RI-Vietnam Sepakat Negosiasi Ketahanan Pangan

  • 5 months ago
Indonesia menjajaki kerja sama dengan Vietnam soal ketahanan pangan. Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi, menyebutkan Presiden Joko Widodo sebut Indonesia bernegosiasi dengan Vietnam.


00:00 Indonesia is working with Vietnam on food security.
00:03 Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said President Joko Widodo said Indonesia is negotiating with Vietnam.
00:09 Retno Marsudi met with Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chin
00:15 to agree on cooperation in food security for both countries.
00:19 In an intensive conversation with Pham Minh Chin,
00:24 Indonesia is determined to strengthen the food sector in Vietnam in the midst of a global food crisis.
00:29 "First, we agreed to increase the trading target to US$18 billion or more in 2028.
00:41 Second, food security cooperation must start immediately.
00:45 Therefore, the discussion of the agreement on food security cooperation must start immediately.
00:52 Finally, I reiterate Indonesia's commitment to strengthen ASEAN cooperation,
00:57 including the preparation for the ASEAN-2000 vision."
01:01 For more UN videos visit: www.un.org/webcast
