle bum?"
00:22 Do you have a wonky bum?
00:26 Wonky bum?
00:27 Excuse me?
00:28 I don't have a wonky bum.
00:30 Go bum.
00:31 Do you have an itchy bum?
00:35 I actually do have an itchy bum.
00:37 There you go.
00:39 Now, if you get one of the special cards, there's a special action with them.
00:45 So Levi got the itchy bum match.
00:47 So he has to stand up and pretend to scratch his bum, which is pretty awesome.